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by Nina Bruhns

  "Good wishes—are you kidding?" Tanya laughed, tucking her arm through Katarina's and leading them all toward the main door. "They're grateful as hell! We all are! Cole's been a moody bastard for months, and we're just glad someone else has to put up with him now. Isn't that right, Billy?" She winked.

  Billy chuckled, a deep rumbling sound so like Cole's. "A new wife and baby ought to keep him too busy to make much trouble."

  Katarina's eyes sought her husband. He was shaking hands with Judge Aire, making some witty remark as the judge headed out the back door. Cole's face became determinedly impassive when he turned to rejoin the group, his smile carefully measured. Still, her heart skipped a beat.

  He was so incredibly handsome. His tall, muscular frame carried his dark suit with an effortless grace. The fluorescent light reflected off the lean angles of his face, exotic and mysterious in their starkness. His short hair had grown out a bit over the past month, looking thick and sexy as it grazed the collar of his white shirt. She imagined what it might be like to bury her fingers once again in its rich depths, pulling his face close as he whispered loving words in her ear.

  "What?" she murmured as Tanya tugged lightly on her elbow. The young woman's smile beamed at her, her eyes sparkling with understanding. Katarina dropped her lashes in embarrassment over being caught with her heart on her sleeve. Especially since that's where it was likely to stay.

  Tanya gave her arm a squeeze. "It'll be fine, you'll see. He's a good man."

  Katarina sighed wistfully. "I know. He'll be a terrific dad." The blazing California sunshine continued to defy the winter chill, so when they got back to the house, Brad set up tables and chairs in the backyard. The small wedding party basked in the afternoon sun, eating the mounds of delicious hors d'oeuvres and chocolate wedding cake Alex had prepared that morning. Champagne flowed freely, compliments of Billy.

  Katarina sat next to Cole, listening absently to the conversations going on around her as the afternoon wore on.

  His voice broke quietly into her thoughts. "Tired?"

  She smiled up at him. "A little. Not every day a girl gets married."

  He nodded. "Where can I find your things? I brought the truck, so hopefully it won't take me too many trips."

  She bit back a laugh and stood. "I'll show you." She led him to the suitcases and carton, which she'd placed at the base of the apartment stairs. "Voilà."

  He stared incredulously at her tiny collection of belongings. "Where's the rest?"

  "The bed is still upstairs." At his dubious look she quickly added, "We took it apart, though."

  "The bed?"

  She nodded, starting to become nervous. Maybe he didn't want her furniture cluttering up his house. But she couldn't leave it—it was all she had of her own.

  "A bed, two suitcases and a cardboard box? That's it?"

  She nodded again. "You don't mind, do you? The bed, I mean."

  "Of course not. I just can't believe you don't have more stuff."

  She shrugged, relief rolling over her. "I left nearly everything behind at David's." She led the way up the stairs and opened the door to her apartment. "Once I'd decided to leave I just walked away with the clothes on my back and what would fit in my purse, so I wouldn't have time to change my mind. Brad went back for my bed a few days later. I've had it since I was a kid."

  Cole folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall just inside the door. "You had your own bed at David's?"

  She looked away. "It was in a guest room there, too."

  He laughed a humorless laugh. "You and I, we've had some strange marriages."

  "I never married him." She felt her sleeve slide lazily off her shoulder, and she absently tugged it back up.

  His eyes followed the movement, briefly filling with something hot and hungry. But the look had been squelched by the time his gaze again met hers.

  Brad stuck his head around the door. "Need some help with that monstrosity, Cole?"

  Cole pushed off the wall, giving her a last searching look. "Yeah, thanks, I'd appreciate it. Rini, why don't you go back down and relax. I'm sure I can talk Brad into coming along to the house and helping me put this thing back together. We shouldn't be gone more than a few minutes."

  Brad clapped him on the shoulder. "Be happy to. Go on, Rini, before everyone thinks you two have sneaked off to be alone."

  Sneaked off to be alone. Oh, Lord.

  Katarina did her best to take part in the lively conversation at the tables outside, but her mind kept creeping back to the thought of being alone with Cole. At his house. In his territory.

  What would she do if he didn't want to respect their agreement?

  More to the point, what would she do if she didn't?

  Oh, Lord.

  Cole was straight as an arrow. If she said she wouldn't share his bed, she knew he'd honor her wishes. Wasn't he at that very moment putting her bed together so she could sleep safely out of his reach? She so wanted this marriage to work. But how could any man possibly love a wife who wouldn't even sleep with him?

  Should she give in to her own desire? Show him just how far she had already fallen in love with him, and hope that someday he could return her love? Or stick to her resolve and wait until he was able to feel more for her than responsibility and maybe a little lust?

  Once again the familiar panic of wanting to please squeezed her chest before she could tamp it firmly down. She never wanted to be that insecure person from her childhood again. Ever. But it was easy to slip into old habits. Too easy. She lifted the hair off the back of her neck and sighed.

  "He'll be back soon," Tanya reassured her with a smile.

  "That's what I'm afraid of," Katarina mumbled, but she managed a lopsided smile of her own at her new cousin-in-law. How much did Tanya know about their situation? It sure would be nice to have someone to confide in. "Do you live in Pasadena, too?"

  Tanya nodded. "A few blocks from Cole."

  "I hope you'll feel free to drop in anytime. I have the impression you and he are close. I wouldn't want you to feel I've come between you."

  "Don't worry, you're just what that man needs." She toasted Katarina with her champagne glass. "I'm thrilled he's finally come to his senses."

  "I assume," a deep voice rumbled behind them, "that it's me who's so sensible?"

  "How'd you guess?" Tanya turned to slide an arm around Cole, who had returned with Brad.

  Cole's gaze landed squarely on Katarina, and the bones seemed to melt right out of her body at his gentle look, leaving her helpless to move or even respond. Falling in love? Oh, yes.

  "Ready to go home, Mrs. Lonetree?"

  Everyone in the small gathering hushed at his words, grinning at the two of them as if they imagined she and Cole were a perfectly normal bride and groom seeking to escape to a perfectly romantic wedding night. Katarina glanced around. They were all wishing so hard for her happiness that she wanted to give them the romantic departure they expected. She didn't have the heart to disappoint them with the truth.

  Pushing to her feet, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, Mr. Lonetree. Ready as ever."

  * * *

  Chapter 10

  « ^ »

  Cole frowned and squinted stubbornly at the depositions in his lap, trying to ignore the faint noises from the kitchen. Rini had been in there forever—practically since they'd arrived home after the wedding. What the hell was she doing? Rearranging the cupboards?

  Avoiding him, more likely.

  Not that it mattered.

  He gave the papers in his hands a snap and returned his attention to them, leaning back in his easy chair and recrossing his ankles on the ottoman.

  But the subtle sounds continued to distract him. Finally he flung aside the papers and yanked his feet off the stool. Suddenly his nostrils filled with the heavenly scent of spices and brown sugar.

  Baking. The woman was baking.

  He settled back, blinking at the kitchen door. Well, hell. Grinning, he picked up the pa
pers and resumed his work, wondering idly what delights his new wife was concocting for him. This marriage thing wasn't so bad, after all. Once you got the hang of it.

  Still, no sense letting on that he was elated over her effort to please him. Might give her the wrong idea.

  Hell, might give her the right idea.

  Face it, this business arrangement idea was going nowhere fast. He'd tried his best to stay brisk and businesslike today for their wedding. He really had. But from the moment he'd seen her walking toward him up the courthouse steps, he'd known the effort was doomed to failure.

  He might not be able to love her, but every time he looked at his bride, so pretty and glowing, her shy glances filled with warmth and hope, her body carrying the evidence of a mutual attraction he'd be a fool to deny, his belief in a strictly platonic marriage was exposed as the impossibility it was.

  He rested his head on the back of his easy chair and stared at the closed kitchen door. He and Rini had been dancing around each other all evening, ever since he'd insisted on carrying her over the threshold.

  "Just a ritual," he'd assured her.

  "Like when they threw the rice," she'd said as he lifted her into his arms. They looked at each other and then she quickly looked away, embarrassed.

  "I didn't think we really needed that rice shower, did you?" he said, gently teasing. "Under the circumstances."

  He let her down, but kept his arms around her, tipping her chin up when she continued to study his tie. "Welcome home, Rini." He kissed her softly.

  Lifting her lips to his, she had timidly returned his kiss. "I want to make you happy, Cole." Her eyes were guileless and sincere. "I know this isn't what you wanted—"

  "Hush, darlin'. You've already made me happy just by being here." He pulled her close. "We'll be fine. You'll see." He kissed her again, a little longer and a little harder. When he let the tip of his tongue graze the swell of her lower lip, she shied.

  She backed away from him nervously, then glanced around the room. "Oh, Cole, you have a beautiful home."

  With a sigh, he closed the door and propped himself against the back of it, following her movements. "It's a bit bare. I'm not here much. Maybe you can do something with it."

  He watched her take in the room—the gleaming hardwood floors and adobe-colored walls, floor to ceiling bookshelves, the huge fireplace. A couple of canvas-covered couches and his big leather easy chair. Come to think of it, it did kind of resemble his office.

  "No curtains?"

  "Never got around to them." He shrugged and grinned. "Just don't walk around naked with the lights on."

  She darted him an amused look. "Too bad I had to leave my sewing machine at David's. I could have made some."

  He pushed off the door. "You sew?" At her nod, he wandered over and sat down on the arm of his easy chair. "You can use mine." She glanced up, surprised, and he chuckled. "I make regalia, remember? It's in the guest room when you need it."

  She nodded, purposefully examining some of the books on the shelves. "That'll be convenient. Having it in the same room I'm in."

  He took a fortifying breath. This was what he'd been waiting for. "You won't be in the guest room, Rini."

  She shot him a panicky glance. "No?"

  He slid off the chair arm and walked slowly toward her. "No."

  "Where will I be, then?" Her gaze darted to the living room couch.

  Reaching out, he pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "In my room. A woman belongs in her husband's bed."

  Her eyes widened and she let out a little gasp, crushing the small hope he'd begun to feel. He had so wanted her just to be looking for a little pressure, or a definite invitation, so she could let herself give in to him.

  "But our agreement! You said…!"

  He closed the distance between them, standing so close he was pressed into the baby, his face inches from hers. "Is that what you really want, Rini? To sleep alone in a cold, empty bed?"

  When she wouldn't look at him, he slipped his fingers through her hair and gently pulled her head back, forcing her face up. "Alone, night after night? When there's a man right here who wants you? Who'll make hot, sweet love to you whenever you like?"

  Her fire eyes were slumberous and full of want as she watched him. The blue darkened to cobalt, and her lashes fluttered down to rest on her cheeks. "I don't know, Cole."

  "You're my wife, Rini. And I know you want me just as much as I want you. Sooner or later you're going to ask me to come to you in that big, lonely bed."

  She swallowed. "I need time to think."

  After a moment, he forced himself to let her go. Turning to the fireplace, he flicked a switch. The natural-gas logs burst into bright, colorful flames. "Very well. But you're still sleeping in my bed."

  Silently, her eyes pleaded with him.

  At that moment he was sure if he just swept her off her feet and carried her to that bed, she wouldn't fight him. Much. He could tell she wanted him, and he definitely wanted her. That was enough, wasn't it? After all, they were married now. For a few long seconds he was sorely tempted, but then reluctantly came to his senses.

  "The room's bigger, and when the baby comes, you'll need space for the crib and what have you. I've moved my things to the spare room." He gave her an ironic look. "I'll sleep in your old bed. If nothing else, I can be surrounded by the smell of you."

  Her mouth dropped open. "But—"

  "You're down at the end." He gestured to the hallway. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to change my clothes."

  With that he had strolled down the hall to the guest room and gone in, carefully closing the door behind him.


  Gripping the arms of his easy chair, he brought himself out of the frustrating memory. That had been just a few short hours ago, and since then he'd been the model of a perfect gentleman. But her simple statement still hung between them, coloring every look, every accidental brush of their hands.

  I need time to think.

  How much time was she talking here? Minutes? Days? Months? Until she graduated and could blow him off for good?

  He opened his eyes to the totally unexpected sight of her standing in front of his chair. "Jeez!" He jumped up, papers flying, and narrowly missed catapulting the tray in her hands to the floor.

  "Oh, my gosh!" She hastily put the tray on the ottoman and knelt to pick up his scattered papers. "I didn't mean to startle you."

  "Startle me? You scared the—" He halted and forced a grin. "Sorry. I'm just a little edgy tonight. Here, let me get those." He went down on his knees and started gathering the papers. She reached for one next to him, giving him a fine view of the upper curve of her breasts as they pressed against the fabric of the scoop-necked sweater she'd changed into earlier. He looked his fill. She caught him looking.

  He winked, neatly straightening the stack of papers in his hands. "Hell, I'll take what I can get."

  Coloring slightly, she handed him the papers in hers. "Are you hungry?"

  He snagged her gaze with his and held on. "Oh, yeah."

  "Good," she said, nibbling on her lip. "I, um, I made sandwiches. And banana bread."

  He tore his eyes from her lips and looked hopefully at the tray. "Banana bread? How'd you know that's my favorite?"

  "Lucky guess. Come on." Smiling, she patted the seat of his easy chair.

  After she'd settled him comfortably with a turkey sandwich in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, she sat down on the floor beside him, leaning her back against the solid, straight side of the chair.

  "Rini! What are you doing?" He started to get up. "You take the chair."

  She grabbed the leg of his sweatpants and pulled him back down. "I like it on the floor. My back feels wonderful against your chair. It's at just the right angle."

  He looked at her dubiously.


  "We'll get you a chair tomorrow."

  "Don't bother. I like it down here."


  She batted her lashes.

  The corner of his mouth twitched. "At least you could sit between my legs. Give me a thrill on my wedding night."

  He almost choked on his sandwich when she said, "Okay," then scooted around and settled into the vee between his legs, pushing the ottoman to one side. She leaned back with her sandwich and mug, and the ends of her hair curled into his lap. He stuffed his sandwich into his mouth to stifle a groan. Great idea, compadre. He thanked God for baggy sweatpants and prayed she didn't turn around anytime soon.

  He'd just managed to relax when she looked around. "Ready for your banana bread?"

  "You bet."

  She set aside his napkin and mug, broke off a piece of the bread and placed it against his lips. "Open wide."

  He blinked, his throat suddenly tightening. She was going to feed him

  She was sitting between his knees, her face practically in his lap, and she intended to feed him. Ho boy.

  He opened wide.

  She picked up another piece and waited while he finished the first one. He was having a hard time swallowing. "Aren't you going to have any?"

  She hesitated, bit off half of the piece she was holding, then held up the rest for him. A low sound growled out of his throat. He grasped her wrist and drew her hand to his lips.

  He watched her watching his mouth as he pulled the bit of bread into it, along with her fingers, working them with his tongue. She followed his Adam's apple as he swallowed, then let her gaze drift down his body, coming to a skittish halt at the juncture of his thighs. His erection strained against the soft fleece of his sweatpants, inches from her languorous eyes. They looked up at him, slumberous and heavy lidded. The sweater dropped seductively off her shoulder, and he knew he was in big trouble.

  He had to taste her.

  Summoning the steeliest restraint that had ever been required of him, he gently lifted her face and bent low, angling himself to meet her lips. Softly, softly, he pressed a kiss to them.


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