Lieutenant Commander Stud

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Lieutenant Commander Stud Page 56

by Chance Carter

  I just had to tell him.

  I finished getting ready and grabbed a cab over to Brendon’s place. I’d been there a few times since our first clandestine mid-day tryst, but I got overwhelmed by the beauty of it every single time. Everything about the building, built during the peak of New York’s art-deco period, reminded me of old world regality. It was timeless, and I could see Brendon living in a place like this well into his eighties, still rocking the bachelor lifestyle he seemed to love.

  I couldn’t, however, see where we’d fit a baby in this building.

  Even with all its many thousands of square feet, I couldn’t picture where we could put a crib, a diaper bin, or even a stroller. Or maybe that was just me projecting my worst fears. Who knew.

  I reflected on my ride up that I wished I could have told my mom about the pregnancy. I’d been desperate to talk to anybody about it, especially since Amy still hadn’t gotten back into service range and I needed someone to tell me everything was going to be okay. Calypso had helped. My mother wouldn’t, which was why I didn’t tell her in the end.

  Brendon greeted me at the door with a huge, shit-eating grin that knocked the breath from my lungs. He pulled me into his arms and laid a wet kiss on my lips.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He patted my butt and ushered me further into the apartment, closing the door behind me. The smell of tomato and garlic hung in the air, and I inhaled it greedily. My stomach, often conflicted these days, instantly began grumbling and begging for food. At least I wouldn’t be throwing up Brendon’s home cooked meal tonight. Huzzah.

  “It smells delicious in here. What are you making?”

  Brendon strode over to the kitchen and stirred a pot on the stove.

  He looked up and smiled bashfully. “The only thing I’m any good at making is my mom’s famous spaghetti marinara.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Your mom has a famous pasta recipe? Aren’t you guys Irish?”

  He laughed. “Even the Irish love spaghetti.”

  He was in an exceptionally good mood, which made me nervous as far as my plan for the evening went. Was it better for him to be in a good mood when I told him, or was it just going to make him plummet into anger?

  I didn’t get much time to think, however, because soon Brendon was pouring me a glass of wine and my heart was racing like crazy in my chest. One glass of wine might not hurt the baby, but I wasn’t willing to take the chance.

  “Oh, I’m okay,” I said.

  “You sure?” He furrowed his brow. “Everything okay?”

  Maybe this would be a good time to tell him.

  My resolve was not so strong. I offered up a weak smile and just said, “I might have one later. My stomach’s been a bit unsettled today.”

  It was a lame excuse but Brendon didn’t question it. He went back to stirring his sauce and I went back to quietly castigating myself for my cowardice.

  It was one of the nicest dinners we’d ever had together. Maybe the nicest. Although he claimed otherwise, Brendon was a good cook and I thoroughly enjoyed my meal. Afterward, he offered me another glass of wine and I declined again. This time my excuse was that I was too full.

  We moved to the couch to watch as the city lights slowly flared on, one by one, and I cuddled up against Brendon’s side like I might never get another chance. This was it. I had to tell him now.

  Brendon turned his face toward me, lips curved and eyes dreamy and full of light. He looked so handsome. I was always awestruck by his pure, masculine beauty, and he’d already begun kissing me before I had the wherewithal to realize there was something I still needed to tell him.

  Brendon’s mouth was hot, flavored with the spicy aftertaste of the scotch he’d been enjoying as a digestif. His hands traveled down my back and hauled me up against him until I was practically straddling him, and he held me there as his tongue explored my mouth. I moaned as the familiar sensation of my nerves waking up like brilliant streaks of starlight in the sky washed over me. It was only ever with Brendon that I’d experienced such powerful sexual need awakening, and I suspected it would only ever be with Brendon.

  His mouth carved a wicked path down my neck, settling in at the base of my throat to lick and suck as he fell back against the cushions. I couldn’t think but to grind against him, lost in the pleasurable haze that descended around us and blocked out the rest of the world. Here, on this sacred couch, there were no obligations.

  No fears.

  No responsibilities.

  There was just us and the passion unfurling between our bodies, and where that passion burned peace followed. His kiss intoxicated me and dragged me down into the furthest depths of my primal mind, reducing my wants and needs to a place beyond words.

  Brendon flipped us, guiding himself between my thighs and crushing my chest against his. He was already hard, something I’d come to expect of him in the time we’d spent together, and he ground his length against me with each fervent press of his lips.

  My core responded, sizzling with fire and need. I wrapped my legs around his hips and threw my head back. It seemed impossible to feel this erotically charged while we were both fully clothed, but I was turned on to one hundred with no signs of coming down soon. It was probably something to do with hormones, but I wasn’t thinking about that. I wasn’t thinking about anything.

  Brendon’s kiss grew hungrier, his movements more frantic. I was glad for it because I soon found that same hunger eating away at my own insides, and when it came, it came so fast and so hard that I considered ripping through his shirt with my teeth just to get to him as quickly as possible.

  Brendon sensed my need and pulled back enough to rid both of us of our shirts, not stopping until he sprung my breasts free from their cotton and wire prison. He moaned with delight as he looked over my naked torso, squeezing my breasts and kissing me so hard I felt like my lips would be a big purple bruise in the morning.

  “You’re so sexy, Aurora.”

  The hair on my arms and scalp stood up with his whispered hiss in my ear. He moved down to my earlobe and nibbled on it as his hands continued to knead my sensitive flesh, then down to work on the zipper of his pants.

  We were going so fast, but our need was fiery and demanded satisfaction. If he was feeling even half as horny as I was, there simply wasn’t time to get to the bed. There wasn’t time for anything. By the time his cock was out and in his hand, I knew that if I didn’t get my pants off and him inside of me in the next thirty seconds, I might collapse in on myself, like a gaping black hole of want.

  The removal of the rest of our clothes was a flurry of motion. A somewhat awkward flurry of motion, but we made it in the end and barely had to stop kissing.

  “I want you now,” I said. “I need you now.” I grabbed the base of his cock and directed him toward my slick entrance.

  Brendon slammed into the hilt without even giving me a second to breathe.

  The mix of pleasure and that sweet, intoxicating pain was exactly what I needed to soothe the overwhelming lust burning under my skin. He gave me everything he had and I gave it back, clawing at his shoulders and crying out with wild abandon. It was the most uninhibited we’d ever been. He thrust, I thrust back. He bit my lip, I bit his neck. And when he said filthy, dirty things in my ear, I did my best to return them.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he growled. “I could fuck you all day.”

  “I could be fucked by you all day,” I parried. “I love it when you stretch me wide like this.”

  He groaned and drove deeper, harder. The couch squeaked in protest with each dive of his hips but neither of us were listening. We were lost in each other and in our own pursuit of pleasure, and nothing short of gale force winds or some other natural disaster could heave us off course now.

  Brendon devoured my mouth but my kisses became weaker as my pleasure rose. I was unable to focus on returning the kiss, unable to focus on anything but the blooming knot of heat in my core that grew and tightened with each roll of my hips. Th
e angle of his body meant his pubic bone ground against my clit, and the little bud was swollen and full of need and wouldn’t last much longer.

  I barely had time to register that I was climbing my peak when it hit me. The blast would have been enough to knock me down if I’d been standing. My whole body slackened with the release, falling back in exhaustion against the couch cushions as undulating waves of ecstasy pulsed through me. It took me a few seconds to realize that I’d forgotten to breathe, and when I started again it was with a great gulp.

  Brendon’s stubbled cheek scratched against my neck as he buried his face in his shoulder and drove in one final time. He bit down on the cleft of my shoulder as he did, and it felt so primal and sexy that another orgasm snapped in my belly and sent me reeling all over again. I screamed, but it sounded like it was coming from someone else and not from me. I could almost hear my impassioned cry echoing around the apartment as I came back to earth. I kissed his neck as he breathed, still, licking up some of the salt like it was my favorite treat.

  Brendon slowly untangled his body from mine, sliding over into the crevice at the back of the couch and pulling me over on top of him. Once I was settled with my head over his heart, we lay there in silence together. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, not at first. And even when it became one, I was the only one who was uncomfortable. And the reason I was uncomfortable was because I knew that I had to tell him now. If he kicked me out, so be it.

  “Hey, Brendon.” I tipped my head up to look at him.

  Brendon’s smile was so warm that I immediately looked away. “Yes?”

  “I…” I didn’t know how to say it. Did I just come out with it? Did I sugar coat it? How did people make announcements like this?

  “Can I say something first?” Brendon asked.

  His voice was soft, softer I think than I’d ever heard it. I returned my gaze to his, curious to see what had him so sweet.

  “Go for it.”

  He lifted a hand to my face, drawing a strand of my hair behind my ear. Goosebumps ran down my spine and I closed my eyes to lean into his touch.

  “I love you, Aurora Frayser.”

  My eyes snapped open and I stared at him in dismay. Not in dismay at hearing him say that he loved me—that was wonderful. It was a dream come true. I was dismayed because I knew now that I was more terrified than ever of losing him. How could I tell him when it would completely ruin this perfect moment?

  Brendon must have misinterpreted my expression to mean that I didn’t feel the same way. I saw the disappointment wash over his features for less than a second, but by the time I opened my mouth to say something—anything so that he’d know I held deep feelings for him too—his expression was back to warm and loving. He stopped my words with a finger to my lips.

  “Hush,” he urged. “Don’t say anything. I don’t need you to say anything. I just wanted you to know how I feel, and that I’ve never felt that way about anyone. You’re very special to me, Aurora.”

  He moved his finger, and I bent my head to kiss his chest so he wouldn’t see the tears welling in my eyes.

  “You’re very special to me too,” I whispered against his skin.

  Chapter 19


  The report was crisply bound, with a plastic cover and title page that had my diligent secretary’s name all over it. Not literally, of course. The literal title was a boring string of words that basically accounted to, “the result of Aurora’s brilliance.” Only a few stores had implemented her suggestions so far, but it was early days. This was the first collection of data from the campaign, and I couldn’t wait to see the results. I figured it was going to be positive, but anxiety fluttered in my gut all the same.

  It wouldn’t be a big problem if Aurora’s suggestions hadn’t worked out. Marketing teams could take years coming up with a campaign, only to have it flop in the first few weeks. That didn’t mean that the people involved were inherently under-qualified or bad at their jobs. It just meant that the next move was going to have to be in a different direction. No reason to stop trying.

  I opened the report and started to read.

  Aurora arrived at my office door looking slightly bewildered. She knew I’d gotten the report, so no doubt my summoning of her without so much of a hint as to why was troubling to say the least.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  I smiled broadly and nodded, eyes eating her up from head to toe. Her curves were packed perfectly into a black, scoop necked dress that stretched wide over her hips. Her breasts were looking particularly plump and I considered closing the blinds so I could get my mouth on them.

  I cleared my throat. Not the time.

  “Yeah, I wanted to discuss the details of the report with you.” I gestured to the chair across from me. “Come in.”

  Aurora closed the door behind her and sat down. I passed the bound notes over, and she raised a brow.

  “Do I want to know?”

  I laughed. “I think you do.” I tapped on the cover with my index finger. “The results of the program have been so positive that the other stores are clamoring to be the next to be made over a la Aurora Frayser. The Beverly Hills store alone has reported a traffic increase of 15%. You should be proud.”

  She beamed, her smile lighting up my room like a flash of sunlight.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she said. “You’ve been so supportive this whole time and—”

  I waved at her to stop. “No, don’t do that.” I tapped on the report again. “This is you, Aurora. This is your project. You’ve been slaving your ass off over this and I know at times it must have felt like you were in way over your head, but you came out on the other end with a win and I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  She looked down at the hands clasped in her lap, and when she looked back to me it was with a wide grin but tearful eyes.

  “Please tell me those are happy tears.” I got up and walked around to her side of the desk anyway, not able to take the sight of my woman crying sitting down. Squatting next to her, I took her hands in mine.

  “I’m just a little overwhelmed, is all.” She sniffed, smiling through the tears. “Things have been moving at breakneck speed ever since I moved to New York, you know?”

  I brought her knuckles to my lips and kissed them. “I know,” I said. “And I’m afraid it’s not going to slow down just yet. I’m desperate to get you over to my parents’ house so they can meet you. Julian’s been asking about you too, and I thought I could bring you over for dinner tomorrow so I can introduce everyone to the girl who snatched up my heart and injected new life into my business. What do you think?”

  I wouldn’t be totally heartbroken if she denied my request, but my family was important to me. Things in my life were going exceptionally well and I wasn’t fool enough to think it would always be like this, but I wanted to capitalize on the good feelings while they lasted. I wanted to have all the people I loved in one room just because I could.

  Aurora didn’t so much as flinch. She nodded enthusiastically, her smile reaching for the corners of her face.

  “I would love that. I’ve been looking forward to meeting your mom and seeing where all your little quirks come from.”

  I laughed. “I hope you don’t end up regretting that.”

  Aurora leaned down and kissed me. It surprised me, since normally she was more proper at work. It was a good surprise though, and I kissed her back greedily, licking the salt of her perplexing tears from her lips.

  Something had been off with Aurora for a while now, but I wasn’t sure even she knew what it was. If she did, she would tell me, wouldn’t she? She seemed happy. She was happy. She was just a little different, a little stranger. I wondered if, like my family, she naturally assumed that I wasn’t good partner material based on my history of bachelorhood…and probably also the fact that the first time I met her I was paying for sex. I wouldn’t blame her, and I intended to do everything in my power to prove to her that I was se

  I pulled back and rose to my feet, striding back around my side of the desk. “I’ll have to call my mom and arrange a day, but I was thinking tomorrow. Does that work for you?”

  Aurora nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. Totally. Can’t wait.”

  She got up and left without any further prompting from me. I wondered if maybe inviting her over to meet my family had overloaded her.

  No—Aurora could handle anything.

  Chapter 20


  It was just dinner.

  I’d told myself that several times today. Hell, it was my new mantra.

  Nothing crazy, just dinner.

  Nothing life changing or ridiculous, just dinner.

  Somehow, no matter how much I said it, it didn’t help. I nearly jammed my mascara brush into my eyes a few times while I was getting ready because my hand was shaking with nerves.

  Why couldn’t I have told him before he invited me over to meet his whole family? It was too late now. Even if I told him before we got to his parent’s place, who was to say he wouldn’t just turn the car around and dump me back on my doorstep? The longer I left things, the worse he took the news in my mind. I was such a ball of anxiety about the baby in my belly that I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to get the nerve to tell him.

  At this rate, I would never tell him. I’d end up having to do things like they did in the olden days—disappear to a convent for several months and return with the baby of a “distant relation” who happened to look just like me. Would Brendon buy that?


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