The Ascension Trilogy

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The Ascension Trilogy Page 21

by David S Croxford

  chapter fifteen

  Four hours had passed and Mavok was waiting at the crossing point. So far three of the five people he had asked along had appeared, Nate and Mika. The crossing point was a marker in the forest that gave any lost elves the direction back to the city, in case they became lost within the trees.

  He looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds that were beginning to appear overhead, indicating that the storms were on their way. The weather on the elven island at the start of winter could be treacherous if not treated with respect. The elves knew first-hand how bad the rain could get when they first were on the island.

  "Come along, it's time for us to be off," Mavok called out.

  "We are here," Nate's voice called out.

  Nate came out from behind a tree with Mika following in tow.

  "I thought I said for you to come in individual groups," said Mavok as the last two members joined them.

  "Sorry. I was running behind trying to get cover for the work I had left to do and ran into Mika on my way out," said Nate.

  "Well, we are all here and the weather is not looking friendly so we must start now," said Mavok.

  They all picked up their bags and the equipment that Mavok had brought to get into the mountain and then headed that way.

  With a lot of the forest now cleared and a direct path that headed to the mountain, they made it there and it only took a day to get to the mountain. With no-one around to tend it, the trees and plant life had grown out of control. Even the mountains former entrance as obscured.

  "How are we getting in?" Nate asked him.

  "Using essence would be too dangerous, that is what brought the entrance down in the first place. We must find an area of solid rock to dig into," said Mavok.

  "Dig?" asked Mika. "Into solid rock?"

  "We have the tools to do it," said Mavok.

  "But it is going to take a long time," Mika complained.

  "Longer if you carry on complaining about it," said Mavok.

  Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention and he turned to look back into the forest. At first he thought he had seen someone but nothing but the branches moved due to the wind.

  "Let's get started. I want to get into the mountain before the rains start," said Mavok.

  He unhooked the equipment that was tied to his back and passed out a few long-handled hammers and picks. Taking it in turns to swing, they started breaking into the rock whilst Nate cleared away the rocks that they loosened from the mountains side.

  After a couple hours they were all exhausted, even Mavok breathing was heavy and could not lift the hammer without taking a break.

  "Nate, start a fire and get some food warmed up. Mika, go and fetch some water from the river nearby, it should still be close," said Mavok.

  Mika looked at Nate who nodded before leaving with the flask they had brought with them. Mavok wondered what that was about and put it to the back of his mind as he sat upon the ground and his legs relaxed.

  They had made some progress though the mountain was strong and they were unaware how thick the stone was. The sound of crackling logs filled the air and soon the smell of meat filled their noses making Mavok's mouth water. It had been a long time since he had, had meat and was looking forward to it.

  Mika was gone a lot longer than Mavok expected him to be and Mavok worried for the elve. There were dangers in the forest that even after this many years they could not identify. The elves that went missing were proof of this.

  Mavok groaned and stood up again. "I best go and see where he has got to," he said to the others.

  "You rest," said Nate. "I will go and have a look for him"

  Mavok thought about it for a bit and decided to take him up on the offer. "Be quick about it or we will have eaten all the food!" Mavok said with a smile and he watched Nate pick up his sword then head into the forest the way Mika had travelled. Mavok sat back and stared at the mountain, hoping that the guardian ad the answers they were looking for.

  chapter sixteen

  Nate walked into the trees and was out of sight from the others. He remembered where the river was and headed straight there and wondering what was taking Mika so long. He was just about to enter a clearing by the river when someone grabbed him from behind and cupped a hand over his mouth to stop him from calling out.

  "Don't make a sound and you will not be harmed," said a voice from behind.

  Nate nodded and felt the hand being removed. He wanted to run, but a hand still held him still and Nate could feel the tip of a dagger press into his back.

  "Walk forward to the river, kneel down and have a drink," said the voice.

  "Where is Mika?" Nate asked.

  "Your friend is safe and will stay that way as long as you follow what we say"

  "We?" Nate asked.

  Nate was pushed towards the river and forced onto his knees.

  "Do not worry Nate, you are among friends," said a voice that he had not heard in a long time.

  Nate looked up and on the other side of the river stood a woman that he had not seen in three hundred years, but he had heard her talked about by several of the people that followed the same beliefs as he did.

  Amy looked just as she did all those years ago. The only difference was a scar that ran down one of her cheeks.

  "So it is you," said Nate. "We knew the orders were coming from someone and that it was a woman. But I never was sure that it was you"

  "Now you know the truth," said Amy with a smile that unnerved him.

  "Why have you revealed yourself to me now?" Nate asked.

  "Because I know why you and Mavok are here and I need your help," said Amy.

  "The last time I helped you, I was on the wrong side and made a big mistake that almost cost the lives of innocent elves," said Nate.

  "Innocent lives indeed, they had the ultimate power within their grasp and did nothing with it. To better help the elven people, to seek the revenge that we deserve to pay the humans for what they did and reclaim our land," said Amy.

  Nate would have once fought against her idea at one time but as the centuries passed he had begun to see life in a different light and now agreed with her that the power should be theirs.

  "I was ever so happy to hear that you had seen sense and joined us. We are so many now that it will soon be time to act and return to our former homeland"

  "What if we are doing wrong?" Nate asked.

  "Now, now Nate. I am sure you were taught better than to doubt your superiors," the voice behind him said and it was only then that he also recognised it. He turned to see Alyster standing with a dagger now pointing to the ground.

  "I thought you were dead," said Nate.

  "So did I at one point," said Alyster. "But something saved me and led me straight to Amy here. I listened to her and agreed"

  Nate turned back to Amy.

  "Mavok told us that you were caught in the collapse," he said. "How did you get out of the mountain"

  "I was almost killed by that bitch that followed him around like a lost pup. I am told that she is now a leader among the elves. I do feel sorry for all of you" said Amy.

  "You didn't answer my question," Nate pointed out.

  "That is something that you do not need to know quite yet, but about why you are here speaking to us. We need you to stop Mavok and the others from entering that mountain and trying to get to the guardian," said Amy.

  "How am I going to do that?" Nate asked.

  "The how is your job to work out. It would be unfortunate should they get in there," said Alyster.

  "And when I do stop them?" Nate asked. "What then?"

  "Then our plans can continue uninterrupted. You will be well rewarded when this is all over," said Amy.

  "Promise me that no elves will be hurt," said Nate.

  Amy laughed and then walked into the trees, disappearing from sight. Alyster helped him up.

  "Do what she says lad, you know she is right and that what we are doing is right!"
said the elve.

  A muffled noise came from the direction Amy had gone and they watched as Mika appeared into the clearing with a piece of cloth tied across his mouth. He hurried across the water and Nate removed the cloth.

  "Are you hurt?" Nate asked him.

  "I am on your side," Mika shouted at Alyster.

  "Yes, but we couldn't have you making any unnecessary actions that might alert those that came with you," said Alyster. "Now go. You have been gone long enough and it will arise suspicion"

  Mika filled up the flasks as Alyster followed Amy into the trees.

  "Don't speak of this to anyone!" Nate said to him.

  Mika just nodded and then they began walking back to the mountain with the flasks, when they got there Mavok enquired as to where they had been.

  "Mika was just resting after the long day. He was sitting by the river," said Nate.

  "Well, we left you some food. Hurry up and then let’s carry-on, there is plenty more work to be done," said Mavok.

  Nate nodded and went for the food with Mika close behind.

  Amy stood at the tree line, watching Mavok speak to Nate and Mika. She wanted to leave the cover and end it there and then, one well-aimed shot with the bow in her hands would put down the elve for good. But Mavok still had a part to play in her plan and she would prefer to save that kind of shot for Rinne.

  "Do you think he will manage to stop them?" Alyster asked her.

  "No, Mavok is stubborn enough to break through that mountain with his bare hands to complete the mission. Unfortunately, I think we will have to step up our plans and head for the human islands in search of the others," said Amy.

  "It will not be easy to secure the ship needed for the journey and if it is discovered then it might put a lot of our operatives in danger. Especially if they talk," said Alyster.

  "Are any likely to talk?" Amy asked. "I thought you had control of things within the city"

  "I have people keeping an eye on things and recruiting more elves to our cause. But they have to be careful and it is slow," replied Alyster.

  "Get back to the city and make sure you keep me informed. I will head back north and check that the package is ready for transport," said Amy.

  Alyster nodded and then walked back into the trees.

  'Soon Rinne, soon I will get even with you' said, Amy, as she watched Mavok pick up a hammer and continue to pound at the mountain.

  chapter seventeen

  Rinne had found it harder to get out of the city undetected than she thought it would be, it was almost as though the guards had been put on alert for her.

  When she had got out she headed straight for the mountain and almost got lost, walking in circles and finding herself back at the crossing points several times.

  Two days passed by with uncomfortable sleep within the trees and on the second day the rains had begun to fall in thick drops that drenched her clothing. But she made it in time to see that they group had made a good sized hole within the mountains side.

  Rinne picked a tree that still held most of its leaves and climbed up to watch them hit away at the rock in turns. It became obvious that there was no real excitement happening there and Rinne began regretting the journey.

  Every so often Mavok would look into the trees and smile as if he knew that Rinne was sat there watching him. Even though she had the leaves as cover, it still let enough rain through to cause her to shiver. When the group by the mountain managed to start a fire, Rinne was tempted to join them.

  The third day dawned and after a cloudy start the sun finally came back out and Rinne risked climbing to the top of the tree and allowing the warmth to work its way back into her skin. Calls and shouts caused her to worry and she made her way back down the tree with her sword ready. She stopped just in time to see the group congratulating each other.

  'They have got through' thought Rinne.

  Mavok wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed some relief, his last strike with the hammer had broken through in a cloud of dust.

  They moved away from the hole and let the dust settle, taking a drink from the flasks and congratulated each other for a good job.

  "Well, shall we take a look?" Mavok asked them.

  They all nodded in agreement. All were curious about what was inside the mountain even though they had all been there once before.

  Mavok took the lead and pushed through the rubble and into a cavern that had been left untouched for three hundred years. Mavok noticed the orbs that gave light to the cavern still burned at the top and gave them enough light to see the whole of the inside and how much it had changed. They were some distance from the entrance and he could see the old colony, or what was left of it. The stone skeletons of buildings stood in one section. Overgrown with plants and where the fields once stood was now overgrown with trees, like a small forest.

  He looked towards the back and saw the remains of the spire, a towering structure that had been made from wood and stood from the ground to the ceiling of the mountain. This was the entrance to the guardians cavern and much of it had rotted away, with large chunks missing.

  Inside a hallway large enough for the guardian to travel through which once held secrets of the elves that lived there, relics that came from the time of the builders and things that Mavok had never seen before.

  "Should we take a good look around?" Nate asked. "There may still be things we can use"

  "We must remain on mission and head straight for the spire. The guardian may be sleeping and I do not know how to go about waking it," replied Mavok.

  He believed that the guardian was asleep as it had not communicated with Mavok as it once had. It had been unnerving to hear it speak within their minds and know their thoughts. To wake such a powerful beast was a terrifying thought, even to someone like Mavok but they had to know answers to the questions about ascension.

  He led them across the overgrown paths, he drew his sword and began to cut through a lot of the growth as ivy and vines had taken over.

  When they did reach the spire they found the entrance blocked.

  "So what now?" Nate asked.

  "Now we need to clear all this so that we can get through," said Mavok. "First, I think that we deserve a rest. It has been a long three days"

  The group seemed happy with this idea and with wood scavenged from the spire, they were able to start a fire that warmed them up.

  "Not the first fire you have set in here," Mavok jested.

  Nate threw him a dirty look that caused the others to laugh.

  Rinne stepped through the rubble left by the group and seemed to walk into a foreign land where nothing was familiar. The buildings that once housed them stood broken and taken over by nature and trees had sprouted up all over. She knew that Mavok would head straight for the Spire so she headed for the colony.

  The cavern was silent. The last time she had been here was when the fires were beginning to take over and she could still feel the heat on her face. The stones that had been placed onto the floor, marking out the paths had been pushed up as plants had taken over and many of the buildings still held the black scorch marks.

  Rinne walked past them and towards the entrance. There, large rocks blocked the way and Rinne half expected to see the remains of the woman that had caused it all. But there was nothing to be found, no doubt she was buried deep within and the more she thought of Amy, the angrier she became so decided to turn around and head for the fields in search of something that could be eaten.

  Rotten planks of wood lay scattered on what was once ploughed fields. They had been the platforms upon which the elves had stood to perform the ceremony of growth that had forced the crops to grow to feed them all. Rinne saw one of the trees nearby bore fruit and pulled a couple apples off of a low hanging branch and bit into it tasting the tangy liquid as it slid down her throat. The spire stood in the distance, it housed the guardian and opened up to let the guardian enter the mountain.

  'Are you there?' Rinne asked but received no re

  A small trail of smoke in front of the spire showed where the group was. They had set a fire, but Rinne wouldn't be able to without alerting the others and she still was not ready to reveal her presence within the mountain.

  Rinne sat down upon some soft grass and lay hoping for the guardian to awaken and answer her, but long hours passed by and there was no communication.

  Rinne awoke, she had fallen asleep whilst laying there and reached for her sword but could not find it.

  "I did tell you not to follow us," said a voice and Rinne groaned aloud. She stood up and found Mavok holding her sheathed sword. "If I was someone that wished you, harm then it wouldn't have been hard to silence you. This is exactly why I wanted you to stay back at the city"

  "You knew I was going to come," said Rinne.

  "Yes, I did and I even saw you sitting within that tree at the edge of the mountain," said Mavok.

  Rinne grumbled to herself.

  "Come on, you are here so you might as well join us. We are just about to go into the spire and wake the guardian," said Mavok.

  Rinne smiled and followed him to the entrance of the spire where the other four elves were waiting.

  "Good to see you, Rinne," said Nate.

  "And you all," Rinne replied with a smile.

  "Enough chit chat, let's head in and keep your hands to yourselves. We do not know what might be in there," said Mavok and he took the lead as they moved the decaying chunks of wood. Locks upon the door were made of metal and they had rusted shut. Mavok picked up his hammer and with one well-aimed swing, the doors broke open and another cloud of dust covered them.

  The air inside was stale and thick. Rinne took several large gulps of air from the mountain and then followed the others into the darkness.

  The first time that she had entered the spire, a strange shadow had kept all the relics in darkness despite the enhanced sight that the elves had. The darkness was still there, but Rinne could not even make out the shapes of the relics that should still have been in place.


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