Her Mistake

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by M. J. Perry

  Her Mistake

  By M.J. Perry

  © 2017 Stacey Perry. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For my Husband, thank you.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Three weeks later

  A note from M.J

  Other Works

  Chapter One

  It had been almost a year since Grace had run away from her home and her life without leaving a note for her boyfriend Jason or her friend Peter. She knew it had been a despicable thing to do but at the time she hadn’t seen another way. It was no excuse though, and she figured she’d be lucky if they even opened the door to her but she had no choice, she had to try. She’d called Jason and Peter’s office earlier but their secretary had told her they weren’t there so here she stood outside their home instead. It used to be her home, she’d missed it so much, she missed the guys so much and Jill her best friend too but she’d done what she thought was right. She’d messed up because running away hadn’t solved her problems they’d only got worse, much worse, and that was her mistake.

  She looked up at the door in front of her trying to find the courage to knock. Panic filled her at the thought of them sending her away without listening to her. They had every right to slam the door in her face but if they dismissed her, she wasn’t sure what she’d do because they are her last hope. Her thoughts go to Jason, and she sighed. She’d loved him her whole life and there had been no one else for her. The trouble was she knew he would see her leaving as a betrayal and it will be a long road to earning his trust back if it was even possible at all. She had to try; she had to because she couldn’t live without him anymore.

  Taking a deep breath she lifted her fist to knock the door and waited what felt like an eternity but it didn’t seem like anyone was home. As she took a step away from the door intending to leave, she heard it open and she swung back. A man stood in the door way and her mouth opened wide at the sight of him.

  “Peter?” She said sounding shocked even to her.

  “Grace.” He said in surprise. He picked her up off her feet and pulled her into his arms for a hug. When he placed her back down on the floor, he tapped her nose with a finger. “You look amazing.”

  “So do you. I almost didn’t recognise you with your messy hair.” She teased. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so long.” His blonde hair nearly reached his ocean blue eyes, and it curled around the collar of his polo shirt.

  “A lot can happen in a year.” He said.

  Grace sighed. “I know.” Boy did she.

  “Is Jason here? I need to speak to him.”

  “He’ll be home soon Grace but I’m not sure how he will take you being here to be honest. All this time with no word from you and suddenly you’re back?”

  “I understand but trust me it’s important, I really need his help, and yours too but I couldn’t ask you to help me without Jason knowing and I don’t want to cause trouble between you.”

  Peter studied her face before nodding. “You’d better come in then.”

  “Ok. Trust me I’m doing this so you won’t get stuck in the middle. I don’t want that to happen because if Jason refuses to help me and then you step in it will be awful for you both.”

  She followed him through the door. It was still home, and she’d missed it so much. When Peter closed the door with a click, she turned to face him. He had his back to her and when he turned to face her she saw so much pain in his face, it made her flinch.

  “Grace you have so much explaining to do. You just disappeared. None of us had any idea where you were or even if you were ok and now you’re back asking for help? We were so worried. We checked the hospitals and the police stations for you. When we kept coming up blank we panicked. Jill was so distraught she thought you were dead, that someone had killed you and covered it up. She was in such a state.”

  “Oh god, I’m so sorry. Words can’t make up for any of it but I had my reasons for running. I never thought about the pain I’d cause by doing it, I don’t think I wanted to think too much about it or else I might have changed my mind and that wasn’t an option at the time Leaving was supposed to make it all better.” Grace said in a voice filled with tears. She’d been so sure running away would keep everyone safe, keep Jason safe, but she’d just hurt the people who loved her. How could she not of realised that?

  “Well I hope they’re good reasons because Jason will want answers. Hell, I want answers.”

  Grace nodded. She wanted to throw herself into his arms. He was her best friend, or had been from the age of nine, they’d been inseparable. She needed him now but the hurt and anger on his face held her back and she had no right to seek comfort from him. She wrapped her arms around herself instead and took deep breaths to hold in her tears. “I missed you Peter.” She whispered.

  Peter’s face softened, and he held his arms out for her. “I missed you too. Come here, sweetheart.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She felt him take a step back from the force of her body hitting his but he kept them both upright wrapping his arms around her.

  Her shoulders shook, and the sound of a smothered sob came from her. Peter rubbed her back gently. “Grace calm down baby. Whatever is wrong we’ll fix it ok? Don’t worry.”

  She couldn’t understand how he could reassure her when she knew he hurt too; it showed her how much of a wonderful friend he was even when she didn’t deserve it, especially when she didn’t deserve it.

  “Well isn’t this a touching scene?”

  Grace jumped at the voice. It was a voice she knew just as well as her own and she’d never stopped dreaming of its husky baritone. She’d never been subjected to this freezing tone before though. Wiping her tears she pulled away from Peter to face Jason. She couldn’t stop her eyes from eating up the sight of him. He hadn’t changed, his brown hair was still as short as before and his eyes were still the same chocolate-brown except the warmth they always held for her was missing. Peter put his arm around her when she shivered.

  “I’m glad you’re home Jase, Grace needs to speak to you.” Peter said calmly.

  “How nice but unfortunately I don’t have the time.” Jason said. The hostility in his voice and in his expression hurt her.

  She couldn’t help the wounded sound that left her mouth. His cold eyes gave her a once over and then they caught her own.

  “Did you truly think I would greet you with open arms?” Jason made a noise of disbelief. “Sorry to disappoint you Grace but I stopped caring for you the day you walked out of my life without a goodbye.”

  It was a struggle to keep her face blank when all she wanted to do was fall to her knees and beg forgiveness and maybe afterwards kick him in the shin. His words cut her deeply; she deserved his anger but the way he looked at her broke her heart. He’d never looked at her this way, he’d never spoken to her this way and she knew then he would never forgive her.

  “Jase just hear her out.” Peter asked.

  “What like you have? She’s not he
re ten minutes and you’re all cosy again and acting like nothing has happened.” Jason sneered.

  Peter sighed and shook his head.

  “Jason.” Grace called, and it took everything in her not to flinch at the look he sent her way. “I’m so sorry about what I did but I can’t change it now and I need your help. Please.” She begged.

  He said nothing for a moment and just stared at her until she hung her head unable to withstand his scrutiny any longer. She wondered if he saw anything different in her, she’d lost weight while she’d been away and her hair was past her shoulders now.

  “Just hear her out?” Peter asked again.

  Jason knew he had no choice but to listen to her. He caught Peter’s eye and something flashed in them before he looked away and he recognised that look, he saw that look in his own eyes whenever Grace’s name came up which wasn’t often now. It was guilt.

  Peter blamed himself for Grace’s disappearance. Grace and Peter had always told each other everything, and the fact he had no idea why she’d left hurt him. They were close, brother and sister close and Peter thought he’d let her down and he hadn’t been able to let it go. Jason felt the same he’d just got better at hiding it. Looking at Grace though and seeing she looks none worse for wear after being away from them for so long he transferred his blame to her.

  He turned on his heel and headed to the kitchen. “We can talk in here.”

  Grace let out a quiet breath and followed him.

  The kitchen was her favourite room in the house. She’d loved cooking in it, reading in it, eating in it.

  She’d been so busy focusing on what she’d say to Jason that she hadn’t thought about how she would feel seeing him after all this time. Her love for him nearly choked her but she couldn’t let it show, she couldn’t be that vulnerable around him when he seemed to want to hurt her, she wouldn’t give him any more ammunition. She sat at the breakfast bar and watched Jason walk to the other side of it as far away from her as he could get. His height had always made her feel safe, with her being five foot five he towered over her but right now she felt intimidated. It wasn’t a feeling she liked one bit. She knew he would never hurt her physically, emotionally was another matter, but the fear was still there all the same.

  “I’m listening then Grace.” He said his calm voice at odds with his tense body.

  Grace took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m being stalked.”

  Jason raised his eyebrows. “Have you called the police?”

  “Yes but they have no leads. They have nothing. I don’t know what to do and I don’t feel safe.” She peaked up at him through her lashes and immediately regretted it, his face hadn’t even softened a little. “I keep being sent flowers, chocolates and love letters.” She added.

  “Sounds more like an admirer than a stalker. There is nothing I can do for you except tell you to be more careful about who you date.” Jason carried on, ignoring her gasp. “If you didn’t lead men on you wouldn’t have this situation.”

  The hurt ripped through her at his callous words and her eyes took in his shuttered face making her insides seize. Grace couldn’t speak because she knew her voice would break and there was no way she wanted Jason to see the devastation he’d just unleashed upon her. Climbing off the stool in silence she walked out of the kitchen on unsteady legs, not looking at Peter or Jason again. When she made it to the front door she quickly opened it and stepped outside. Peter called her name, but she didn’t stop to talk to him, instead she ran. With her tears now running unchecked down her cheeks she was aware she looked like a mad woman but she didn’t care. When she ran out of energy she slowed her run down to a fast walk but didn’t stop until she made it home and walked through her front door. She locked it behind her, slid the chain on and then the two bolts before she felt safe.

  She’d put up with her stalker for so long she should be used to it by now but her fear overwhelmed her, every time she went out she wondered if he was there, if he was watching her. Was she being paranoid? Probably, but wasn’t it better to be prepared?

  She wished she could have prepared herself for the pain she felt now though. She’d known Jason wouldn’t be pleased to see her but it seemed to her he really hated her. He didn’t even give her a chance to explain before he basically called her a slut. She’d brought his hate on herself when she’d left and she had no right to expect him to want to help her but she’d hoped he would. She should have known better than to hope, after all she’d hoped her stalker would give up, but he hadn’t and now she was well and truly screwed.

  Jason didn’t know the reason she left was to save him. He didn’t even know he was in danger in the first place and that was her fault too. She’d kept everything from him and Peter because she didn’t want them to get involved as they were already so busy with their own work. It was her own fault he turned her away, but it didn’t make it any easier to bear.

  Did she honestly think he would forgive and forget just because she was in danger? The past would never go away, wasn’t her stalker proof of that. She’d done what he asked and yet he still hadn’t left her alone. Was she that naïve to think he would? She guessed she was because she’d believed everything would work out, she really was stupid.

  Taking off her coat she flopped onto the sofa. What the hell was she going to do? She could go to the police again but she didn’t like that idea, she’d been so many times she felt like they didn’t believe her, especially when they found no leads or even fingerprints. She could move house again but that didn’t appeal to her. What she knew was she was so sick of feeling scared and looking over her shoulder and she couldn’t see an end to it.

  She got up to make herself a coffee, it always helped her to think more clearly she told herself but she knew the real truth, she was addicted to it. Her one indulgence she guessed. She didn’t drink alcohol, she’d grown up around a mother who used alcohol as an escape and Grace swore she would never become like that.

  As she was putting the sugar in her mug, her doorbell rang and she jumped so high it was a shock she didn’t smash her head on the ceiling. The bell chimed again before she moved quietly towards the door to look through her peephole. All she could see were yellow roses, lots and lots of yellow roses. She unlocked all the locks and opened the door.

  “Miss Abbott?” A voice called.

  “That’s me.”

  “Well, you are either one lucky lady or someone is really sorry. This bunch cost a fortune.”

  He placed the bouquet on the floor in front of her and pushed his pad and pen at her. “Sign here please.”

  Grace took the pen and signed her name and then bent to retrieve her flowers. Her tummy filled with butterflies; maybe they were an apology from Jason for earlier. If they were, then it was one hell of an apology. She placed the flowers on her table then went back to her front door calling thanks to the delivery man who was walking away before she closed it and replaced the locks.

  She picked up the card stuck in the bouquet and froze at the handwriting on the front. The flowers weren’t from Jason they were from him; her hands shook as she read it.

  To my Darling Grace

  Do you remember the photograph I sent you?

  I warned you what would happen.

  If I see you with him again there will be consequences.

  You are mine.

  Grace dropped the card as soon as she finished reading it. She couldn’t bear to look at the roses knowing they were from him. Picking them up she threw them into her kitchen bin, forcing the lid to close with a struggle until they were out of sight. She ran to the door checking the locks and then the windows, when she was sure he couldn’t get in to her house, she dropped back on to the sofa and stared at her front door not really seeing it.

  “What am I going to do?” She said out loud.

  Jason had been her last hope and that had been a bust. Now he’s in danger and it’s all her fault, again.

  Chapter Two

  Jason cursed softly before he
walked into his living room and sank onto the sofa. He put his head in his hands and cursed again.

  “Damn Jason what the fuck is the matter with you? Grace must be desperate to come here knowing her reception wouldn’t be a happy one, and you were a total dick!” Peter shouted.

  “I’m sorry I was just so angry at seeing her again.” Jason groaned.

  Peter sat on the sofa next to him and sighed. “She could be in real danger and we let her leave without knowing where to find her. Fuck she could be anywhere by now.”

  “She’s a few streets away.” Jason said roughly.

  “What? How do you know?” Peter asked puzzled.

  “She moved back around three months ago. I didn’t know where she was before but you remember I had her cards monitored when she first disappeared?” Peter nodded. “Well, I got a hit at the shopping centre down the road so I ran a search and found she’d rented a flat here.”

  Peter felt so angry at Jason for keeping this from him he had to move away before the temptation to punch him in the face got too strong. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me she was back. What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “I’m not sure, I guess a part of me didn’t want to believe she’d come back and hadn’t tried to contact one of us.”

  Peter shook his head. “What’s her address? I’m going to see her and make sure she made it home ok, she was devastated when she rushed out of here.”

  “Not yet. Please sit, we need to talk first.”

  “Fine, but you better make it fast else I’ll find it out myself.” He dropped back onto the sofa and waited.

  “Ok. First off you need to stop feeling guilty.” When Peter started to object Jason shushed him. “I know you do, I see it in your eyes whenever Grace’s name gets mentioned, and it was there when you were looking at her earlier. It wasn’t your fault she left any more than it was mine.”

  “I should have known something was wrong.”

  “I should have noticed too ok, but it’s her fault she didn’t trust us enough to let us help her, and it’s also her fault she thought running away was the better thing to do. We need to know what’s going on before you go running to her.”


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