Lila's Wolf (Out of Time Book 1)

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Lila's Wolf (Out of Time Book 1) Page 5

by Sofia Grey

  Karma was a bitch sometimes. He’d wanted them to run away and evade the ghardians. Now he relied on them for rescue.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Marc’s words hung in the air. On our own. No backup. No squadron of elite ghardians coming to our rescue. My tongue felt wooden when I tried to speak. “So what are we going to do?”

  The gentle thumb-brushing resumed. Soothing. “My first thought was for us to leave here in a few days and wait out the period somewhere local then head for the jump site. We come back to get Jared with a full squadron.”

  I nodded as he spoke. “Your first thought? Have you another idea now?”

  He made a little face. “I’ll see if I can fix the communicator and then try to send another message tomorrow night. It may have gone through. I just don’t know. There was no return signal and I couldn’t be sure I established contact, so we have to assume I didn’t.” He paused a moment, as though collecting his thoughts. “We need to understand why Rowena thinks you’re connected to Jared, and if she perceives you as a threat. If not, we follow my plan.”

  “And if I am a threat?” It came out as a whisper, and Marc’s hand tightened around my own.

  “Then we leave as soon as possible. Bribe whomever we need to for horses and get the hell out of here.”

  “Without Jared?”

  “We don’t have many options, Lila. Snatching him and making a run for it would be tantamount to suicide.”

  I took a deep breath and ran a trembling hand across my hair. I couldn’t shake the mental image of Rowena’s cruel smile when she’d dispatched Jared to the cellar.

  “I need to ask you something.” Marc’s tone was quiet, and my stomach churned. I lifted my head and met his gaze, seeing his serious expression, a trace of anxiety in his dark eyes. The corners of his mouth quirked up a fraction, but he still looked worried. “I wondered about your feelings for Jared.”

  “My feelings?” Gods, what could I say? My heart raced, and I tried to find the right words. Nothing came out, and the silence grew, hopeless, but explaining so much without the need for words.

  “I thought so.” Marc’s voice was soft “And I guess it will be hard for you to see him in the penal colony?”

  I found my voice. “Would he still be sentenced? He’s a slave here, for God’s sake.”

  “He would still have to serve time. It may be reduced by a couple of years, but you know they like to make examples of runaways. It’s a deterrent, and a very effective one.”

  Tears pressed at the back of my eyes. I couldn’t leave Jared here, but what kind of future awaited him at home? My thirst for revenge had muted to a dull ache the minute I’d realized his appalling situation.

  “There may be another way. You know that ghardians are allowed to propose their own partners. And I would like to propose for you, Lila.” I stared at Marc, speechless, as he slowly raised my hand to his mouth and pressed a warm kiss onto my knuckles. “If we’re in a committed relationship, we could petition for Jared’s sentence to be reduced. It would be a stronger argument.”

  His eyes searched my face and now I saw how anxious he was. Tight lines bracketed his mouth, his eyes darkened and his breathing became erratic. I licked my lips, my mind running in circles as I tried to process his suggestion. A commitment? To Marc?

  “I don’t know what to say,” I whispered. “I never imagined you…me…together.”

  “You don’t have to say anything now. Just promise me you’ll think about it.” He kissed my hand again. “You know how much I respect you. We’d make a good pairing. And in time,” he broke off and swallowed hard, and then reached out to take my other hand. “In time, we may want to explore a more intimate relationship.” His words hung in the air.

  “You’re a ghardian. You know better than most that…well…people don’t do that…” My panicked words faded away when Marc lifted my hands to his lips again. I remembered his soft kiss against my hair and the way he’d held me in the cart. He cared for me, more than I’d guessed. More than anyone would have guessed.

  “Just because that’s the norm, doesn’t mean it’s right. Please, Lila, just think about it.” I nodded, unable to drag my eyes away. He sucked in a quick breath. “You’d have a better chance of visiting him, too.” A crooked smile emerged. “Being committed to a ghardian would give you a lot of advantages in society.”

  “But…what about you?”

  “Me?” He sounded surprised. “I like to think if you’re capable of having feelings for him, you may one day develop them for me. I’m willing to take that chance.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Jared made himself ignore the rats and cockroaches that scuttled past him in the dark, and he tried to sleep. Sleep would help him ignore his empty stomach, but it continued to elude him. It felt like hours later when he heard a noise at the door and saw a sliver of weak light. The door opened, and a small person moved toward him.

  “Wolf?” It was Kai.

  “Over here.” He blinked, dazzled. It’d take a minute before he could see properly again. Why was she here?

  “I have some water for you.”

  When the drink was close he realized how great his thirst was. Like hunger, he’d blocked it from his mind. He reached out to guide the small bowl to his lips and drank greedily, closing his eyes in bliss. Cool, clean water in his parched mouth, sliding down his throat.

  His eyes snapped open and focused on the shadowy figure before him. “Why are you here, Kai?”

  She sidled nearer to stand between his feet and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I want to warn you. Connad has been making a fuss, telling the guards he needs to speak with the Mistress Rowena. About you, Wolf. He wouldn’t tell any of the slaves. I slipped out when the guards took him to her quarters.” She paused, and he frowned as he ran his tongue around the bowl, gathering the last drops of moisture. “Be careful,” she whispered. Moments later, she left, taking the faint shaft of light away and plunging him into blackness once more.

  He knew Connad hated him, and knew why. Connad had been Hilde’s personal slave before Jared had been captured. Now relegated to kitchen duties, the other slave took every opportunity to needle Jared.

  Unease swirled in his guts. Connad stirring up trouble never boded well and the timing sucked. Now, more than ever before, Jared needed to be able to move around freely. It gnawed at him that Rowena had her sights on Lila. Every minute Jared was locked in the cellar was another that Lila might be in danger.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I lay on the straw-filled bed, stared at the ceiling, and willed myself to fall asleep. Failed. It was only when Marc lay down beside me and curled around my back that I finally relaxed enough to doze. I’d never shared a bed before; it felt alien and crowded…and safe. Thoughts spun and whirled, ideas shooting out in random directions.

  “Don’t worry.” Marc’s voice was rough with sleep. “I’ll make everything okay.”

  I let out a ragged breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, it was morning, and there was a cold space next to me. I lurched upright, a ball of panic taking hold until I saw him kneeling in front of the window, examining the parts for the communicator. He glanced over his shoulder and flashed a brief smile. “Good morning. It’s still early. I’m taking advantage of the natural light to try and fix this.”

  A shiver ran down my spine. I thought he’d left me, abandoned me here like Jared had. I breathed deeply, feeling my racing heart slow to a normal speed, and lay back, a lazy yawn escaping. Then I froze.

  I heard heavy footsteps approaching, the jingle of belts and medals, and a low murmur of voices. It sounded like a group of guards. Marc hurried to scoop the tiny components into their case—a thin, flat box—and shove it inside the false heel for his boot. He’d only just hidden it when an armored fist hammered on the door. We looked at each other. I could feel the blood draining from my face, and my heart pounded again.
/>   One finger on his lips, Marc checked the stunner inside his sleeve then strode to the door and threw it open. I scrambled out of bed and stood next to the window, hands behind my back. I counted four guards in the corridor.

  “Is there a problem?” Marc sounded relaxed, but I saw the tension vibrate through his body.

  “You’re being detained. Come with us quietly, or we’ll drag you. Choice is yours.”

  I couldn’t hold back a gasp. Marc was already replying. “Detained?” He sounded amused and puzzled, as though someone was playing a joke on him. “I was led to believe we are valued guests. I would like to speak to Mistress Rowena.”

  The heavyweight guard at the front reminded me of every image I’d seen of the Saxon warriors. Wild yellow hair sprang out from his head and a thick fuzz of beard covered his face, doing nothing to soften the cold purpose in his eyes. “Our orders are from Mistress Rowena.” His gaze slid past Marc to settle on me and a fleeting smile traveled across his lips, quickly extinguished.

  “I’m sure there’s some mistake.” I had to admire Marc’s calm. If it wasn’t for the window behind me, I didn’t think I’d be able to remain standing, my knees were shaking so much. “I’ll come with you to see Mistress Rowena,” Marc continued, “but my wife stays here.”

  He turned around, walked to me and embraced me, dropping a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Go to the jump site. Don’t stay here.” They wouldn’t have been able to hear his urgent whisper. I gave a small nod, and then I panicked. I threw my arms around his neck and held him close. I couldn’t shake the idea I’d never see him again. He felt strong and warm, his muscles hard to my touch. After a moment’s hesitation, he squeezed me tight.

  “Be careful,” I breathed into his ear. “Stay safe.”

  “And you.” He eased back, and our eyes met. He flashed me a smile and turned to face the guards, now crowding through the doorway. Shit. Behind those four were another three. Did it really take seven fully armed soldiers to arrest one merchant? Marc spoke to the men, confident and proud. “Take me to your mistress. I wish to speak with her and clear up this misunderstanding.”

  Two of the soldiers moved to take positions behind Marc, each snatching an arm and twisting it high on his back. I heard a surprised grunt of pain and I covered my mouth to stifle my cry.

  “There’s no nee—” His angry words were cut off by an armored fist to the side of his head. Blood spurted out and poured in a bright river down his temple.

  “Marc!” I took a step before I realized the other two men were coming for me. I wouldn’t go quietly. My eyes swung left and right, looking for an escape, but it was no use. One soldier grabbed my wrists, tight and fierce, and shook me like a cat would a mouse. I wriggled, unable to avoid a cry, with pain snaking down from my shoulders. “Let me go. We haven’t done anything!”

  “Quiet, woman.” The other soldier snarled at me, and raised his hand.

  Time slowed down to a series of fragmented images: Marc trying to break free, his face shocked and angry, staring at me in horror.The dull thump of a fist colliding with my cheekbone.The sting as the pain blasted outward, paralyzing my face and driving shooting pains down my neck. Marc shouting my name.The amused laugh of the guard holding me.

  “Feisty little one, this. Do you think we’ll have a turn when the master’s had his fill?” The words buzzed over my head but made as much sense as a swarm of mosquitoes. Blackness surrounded me, and my knees buckled. I had to stay conscious. Where was Marc? What were they doing to him?

  I lifted my head, ignoring the shooting pain from my neck and the pulsing in my cheek where I’d been hit. My last sight of Marc, my brave ghardian, was of him being dragged from our room, a trail of blood in his wake.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Jared heard footsteps approaching the cellar. He listened hard. Several men, heavy with armor. They were most likely bringing another slave. God, please not little Kai, not punishing her for sneaking him a drink of water. He stretched his limbs and stood, cramped and awkward. The door opened wide and two guards marched in. Jared winced at the brightness of their torches, and kept his eyes half-closed while they adjusted to light again.

  A feminine perfume rose over the filthy smell of the cellar, and his head jerked up. Rowena. He assumed the normal eyes-down position, hands loose at his sides and, sure enough, a pair of red slippers appeared in front of him. She didn’t normally venture in here. He had to be in bigger trouble than he’d thought.

  A new fear slapped him in the face. Lila.

  “My mother-in-law has asked for you to attend her.” Rowena’s silky voice wrapped around him. “I’m sure you don’t want to keep her waiting.”

  There had to be a catch. When she didn’t say anything else, he muttered, “Thank you, mistress.”

  “And I require your services after that. You are now my slave, Wolf. I’ve come to an arrangement with Mistress Hilde, and I shall be keeping you very busy.”

  He almost laughed. From one hell to another. Rowena snapped her fingers, and a guard stepped up with a pair of tongs to wrench open the neck chain. Jared licked dry lips and thought longingly of more water. He tilted his neck to the side, to allow access, and stiffened when Rowena curled her hands around the chain. “I have a question, before I release you.” The guard held Jared’s head firmly while Rowena twisted the chain to dig into the flesh under Jared’s chin. He gagged for a second, gasping for breath when she relaxed the pressure.

  “So, Wolf. You have never seen the merchant’s wife, Lila, before now?”

  “No, mistress.” A spike of fear emerged, digging into his stomach.

  “And her husband?”

  “No, mistress.” The spike began to twist and turn, churning his guts and clawing at his chest.

  “That’s good.”

  He didn’t know how to respond, so he held his tongue and concentrated on breathing normally. In, out. Don’t tense up. His subconscious continued to yell at him. Don’t give her the slightest clue you’re lying.

  The guard snapped the link open, and the chain fell away from his collar. Jared sucked in a quick, relieved breath when Rowena dropped the trailing end and wiped her hands on her robe.

  “Off you go.” She sounded pleased, and he hesitated. This was wrong. Something was so not right about this. He flicked a glance at Rowena and caught her beckoning more guards into the cellar. They hauled another slave in, and this one struggled as they were half-carried, half-dragged over the threshold.

  Torchlight glinted off a mass of tousled corn-yellow hair. Jared’s heart juddered and almost stopped. Fuck, no. One of the guards had a hand clamped across her mouth, while another took the opportunity to squeeze her breast. He met Lila’s gaze and saw fear and anger. Had she told Rowena she knew him? She might think he was abandoning her. He stood, powerless as the guards threw her to the floor like a rag doll and rapidly tied her to an iron ring set in the wall. No slave collar…thank God…they were just using rope. Just rope. He swallowed past the horror and tried to catch her attention again—tried to tell her he’d come back for her. This time he’d rescue her. One of the guards yanked on his collar and pulled him back to the corridor, leaving the others with her. In the cellar.

  Chapter Twenty


  I hit the floor with a jolt. The air whooshed out of my lungs, and I found myself lying on my right side, my leg crumpled beneath me. Christ. That would hurt later. I bit hard on my lip to keep my cry stifled. Rowena smirked down at me, nudged me with her foot, and one of the guards busied himself with a length of rope. I gulped and tried to speak, but it came out as a croaky stammer. “W–what are you–”

  He wound a narrow rope brutally tight around both wrists, looped it over and yanked even tighter; I couldn’t hold back a yelp. Then he knotted it to a thicker rope fastened to the wall. I stared in disbelief at the woman standing before me.

  “My Ghar—husband! What have you done with my husband?”

  Rowena gave a de
licate yawn and covered it with her hand. “You know that he was asking about one of my slaves? Well of course you do, you were there at the time.” She feigned surprise. “And I’m intrigued that you still claim not to know him, my little pet wolf. What name did your husband use for him?”

  Of course. The slave we’d spoken to had been unable to keep his mouth shut. I glared at her. “I have no idea.” Jared hadn’t wanted me to say anything earlier and I’d keep quiet now. “I told you: I didn’t know him.” I tried to sound angry. “I demand to know why you’re doing this, and where my husband is.”

  “My guards are talking to your husband. They want to make sure he’s not a spy.”

  “He’s a merchant. We sell–”

  “I know what you claim to be. And chances are he’ll be more interested in talking after you’ve been locked up for a while.”

  “He won’t be able to tell you anything. We don’t know anything.”

  She cocked her head to one side, assessing me, much as she might a cockroach or some other inferior creature at her feet. “I’ve had word that my husband is due back tomorrow night. If your beloved hasn’t cracked by then, we’ll see how he fares when my husband beds you, and he can watch.” I shrank back from the look of pure evil on her face. “My lord and master has an appetite for fresh meat.”

  I gazed, speechless, as Rowena delicately picked her way across the dirty floor. Guards flanked her sides with torches that lit her way. She reached the arched doorway and turned back to face me, her features blurred in the flickering light. “You do know how dark it gets in here? And all it takes is one word from you.”

  “One word?” I was desperate to keep her talking.

  “The name you use for my slave.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She sighed with exaggerated patience and one slippered foot tapped the floor. “Tell me his name, and I’ll leave a light in here with you.”


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