The Ascension Trilogy

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The Ascension Trilogy Page 17

by David S Croxford

  His thoughts had distracted him and he had reached the end of the library, this was as far as he could go, but something caught his eye. Danion noticed that the wall of the library was further away than it should have been, there was still room that he could get to. Curiosity got the better of him and he put down the book he had been holding and then began to look for a way to get around the shelves. He began to climb one of the shelves and could see that a tower of books blocked a narrow space through to another set of shelves.

  He pulled them down and then with some effort managed to squeeze his way through. His footsteps left deep imprints in the dust and he could see the old remains of what was once a mouse or rat under a shelf. Lined on a small shelf were some books with titles that made no sense to him, they did not seem to be on any subjects that Danion knew of and he pulled one off of the shelf and sat in the dust.

  The book looked old. It was bound in a faded and cracked leather and as he opened it he could tell that the pages were fragile, almost ripping the first one that he turned. The first words he read fed his curiosity, the book seemed to be a fabricated story, calling itself a work of fiction and Danion had never seen one before. The library was full of books about the paths, the path of God and teaching materials to learn about various skills that were important for every cleric to know. This was a new kind of book completely. Danion closed the cover and wiped off the dust that obscured the title.

  'A land of Elves'.

  The letters were golden, faded and some had even peeled off, but he could trace the imprint of what they once said. Knowing that there were still some hours left of the day he opened up the cover once more and began to read the words, getting lost within the story and a new world that was building around his mind.

  chapter three

  Balen stood by the library waiting for his son but as the minutes ticked by he knew it was foolish to wait. The boy got on well with the grand librarian and it was likely that they would get lost within talking about the book that Danion was to receive punishment for.

  He turned around and headed to the room that he shared with Danion, it was quite small, holding just two beds, two trunks for clothes and a desk in which they used for studying.

  Being on the path of God was a rather sparse existence compared to what he and Aly had at Unity where a full house had been given to them and offers of any jobs they wanted. It still pained him to think they left it all behind. His love and respect for Aly won him over.

  He decided that it was best for Danion to go and spend some time with the Naturists and it would be good to see Aly once more, it was almost a year since they had last met. Balen would tell Danion in the morning and they would leave as soon as they could before the boy could get himself in any more trouble.

  Balen lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep in which he dreamt of Unity and the marriage ceremony.

  The dawn broke and the morning bell woke Balen from his comfortable sleep. Snoring away in the bed next to his was Danion, his clothes covered in dust. He never knew how the boy slept through the bell, but he stood from the bed and gave him a gentle nudge that was rewarded with a grunt.

  "Another late night?" Balen asked him.

  Danion sat up with a sleepy look on his face. "Jed's punishment is to help him in the library and learn about the care of books," Danion replied and then yawned.

  "Sounds an appropriate punishment to fit the crime," said Balen. "I wonder though if it is something that will teach you responsibility"

  "It will. If I know how to care for the books, I will be more careful with them," said Danion.

  "Well, I will have to speak to the grand librarian and put your punishment on hold," said Balen.

  "Why?" Danion asked.

  "I feel that it is time for you to return to nature's paradise and spend some time learning from your mother," said Balen.

  "You can't do that," said Danion and he jumped off the bed. "I want to stay here and work in the library"

  "Which proves my point that it is far from punishment," Balen pointed out. "I have made a decision and no amount of argument will change my mind"

  Danion looked like he was about to say something but the stern look that Balen gave silenced him.

  "Come, it is time for breakfast," said Balen.

  They changed their clothes and headed to the food hall for the morning meal. Danion stayed completely silent, in a dark mood throughout eating their food and then said nothing to Balen when they parted ways for the day's lessons. Balen himself headed for the hand of God's study and knocked on the door.

  "Come in," said the aged voice of Ryon, the hand of God and leader of their path. He was as old as the grand librarian but still held a strength that showed him to have many years ahead. Balen entered the room and saw Fahru sitting upon one of the chairs in front of Ryon's desk.

  "Hello Balen," said the grand master.

  "Good morning," Balen responded.

  "Balen. How may we help you?" asked Ryon.

  He walked over to the desk and took the other chair.

  "I am here to request a short amount of leave. I wish to take my son to the naturists and have him spend some time with his mother. To learn some of her skills," said Balen.

  "That sounds like a splendid idea. There is always room for more knowledge in each cleric. Will he be taking the same path as you and heading out on a journey?" Ryon asked.

  "That is my hope," said Balen.

  "I thought that he would spend his time as a cleric with the plumbing," said Fahru. Although it was in jest from his friend, the comment irked Balen.

  "Jed has told me that the boy has a strong interest in books and the library," Ryon pointed out.

  "That is true," said Balen. "But I would like him to keep his options open and find the right path with as much knowledge as he can have"

  "It is a good idea," said Fahru. "It will give you the time to finish your masters studying without the distraction your boy causes."

  Ryon nodded his head. "You have the permission to take Danion out to the naturists," said the hand of god.

  "Thank you both," said Balen and then he stood.

  "Balen. Make sure that you head back straight away," said Fahru.

  Balen had made the mistake of letting slip some information about Aly and their relationship, which is why he made that comment.

  "Straight away," Balen nodded and then left the hand of Gods study.

  chapter four

  They left through the gates of the monastery the next morning with small packs that held some food, water and clothes for Danion's stay there. The boy had been quiet since their discussion, only speaking enough to say goodbye to his friend Anton who had run up to the gates as they passed through.

  The journey would only take them a day so they made their way through the forests near to the monastery. Hidden within these forests, Balen knew there were naturists. On their own journey to discover the essence of the world and to help the forests grow. It was unlikely that they would see them as a naturists journey was one of solitude and they rarely made their presence known unless needed.

  "It will be good to see your mother again. It has been some time since we last saw her," Balen said to his son. Hoping for some communication otherwise it was going to be a long day.

  "Yes," was all Danion would say to him.

  "This does not have to be a long visit for you, but the skills you learn will help you on your path," Balen said.

  Danion looked at him. "Why do others my age not have to do it then?" he asked.

  Balen smiled at him. "Because many of them do not have a father that is so interested in his son's future and the future of our path," Balen replied.

  "What could I learn that cannot be found in the library?" Danion asked him.

  "There is more to life than you could ever read from a book. The smells and sounds of the forest. The feel of the bark or soft leaves upon the ground. You may learn how the world works, but you will never understand it unless you experience
it," Balen replied.

  Danion just shrugged.

  "I was hoping that you would follow a similar path to me and journey into the world, to divine God from nature. There is a close link between the path of God and Nature and it is this link that will allow us to ascend"

  "What if I don't want to ascend?" Danion asked as he kicked through the fallen leaves.

  "That is the goal we all share. That is what it means to be upon a path of knowledge. The wonders that becoming an elve gives us is worth everything that we do to get there," said Balen.

  "But that was not always the case," said Danion. "There was a time that the elves were hated, hunted and treated like slaves. Even by the clerics"

  Balen nodded. "That is true, we didn't understand why ascension started. But after the last battle in the north we came to realise that ascending was a gift of God and something to strive for," he said. Thinking about the plaque that stood on the hills to Unity.

  'So much sacrificed' thought Balen.

  "Father, I want to stay in the library. To become the grand librarian one day like Jed," his son said.

  Balen was surprised that Danion was bringing this up now. It was no real surprise that his son wanted such a thing though it hurt Balen as he had hoped for Danion to take the journey.

  "That is an important part of the path," he said. "You should see how you feel after this trip, but to become a grand librarian is not easy. You would have to commit to your studies and learn the craft from Jed."

  "I am sure that it is what I want to do," Danion said.

  Balen let the matter drop for now. Danion was still young and although he was bright Balen knew that often, the acolytes would change their minds several times before choosing their direction.

  They travelled throughout the day with little conversation, there was no direct path through to nature's paradise as a sign of respect to not clear part of the forest like that. The wood that the clerics used for building and paper came from a smaller forest of trees, where new trees were planted to replace those used ensuring a reusable supply. The sun was beginning to fade into the horizon and they could make out some light ahead, signalling that they were getting close to nature's paradise. A few Naturists had popped down from their trees to inspect the newcomers but said nothing to them. The trees thinned and nature's paradise opened up before them.

  The settlement was built into the forest. Gigantic trees that dwarfed anything else in the forest had buildings built into and around them with large canopies that stretched above them made from vines, leaves and cloth that protected them from the weather.

  Danion had spent his first five years here and knew it well, not much had changed in the past two years since he had been gone.

  "We should find your mother first," said his father.

  "It is nearing evening so she should either be at the meal or at home," said Danion.

  Balen agreed and they first headed to where the meals were served. Under a lower canopy where tables and benches, like those in the monastery lined up. They were full of naturists, wearing their brown leather and cloth clothing much different from the dark robes that the clerics wore. Danion saw his mother immediately. She was sitting on a bench surrounded by many other people including her mother, Danion's grandmother. He ran over and tapped her on the shoulder.

  Aly turned around and a big smile formed upon her face.

  "Danion!" she said. "It is good to see you. I didn't know you were coming"

  "It was not planned. Father thought that I should spend some more time here," said Danion.

  Aly looked up and behind him, Balen walked over and he saw his mother's face brighten further. "Balen," she said and then stood from the table to embrace him. It was strange for them to come together like that and by the looks of the other people they were just as curious about it.

  "Aly," said Balen and then pulled away. "It is good to see you again"

  His mother seemed to regain her composure. "And you, it has been too long," she said.

  "Two years, I have brought our trouble maker of a son back here to learn some of the ways of nature," he said.

  "Sit down and have something to eat, you must be tired after your journey and we can speak about this in the morning," said Aly.

  They sat down and the food was brought to them, after a meal where they spoke about what had happened over the past two years Aly escorted them to her house, it was quite large and held an extra room that had been Danion's until he had left.

  "You two can sleep in there, I will fetch some extra blankets as it has started getting colder during the night," said Aly.

  "Thank you, Aly. I think I will come and help you," said Balen.

  "I wish to walk around for a bit," Danion said.

  "Stay out of trouble and away from the forest," said his Father. Danion agreed and walked back out of the house.

  chapter five

  As soon as Danion had left the house Balen embrace her once more.

  "You know that we can't show the relationship we have in public, they would not understand," he said.

  "I know, but it has been so long since we last saw each other," she replied and then kissed him upon his lips.

  "How have you been?" he asked.

  "Lonely" she replied and then moved away from him. "You wish Danion to follow in your footsteps?" Balen nodded.

  "Even after what we have been through, what if the same thing happens to him?" Aly asked.

  "Then I hope that he is in the position where he can make different choices," Balen replied.

  "You think we should have stayed at Unity?" Aly asked.

  It was a question she had asked once before and he had failed to answer it. The last time they saw each other it was one of the last things said between the two and for two years he had thought long and hard about it.

  "We made the best decision for Danion," he said.

  "But not the best decision for us," said Aly with a look of sorrow.

  Balen embraced her once again. "It is not too late, we could still go to Unity, take Danion with us. He is still young and would adapt well," he said with slim hope.

  "We already made our choice. Do you think he would understand if we just ripped him from the start of his path?"

  Balen went silent in thought and could see the tears run down her face.

  "Let us go get the blankets. Danion could be back at any moment and I don't want to explain why I am crying to him," said Aly and they left the house together.

  Balen brooded the whole way to the storerooms where they picked up the blankets and headed back. Before they re-entered the house Balen held her back.

  "Think about what we spoke of. Unity would accept us and Danion," he said to her.

  "I will, but it will take time. I promise that I will give you an answer when you collect Danion after this stay," said Aly.

  That she would think about it filled Balen with some hope at least. He was on his way to becoming a master of his path but the call to Unity was too much to just ignore. How he would love to see the lake once more and finally call it his home.

  They could hear Danion snoring in his room so he gave Aly a kiss and then joined his son. Placing some of the blankets on the floor and covering himself in the rest as Danion had taken the bed for himself.

  He decided that he would head back to the monastery in the morning, any longer and he would find it harder to leave Aly once more. It was also best for Danion as his son needed time to adjust to life back in the naturist's colony again. Aly would take good care of him and teach him what he needed to know and with that calming thought Balen fell into a deep sleep.

  The next day seem to arrive too fast. Balen opened his eyes to see the light shining in through the window, by the doorway stood Aly in a thin dress made out of a paper-like fabric. He stood from the bed and walked over to her, Danion still lay in bed, a light rumbling snore emanated from the blankets. They embraced and Balen could feel the curves of her body.

  "Good morning," he said a
nd kissed her lips. "Have you been there long?"

  "Long enough to see the both of you sleeping there in peace. It was a beautiful sight," said Aly.

  "To wake up and see you standing there in this dress is a beautiful sight," he said and she smiled. He saw the blush rise in her cheeks.

  "I didn't think you would find me attractive anymore," she said.

  "How could I not?" Balen asked.

  "I have gotten older and life as a naturist can be tough in those forests," said Aly.

  "I still find you the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," said Balen.

  Aly kissed him and their arms wrapped around each other.

  "Not here in front of Danion," she said as she pulled away.

  "He will be asleep for a while yet," said Balen.

  "Let me get dressed and we can sneak out to the forest," said Aly.

  It was an offer that Balen could never refuse and although he wanted to get back to the monastery he could spend a few more hours at nature's paradise. After she had dressed they left the house together and headed for the forest.

  chapter six

  Danion awoke to an empty house, he figured they had left for breakfast so climbed out from beneath the blankets and shivered at the cold morning. He pulled his shirt back on and made his way out of the house and towards the eating area in search of his parents.

  On his way there someone called out and then ran into him sending him tumbling to the floor. All he could see was a bush of red hair that covered his face. He untangled himself and stood up to see a young girl standing up as well.

  "I am sorry," she said. Her hair was a bright red like fire with freckles on her face to match and eyes a deep green that he could not help but stare at. The girl reminded him of Anton. She dusted off her dress and then continued running almost barrelling into someone else.

  "I wonder who that was," Danion said and he continued to find his parents.

  They were not at the food area. The only person he recognised was his grandmother who he went over and sat next to.


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