Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series

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Adventures of Alexis Davenport Series Page 63

by West, Shay

“You gotta tell your mom, Alex. Seriously. You guys all have to get the hell out.”

  “If we do manage to kill them, what then? You think we can just walk away and live life happily ever after? We’ll go to jail, Jenn,” Alex’s voice broke.

  “I don’t know. Maybe your uncle can help once he’s free—”

  “My uncle is probably dead already!” Alex sobbed.

  “Oh, Alex, I don’t know what to do or how to help. Do you want me to sneak over? Run away with you? Say the word and it’s done.”

  Alex chuckled through her tears. “Thanks, Jenn.”

  “I’m serious about running away. You can’t stay there and hope that someone else figures things out. He could be on his way right now.”

  “I know. But running away?” Alex bit her lip, fear clenching her abdominal muscles and making her feel queasy.

  “You travel back in time and you worry about packing a bag and taking off?” Jenn asked.

  “Where would we go?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe Amy’s house?”

  “I guess so. But that could put her at risk. And what do I do about mom? I bet he would kill her too.”

  Jenn sighed. “This is why you just need to fess up. It’s the only way to keep her safe.”

  “I’d have to tell Karen too. If he knows where I live, he’ll know where Mark and Karen live.”

  “If only we could call your uncle and see if Stygian is still on base,” Jenn said.

  Alex sat up. “I can’t call my uncle but I can damn sure travel and try to find out.”

  “Don’t you end up back in the past somewhere? How will that help us? You need to know if he’s there now.”

  “I have to do something! Maybe I can try to focus on traveling back only a few hours or something.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Just seems like a waste of time.”

  Alex wanted to push the idea but she knew Jenn was right. She was putting off the decision to tell her mom her secret and putting off leaving home to run for their lives.

  She sat back against her bed and closed her eyes. She hated to admit it, but she had to come up with a decision on her own. No one was going to come swooping in to save the day. It was all on her shoulders. Alex glanced out the window at the deepening shadows and decided to wait until the next day to make a decision about what she was going to do.


  Chandon walked dejectedly to his car. He had been looking forward to his date with Alex and having to cancel bummed him out.

  There was something about Alex he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He had felt it the moment he laid eyes on her. It was like he’d known her his whole life, that he knew all her deepest secrets. Every fiber of his being wanted to be near her.

  His instincts screamed that there was something going on that didn’t add up. It was perfectly believable that Alex had a stomach bug and was not feeling well enough to go out. Her demeanor seemed to suggest that as well.

  Yet he didn’t believe her. And he didn’t know why.

  As he sat in the car gazing at Alex’s front door, he thought there was another explanation for her “symptoms.” And even though he couldn’t prove it, he knew that he was right.

  Alex hadn’t been ill; she’d been terrified.


  Mark stared at Matt Schmidt, his lawyer, unable to believe his ears.

  “Did you hear what I just said? You’re a free man.”

  “How? I thought it was going to take a while to get through the evidence.”

  “All they needed was to compare handwriting and your hand size to the bruises on the Lance Corporal Jensen’s throat. That alone is enough to prove you didn’t kill her. There isn’t enough evidence to hold you.”

  Mark sat in the interview room, the same one he sat in when he had first been arrested. He knew he would be found innocent, he just didn’t think it would be this quick.

  “What about Lane Stygian? Did you check on him?” Mark asked.

  Matt rubbed the back of his head and looked uncomfortable. “It appears he has gone AWOL. The MPs are searching the base but no one has seen him for hours.”

  Mark jumped up. “I have to get out of here. My niece is in danger.”

  Matt gave Mark a sideways look. “Why would your niece be in danger?”

  “I can’t explain. You would take me and lock me up in a loony bin. But trust me when I say that Stygian is going after my niece.” Mark paced the small room.

  “You are free to leave any time you want. If Lane Stygian presents a danger to your niece, then you need to call the local authorities.”

  Mark nodded. “Thanks for everything. And don’t forget what I told you about Max Poder. He’s behind all of this. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.”

  “I don’t see how we can do anything without direct evidence linking him to Lance Corporal Jensen’s death,” Matt said.

  “Then we’ll have to find some,” Mark said as he walked out if the interview room.

  It seemed to take hours to get his possessions back and to make his way back to his quarters. It seemed as though everyone he passed had heard about his release and wanted to offer their congratulations. By the time Mark reached his home, he was nearly ready to scream at the next person that tried to stop him.

  He dialed Alex’s number, praying he wasn’t too late.


  ALEX GRABBED her ringing phone and nearly flung it back on the bed when the number showed up as one she didn’t recognize. But something stopped her. She gripped the phone and swiped her finger across the screen.


  “Alex! Alex, it’s me!”

  Alex cried out and put her hand over her mouth. She couldn’t believe she was hearing his voice.

  “Uncle Mark! Is that really you?”

  “Yes, it’s me. Alex, I don’t have time. You have to get out of there, leave town. Stygian has been missing since yesterday. He could be in Grand Junction already.”

  Alex couldn’t breathe. Her mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.

  “Alex? Did you hear what I said?”

  She nodded, blissfully unaware that her uncle was hundreds of miles away and couldn’t see her. She knew she should be feeling something, but her body was completely numb. Her heart was steadily beating, her breathing was even, and her mind was completely at ease. It didn’t make sense. She should be gibbering in terror and running for her life. Yet here she sat.

  “Say something! Are you still there?”

  The fear in her uncle’s voice broke through the fog.

  “I’m here. What do I do, Uncle Mark?”

  “I don’t know! But you need to leave town. Stygian knows where you live.”

  “How can he know where mom and I live?”

  “Alex, listen to me. Even if he doesn’t know exactly where your house is, he can find it. Trust me on this.”

  “What about Karen and mom? I can’t leave them here. Stygian would hurt them just to get to me.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that.” The phone went silent for a few minutes. “Alex, you may have to tell them both what’s going on.”

  “They’ll never believe me,” Alex said miserably.

  “Wait, I think I have an idea. What if I told them that the guy that killed Lance Corporal Jensen is angry at me for some reason and told me that he was coming after all of you? Karen and your mom would believe that and your secret would still be safe.”

  “That might work. Can you call them? They’re at the stores. I’m supposed to be heading that way in a few hours.”

  “No, you need to get out and get out now. Call Jenn and have her come get you. I’ll call your mom and Karen.”

  “Sean and Gavin are here too.”

  “Then call them and leave Jenn out of it. I’d feel better knowing you’re with two adults.”

  “Okay. Where do I go?” Alex glanced around her room wondering what she should take with her.

  “I don’t know. Anywhere but in Grand Junction. May
be head west, Utah or something. I’ll send word to the local authorities to be on the look-out for Stygian. Hopefully someone will spot him and he’ll be arrested before he can get anywhere near you.”

  Alex didn’t think her uncle sounded very hopeful about that. “Where can I reach you?”

  Mark rattled off his number. “I want to hear from you at least three times a day. Call your mom as soon as you are heading out of town. Now, pack a bag and hurry! He could already be in Grand Junction and it won’t take him long to find you.”

  Alex stared at the phone. Her pulse pounded in her ears and her stomach was clenched so tight Alex feared she would vomit. Despite her uncle’s advice, she dialed Jenn, voice shaking as she filled her in.

  “Pack your stuff. I’m on my way.”

  “Your mom is never going to let you just up and leave town,” Alex said.

  “I don’t really think we need to be concerned with getting in trouble. I’ll gladly serve my punishment when this is all over.”

  “Jenn, I.... I mean, I just...” Alex couldn’t get the words out.

  “It’s okay. I know. Now get moving. And call Sean and Gavin!”

  Alex dialed Gavin’s number and told him everything her uncle had said.

  “Jenn’s on her way right now,” Alex finished breathlessly.

  “That’s good. Listen, why don’t you two meet us at the hotel, and we can get on the interstate from there?”

  “Okay. We’ll see you soon.”

  Alex jumped off her bed, the full impact of what her uncle told her hitting her like a physical blow. She slumped to the ground and sobbed, terror stealing any desire to move. She knew moving meant saving her life but her muscles wouldn’t obey what her mind was trying to tell her. Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her. She hadn’t slept at all the night before. Every creak and sigh of the wind kept her awake, certain that each noise meant certain danger.

  Get a grip, Alex!

  The voice in her head sounded like her uncle. She reached under her bed for the small suitcase and jammed it as full of clothes as she possibly could. She had no idea how long she would be gone or where she would be going so she packed some warm clothing and some for chilly days and nights.

  She lugged the suitcase out to the living room and sat it by the front door. Alex grabbed her purse and hastily counted how much cash she had. I’ll have to run to an ATM before we head out of town.

  Nervous energy coursing through her veins kept her from sitting for longer than a few seconds at a time. Alex paced the living room, debating on whether or not she should call her mom. Mark said he would take care of it and Alex wasn’t sure she could handle hearing her mom’s voice while in this fragile state. It would likely send her into another fit of hysterics and she had to remain focused. Time to fall apart later.

  Her phone rang and she jumped and squealed in fright. It’s probably just Jenn or mom.

  She swiped her finger across the screen without paying attention to the number calling her, wondering what she was going to say if her mom was on the other end.


  A stealthy chuckle. “So... I get to hear your voice at last.”


  “WHAT’S WRONG? Cat got your tongue?” More laughter.

  Alex wanted to hang up, refuse to listen, but her arm was locked in place, with the phone covering her ear.

  “You don’t have to speak. Just listen. I have been waiting a long time for this.” Delighted sounding sigh. “I am coming for you. Just got into town, as a matter of fact.” Diabolical laughter. “And if you think I don’t know where you live, think again.” Voice hard as nails. “Killing you will be such a sweet treat. I have dreamed of snapping your neck with my bare hands. Looks like I’ll finally get the chance.” More laughter. “See you soon.”

  The phone dropped from Alex’s hand. She didn’t even flinch when it hit the floor. Part of her knew she needed to leave, get out of the house, but her body seemed incapable of moving. She couldn’t even feel her chest rise and fall with each breath. Can people really die from not breathing when they are terrified?

  Get a grip, Alex!

  The voice brought her to her feet, though her knees wobbled so badly she could barely move. She grabbed her phone out of her purse and dialed Jenn’s number with shaking hands.

  “Jenn! Where are you?”

  “I haven’t finished packing yet. Alex, what’s wrong?”

  “He called me! Stygian called me and said he’s coming, he’s in town and he’s on his way, Jenn, he could be at my house right now. Why aren’t you here, why did you take so long to pack?” Alex paced the living room and ran her hands through her hair.

  “I’ll leave right now. It’s okay, it’s going to be okay—”

  “No, no, no, there’s no time,” Alex mumbled, shaking her head. “He’s on his way, he said he was. I have to get out now, hide somewhere.”

  “Alex, where are you going to hide?”

  “Don’t know, don’t know, but I have to go right now. Yes, I have to leave and hide so he can’t find me...”

  “Alex,” Jenn said slowly. “You need to calm down. I am in my car and turning it on. I’ll drive faster than I’ve ever driven before. Do you hear me? Stay where you are. Call Sean and Gavin. Alex? Alex!”

  “Can’t stay, have to leave. Right now.” Alex hung up the phone.

  Her mind was in a fog. The only coherent thought blaring through her head was to leave, hide, run. The thought of staying was out of the question. Alex grabbed her purse, and shoved her phone inside, completely forgetting Jenn’s sensible orders to call Gavin.

  She ran out the front door, with no idea at all where she was going. Alex spun in a circle, hoping some brilliant idea would come to her. Several people were walking their dogs. On her right, a neighbor was putting his trash can out on the curb. On her left a little girl and boy were riding their bikes down the sidewalk, her in a pink helmet, him in one made to look like Iron Man. Their giggles echoed in the relative quiet of the neighborhood. The nice, normal neighborhood. No one knew her secret. No one knew what was coming for her. Alex saw all the people on her street and had never felt so alone.

  The sun was crawling behind the Colorado National Monument, bathing the area in warm golds and pinks. Alex wondered if this was going to be her last sunset. Tears fell down her cheeks. She wanted to run to the nearest adult and beg them to help her. A murdering maniac was coming for her and the only thing she could think of was to stand in the street and stare at the normal things going on around her.

  Alex turned back around to stare at the mountains behind her and an idea blossomed in her mind like a growing fire. It probably wasn’t the best plan but it was all she had at the moment. Without giving herself time to change her mind, Alex took off running the couple of blocks to her aunt’s house.

  I hope I can remember where to find it.


  Drifter steered the stolen truck down toward Alex’s neighborhood. It was the third vehicle he had taken since running away from the Marine base. His skills made stealing money and vehicles easy. The drunk outside the bar that owned the truck didn’t even know what hit him. Drifter didn’t regret killing the man. But it had taken time and had been messy. Two things Drifter didn’t like. But he didn’t really care. All he cared about was killing Alex.

  He had stolen another vehicle just outside of Grand Junction that had an extra bonus: a working cell phone in the glove box. Drifter took the slip of paper out of his pocket that had the girl’s home address and cell phone number on it. This time he thanked his access to information that made getting the numbers and addresses all too easy. Calling the girl to torment her had been almost as sweet as killing Lance Corporal Jensen.

  Drifter checked his map again and turned, almost hitting another vehicle when he spotted his quarry running up the street. He shook his head, unable to believe his good fortune. Rather than scaring her off, Drifter turned onto a side street and made a U-turn. He grinned when he
saw where Alex was going.

  Surely she should know Auntie isn’t home.


  Chandon drove to Alex’s house. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since he had left yesterday. He had her number on his phone but he hesitated with his thumb over the little green phone icon that would actually dial it. If he asked Alex what was wrong she would only lie and say nothing. The only way for him to get the truth from her was to see her face-to-face. He was sick with worry for her and he couldn’t even put his finger on why. But with each passing moment, he feared he would lose her.

  Suddenly, he spotted her trotting around the side of a house, heading up into the Monument. The car lurched to a stop as he stomped on the brakes. Chandon rolled down the window, ready to shout for her but he closed his mouth when he saw she wasn’t alone. Chandon grabbed his cell phone off the passenger seat.

  Who is that guy following her?


  ALEX RAN UNTIL her breath came in gasps. She slowed down as she got near her aunt’s house. She would have to save her strength for climbing up into the mountains. Just as she rounded the corner of her aunt’s house, she thought she heard someone calling her name. Alex shook her head, certain she was hearing things.

  She wondered if Mark had been able to reach her aunt and her mom at the stores. Alex hoped Stygian wouldn’t go anywhere near downtown. She didn’t think she could take it if he did anything to her aunt or her mom.

  Alex stopped and stared at the familiar path she had walked so many times with her friends. She wished more than anything they were here with her now. Simon with his ready jokes would ease the stress of the moment. Paul, with his imposing height, would make her feel safe. And Amy’s quiet presence would ease her mind.

  And Jenn. The one who actually knew her secret. She was the one Alex wished was with her right now. Terror stole her breath and threatened to overwhelm her as she walked up the dirt path, hoping and praying that she could remember the way to the secret cave Paul had shown the group years ago.

  She grabbed her phone out of her purse and dialed Gavin’s number. Alex looked to the left and right, certain she could feel Stygian’s eyes on her.


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