The Ascension Trilogy

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The Ascension Trilogy Page 3

by David S Croxford

  The group had travelled for five hours when Mavok called a halt and got them to make a small camp. He approached the newest members.

  "How are you faring?" he asked them.

  Mavok was answered by weary smiles, the youngest walked to him and looked up.

  "How long until we get there?" asked Jon.

  Mavok had been surprised by how young this boy had ascended, but he seemed strong and had made the trip unaided so far.

  "We will need to travel for several days before we reach Unity"

  The boy looked crestfallen for a moment, but a smile quickly returned to his face.

  "I have never been in a forest before," said the boy.

  "You never left the city?" asked Mavok.

  "I would have when I was older, I was hoping to be an explorer and learn about the world"

  "Do many choose to take that path?" Mavok asked the boy. "I have heard little about them"

  A small fire had been started and the smell of cooking made Mavok's stomach rumble.

  "A few specially trained are sent out each year to travel the world, study how things work and collect samples," replied Jon.

  "What kind of samples?"

  "Plant, mineral and animal. For potions and that sort of thing"

  Mavok had indeed heard little about the explorers and certainly had not met any. He had always thought of the philosophers hiding away in their city concocting strange potions and divining the secrets of the world from the stars.

  The meal was a watery soup that used a spare amount of meat and vegetables. It did little to alleviate the hunger Mavok felt, but they needed to conserve their supplies for as long as possible. After the meal most of the group settled down for sleep, Mavok would keep watch and sat down upon the trunk of a fallen tree then began to sharpen his sword. Jon approached him cautiously.

  "You should be sleeping"

  "I'm not tired," replied the boy who then did his best to stifle a yawn.

  Mavok smiled.

  "What are you doing to your sword?" Jon asked.

  "The stone I am using helps to keep the blade sharp" replied Mavok.

  "To kill people better?"

  Mavok looked down at the blade and the smile faded from his face.

  "Yes, it was for that purpose. But now I will only do so to protect us," he replied.

  "Have you killed many people?"

  "Too many," Mavok sighed.

  "Why?" the question was asked so innocently that it pained Mavok more.

  "It is what I was commanded to do, I had no choice"

  Jon sat down beside him.

  "Did you kill many of us?"

  "Like I said, I had no choice. Those days are far behind me now"

  "I think that we always have a choice. Like the story, you told us when you didn't kill the ascended that were free"

  'Maybe he is not so young after all’ Mavok thought.

  Jon had gone silent, Mavok looked down and saw that the boy had fallen asleep against him. He put the sword down and picked the boy up, then lay him down on the ground nearby. Mavok spent the rest of his watch reliving the past through his memories and they brought tears to his eyes.

  chapter seven

  Rinne found herself as a child, helping her mother to cook the dinner. Rinne's job was to cut the vegetables, her mother would sing as the meal was prepared and then her father appeared and they all sang together.

  Then a pain exploded in her head and the memory shattered into a million pieces.

  Rinne's eyes opened and she winced as the pain in the front of her head reacted to the light, her cheek was swollen and she could taste blood. The room around her was small and a lamp shone on her face. When she tried to move the restraints holding both of her arms held her still.

  A door opened and the silhouettes of two people entered. They moved towards her and it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust enough to recognise the commander that had captured her. The second face caused Rinne to breathe sharply.

  Garan, the high librarian and leader of the philosophers stared at her curiously.

  "Is it you?" he asked.

  "What have you done with Father?" Rinne shouted at him.

  Garan looked questioningly at the commander.

  "The old man that was sheltering the ascended," he answered.

  "Ah yes, the traitor. He will be dealt with in the same manner that you abominations are"

  "Leave him alone," Rinne struggled against the restraints earning herself a punch to the face by the commander that exaggerated the pain within her head.

  "I can tell by the fire in your voice that it is you, it has been a while Rinne," Garan said with a thoughtful voice.

  Rinne remained silent, trying to remain conscious from the pain.

  "How much promise you held and how far you could have gone. It is a shame," said Garan, he seemed genuinely disappointed.

  "I am still the same person," said Rinne.

  Garan laughed.

  "You are not human, you go against the natural flow and are nothing"

  "You are wrong, why are you so blind. As a leader of this path, you should be embracing us. Not ignoring what is happening," she said as calm as she could manage.

  "And what is happening?" he asked.

  'At least he is beginning to ask' thought Rinne.

  "You have a city of learning, full of people that should be exploring what is happening in this world. The ascended want to know just as much as you do why we are changing. But you make us disappear and pretend that we do not exist," said Rinne.

  "You are nothing but monsters, just look at you. We do what is best for our people and all humans"

  "So what now?" Rinne asked. "Do I just disappear?"

  Garan looked to the commander and their smiles unnerved her.

  "We have something special planned for you and the traitor"

  "Leave him alone," a tear ran down Rinne's face and she felt the restraints biting into her wrists as the thoughts of Father being hurt made her renew the struggle.

  "There is no point trying to escape, you will soon be taken from this room," said the commander.

  "Where too?"

  "You will see," he replied.

  They turned and left the room, a large door creaked as it closed and a lock turned. They were not taking any chances with her escaping.

  Suddenly the light turned off, another scare tactic Rinne assumed, they were unaware of her ability to see in the dark. The room was more visible now that the light was not shining in her eyes. There were no remarkable features about it, plain stone walls with no decoration only the table, lamp and chair that she was tied to.

  Even if she could escape, using her power if needed; then Rinne was unsure as to where they were keeping her. Then there was Father, he was also here somewhere and they were hurting him. He had done nothing wrong, only given them shelter when they needed it.

  'Why should he be punished for what I have become' thought Rinne.

  The tears flowed down her face and fell onto her lap. The power came to her unexpectedly, surging through her arms and gave Rinne the strength to break the bonds that tied her to the chair. Bringing a hand up to her face she was able to wipe away the tears, the rough feeling of the scales on her cheek was a further reminder to what she was and the suffering that was being caused.

  Rinne looked around the room once more, then stood up from the chair. The door was solid and Rinne let her power flow into her hands before releasing it, but the door wouldn’t budge, escape seemed to be a foolish idea, but Rinne had hoped that she could at least find Father. Resigning the thoughts of escape Rinne fell back into the chair and wept.

  chapter eight

  Hours seemed to pass Rinne by before they came to collect her. The tears had long dried up and her body shook, still sat in the chair.

  Two men dressed in the armour of the guards lifted her into a standing position. Rinne's legs shook with weakness but they held, they would not see her weak and she had promised that much
to herself.

  Through several corridors, they travelled and up an elevator for some time. Rinne wondered if they were heading up the tower, somewhere she had not been before.

  It was an ambitious project, to build a tower so they could reach the stars. Taller and taller they built, using what information was left behind from the builders. Extending the width as well to ensure it remained stable. The next step had been the chains, large links that ran from smaller towers on the edge of the city ran along to the large tower, pulled taught in four directions to further help stabilise the structure.

  "Are we going to the top?" she questioned the guards. They did not answer.

  When the elevator stopped they emerged onto the square in front of the tower. Rinne was disorientated and it took her a few minutes to realise that they had been underground. She was also unaware of the underground area beneath the tower.

  'Was that where the ascended were taken?' she wondered.

  Looking up at the tower had distracted Rinne from the activity in the square. It was full of people displaying all the colours of philosophy; Philosophers, Scientists, explorers and all others that made up the path. They all jostled for a position to see her; the ascended that had been captured.

  Usually these people ignored the ascended, choosing to believe they did not exist and that occasionally someone would disappear. Even those that had seen an ascension happen chose to forget it, not wanting to be associated with the abominations.

  Rinne was led towards the crowd and they parted; clearing a path to the foot of the tower. Jeers and whistled escorted them as each step took her deeper into the throng of people.

  They neared the tower, Rinne could see a wooden stage that had been erected. On the stage were a few people, one was tied to an angled table, completely naked and at first she suspected that it was another ascended. Only as they drew nearer Rinne began to scream as the familiar face of Father came into focus. Breaking from the escorting guards, Rinne ran towards the stage, fury raged inside of her and the crowd had fallen silent watching. Only the guards attempted to stop her, but she was quicker than them.

  Almost at the stage now Rinne saw Garan and the commander both watching her approach. Several guards had formed a barrier and weapons were raised. Power ran through Rinne's arms and released from her hands, the guards were tossed from the stage as an invisible wave washed through them.

  Cries and screams burst from the crowd and many began to push their way from the square. Rinne could see them in the corner of her eyes, but they did not matter.

  Standing at the foot of the stage, large raindrops began to fall on her face as dark clouds broke overhead. Father's body lay against the table, his nakedness covered in blood where he had been whipped and the only sign of life was his chest moving up and down slowly. Garan stood either side of his body.

  "Let him go," Rinne roared but they did not move.

  Rinne began to climb the steps of the stage and the commander drew a dagger from his belt then held it to Father's throat. Rinne faltered and stopped. She was aware that the guards had gotten to their feet and were beginning to close in on her.

  "People of the path hear me," Garan's voice boomed across the square and people stopped to listen. "See the trouble that these abominations cause. See the lengths they will go to, to upset our way of life"

  A murmur of agreement passed over the crowd. Garan continued.

  "And look upon this man. He who would shelter and hide these abominations. This man and others that do the same are traitors to the very human race they belong to"

  Boo's and names were bounded around, the noise began to grow as more and more joined in. Rinne looked to Father who moved his head, slowly waking to the noise. She took a step forward but the commander shook his head, pressing the blade closer to Fathers' neck and a small bead of blood trickled down.

  Garan continued speaking to a crowd now following his every word.

  "This will be a lesson we will all remember, to help one of them is to be like one of them. We will do what we have to, ensuring the safety and continuation of this way of life"

  The crowd cheered at his words and Garan stepped forward looking directly at her.

  "You see Rinne, they don't want nor do they care about you. The abominations do not deserve to live and neither do traitors who help them"

  "Rinne," Father's frail voice called to her.

  Rinne stepped forward and Garan let her past. The commander still held the dagger to his neck.

  "Father I am here," said Rinne, tears ran down her face and she took one of his hands. It was cold.

  "Rinne. I am sorry"

  "Save your energy," she said.

  Father's eyes opened and he looked at her, a tear fell from his eye. Garan walked over beside her.

  "Remember Rinne, this is all your fault," said the grand librarian who turned to the commander and nodded. In the blink of an eye and before Rinne could do anything the commander drew the dagger across Father's neck. Blood sprayed out, covering Rinne and she tasted the warm metallic liquid as it entered her mouth. He writhed on the table for just a moment as the life drained out and then he fell still.

  All went quiet as Rinne stood in shock as silence fell around her and she closed her eyes. Suddenly the noise returned and her ears were met with screams. When she opened her eyes Garan and the commander were laying crumpled upon the floor gasping. Rinne's arms were outstretched and hovering over them. The guards approached cautiously but with the flick of her hand they were sent flying into a now terrified crowd who had once again started to evacuate the square.

  Rinne roared with anger. Father's lifeless corpse, the people that stood around watching and Garan who still writhed on the floor in agony fuelled the rage inside her. She let the grand librarian go and he shakily got to his feet.

  "How dare you," he screeched "You disgusting little wretch. Guards kill her"

  More guards appeared and advanced on her, but they fared no better than the others. To her, it felt like swatting away flies.

  "You humans don't understand," said Rinne. She turned to face the fleeing crowd.

  "We are not here to harm you, we are you"

  Garan quickly realised that he was alone on the stage. The remaining guards had run away and the commander still lay on the floor.

  "We are your family and we are your friends," she shouted and then turned back to Garan. "You try and deny us, but we exist. Not to the detriment but for the benefit of all people; human and ascended alike."

  Garan managed to muster some courage to respond to her.

  "You are hurting people now, proving that you are all a danger," he said, she saw fear in his eyes.

  "You should not have hurt Father," she replied to him calmly then looked over at Fathers body, the blood had been mostly washed away by the rain. "You called him a traitor, but it is you grand librarian who is the traitor"

  "What do you mean?" he looked confused and Rinne smile for the first time since being captured.

  "You claim that knowledge is power. It is the very motto that this path prides itself upon. You say that it is your mission to know all of the world's secrets and divine the meaning behind everything. But denying the ascended is failing that mission. We are part of this world"

  Without giving him the chance to respond, Rinne let all of her rage, anger and sadness burst from her body. At first nothing seemed to happen, all was silent apart from the sound of rain falling upon the stage. The ground shook and a great cracking noise reverberated from the base of the tower. Shards of wood, metal and stone flew outwards sending the crowd into a mad rush to get out of the way. Garan turned and they both watched the philosopher's greatest achievement begin a crumble before them.

  As chunks began to fall from above Garan took off running, the commander had been released of her power but struggled to get to his feet and Rinne did not think twice before beginning to run herself, hot on Garan's heels. In moments, they were overtaken by a giant plume of dust that engulfed t
he square. With her enhanced eyesight, she could still see and kept running, passing people slower than her and Rinne whispered a final goodbye to Father then headed for the edge of the city.

  chapter nine

  Mavok felt a tremor in the ground and called the group to a halt then drew his sword. It last for a bare moment, birds sang in the trees and animals scurried around. They had been travelling for two days now and their pace was beginning to slow more than Mavok would have liked. He scaled to the top of a tree and looked around, trying to find the source of the tremor. They still had a long way to travel through the forest, he turned to look back towards the city of philosophers but struggle to gain his bearings. He should have been able to see the tower still, but it was not where he thought it should be.

  'Maybe we have travelled further than I expected' Mavok thought briefly before he became aware of the noise below. Quickly Mavok climbed down the tree, he had stupidly left his sword on the ground to be able to move up the tree quicker but there were other weapons he could use should he need to.

  Slowing down as he near the lower branches he could see that the group had come together closely behind Jon who held Mavok's sword in his hands, struggling to hold the blade up. From the shadows walked three people, one held a drawn bow aimed at the group. He hurried down the rest of the tree quickly.

  "Leave us alone," he heard Jon shout, the other ascended huddled in fear behind the small boy.

  "What are so many elves doing in our forest?" said the woman holding the bow.

  Mavok jumped down in front of the group, but the three facing them were not surprised by his arrival.

  "Any more hiding in our trees?" she asked Mavok.

  "Hundreds," replied Mavok who took the sword from Jon, the boy remained bravely by his side. The three laughed at his reply.

  "We know that you lie, we have been watching you climb our trees for the past day"

  One of the men stepped forward, he held a small dagger and pointed it at the group.


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