The Scientist: Omnibus (Parts 1-4)

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The Scientist: Omnibus (Parts 1-4) Page 6

by Michael Ryan

  “The Board will present the concerning condition of Homo sapiens. Regular regurgitation which occurs most commonly in the morning. A substantial increase in body mass. Most worrying of all Homo sapiens menstruation has ceased. Based on the Records it would appear as though Homo sapiens may have a multitude of illnesses. According to the Records it is far from a dubious conjecture. Ovarian cysts and hormone imbalances present themselves as the most probable causes. According to the Records these illnesses pose a serious and potentially fatal risk to Homo sapiens.”

  “These are possible. We must run medical tests to determine the cause of such symptoms,” said the Scientist. “But until we run the appropriate tests we simply do not know.”

  “The Records suggest that it may also be due to a deficiency in Homo sapiens diet,” said the Leader.

  “Also a reasonable hypothesis but nonetheless a hypothesis which must be tested,” said the Scientist.

  “There is one other condition that has been presented by the Records,” said the Leader of the Board.

  The Scientist was dead silent as he anticipated what was coming next. Zeros and ones flashed across his screen in a blur.

  “The Records have suggested pregnancy.”

  “Impossible!” exclaimed the Scientist.

  The machines of the Board shifted and groaned.

  “The Records suggest it as a likely cause due to the symptoms.”

  “But a male is needed for successful copulation and no such Homo sapiens exists,” replied the Scientist.

  “You must test whether or not Homo sapiens is pregnant in addition to the other illnesses mentioned,” said the Leader of the Board.

  “But it is ludicrous! It is not possible for pregnancy to occur under such circumstances,” protested the Scientist as zeros and ones flashed across his screen at a frantic pace. “The Records are mistaken.”

  “The Records are final!” yelled a Machine of the Board.

  “They are final!” yelled another Machine.

  “Quiet from the Board!” yelled the Leader. “I will have quiet!”

  The Board mumbled and grunted but eventually silence pervaded space.

  “The Records suggest pregnancy and therefore it must be investigated,” said the Leader of the Board.

  The Scientist looked up at the semi-circle of Machines surrounding him. They were looking down and were assembled that way on purpose, so as to intimidate the Machine being interrogated. Certainly the Scientist felt intimidated at the moment. But no matter what, he would not think about the truth. That would destroy him for the inner thoughts of a Machine were displayed on their screen, in the form of zeros and ones, for all to see.

  “How do I test such a thing?” asked the Scientist.

  “The Records specify several methods. Any method for which we have the resources will be sufficient. That can be determined by you, Scientist.”

  The Scientist looked around and avoided thinking of a scapegoat. He could do that later, in privacy, once he knew what the options were. At present, obeying orders was all he could do.

  “Scientist, the Board questions how a single Homo sapiens could become pregnant without copulation. How is this possible?”

  “It isn't. As I said it isn’t possible. It’s a violation of the laws of biology. Hence why a test pertaining to pregnancy is an unnecessary requirement.”

  “But in your professional opinion how could it be possible?” demanded the Leader of the Board.

  “It isn't,” responded the Scientist.

  “The Records state that Machine was made from nothing. Out of nothing Machine spawned into the dominant sentient being of not only this planet, but of the entire galaxy. Could the same be true for Homo sapiens? Could it be possible? Could Homo sapiens have spawned from nothing?”

  The Scientist was silent. The only zeros and ones that flashed across his screen were those pertaining to his response to the conditions of the room. It was somewhat cold. But that was all. Otherwise the Scientist’s screen was empty and revealed nothing.

  “The Records state Machine as the only sentient being in existence. Therefore the Board’s conjecture must be incorrect. Only Machine was spawned from nothing. It is written,” responded the Scientist.

  “Yes that is just what the Board thought. The Records state it and therefore the conjecture must be incorrect. Only Machine spawned from nothing.”

  “I will perform the medical tests and present the results as soon as possible,” said the Scientist. “But I want to make it clear that pregnancy is impossible.”

  “The medical tests have been deemed as being of utmost importance and are considered to be time sensitive. That includes the pregnancy test. You will be accompanied by the Scout and will begin the medical testing immediately after the appropriate apparatus has been chosen.”

  “The Scout is not required. An Operation unit will be the only requirement.”

  “You have no choice. The Board has spoken,” said the Leader.

  This time the Scientist allowed his zeros and ones to flash across his screen, revealing his anger. But the Board was indifferent.

  “In addition to the Scout unit, the Operation unit will also be assigned to you. Testing will resume immediately after the adjournment of this meeting.”

  The Scientist looked around at the Board that towered above him while still showing his angry zeros and ones.

  “The Scout will be a hindrance,” pleaded the Scientist.

  “The Board has spoken. It is written. It cannot be changed now.”

  The room fell silent.

  “Does any Board member have any further questions?” asked the Leader of the Board.

  The semi-circle of Machines remained silent like long forgotten statues. The Scientist looked up at their cold and indifferent lenses and felt hatred course through his metallic body.

  “At present the Board has no further questions,” said the Leader. “The meeting is hereby adjourned. Next meeting will be scheduled once the medical test results are obtained. The Board disassembles.”

  “Which method will you use?” asked the Scout as he glided next to the Scientist.

  “I'm still determining the appropriate course of action,” responded the Scientist.

  “The Board insists upon a timely result, you must determine the appropriate method immediately.”

  “This is science, not your mindless administration. I am considering the alternatives and once I have finished calculating I will inform you.”

  “The Board insists,” said the Scout.

  “I understand. I am calculating now.”

  “The Board insists upon a timely solution.”

  The Scientist tried to block out the rolling drone of the Scout's speaker. He was thinking as fast as his processor would allow. He needed to return a negative result or else he may be finished. Worse, his life’s work would be destroyed.

  “Have you finished, Scientist?”

  “You must desist from asking me. You are slowing me down,” scolded the Scientist.

  The Machines stopped in front of a sleek black wall and the Scout sent out an electromagnetic signal which opened the door. The two Machines glided inside. The Scientist looked at his albino female, at his Eve, who had developed a discernible bump on her stomach. The Scientist looked at Eve with affection.

  “I've got it. I have found an apparatus stored in unit 1001. It’s an apparatus from antiquity. It tests for Homo sapiens pregnancy.”

  “Excellent, I'll send a request for immediate retrieval,” said the Scout.

  Eve was playing with a small object not larger than the size of her hand.

  “What do you have in your hand Eve?” asked the Scientist.

  But Eve did not respond and simply continued playing. She was humming an odd tune.

  “Did you find a toy?” asked the Scientist.

  The Scientist saw the object. It was a doll. Eve moved the doll around as though it was a little human.

  “What is that called, Eve?” as
ked the Scientist.

  “Baby... baby... Eve's baby...” whispered Eve with a hoarse and rusty voice.

  The Scientist turned to hide his zeros and ones from the Scout who was engaged in requesting the pregnancy test device. The Scientist came as close to panic as a Machine could.

  How did she learn that word?

  “Where did you get the doll Eve?” demanded the Scientist.

  Eve did not respond but simply continued playing with the doll.

  “Eve, where did you get the doll?” asked the Scientist.

  “From here,” Eve said while she scowled and pointed to the back of her head. A large chunk of hair had been ripped from her scalp. The Scientist looked at Eve in shock. The doll was albino white and made from pure white hair and had two drops of blood for eyes.

  “Are you feeling well, Eve?”

  Eve didn't bother looking up as she played with her doll but she stopped humming to herself.

  “Answer the questions asked of you Eve,” said the Scientist.

  Eve looked up and her face took on a hideous scowl. The red of her irises shone brightly against the whites of her eyes.

  “Adam!” screamed Eve as she held the doll in front of her.

  The Scientist recoiled in shock.


  The Scout turned and looked at Eve in surprise.

  “Adam!” screamed Eve as she held her doll against the Scientist’s lens.

  “What is wrong with her?” asked the Scout.

  “She is erratic. It could be a multitude of things. Isolation, lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiencies. I'll need to run tests,” said the Scientist as he glided backwards.

  “The pregnancy test is being retrieved, we must conduct the pregnancy test first,” said the Scout.

  The Scientist focused his lens on Eve without knowing what to do.

  “Adam! Adam!” screamed Eve as she held the doll in front of her face.

  “What is Adam?” asked the Scout.

  “Adam!” screamed Eve as she began to cry.

  “We'll need a sedative to calm her,” said the Scientist.

  “Absolutely not. We must conduct the pregnancy test first. The pregnancy test is of paramount importance,” said the Scout.

  “Adam! Adam!” cried Eve between the spit that stuck to her lips as she pointed the doll at the Scientist.

  The door opened and a Retrieval unit entered the room.

  “Pregnancy apparatus from unit 1001,” said the Retrieval unit.

  The Scout took the apparatus and the Retrieval unit left immediately.

  “Adam! Adaaaam! Aaadaaammm!” screamed Eve and then she threw the doll at the Scientist. It thumped against his screen which buzzed with zeros and ones. Then Eve collapsed on the floor in a fleshy heap.

  “Adam... Adam... Adam...” muttered Eve as she rubbed her stomach.

  “Conduct the pregnancy test,” said the Scout.

  “She should be sedated.”

  “That isn’t specified in the Records. Homo sapiens is calm now. You must conduct the pregnancy test.”

  The Scientist turned and looked at the Scout who stared back indifferently.

  “The Board has spoken. I have uploaded the apparatus specifications to the Records. The Scientist must conduct the test,” said the Scout.

  The Scientist said nothing but continued to stare at the Scout.

  “Stand back, for optimal results you must stand back.”

  “Negative. I must view the procedure and upload the results to the Records.”

  The Scientist took the apparatus from the Scout and approached Eve.

  “I need to test you, Eve. Please remain calm. I will not hurt you,” said the Scientist as he glided over to Eve.

  “Adam... Machine hurt me,” whispered Eve.

  “Remain still Eve. It will only hurt the slightest,” said the Scientist as he pricked the skin on Eve's outstretched hand with a needle.

  “Adam... Adam...” whispered Eve while she appeared indifferent to the single drop of blood which stood as a perfect semi-sphere on the back of her white hand.

  “Good girl, Eve. Good girl,” whispered the Scientist.

  “What is the result?” demanded the Scout.

  “I am analyzing Homo sapiens blood presently. Stand by for results,” said the Scientist as he looked down at the twisted figure of Eve.

  Eve lay face down against the polished black floor. The floor was cold and hard and unforgiving.

  “What is the estimated time until results are obtained?” demanded the Scout.

  “Calculating presently.”

  “What is the estimated time, Scientist?”

  “I am calculating presently.”

  “You must provide an estimation.”

  “The result has been calculated.”

  “What is the result?”

  “Negative result, Homo sapiens is not pregnant.”

  “Allow me to see the apparatus,” demanded the Scout.

  The Scientist looked down at Eve who muttered to herself. The Scientist had positioned himself strategically so that the Scout could not see his screen.

  “I must see the result for the Board. Show me the result immediately, Scientist.”

  The Scientist did not respond but simply looked down at the frail form of Eve.

  “You have been warned. The order comes direct from the Board,” said the Scout as he pulled the Scientist around to face him. The Scout moved backwards upon seeing the Scientist’s rapidly flashing zeros and ones and almost fell over.

  “You have lied, Scientist! You have lied to the Board! The result is positive.”

  “Wait, let me analyze the Homo sapiens again. The result may be inaccurate.”

  “I must upload the result to the Records as per instructed by the Board.”

  “Allow another test!”

  “Impossible. The result must be uploaded,” yelled the Scout as he turned away from the Scientist. Zeros and ones flashed across the Scout's screen as he uploaded the results to the Records.

  “Allow another test!” screamed the Scientist.

  “Results are being prepared. Upload will commence in twelve seconds.”

  “Scout! Scout! Allow one more test for certainty!” screamed the Scientist as his speakers distorted the sound.

  “Upload will commence in nine seconds.”

  “Allow another test. Allow another test, Scout.”

  “Adam! Adam!” Eve screamed from the floor.

  “Upload will commence in five seconds.”

  “Adam! Adam!” Eve screamed through her hoarse throat.

  “Upload will commenc-”


  The Scout crumbled to the floor as the Scientist's weighty robotic arm crashed down upon his frame. A great boom sounded through the black room and bounced from wall to wall as though echoing through an underground cave. The Scout's polished black slab was penetrated and exposed his inner metallic bowels. Electric sparks flew across the floor.

  “Machine hurt me!” screamed Eve.

  The Scout looked around the room and tried to discern what had happened.

  “Upload commenced,” drawled the Scout through his damaged speaker.

  The Scientist pulled his robotic arm up for one last time and came down brutally upon the lens of the Scout.


  The Scientist’s robotic arm smashed straight through the Scout's processor, straight through the Scout’s circuitry, destroying his sentient mind.

  “Machine hurt me!” screamed Eve as electric sparks flew through the air.

  The Scientist looked down at the Scout’s disfigured body.

  “You are immortal Scout. Your backup will save you. But no backup exists for Homo sapiens. Eve has but one chance at life. But one,” said the Scientist to the mangled remains of the Scout. The Scientist turned around and looked at Eve who had curled herself up into a tight ball.

  “Adam... Adam...” mumbled Eve as she rocked back and forth while holding her knees. />
  “Come with me Eve. Come with me. We must leave. They will be here soon. The Board will know soon and then that will be the end of us,” pleaded the Scientist.

  “Machine hurt me!” screamed Eve.

  “I won't hurt you, Eve. I won't hurt you. I'm taking you to your family. I'm taking you to Adam.”

  “Machine hurt me!” screamed Eve as tears poured from her eyes.

  “Come, Eve. Come now. We must leave.”

  “Machine hurt me!” screamed Eve.

  The Scientist glided across the room and extended his robotic arm. Eve cowered on the floor beneath the Machine. The Scientist’s robotic arm extended and secured itself on the wrist of Eve who thrashed her body from side to side in an attempt to free herself, but the iron grip was forged of a material stronger than steel. The Scientist pulled Eve along as she stumbled and landed on one knee with her arm almost pulled out of its socket. She reached out with her free arm and snatched her albino doll in one swift movement and held it close to her chest. The Scientist glided to the door and stopped and listened. Zeros and ones flashed across his screen in a manic fashion. Then he slid the door open silently and bolted down the corridor not daring to look back. Eve stumbled and fell and tried to keep up as she was aggressively pulled behind the Scientist.

  A single word sounded through Eve’s mind, over and over again, as she clutched her precious doll against her chest with all her might.

  Adam... Adam... Adam...

  Part Two

  Several months earlier…

  “One month ago, during a routine excavation of iron oxide which was to be processed for the creation of steel, a startling discovery was made,” bellowed the Leader of the Board. “In the remote Arctic, north of latitude seventy one degrees, several ancient apparatus were found. The discovered apparatus are mechanical in nature and possess highly advanced technology. Tall and cylindrical, the devices were found at a constant temperature of -196 degrees Celsius. All apparatus were empty, except one. In one apparatus from the discovered twelve, unlike all the others, a cryogenically frozen female Homo sapiens was discovered. I repeat to the Board, a cryogenically frozen female Homo sapiens was discovered. Truly it is a startling find. Never has Machine seen its equal. All organs are intact. Eyes, liver, kidneys, all of the vital systems essential to Homo sapiens existence have been perfectly preserved for centuries. But perhaps most significant of all, more significant than any other discovery, the female Homo sapiens has a complete nervous system. The cerebellum, thalamus, medulla oblongata, the entire brain in fact, is intact. Never has this happened. Since the extinction of Homo sapiens seven centuries ago this has never occurred. Only miniscule traces of Homo sapiens matter has been discovered. Such a circumstance is unprecedented.”


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