His Love Walk

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His Love Walk Page 3

by Vanessa Miller

  “Here you go.” Nia put the plate in front of her son and bowed low as if she were serving a king. She then sat back down and continued eating her spinach and salmon with quinoa.

  “Can we make a pizza tonight, Mommy?”

  Nia wished that she could say yes, but today had been her last day on her temp assignment and she didn’t know when the next assignment would come around and her last check was already designated for the rent. At that thought, she popped back up, grabbed her cell phone and called Drake. When he answered she said, “I have the rest of my rent. Jarod and I will walk down to your apartment after dinner and hand it to you.”

  “Your rent has already been covered. Use that money to purchase the products for those fabulous candy bars you make.”

  She didn’t like her creations being labeled as candy bars, when nothing about them was candy-ish. Nia would rather call her product something like Health Bars. Because they were made from all natural, good for you ingredients like nuts, almonds, honey and cacao chocolate, rather than milk chocolate.

  Nia had gone to that entrepreneur session earlier in the week, in hopes of getting the capital needed to finally be able to teach others about healthful living. It was nice to have the extra money in her pocket to be able to purchase the items needed to make her next batch of Health Bars, but Nia needed to know what had changed. Why didn’t she need to come up with the rent money? She asked Drake as much.

  He said, “Put it this way... if you play your cards right, you might not have to pay another dime throughout the term of your lease.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Drake, you do know that I’m not interested in having a relationship with you, right?”

  Drake laughed. “I got that message loud and clear the first week you moved in.”

  “Then why are you helping me like this?”

  “I’m not,” he told her. “I don’t have clout like that, or I never would have thrown your things outside in the first place.”

  Was he telling her that mister-all-business-better-be-on-time Ron Thomas was behind this? Why would someone like him help her, especially after the way she talked to him a few days ago? “Why is he doing this, Drake? You didn’t put any ideas in his head, did you?” Nia was used to being hit on by men. She carried herself well and she was told on many occasions that she was very pleasing to the eye. Translation, men wanted her on their arm for one reason or another.

  “I don’t think it’s like that, Nia. Besides, you saw the man for yourself, I’m sure he has women beating down his door to get next to him.”

  Drake was probably right. “Well, can you tell him that I said thanks, but also let him know that I will pay back everything I owe with my income tax check.”

  “If anyone else said that, I wouldn’t believe a word of it. But I do believe you will pay everything you owe. You’re one of those good girls. I just wish I had been good enough for you.”

  Drake hung up the phone before Nia could tell him that it wasn’t about him being good or bad, it was simply that he wasn’t Johnny.

  Trying to get her mind off all that she had lost, Nia hung up the phone and went to the closet and grabbed her and Jarod’s hat and coat. As she headed back to the kitchen, there was a knock on the door and then Jarod said, “Someone’s at the door, Mommy” as if she hadn’t just heard the same knock he’d heard.

  “Thanks for letting me know, hon.” She handed him his hat and coat. “Put this on so we can go.”

  Nia walked over to the door and looked out the peephole, wondering who could be stopping by their apartment at six-thirty in the evening. To her surprise she saw that it was Ron Thomas. For a moment, while she had a chance to look at him without him noticing, she admired the strong bone structure and those penetrating eyes of his. The man was perfection, but that was the outside of the man. She hadn’t forgotten how he dismissed her like she was some slacker just for being a few minutes late to his event. Swinging the door open she said, “Why are you here and what do you want from me?”

  “You haven’t lost that winning personality, I see.”

  “Don’t be cute.” Actually, he couldn’t help being cute... matter of fact, he looked down right luscious as he grinned at her and those deep dimples dipped into that chocolate coated skin of his. “Just tell me what you want. If this is about the rent, I already told Drake that I will pay every dime back to you when I get my income tax check.”

  “I didn’t ask for any money back. I came to discuss this,” he handed her the business plan she’d given him just five days ago. “But if you don’t have time, I guess I’ll be leaving.”

  Nia looked down at the binder in her hand. She’d spent countless hours putting this business plan together. And if Ron Thomas had come here to discuss her dream business, there was no way she was letting him get away, just because she had a slight attitude problem. She opened her door wide, “Please, come in. I’d love to discuss my business plan with you.”

  She invited him to have a seat, then she went into her bedroom, closed the door behind her and did a happy dance while she lifted her hands and gave God praise for what He was about to do in her life. The struggle would be over once she was able to get her business up and running, and because she kept the faith, God had now sent the very man who’d turned her away to her front door.

  Nia didn’t know if Ron Thomas was sold on her business plan yet, but she said a quick prayer, asking God to help her to say the right words that would allow this business tycoon to see that what she had to offer was not only a viable business, but it would help save lives as well. By the time Nia walked back into the room with Ron, she was ready for him. As far as she was concerned, Ron Thomas wasn’t leaving her apartment until he had committed to investing in her business; she just prayed that she wouldn’t have to tie him up and hold him hostage.

  Chapter 4

  “Would you like something to drink?” Nia asked in the most polite tone she’d ever used when addressing Ron Thomas.

  “What do you have?”

  Laughing, Nia admitted, “Water.”

  As she laughed, her head tipped backward. Ron sat up, taking note of every ripple line that appeared as the smooth sound of her laughter died out. Every time he came in contact with this woman, she seemed to be even more beautiful than she was the last time he saw her. “You should do that more.”

  Her eyebrow went up. “Do what?”

  “Laugh. It lights up your face. I bet your husband loves to make you laugh.”

  “My mom’s not married,” Jarod said as he took his coat off. He then asked his mom, “Can I have a piece of paper?”

  “What for?” Nia asked.

  “Need to draw my map. I’m going on a pirate adventure.”

  Smiling, Ron said, “Where you headed, Captain?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got to draw my map first,” Jarod told him.

  Nia took a blank piece of paper off the dining room table. “Here you go. Have fun on your pirate adventure.”

  Jarod ran off and then Nia turned back to Ron. “Would you like to sit at the table and go over my business plan?”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot that Drake told me your husband passed away.” Ron stood and walked over to the table. As he passed by, Nia he pointed at her ring finger. As he sat down, he asked, “So, why do you wear the ring if you’re not married?”

  Shaking her head, Nia mumbled, “My son has a big mouth.”

  “Excuse me?” Ron said as he leaned closer to hear her.

  Nia sat down across from Ron. She twirled the ring on her finger as she answered, “I guess I like to look at it and remember when things were different.”

  He heard the sadness in her voice and was immediately ashamed of himself for prying. “I shouldn’t have asked. Forgive me.”

  “It happened four years ago. I never thought I would get used to Johnny’s being gone, but I think I’ve finally gotten to that point where I’ve accepted reality.”

  “So Jarod never knew his father?”r />
  “One came into the world and the other left just as if they were trading places.” Nia shrugged. “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”

  “You remind me of my step-mother. Her motto is ‘Praise God Anyhow’. I don’t know how she does it, but Carmella Marshall-Thomas is one tough lady. She wouldn’t even let her own illness get her down.”

  “She sounds like someone I’d love to meet.”

  Ron smiled. “I’m glad you said that because as I read through your proposal, all I kept thinking was that my step-mother would be the perfect business partner for you.”

  Leaning forward, Nia asked, “How so?”

  He hadn’t checked with Mama-Carmella, so he didn’t know how she would feel about someone outside of the family knowing all her business, so he kept his explanation short. “She owns a bakery and had been thinking of expanding but she and my dad changed their plans and now the business is stagnant. But I think this idea of yours would really spark something in her.”

  “I’m excited, but I don’t want to get too carried away with believing that my dream is finally going to come true, because it sounds like you haven’t talked to her yet.”

  Nia’s comment gave him pause. She was right, after all. Ron never did deals like this. He normally made sure all of his bases were covered before making his mind up about doing a deal. But Ron’s mind was already made up... if Mama-Carmella didn’t want in on this business, he was determined to make it happen for Nia any way he had to. And that resolve was what bothered him... Why this project? Why this woman?

  Sounding all business, Ron said, “It is true that I have not spoken with the management team of Hallelujah Cakes and Such; however, I believe that this venture is a solid fit for her so I’m willing to give it a try, how about you? Can you trust me on this?”

  “I have no choice.” Nia waved her hand around her apartment. “Look around, I’m sure you can see that we don’t have any nest egg to fall back on, no savings to get my business off the ground. And you were here the day I almost got evicted, so I’m really in no position to pretend that I have any other options.”

  He hated that life had beat on her so harshly. But he’d been there himself and felt compelled to tell his story. “You’re not alone. I used wonder when things would finally turn around for me so that I could stop living beneath my destiny. But then one day, things just started going my way. I’m living the dream now.”

  “Yeah, well, it seems like I’ve been living the nightmare.”

  “Time to wake up,” Ron told her while putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “It’s way past time for me to wake up. I’ve been praying and believing that God would do something to turn my situation around.” A tear rolled down Nia’s face as she said, “And He sent you.”

  Ron lifted a hand. “Hold on now. I never said I was on some mission from God. I’m just Ron Thomas, plain and simple.” He patted his back. “No wings on my back.”

  “Okay Mr. No-Wings, what’s next... how do we get started?”

  “First things first. Before I can invest in this project, I need to sample these desserts you want to bring to market.”

  Hopping out of her seat, Nia said, “You ain’t said nothing but a word. Jarod and I were on our way to the store to get some ingredients for my Health bars when you knocked on the door. Let me get Jarod and we can head out.”

  “You call them health bars?”

  “Yeah, because they’re not only tasty, but healthy.”

  “We might need to work on that name,” Ron told her as he walked over to the door to wait for them. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins like it did every time he was getting ready to do a deal. But something was different about the way he was feeling right now as he watched Jarod bounce his way toward the front door and Nia chase after him with his hat and coat. He didn’t know why this deal felt so different, but as they left for the grocery store, Ron tried to shake off the thought that this deal would require a lifetime commitment.


  “You are a hard man to catch up with,” a woman said as she slid up close to Ron and wrapped her arms around him.

  Nia grabbed hold of Jarod and stepped back as the woman continued to maul Ron.

  “Hey Bridgett, I didn’t know you shopped at this grocery store,” Ron said as he pulled himself out of Bridgett’s grip.

  “Organic is the new black, dear heart. We’re all trying to live to be a hundred and two.” She flipped her hair and moistened her lips. “And besides, I couldn’t chase you around if I didn’t take care of myself, now could I?”

  “Your hair is pretty,” Jarod said as he moved away from Nia and touched the hair flowing down Bridgett’s back.

  Bridgett jumped as if an animal had just mauled her. “Whose child is that?”

  “He’s mine.” Nia grabbed Jarod and pulled him back to her.

  The woman then pointed from Jarod to Ron and asked, “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “I can’t think of anything,” Ron answered, looking as if the conversation was boring him.

  “This boy isn’t your son, is he? You’re not here on some family outing, making me look like a fool are you?”

  Nia didn’t even know the woman standing in front of her, but she could see that this woman was as self-centered as they come. If Ron Thomas was interested in a woman like this, then she questioned his judgment.

  “My affairs do not concern you like that, Bridgett.”

  “Putting her hands on her hips, Bridgett declared, “Your affairs used to concern me. What’s so different that I’m suddenly out of the loop?” She pointed toward Nia, looking her up and down as if she didn’t see anything special. “I know little miss-thing over there can’t be the reason.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Bridgett.” He grabbed the cart and began pushing it down the aisle that he and Nia had been headed towards when Bridgett stopped them.

  Nia held on tight to Jarod while she and Bridgett eyed each other. It was obvious to Nia that this woman didn’t think much of her. She had the look of money, with her long, expensive weave, Gucci boots and purse to match. Everything Nia had on had been bought and paid for at a second hand shop, so she was no match for this woman in the style department. But Nia wasn’t going to be intimidated by her or anyone else.

  Ron swung back around. “Nia, come on. We don’t have all night to get this stuff done.”

  Oh yeah, that’s right. She was auditioning for her business venture, not marking her territory. And why she felt like she had to challenge that awful woman was beyond her. Nia rushed over to Ron. “Okay, let’s go. I just have to grab a few more ingredients.”

  “Now I get it. You must be Ron’s housekeeper. Maybe I’ll stop by the house later so your maid can fix us both a healthy meal,” Bridgett said as she scoped out the ingredients in the shopping cart, then waved to them.

  Nia turned back towards Bridgett with smoke coming out of her nostrils. She opened her mouth to tell the woman a thing or two. “How dare you.” It burned Nia up that this glamorous woman would assume that someone like her wasn’t good enough to be with a guy like Ron Thomas.

  “Don’t let her upset you, Nia. Bridgett doesn’t know how to act when in polite company.” Ron pulled Nia back.

  “Well, she better learn before I have to teach her.” Nia pushed the cart down the aisle trying to get as far away from the awful woman as possible. She couldn’t believe that she had almost gotten herself into a fight over someone calling her a maid... or had her instinct to fight come from some other reason? Lord, I really, really need Your help right now,” Nia prayed as Ron caught up with her.


  “This is too delicious, Nia. It can’t be good for me.” Ron licked the chocolate off his fingers and then reached for another bite size piece of the candy bar made with nuts, honey and cacao chocolate.

  “Actually, cacao chocolate is very good for us. It can help keep blood pressure stabilized a
nd it’s even healthy for the heart. Some studies suggest it helps insulin resistance.”

  “Then I need to be eating chocolate every day.”

  Smiling, Nia told him, “It’s like most other things in life... moderation is the key. Because the dark chocolate of the cacao powder and the walnuts and other type of nuts that I use all have calories and fat. So, you don’t want to lose your mind eating these health bars, or it can become very unhealthy because of the weight gain.”

  “So how do we get that message out to the consumer but still make a profit? Because we want them to keep reaching for more and more, right?” Ron asked, thinking like a business man. Which was the right way for him to think since he was in the business of making money.

  “That’s where the other half of my business plan comes into play. I want to teach people about healthy living. They can sign up for cooking classes or we can create videos and even do cookbooks on the subject.”

  Ron glanced at the sofa and saw that Jarod was out cold, he looked at his watch and was surprised that it was past eleven o’clock. “I am so sorry, Nia. I had no idea it was this late.” He pointed to Jarod as he stood up. “I kept you from getting your little one ready for bed.”

  Nia turned to her son, looked at his sleeping form and said, “Oh my goodness. We were so busy talking and cooking that I thought he’d gone off to bed. I didn’t even see him on the couch.”

  “I distracted you with all my questions and my grumbling stomach.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, Nia said, “You did seem hungry. Didn’t you eat dinner before coming over here?”

  “To tell you the truth, I ate a hefty meat and potatoes meal this evening. But the things you cooked were so good, I couldn’t help but sample.” Then with a dreamy eyed look, Ron told her, “You know, in a way, you remind me of my step-mother. She can tear something up in the kitchen, too. But until recently, most of the food she cooked was very unhealthy.”


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