The Ascension Trilogy

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The Ascension Trilogy Page 12

by David S Croxford

  "Did you work out which way to get to the beach?" Alyster asked him.

  Nate shook his head. "The sun appeared over there," Nate pointed to the east. "We came from the north so I assume it is that way"

  Alyster followed where he was now pointing. "We need to get back to that beach as fast as we can. There is safety in numbers and we can consult Zalon about what happened"

  Nate agreed and then shouted the order for the group to start walking. It was a slow pace, but they were now moving and it reassured Nate to know that they would be back with the others in time. With one last look at the dead bodies, they disappeared into the trees.

  chapter twelve

  A week had passed since Rinne reunited with Mavok. It had taken several days before the rest of the elves had been escorted to the mountain and they were beginning to settle in.

  Rinne was surprised when she found out about the guardian that lived under the mountain. She had not yet worked up the courage to face it and chose to leave that to Zalon who spent all his time there. Rinne had not seen him in several days. Instead, she was busy helping out the indigenous elves to clear space and plant more crops to help feed the influx of elves.

  Mavok was also preoccupied with work, helping to build new houses out of small stones that the elves called bricks. To her anguish, Amy was on the same project and now she had full command of Mavok's time and attention.

  In the evenings, though, Rinne did get some time with him. During the evening meal, he would come to her and they would share what felt like awkward moments of small talk and asking how each other were before they went to separate accommodations for sleep.

  So the days passed like that and Rinne was not feeling as secure or at peace with their situation. Her dreams were still haunted by the monster Zalon had called a dragon and the knowledge that the group she had sent back were still missing. Despite the thorough searches conducted by the elves, they were assumed at best lost, at worst dead.

  Another morning dawned and Rinne had awoken from her nightmare. The sounds of others going about their chores drifted in through the open window, but she had little motivation to get up. A knock at the door made her jump and she remained quiet, hoping that they would go away.

  "Rinne, are you in there?" Mavok’s voice called out.

  Her heart fluttered with the sound of his voice but still she did not move.

  "Rinne. I am coming in so please make sure that you are wearing clothes," he said.

  Rinne was wearing little clothing, only a small night shift that covered the top half of her body. The door started opening and she drew the blankets up to cover her body and head, then rolled onto her side.

  "Rinne, are you awake?" He asked.

  She listened as he walked across the room then felt the bed shift as he sat down.

  "Come along sleepy, it is time to get to work," he said with a soft voice.

  Rinne thought about letting out a small snore but knew she could not fool him.

  "I don't want to work," she said from under the blanket.

  "Why ever not?" he asked. Rinne could hear the smile he had on his face.

  "Because I ache and there seems to be no end to it," said Rinne. "Plus this food will take weeks to grow. How are we going to survive for that long?"

  "Alack has told me that they are performing a special ceremony tonight to help the food grow until then we must make sure as much as possible is ready to receive the blessing," replied Mavok.

  "Oh, well if there is a blessing then we best get a move on," said Rinne with sarcasm. "Why don't you go back to your building with Amy. I am sure she is missing you"

  Mavok sighed and Rinne felt a hand rest upon her shoulder.

  "What do you have against Amy?" he asked. "She has been nothing but nice and helpful"

  "I do not trust her," said Rinne "and the way she looks at you"

  "The way she looks at me?" Mavok questioned.

  "All admiring and well, I do not know, but it creeps me out," Rinne said and then pulled the covers tighter.

  "I can't see what you mean but come along. There is plenty of work to do. We can talk again this evening after the ceremony," said Mavok and his hand left her shoulder then he stood up.

  Rinne took the blanket off of her head and sat up just as the door was closing. Part of her wanted to call him back but knew that it would just look foolish so she buried her head in the pillow and let it soak up her tears.

  chapter thirteen

  Mavok left the house and headed straight for the spire, he had not seen Zalon in many days and wanted to make sure that the elder was still okay, plus he was curious to meet with the guardian again.

  The settlement still amazed Mavok, living within the mountain they were able to grow food, build houses and live in relative peace. The only trouble was the wild animals that roamed the land, hence the weapons that seemed to be plentiful.

  Mavok reached the spire and allowed passed by the guards there, created to prevent the new elves from just entering uninvited to the hallways that held the secrets the inhabitants kept. The long hallway seemed to be in a state of darkness, even with his enhanced eyesight it was hard to tell what relics lay there. Many of which Mavok was sure had come from the time of the builders and could hold many answers to their past.

  It did not take him long to get through the hallway and into the massive cavern in which the guardian rested. There the grand beast lay curled up and lifted its head as he approached to look at him with massive yellow eyes.

  'Welcome Mavok' the guardian said to him within his head. He still felt unnerved by it.

  Zalon was there sitting upon the floor in front of the guardian, he turned to look and stood up as Mavok came closer. "Hello, hello," said the elder though he looked tired.

  "Zalon," Mavok nodded at the elder. "Just checking that you are still well"

  "Why how long have I been?" Zalon asked.

  'You have been here many days now builder' said the guardian.

  "Has it been that long indeed?" asked Zalon. "Time seems to pass by here"

  "What have you been doing for so long?" Mavok asked.

  "Talking of bygone times, when the builders inhabited the world and our great civilisation stood," said Zalon with some sorrow in his voice.

  'My kind can never repay the debt we owe to you all'

  "There is no need. I have told you many times already," Zalon said to the guardian.

  'You are young builder, I have seen civilisations come and go before. The forgiveness you have shown has been endearing' said the guardian.

  "Young indeed!" said Zalon and he started laughing, so did the guardian. A great roar that seemed to shake Mavok's head.

  'Mavok, was there any other reason that you wished to come here?' the guardian asked all humour seemed to have faded.

  "Only that they are going to perform the ceremony this evening to bless the food," said Mavok. "I thought Zalon would like to be there"

  "Oh yes, indeed. I believe it will be quite a spectacle," said Zalon. "How fares Rinne. Has she recovered yet?"

  "She seems well in the physical sense, but something seems to be affecting her mood," said Mavok.

  "A strange one. Maybe I should speak to her," said Zalon.

  'Bring her to me' said the guardian. 'I have heard much about the one you call Rinne. She is the only one that has yet to come and see me'

  "I don't think that she will come," said Mavok.

  'Leave it with me'

  Mavok nodded turning back towards the hallway and started walking.

  "Hold on Mavok. I am coming. Till next time guardian," said Zalon.

  Mavok heard Zalon hurrying behind him and they headed back towards the settlement in silence.

  chapter fourteen

  'Rinne' a voice woke her up. The blankets still covered her head and she realised that she had fallen asleep again.

  'Rinne' said the voice again.

  "I thought I told you that I wasn't going out today," she said, annoyed that
Mavok had come back into the room to disturb her.

  'Do not be angry, I only wanted to speak' said the voice.

  Rinne threw off the blankets and sat up, surprised that nobody was in the room. She jumped up and looked out the window, but no-one was there either.

  "Where are you?" she shouted.

  'I am not here, I am speaking within your mind’

  "Who are you?" Rinne asked.

  'You know who I am, why have you not come to see me Rinne?" the voice asked.

  It was the guardian and from what she had heard. It was a monster like the one that had been chasing her through her dreams.

  'That is who I am though I promise you that I am not a monster'

  "What do you want from me?" Rinne asked.

  'Just to talk, come to the spire and meet me. I can answer the questions in your mind and heart'

  "What if I don't have any questions?" asked Rinne.

  'We all have questions and we all need answers' replied the guardian 'Come see me after the ceremony and we will talk. I know that you will come'

  A weight seemed to lift off of her mind and she knew that the guardian had gone. Rinne felt the cold and went over to the table to grab her clothes and pull them on.

  Rinne left the house that she had been given and began to walk the path of other houses, heading for the fields. She looked up and saw the orbs that provided the simulated sunlight that helped the crops grow and provided light for the mountain. In the distance, she could see the spire and shuddered at the thought of seeing the guardian, deciding that it was best to see it at least once lest it invades her mind again.

  She passed by a group of elves that had travelled to the new land with her, they all said a greeting and she replied. Everyone seemed to have settled in, all apart from herself and it annoyed her.

  To darken her mood further, Amy was walking along the path towards her.

  "Good day," said the woman with a friendly tone that sounded forced to Rinne.

  "Good morning," Rinne replied.

  "It is well past morning," said Amy.

  "Well, without proper daylight it is hard to tell," Rinne responded and then carried on walking.

  "How are the fields?" Amy asked her. "It seems to be a fitting job for you"

  Rinne stopped and turned around feeling the power grow inside her.

  "What do you mean by that?" Rinne shouted.

  "Oh, well you seem to suit digging the ground. Must be a shock, though. Coming from reading books all day to doing some actual work"

  Rinne stalked towards her summoning her power.

  "Rinne!" Mavok's voice shouted.

  Rinne stopped again and turned to see Mavok and Zalon walking towards them both. When they got to the pair Rinne pulled the power back in.

  "Amy, go to the building projects and carry on with your tasks," said Zalon with a firm voice.

  Amy walked away, when she was behind Zalon and Mavok she turned around with a devious smile upon her face and waved. Rinne stepped forwards, but Mavok held her back.

  "Why do you insist on trying to fight with that woman?" Mavok asked he sounded furious with her.

  He could not see what she was like. "I am not," said Rinne. Trying to defend herself, but the tears ran down her cheek.

  "Go to the fields and help prepare the ceremony," said Mavok.

  "No! Why won't you listen to me about her? She is trouble" said Rinne.

  "Rinne, I agree with Mavok, you should go to the fields and help," said Zalon. "It is not long now until the ceremony. Let me escort you at least"

  Rinne accepted knowing that arguing would get her nowhere.

  "Mavok, I will catch up with you at the ceremony," Zalon said to him.

  Mavok nodded and then walked away towards the building projects.

  "Come along Rinne. Follow me," Zalon said to her and they began to walk towards the fields. "What did I tell you about the use of your powers Rinne"

  "That I shouldn't use them," replied Rinne.

  "No, you can use them but not to harm others. Our power or essence as the guardian calls it has many uses as you will see during the ceremony," said Zalon.

  "I don't mean to. It just wants to burst out at times"

  "When you are emotional," said Zalon.

  Rinne nodded.

  "Rinne, you have such an immense raw power within you. It is not surprising that it comes so easy to you," he said with a stern voice. "You should go and see the guardian, he is curious about you"

  "I know, he spoke to me," said Rinne.

  "Oh?" asked Zalon. "What did he say?"

  "Exactly what you just did. That I should go and see him and talk with him," replied Rinne.

  "Well I think that you should take his advice"

  "I will think about it," said Rinne.

  "Good. We are almost there now"

  Rinne saw the fields stretch out before them, what crops had been growing were gone and new seeds had been sown. Rinne saw little use for this ceremony to 'bless' the crops to help them grow. Though she was curious about something Zalon had mentioned about essence.

  The last of the seeds were planted and now platforms for people to stand upon at the sides of the fields were built, surrounding all the sewn soil.

  "How many people are going to be here for the ceremony," Rinne asked.

  "All of them, even those that had been out searching for our lost elves have returned for this. Everyone takes part," replied Zalon.

  "What do you mean to take part?"

  "All is revealed and explained when it is time." Was all that Zalon said as they neared the first of the platforms.

  Rinne looked at the platform and shuddered, it reminded her of one she had seen before. When Father, the human that had taken her in had been tied to a tilted table, naked and bleeding. His only crime was that he had harboured the ascended and the punishment was death.

  "So we are all going to be standing on these?" Rinne asked.

  "Yes, for some reason we need to be off of the ground," replied Zalon.

  Rinne shuddered and tried to think of something else other than the platforms but found it hard. Following Zalon they walked down the fields heading nearer to the spire. Her mind was full of thoughts about the guardian and wondered what the monster wanted from her.

  chapter fifteen

  By the time, they decided to rest Alyster was groaning and looking pale. Whilst a fire was being lit and some meat from an animal that had been caught earlier on. Nate helped Alyster down to the ground.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked the injured man.

  "I have been better," he said with a forced smile.

  "Well, we can get some food into you. Then you should sleep," said Nate.

  They had been travelling for hours with no luck finding the beach yet. He worried that they were going around in circles, but they had been lucky to not encounter any more elves. He knelt down and pulled up Alyster's trouser leg and removed the strips of cloth that had been covering the wound. A sour smell that rose up from it and around the edges it looked red and inflamed.

  'Not a good sign' Nate thoughts.

  "How's it looking?" Alyster asked.

  "It looks fine. Just needs a washout and wrapped with some fresh cloth," said Nate.

  Alyster could tell he was lying by the look that he gave but said nothing.

  "What do you think that we should do? We're lost and you need someone trained to help this wound," Nate said with a sigh.

  "I am slowing you all down," Alyster said. "It might be best if you carry on without me and try to find the others. You can come back for me"

  "You will not survive on your own with that wound," Nate said. He worried that the islands inhabitants could find him and he would not be able to defend himself.

  "I will be fine as long as you leave me some food and water"

  "No, we will stick together. It may take us longer, but I am not going to leave anyone behind," said Nate with a smile.

  "You are a good lad Nate,
but foolish," said Alyster. "Don't risk the others just to save me"

  Nate tried to think of a good enough excuse that he remain with them but little came to his mind. They would make quicker time and if the bodies of the elves are found then they were no doubt being hunted.

  "I can smell infection from here and the feeling is going in that leg. I know enough to know what that means," said Alyster.

  Nate looked at him, his eyes were stern and resolute. "We will still rest here for the evening and continue after the sun has set. It will make it harder to spot us"

  Alyster nodded, accepting the stick of charred meat and Nate took his. They sat in silence and ate, both knowing that this would be the last time they saw each other.

  chapter sixteen

  A bell tolled, signalling that it was now evening. Elves from all over the cavern began to congregate at the fields and fill up the platforms. Mavok had arrived inviting Rinne to join him on the highest stand with Zalon and Alack where a podium had been erected.

  When the last had arrived Rinne saw Alack lean over to speak to Zalon. "Those that we sent in search of your friends have not returned"

  "Do you think they are still searching?" Zalon asked.

  Alack shook his head. "We sent word about the ceremony, everyone knows how important it is and they would have returned. Something must have happened to them"

  Mavok moved closer. "We should go in search of them afterwards," he said to the two others.

  "Without knowing what befell them I do not know if it is wise," said Zalon. We are recording them as lost as well as those that they were searching for"

  "The people that we have out there are some of the best. I will not give up on them," said Mavok.

  "Very well," said Alack.

  The cavern seemed to grow dim. "Ahh, it is time to begin. Now we will sing the song of blessing," Alack said.

  "What are the words?" Rinne asked.

  "They will come into your mind from the guardian. We channel our power from the great one to grow the crops," said Zalon.


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