Xander King BoxSet

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Xander King BoxSet Page 31

by Bradley Wright

  “No, lost mine in a skirmish and his gun is empty.”

  “Skirmish?” He took the time to smile.

  “Xander King, we have you surrounded now! Put hands up and come out slow!” Nicoli shouted from the hallway.

  “No thanks,” Xander told him.

  “You are trapped. Don’t be stupid. You probably don’t even have weapon.”

  “I didn’t need a weapon upstairs, did I? You hack!”

  “Hack? You think you are better assassin than Nicoli Pavlovich? Ha!”

  Sam shot Xander a “please don’t antagonize him” look. Xander shrugged his shoulders and raised his bedpan for Sam to see. Her eyes closed and her shoulders slumped. They could hear multiple sets of boots walking toward the door from both sides. They had nothing to defend themselves with. Sam unscrewed the metal rod that held together a nearby IV stand, and Xander readied his bedpan. Though they knew their “weapons” couldn’t beat actual guns, they weren’t about to go down without a fight. But they could see in each other’s eyes that they both knew this was it.

  They were trapped.

  “There are four of us out here now. I suppose you are going to kill us all?” Nicoli’s thick accent echoed in the hallway.

  Before Xander could answer Nicoli, a woman shouted his name.


  “Run! There are too many of them, run!” Xander shouted back.

  As the words left his lips, bullets began to fly. The hallway filled with blasts and pops, ricocheting bullets and breaking glass. Xander moved to the doorway, but Sam pulled him back in. The bullets stopped and Xander ripped away from Sam’s grip. Just when he got to the doorway, a gun pointed down the hallway emerged into view. Xander instinctively swung at it with the bedpan, knocking it from someone’s hands. Shots fired immediately from the other end of the hall, and whoever was holding the gun bolted back in the direction of the exit. Xander peeked around the doorway, down the hall, and there stood Sarah Gilbright.



  “Xander! I thought you were dead!” She ran toward him. “Sam?”

  “She’s fine.”

  “Who was that man?

  “Nicoli Pavlovich”

  “Pavlovich? Dragov’s former assassin? That’s impossible, he’s been dead for years.”

  “Call it in. Give the police a description, maybe they can pick him up before he gets to his extraction point. Are the others okay?”

  “They’re fine. I came back for you as soon as I knew they were safe. Kyle is with them. He said he knew how to use a gun, so I left him with my spare.”

  Xander was really beginning to like Sarah Gilbright. CIA connections be damned.

  Sam emerged from the room.

  “You came back for us?”

  “Of course. I couldn’t leave the two of you here to fight alone.”

  “Thank you,” Xander told her just before his knees buckled. Sam and Sarah moved in simultaneously to keep him upright. “You know, normally, I am much better with two women.”

  “Jesus, Xander, you’re a bloody mess.” Sam looked down at the blood-stained gown. “Are you all right?”

  “I’ll be fine, just as soon as you tell me why I am being targeted by a ghost assassin, sent by the biggest Mafia boss on the planet.”

  Sam looked at Sarah.

  “Let’s get him to the Escalade. It’s not far.”

  They started walking him toward the exit. Xander stopped and turned toward Sam.

  “Sam, did Vitalii Dragov murder my parents?”


  No More Secrets

  For the second time that day, Xander woke up, foggy, with a beautiful woman staring back at him.

  “Don’t pinch me if I’m dreaming.”

  Natalie gave him a soft smile and continued to dab his forehead with a cool, wet towel. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and for the first time Xander got a glimpse of her adorable little ears.


  “Are you all right? Do we need to take you to another hospital?”

  Xander sat up.

  “Please, I think I’ve had enough hospitals for one day.” He looked around and everyone was there with him; they were in the living room of his beach house on Coronado Island. His home in San Diego was much different from his home in Lexington. On purpose. His home in Kentucky was much more traditional; it kept to the wonderful and rich history of where he grew up. He wanted something different when he was in California. His mansion on the small island, which on one side looked out to San Diego Bay and on the other, the Pacific Ocean, was much more modern. More squared lines and marble floors rather than crown molding and hardwood. The living room where he sat up on the couch was almost entirely white. White marble floors paired with white walls that reached all the way up to the white twenty-five-foot ceiling. The three-piece couch brought in a little color, light gray, but most of the pop in the room came from a few bright paintings on the wall. They were modern abstract paintings. Xander actually hated them. They filled the room with absolutely no feeling of home; instead they made it feel more like a hotel. However, his interior designer had been a real tigress in the sack, and just as every other man before him, that fact forced him to make some bad decisions. And whatever; the towering wall-length windows forever filled with beach and ocean made up for anything that lacked in the rest of the grand room. He looked over to Sam.

  “Did Kelly finally have enough?”

  Sam walked over, Kyle and Sarah followed, all of them taking a seat on the couch opposite of him and Natalie.

  Sam gave a smirk. “I believe so. We just sent her back to Orange County. I think she had some episodes of The Real Housewives to catch up on.”

  Natalie patted Xander on the leg. “She your girlfriend?”

  “Please. I’m not like you and Pepé Le Pew. I didn’t move on quite so fast.”

  “Like me? Do you mean the costar of my movie, Jean? Please. Is that why you just left something on my balcony in Paris and ran away? Alexander King, a jealous man?”

  Xander rolled his eyes. “Sam, I think it’s about time you catch me up on just what in the hell is going on.”

  “I intend to. Natalie, do you mind? Maybe take a shower or check out the beach?”

  “No, no. She needs to hear this. She said she wants me to let her in. Well, let’s let her in. Hold nothing back.” Xander shifted on the couch to give his midsection a break.

  Sarah shifted as well, but her discomfort came more from the realization of just how much Natalie meant to Xander. She wasn’t aware of the feelings he had for her. Apparently, Xander wasn’t the only one with a jealous streak. This was making Sarah uncomfortable.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea, X? You can’t unsay it, once you say it.” Kyle leaned against the couch.

  “I agree with Kyle,” said Sam.

  “Yes, this isn’t for civilian ears. I’m not even sure Kyle should be here for this,” Sarah added.

  Before Kyle could take offense, Xander addressed Sarah. “Listen, anything you have to say to me, you can say to Kyle.”

  “But, Xander, this is government business.”

  Xander’s blood began to boil, and everyone in the room felt the temperature change.

  “This is my business, and if you don’t like it, maybe you should get back to CIA headquarters and leave this to us.”

  That cut straight through.

  “There would be no us here”—Sarah made a circular motion with her finger encompassing everyone—“if it wasn’t for me. Don’t forget that.”

  Sarah was right. In the last week she had saved his ass twice, and Sam’s once. That was enough to make her one of us, if anything was. He took a deep breath and brought his eyes back to her, contrite.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  She nodded.

  “Please, fill everyone in on what is going on. Natalie is a big girl, she can make up her mind what she wants to do after that.” Xander took Natalie’s
hand. She squeezed it in return.

  Sam spoke up first.

  “All right then, I’ll start so everyone is on the same page. Natalie, Xander’s parents were murdered right in front of him when he was just a boy.”

  Natalie shot a look at Xander. Her eyes filled with emotion. For Xander, the fear of Natalie knowing had given way to relief.

  No more secrets.

  “Ever since that day, every decision he has made has been in the vein of avenging their murder. As soon as high school ended, he joined the navy. As soon as he was eligible he then became a Navy SEAL. For years he has been with Special Ops, carrying out top secret black-ops missions all over the world––honing his skills so that one day he could use those skills for revenge. Correct me if I’m wrong, Xander, but along the way Xander could no longer stomach the innocent casualties and the recklessness of the United States government. That is when he dragged me into all of this.”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but how did you two meet exactly?” Natalie asked.

  “Another story for another day. Let’s just say that Xander made quite the impression.”

  “As did you.” Xander smiled. Okay, maybe not all the secrets had to come out. What’s wrong with a little mystery?

  “Anyway, I followed Xander and we’ve been administering private justice these last few years while searching for who could be responsible for his parents’ murder.”

  “Private justice?” Natalie asked. “Do I even want to know?”

  “Let’s just say that the bad guys haven’t had a lot of good luck the last few years.” Sam smiled.

  “I see.” Natalie went along with it, not letting the need for details ruin the moment. “So, I’m assuming you now know who killed your parents? Is that who came after you while we were in your bed in Lexington?”

  Sarah adjusted the fold in her blouse. Trying not to let on. She didn’t even realize how strong her feelings were for Xander. Not until she saw Kelly kiss him, and not until Natalie’s words. Sam interjected before Xander could answer.

  “If I may?”

  Xander nodded for Sam to continue. “We thought that those men were sent by Xander’s parents’ killer. They were, but we were wrong about just who that man was.”

  There it was. Finally, confirmation. In that moment, Sean’s face flashed in front of his eyes. His friend who died because of Xander’s haste in Syria. Sadness fell over his chest like a weighted vest.

  Sam continued. “Last week—I’m sure you heard about it while you were in Paris—we attempted to avenge their murders, and while we were successful in our mission, we took out the wrong monster.”

  “Why would I have heard about this while I was in Paris?”

  “It was all over the news,” Xander said. “The terrorist cell that got taken out in Syria?”

  Natalie’s face went white.

  “That was you? But . . . the report said fifty-some terrorists died in that attack. You did all that?”

  “Me, Sam, Kyle, and one other friend who didn’t make it.”

  Natalie stood and began to pace the room.

  Sarah spoke up. “I told you we shouldn’t have told her. This is government business, Xander. You are out of line.”

  Natalie stopped in her tracks and laid a laser stare, set on incinerate, into Sarah’s eyes. “I am fine. It’s just a lot to take in. What the hell do you have to do with any of this anyway?”

  Sarah stood up and took a step toward Natalie. Natalie held her ground. “I, Hollywood, am the reason Xander is alive on that couch right now. I broke rank and protocol to make that happen.”

  Natalie’s face softened. “I’m sorry.” She went back over to Xander and sat down. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to imply—”

  “It’s fine,” Sarah cut her off. “Real-life drama is a lot different from the movies, honey.” Natalie took that jab and held her smile. “I’ll take it from here if that’s okay, Sam?”

  “By all means, Sarah, this is your part of the show.”

  “Thank you.”

  Kyle shot Xander a look. Xander knew exactly what Kyle’s raised eyebrow was about, Natalie versus Sarah, and it said, watch out. Xander paid it no mind, however, because this information from Sarah was the part he was interested in. He gave Sarah his full attention.

  Sarah proceeded to explain how she came about the information that, in fact, it was Vitalii Dragov who was responsible for the murder of Xander’s parents. The part that Xander wasn’t prepared for is the reason why. He had no idea that his father had dealings with the Russian Mafia. Why would he? Xander was just a teenager when his father’s business was at the height of its profitability. And even though Sarah didn’t know why his father got involved in the first place, he knew that it would have to have been because that low-life Dragov threatened him and forced him in. His father was a good man. No one would ever be able to convince Xander otherwise, and God help anyone who tried. He had a lot of questions for Vitalii Dragov, and he had every intention of getting every single one of them answered. No matter what that took. Dragov had not only killed his parents, but he also put all of Xander’s loved ones’ lives in danger in the last few weeks.

  “I’m sorry, Xander, I know that must have been hard to hear,” Sarah finished.

  “It’s all right.”

  “You know your dad must have been forced to deal with this son of a bitch.” Kyle echoed Xander’s thoughts. Mind meld.

  “I know.”

  Natalie shifted toward Xander.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Kill him.” Xander said without hesitation.

  “You are going to go and try to kill a man who Sam called the biggest Mafia boss in the world? You’re crazy. You have a death wish.”

  “What would you like me to do, Natalie? You’ve seen that I can’t just leave it alone. You were at my house in Lexington when they raided it and you saw what they did to that hospital.”

  “I know, but what if you can’t kill him? What then?”

  “There is no what then.” Sam stood up. “Xander will kill him.”

  “Not without the CIA you won’t.” Sarah knew that wouldn’t be met with cheers, but it had to be said.

  “It will not be with the CIA.” Xander stood to meet her eyes. The tension in the room was as tight as a cramped hamstring.

  “Xander, Director Manning has been calling me for hours. I’m not certain I still have a job. But I am certain that there is no way he will let you do this on your own. He’ll ground your plane and freeze your bank accounts.”

  “Let him try,” Xander growled, his hands instinctively formed into fists.

  “She’s right.” Sam sighed.

  “What? Not you too.”

  “Xander, it’s the US government, for Christ’s sake. They can take away everything if they want.”

  Xander let that statement hang in the air. The seagulls cooed just outside the open windows, and the ocean chimed in as it crashed against the shore. Xander knew she was right. Director Manning had him by the short and curlies. There is no way he could make a move without him. If he wanted to take down Dragov, he would have let the CIA in. The very thought of it made his skin crawl. There was no telling how far the consequences of working with them would ripple.


  “I’m sorry, Xander.” Sarah softened her stance. “It’s the only way.”

  “But it will be on my terms.”

  “I’ll call Manning. They may already be shutting you down after this little hospital stunt. I doubt he’s in a generous mood.”

  “He owes me. The government owes me for all I’ve done for them. You tell Manning I’m coming to collect.”


  Vitalii Dragov Raises the Stakes

  Forty miles south of Moscow, in the most prestigious neighborhood in Russia—Rublyovka—two doors down from Vladimir Putin, Vitalii Dragov sat behind his desk chewing on a cigar in his thirty-million-euro ultra mansion. Dragov was scowling furiously at Nicoli Pavlovich, tr
ying to decide whether or not he would actually make him a ghost this time. His massive belly hung down over his belt, and his greasy and poorly dyed black hair reminded Nicoli of a bad Elvis impersonator. An old—shar-pei wrinkled—whale of a bad Elvis impersonator. The crater-sized pockmarks in between those wrinkles—on an already hideous face—made for one ugly-ass son of a bitch. However, Nicoli knew the true ugly in Dragov lay beneath that disgusting exterior. He also knew that he was about to get a heavy dose of it for letting Xander King get out of that hospital alive.

  “I do not understand. Why he is not dead?” Dragov’s voice was guttural, his accent thick.

  “I told you, he had people there. Military people. I will not miss again.”

  Dragov was in a difficult position. For the last fifteen years, Nicoli had been his most valuable weapon. But he knew when dealing with a man like Xander King, there was no room for error. Dragov didn’t make mistakes, and he didn’t tolerate them either.

  “I gave you entire team. Plenty of guns and explosives. Still, he walks. Tell me what I am supposed to do about this.”

  “Let me do my job.”

  “This is third time you have failed. Failure has consequences.”

  “This is the first time I have failed, I had nothing to do with the job in Kentucky and whatever you attempted on that boat in the Virgin Islands.”

  Dragov placed the gnarled cigar in the golden ashtray that sat on top of his mahogany desk, looked over to one of his men, and nodded. The man brought a briefcase over to the desk and placed it in front of Dragov.

  “What is it you want most from me, Nicoli?”

  “Out. You know this.”

  “That’s right. You want out. And I have always told you that there is no way out. No?”

  “Yes, no way out.”

  Dragov placed his two fat thumbs on the chrome buttons of the oversized brown leather briefcase, popped it open, and turned it toward Nicoli so he could see what was inside.

  “This is more money than you will ever be able to spend. Thirty million euros.”


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