Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Salvation [Sweet Awakenings 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Salvation [Sweet Awakenings 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 1

by Nicole Morgan

  Sweet Awakenings 2

  Sweet Salvation

  Falling in love with his best friend wasn’t what Rex had intended, but it seemed that when it came to Shelby all bets were off. After a rocky start, the two fall in love, completely unaware of the danger that lurks in the distance.

  Plagued with nightmares, Shelby begins to remember memories of abuse she suffered as a teenager, which were long ago buried and forgotten. Dealing with the pain of her past brings her and Rex closer together.

  Someone else wants Shelby for himself though and is determined to get her by any means necessary. As he sets his plan into motion, the question of who will survive and who will be destroyed remains unanswered as a surprise from Shelby’s past may be the key to finding Sweet Salvation.

  Warning: This book depicts scenes containing child molestation.

  Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 100, 534 words


  Sweet Awakenings 2

  Nicole Morgan


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2010 by Nicole Morgan

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-925-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2010

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2010 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter from Nicole Morgan

  Regarding E-book Piracy

  Dear Readers,

  It is unfortunate that in this day and age that we have to include these types of letters to our readers, but the actions of many others have left publishers and authors with no other choice.

  E-book piracy has become a trend that is reprehensible. Figures were released earlier this year that show e-book piracy costs U.S. publishers $2.8 billion in lost sales. This doesn’t account for the amount of money that should go to the authors for the stories they have created.

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  With deep gratitude,

  Nicole Morgan


  Sweet Salvation is a story that needed to be told. After finishing Book 1 of the Sweet Awakenings series, Sweet Redemption, I realized that Shelby’s story needed to be told. What happens to her after she suffered all that she had in Book one? What will her future be after nearly dying at the hands of a mad man?

  I would like to dedicate this book to my family. Without their love and support I would have never been able to bring my ideas to life and eventually to your reading eyes.

  Also, I have to thank everyone at my Publisher who has been so wonderful to me. Alison from Siren has been a delight to work with, and my books would never look as good as they do if it wasn’t for my fantastic cover artist Jinger Heaston. Thank you!


  Sweet Awakenings, Book 2


  Copyright © 2010


  Six months ago

  The haze was slowly lifting as she began to wake up. She tried to open her eyes but realized she couldn’t. They felt so heavy. Why did they feel so heavy? She could hear a voice. It was a man’s voice. No, not just one man, there was more than one of them. Where was she? That smell, disinfectant maybe? She heard beeping but wasn’t sure where it was coming from. Why couldn’t she open her eyes? What was happening to her? Her body hurt so badly. Why did she hurt? She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. Trying to calm the emotions churning inside her, she concentrated on the men’s voices. What were they saying?

  “Is she going to be okay?” the first man asked.

  A different man answered him. “God willing, man, God willing. The doc is still worried about her head injury. I sure hope so, though.” There was silence as she heard a deep exhale. Then he continued. “Look at her, man. How–God, how could any man do that to a woman?”

  “Listen, we’ll be saying our prayers. You call us if there’s anything we can do, okay? We’re going to head downstairs and check on Tamara and see if Jack needs anything before we head out.” This from a different man altogether. There must be three of them in the room.

  She heard the door close, and then there was silence. Was she alone? And if she was, alone where? Where was she? Suddenly, she felt a presence come over her. Like someone was standing and leaning right over her. Then she felt a warm brush of lips across her forehead. She wanted to wince at the pain but couldn’t. Surprised by the discomfort, she wondered how a kiss could hurt.

  “You sleep well, Shelby. Rest and get stronger. I’m going to get some coffee, and I’ll be right back.” The second man whispered to her as he gently brushed some hair off of her face. Who was he? Who were all of them? She hadn’t recognized any of the voices. He had called her Shelby, and suddenly, she was hit with a horrifying realization. She didn’t know who she was. And what’s more is she didn’t know where she was or why she was there. Before her mind could continue to ponder her questions and truly panic, she felt herself letting go and gave into the blackness as she drifted into a deep sleep.

  Four days later

  She could hear voices again. One was the same. It was the same soothing voice she came to expect every time she started to wake. But the other one seemed different. She didn’t think she had heard this voice before. She tried to quiet her racing thoughts to concentrate on what they were saying.

  “…still here?” the new man asked. She tried to think. Did she know his voice? After listening to it carefully for several moments, she realized she
didn’t. She wished she could just open her eyes and see who was standing before her. Her body still hurt, and she still didn’t know why. She had so many questions she wanted to ask.

  “Yeah, and I’m going to stay here, too. I won’t, I can’t leave her. Don’t ask me to explain it, I’m not sure that I can, but I think she needs me,” the man she had heard so many times answered back. Every time she began to wake up, he was there. He was either talking to someone, or sometimes, he was talking to her. She was able to figure out from his words that her name definitely was Shelby. That had surprised her at first. But now the name seemed more familiar. She wasn’t sure if it was because he had called her that so many times that she was starting to believe it, or if she really knew she was Shelby. There was one thing for certain, though. She still had no idea who he was.

  She waited to hear more. Listening to him always gave her clues. She still didn’t understand what was going on. Like why she couldn’t open her eyes, or why her body hurt. But listening to his voice always calmed her and made the fear and uncertainties diminish, if only a bit. She was starting to think of him as her lifeline. She wondered if she would still be fighting to wake up if he wasn’t there.

  “If you need anything at all, all you have to do is call. And if there are any changes, make sure you let us know. Tamara would want to know.” This came from the other man. He had said Tamara. Some men that were here before had mentioned that name, too. Why did it sound so familiar? Was Tamara a relative, a sister, or maybe a friend? Oh, how she wished she had the answers to all of these questions swirling around in her mind.

  “Sure, of course I will. Is she doing okay?” her lifeline asked.

  “Yeah, she got lucky. Shelby here is the one who suffered the most. I got to tell you, man, it breaks my heart seeing a woman beat up like that. I thought Tamara had bruises. But my God, I can’t believe how much of Shelby’s body is covered in them. That man is a damn monster.”

  She was beaten? No wonder her body hurt so badly. She felt a familiar touch on her hand. The man who had sat vigil by her bedside, the man she had come to expect every time she was able to lightly lift the veil of unconsciousness. He was holding her hand, caressing her knuckles. His touch was so soothing.

  “I know, man. Maybe that’s partially why I can’t leave her. I feel like she needs someone here to protect her, to be there for her, to keep her safe. You know what I mean?” His voice did nothing to hide the anguish he felt for her.

  She wished she knew who he was. This wonderful man who obviously cared for her so much. She was starting to feel it again, that gentle tug of her consciousness. She was being pulled under. She hated when this happened. She wanted to stay awake. She loved to listen to him talk and keep her company. She was starting to realize, though, that it was probably the drugs she had been given for pain that kept causing her to slip back under. But she didn’t want to miss anymore. She wanted to listen to him and get lost in the comfort of his voice. It was too late. She could barely hear him now as she drifted off.

  Six days later

  The room was quiet. How could the room be quiet? Every time, she awoke before she could hear him. Did he finally leave her? Had he given up? She tried again to open her eyes, knowing it would be useless. It always was. But still she tried just the same. She was tiring from the effort and was about to give up when she could feel movement. Her eyelids were beginning to flutter. Was she finally going to be able to open them this time? She kept trying. God, it was so tiring. It seemed as though there were twenty-pound weights on her eyelids.

  Then she heard a faint sound. It sounded like a groan. No, not a groan, but a snore maybe? Someone was snoring. Oh, thank God, he was here. He hadn’t left her. He was just sleeping. She should have known he wouldn’t leave her. From everything he had been saying, she shouldn’t have doubted it for a minute. If she could just open her eyes, she would finally get to see him. Then she was sure she would remember who he was. She kept trying until she finally saw a sliver of light. It was dim, but it was so beautiful.

  Just one more push and her eyelids would open. She was sure of it. Push, push, come on, Shelby, you can do it. Then finally, ah, at last, her eyes were open. She had to squint. There was barely any light in the room at all, but it still seemed so bright, so blinding. She turned her head just slightly and looked over to the side of the bed. She saw a very large man sitting in a chair. His hair shorter than short, not completely shaved, but close. And so dark it was jet black. He had a scruffy looking beard, and though he was sitting, it was apparent he was incredibly tall. She couldn’t really see his legs, but his torso and arms appeared to be covered in muscle. She looked at him for a moment, studying him, waiting for the memories to come flooding back. But after a couple of minutes, nothing had registered. It was at that awful moment that she realized she had absolutely no idea who he was. Not once in all the times she heard him talking to people was his name ever mentioned. And now, staring at him and looking at his face was like looking at a stranger.

  She started to cry. She had so many hopes for when she finally woke up. How could she not know this man who had stayed by her side for so long? She didn’t hurt as bad as she used to. Now, she felt more soreness than pain. Continuing to stare at him as tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt helpless. She must have made a slight noise because he jerked from his sleep, startling her.

  “Shelby?” he said in a gravelly voice. “Oh, you’re awake. They didn’t know if–they weren’t sure if. I can’t believe you’re really awake. I’ve got to get the doctor. Wait here, don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” He looked at her then, realizing what he had just said. “I know, dumb thing to say. Hang tight, honey. I’ll be just a second.” He leaned over to kiss her forehead before he turned away.

  She tried to talk to get him to stay, but he was too fast. And all that came out of her was a muted squeak, not even loud enough to be a whisper. He came back seconds later with a doctor in a long white coat and what looked to be like a dozen nurses. They were moving all around her bed in rapid motion checking monitors and making notes in her chart. They were talking to each other in medical terms that didn’t make any sense to her. Why wasn’t anyone talking to her? What was going on with her? Why was she here, and what had happened to her? Was she going to be okay? She was starting to get scared. Where was he? As if reading her thoughts, she heard his voice from the doorway.

  “It’s okay, Shelby. Let them check you over and make sure you’re okay. You surprised them by waking up so quickly.” What he didn’t say was that she surprised them by waking up, period. “They’ll just be a few more minutes, and I’ll be right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Then he winked at her and smiled. God, who was he? Not knowing him, what his name was, or anything else that was going on was driving her crazy!

  “Shelby, my name is Dr. Kentworth. Do you know where you are?”

  She tried to speak but instead mouthed the word, “Hospital.”

  “Good, very good. Do you know what day it is, what month, what year?”

  She started to panic, realizing she didn’t know. How could she not know? Wait, she was almost positive it was 2008. She once again tried but was only able to whisper the numbers to him. “Two thousand eight?” It was as much of a question as it was a statement.

  “Excellent. Very good.” The doctor smiled at her. “You, young lady, are quite the little miracle. You rest now. It is late, and we don’t want you to do too much right away. Tomorrow we will run some tests. If you need anything at all, I’m sure Mr. Metcalf here will call us.” He patted her on the top of her head and walked out. All of the nurses followed him out as if he led them by a chain.

  Mr. Metcalf. So that’s his name. Well, it was at least his last name anyway. Why doesn’t it sound familiar? She was concentrating, trying to place that name from somewhere in her memory, when she was interrupted from her thoughts by the sight of him coming to her bedside and sitting next to her. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. The piercing e
motions overtook her, and she began to cry.

  “Shh, don’t cry, Shelby. You’re going to be fine. There’s no need for tears. Save your energy and concentrate on getting stronger. I promise it will be okay. They said as long as you were able to wake up on your own that was a good sign for a full recovery.” As he said the words, he prayed he was right. There were still uncertainties about her recovery. The doctors hadn’t even expected her to wake up at all. The trauma her body had sustained was too severe, and she had slipped into a coma.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  He was shocked by her words. He definitely hadn’t expected her first words to him to be an apology. “What are you sorry for, sweetheart? You have nothing to apologize for.”

  She was trying to say something. Her face looked strained as her mouth opened but no words came. He was suddenly worried. She just spoke moments ago and now no sound was escaping her.

  “Shelby? What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t know you. I don’t remember you. I know I should, and I’m so sorry.” She was sobbing now.

  He leaned closer to her over the bed railing. “Shh, it’s okay, honey. It’s not your fault. You wouldn’t remember me. We’ve never met before. My name is Rex, Rex Metcalf. And I don’t mind telling you that I have never looked more forward to meeting anyone in all my life. There was a while there when I thought maybe you wouldn’t wake up at all.” He smiled at her, showing off dimples. “But that doesn’t matter now. You did wake up, and you’re going to be fine.”

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered. “If we’ve never met, why–you’ve been here, I could hear you. You never left me. How do you know me?”

  He reached his hand to her forehead and gently brushed some hair off of her face. “My best friend Jack is marrying your friend Tamara.” He continued to smile at her. Despite his disheveled appearance, he looked ruggedly handsome.

  “Tamara. I heard that name mentioned before.” Chills raced up her spine and through her body. “Tamara–oh, God, Tamara. What have I done? He was going to–is she okay?” It was all coming back to her in bits and pieces, but she was remembering the brutal force of the attack they had both suffered. “Oh, God, Rex. Please tell me she’s okay. I never meant any of the things I’ve done or said to her.” She closed her eyes and fought against the tears. “Oh, Tamara, I’m so sorry.” Her voice was but a squeaky whisper of sounds as she apologized to the friend who wasn’t there.


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