Redemption for the Rakish Earl

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Redemption for the Rakish Earl Page 6

by Jilian Rouge

  Before Rue could form an answer, Alex swept through the drawing room, his large frame and larger-than-life demeanor bidding all eyes of the female variety to stay fixed upon him. Including Rue’s. Even Rue could not refute how his being in the same room as her had a profound effect upon her overworked heart. His eyes found hers across the room, and in that brief glance, she felt the need to cower from its intensity. She never before had reason to fear Alex, but whatever she saw in his eyes had sparked a tiny bit of apprehension within her.

  Fortunately for her and her poor heart, Alex approached his mother, breaking the connection their gazes made. As Rue and her companions watched, he gave his mother a brief kiss on her proffered cheek while the young misses tittered at their impending meeting with the Earl of Merrick. Lady Edith made the introductions around their little circle, and Rue tried her best to feel happy for Alex as he was making strides to put his future in order.

  But it was hard, especially after that brief but torrid glance between them both. Turning away from both Carruthers for the moment, Rue was taken aback at the sight of Christian whose proximity was much closer than she expected.

  So engrossed she was with Alex’s progress with his List of Ladies that she had not realized Georgie had vacated her seat, allowing Christian to swoop in.

  “Christian! When did you get here? I didn’t see you come in,” Rue said, flustered at his nearness. Looking about for Georgie who was nowhere to be found, her eyes landed on Ernest. She berated him with a single glare for not warning her about Christian.

  Ernest, who sat in the seat across from Rue, smirked and mouthed at her, “Georgie withdrew to the convenience.”

  Christian, not aware of the tense air, only smiled at Rue and said, “I had just come in after Cousin Alex. We were both previously engaged in an intriguing discussion on trade and had almost forgotten ourselves and the time.”

  Finally, Rue turned to face Christian and smiled pleasantly. “Oh, well, I imagine Alex would know all about that since that occupied most of his time while he was away in London.”

  Christian screwed up his brows and commented, “London? Actually, Alex told me he had not been on English soil for the past five years until now. He had been sailing to and from the West Indies, overseeing the investments he had made in trade. He had only been in London for the start of the Season until he decided to make his way home back to Ravenscroft.”

  Chewing on her lower lip, Rue pondered at this new piece of information. Alex’s staying away so long had nothing to do with her and she was happy to hear that his lack of visits wasn’t just because he was trying to avoid her.

  Laughing, Rue glowed at Christian. “Then it does my heart good to hear that Alex is finally home safe and sound. I have often heard stories of pirates and all sorts of wickedness on the high seas, and truth be told, I wouldn’t mind hearing of at least one pirate encounter in Alex’s experience.”

  Christian answered with a chuckle, “From what Alex said, there is every kind of danger that can be found on a trade ship, just not of the pirate variety. The way he spoke, I took it to mean that his adventures dealt mostly of passing the interminable time onboard with little to occupy oneself.”

  Again, Rue laughed outright, having had a romantic picture in her head of Alex fighting off pirates and braving storms, but the reality of such journeys stole such romanticism straight out of her head.

  At the sound of Rue’s laughter, Alex looked up, stopping himself mid-sentence. Right away, he spotted her enjoying herself with his cousin Christian and noted that the Marquis of Reddington was also close in attendance. Returning to the conversation without missing a further beat, he kept an eye on Christian and Rue as they chattered excitedly while Reddington looked on and listened in silent amusement.

  Despite his mother having introduced them all earlier, Alex found he could not remember which young lady belonged to which name. Searching his memory, he knew there was an Abigail, Caroline, and Penelope, but for the life of him, he couldn’t recall who was who, since all three were so similar in looks, coloring, and dress.

  Finally, he could not stomach hearing Rue’s and Christian’s laughter that wafted his way, and he decided to make his excuses. But ever the charming host, he suggested, “If you ladies would not mind strolling onto the terrace, you will see evidence of my mother’s creative use of our vast gardens below. I must have a private word with my mother first, then I will join you later.”

  Tittering the whole way towards the terrace doors, the three girls and their ever-present matchmaking mamas slowly made their way across the drawing room and out of earshot. Rounding on his mother with the bearing of an earl used to getting his way, he stated, “For the last time, why is Rue here? I fear Cousin Christian may be a little too familiar with her. I thought that by now she would have been at least spoken for.”

  Waving a dismissive hand in the air in front of her, Lady Edith said, “Oh, posh! If you were home at all, you would know that Rue and her family have come here every summer. And if you must know, Christian has always held a tendre for our Rue, and in fact, I have encouraged their match since he stated his intention to court her.”

  Barely refraining from shouting, Alex took that news about as well as a kick to the groin. In their adolescence, Alex never even knew that Christian had held a torch for Rue, much less still carry it for her. But even when they were younger and with Rue around, it had been hard for him to focus on anything else but Rue. However, since he was home to find himself a wife, he could not begrudge his own cousin or Rue, for that matter, their own chance to find wedded bliss.

  Alex dubiously asked, “And you thought it was a good idea for two people who are complete polar opposites of each other to be a good match? Running through the estate as children with the two of them proved time and time again that they would never suit. Rue would run roughshod over the poor blighter within a fortnight.”

  “Oh, posh. I have reason to believe that Rue has changed over the years since you’ve been away and thus, would never run roughshod over anyone,” Lady Edith said, waving aside her son’s concern. Since she was busy adjusting the lace at her wrists, she hadn’t looked up to see him clench his fists in frustration.

  She continued, “Is that all you’re worried about, dear? If you look for yourself, they seem to be getting along quite famously if you ask me.” Her glance at the open terrace doors guided Alex’s own gaze at the couple in question and he hyper focused on Rue’s small hand resting on Christian’s arm, their heads bowed close together in quiet conversation.

  Still mindful of being in a room full of relatives and friends, Alex could do no more than stare at the two of them, his gaze burning at the scene of the two of them laughing at a private joke. With the two of them in their own little world, Alex wondered in annoyance how things could have changed so much. Maybe he had expected Rue to continue her infatuation with him and maybe he expected things to remain the same upon his return.

  It irked him to think of his own cousin, his own flesh and blood, earnestly courting the very woman who only a few days ago had roused every rutting instinct he kept leashed within him. But now was not the time to give in to such urges, even when his hold on them was tenuous at best at the moment.

  Having met with Christian earlier, he had found the adult version of his cousin quite likable as they caught up on things they had missed in each other’s lives. He liked the changes that the years apart had wrought in his closest male relative, rendering the younger man into a mature, even-tempered individual, a far cry from the overly sensitive boy he once knew. While he found Christian much easier to talk to this time around, having shared with him some of his experiences in the West Indies, there wasn’t much to dislike about this cousin who was almost a stranger to him now.

  But if Christian was serious in his intentions towards Rue, he could not resent him for wanting her for his wife. As for himself, Alex had decided, that despite his past with Rue, his future would be better served with a woman who was
less inclined to be ruled by a passionate nature. But on the other hand, he could not stop his gaze from searching her out when she was in the vicinity. Without a doubt, the woman robbed him of all clear thought, and if he wasn’t careful, she would rule his every thought.


  Even now, Alex stared after her, fascinated, as he watched Rue animatedly chattering at Christian, her hands fluttering about her. He had almost forgotten of her habit to use her hands for emphasis when she talked just as she used those same hands to explore and caress his body on that so-long-ago day.

  Suddenly aware of the gravitational effect she had on him, Alex needed to be closer, and the List of Ladies and all of the other guests in his house be damned. Bending at his waist in a small bow towards his mother, he said, “Mother, if you will excuse me, I believe I will take some air and join the others on the terrace.”

  Lady Edith nodded her assent, thinking he meant to join the young ladies to whom he was introduced earlier, who were now milling about the terrace. Dismissing him with a wave, Alex strode purposefully towards the open terrace doors and headed straight for Christian and Rue. But not before stopping before, Miss Woodbury, was it? After a few words exchanged with her, Alex soon had her arm looped with his, and he proceeded to escort the blushing miss in the direction of the unsuspecting couple.

  Once he was within earshot, Rue’s laughter washed over him once more, warming him with its mirth, a reminder of his earlier days when he heard it ceaselessly. As Alex neared, Rue sobered gradually, as Christian’s answering chuckles also subsided.

  Rue’s friendly smile, directed at the young miss on Alex’s arm, was overly bright, and Alex knew from years of experience with Rue, that she was hiding her disgruntlement at the untimely interruption. Although he had no business feeling satisfaction from his deliberate interference, he smiled a lazy smile back at Rue, thrilled that he was able to break up the cozy couple.

  Alex spoke first. “May I introduce Miss Woodbury? Miss Woodbury, this is Lady Rumina Abelard, a friend of the family and a neighbor.”

  The young miss dropped in a proper curtsy and with a bowed head said, “How do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lady.”

  Rue inclined her head towards the younger woman in answer, and replied, “The pleasure is mine. I hope Lord Merrick has seen to it that your stay here is comfortable? Your room is to your satisfaction, I hope? And please, call me Rue. There are so few ladies here my age, I feel that we ought to stick together.”

  “Yes, my l--, Rue. Everything here is so grand, I find it overwhelming,” Miss Woodbury said, her words almost tremulous as she tried to quell her nerves. “And if we are to share in familiarity, then please call me Cordelia.”

  “Of course,” Rue acquiesced. So, her first name was Cordelia? Alex knew he could count on Rue’s frankness to produce such information without making him look a fool.

  Alex then presented his cousin to Miss Woodbury. “Would it please you to meet my cousin on my mother’s side, Mr. Christian Stanhope? He and Lady Rumina have been instrumental in running me ragged as children.”

  Rue scowled at Alex, “Now, that doesn’t leave a very good impression about us.” To Cordelia, she confided, “Pay this man no heed when it comes to any description of our shared childhoods. He clearly does not have the right way of it.” Winking as if sharing a special secret, Rue made the younger woman feel at ease with such whimsy.

  Meanwhile, Rue was feeling anything but charitable, especially with Alex’s close proximity. She had no clue what he was thinking or what he was about, his face as stoic and impassive as ever, and she could not begin to guess what he was after by the intense stare he was now treating her to. If anything, she was forced to control her body’s automatic response to shiver underneath his penetrating gaze. It wouldn’t do to show the hateful man how greatly he affected her.

  Fortuitously, Christian chose to speak up. “Now, see here, Cousin! With those words, you are painting a very hoydenish picture of the two of us that does no credit to our actual past. In fact, Rue and I were just reminiscing of the time we played at pirates and hid our treasure map here on this very terrace. And if I remember correctly, you were leading the charge.”

  In Alex’s recollection, it was actually Rue who had come up with the idea of hiding their treasure map and pirate’s booty on opposite ends of Ravenscroft’s grounds. He especially remembered the scolding he received from his mother after having trampled her rosebushes in an attempt to hide their treasure. All while he protected Rue’s part in the whole escapade, since it was her idea to hide it in a place that was largely untouched and sacred.

  Alex chuckled, “And if I recall aright, then the map we hid should still be underneath one of these flagstones.”

  Alex watched as Rue’s good humor from earlier returned to light up her features, making her almost glow from the inside out. “Yes! Christian and I were trying to put our heads together to try and recall which one it is. But with no luck. All of these flagstones look so similar to the one we recall, but we’ve only found immovable ones.”

  Cordelia supplied, “Between the four of us, we might be able to help find it.”

  Alex shrugged. “Even if we did continue looking, there’s no need to do so without damaging one of them. Mother saw to the repair of this terrace years ago.” With most of Ravenscroft in disrepair over the years, he had seen to the numerous renovations necessary to restore his home to its former glory. It was a tremendous relief to finally have the blunt with which to keep Ravenscroft intact for generations to come.

  Rue turned to Christian, crestfallen, and said, “I suppose that neither of us will know for sure if the map still exists. It still remains to be seen if we can locate our old treasure without it.” Christian murmured a soft reply for Rue’s ears only as he bent his head to whisper closer to her ear, heedless of those around them.

  For reasons unknown to him, Alex was annoyed with their demonstration of familiarity and felt like pummeling his cousin for displaying such an intimate gesture. How far or how long that intimacy has gone on between Rue and his cousin, Alex couldn’t begin to guess. But his rational thought led him to believe that Christian’s interest in Rue must have developed only recently; otherwise, the two would have already been married by now.

  Relief and a keen sense of smug triumph spread through him, grasping onto the notion that Rue must have steered clear from all men because of him. At least, until now.

  None of those wandering the terrace paid the four of them any mind, but Rue was doubly aware that they were in full view of everyone there as well as being within moderate hearing range. Anyone who cared to scrutinize her now would see evidence of a barely-there vibration emanating from her body, her entire being fraught with nerves.

  Her current condition could be laid entirely at Alex’s feet for there was no way she could comfortably be near him and not touch him as she was wont to do, an instinct borne from her younger days. Having realized years ago the folly of loving him, she knew with grim conviction that her future happiness lay with someone who was not Alex. As much as it hurt her heart to admit it, Alex was not for her, particularly with the pitiless way he had treated her after indulging her with the delights of his body.

  And here she was, trying her damnedest to see Christian differently, to view him as an attractive male, one who was more than willing to make her his. This close to the man, she noted the agreeable changes in him since she last saw him: a male form larger and manlier than she remembered; inches in his height that had him towering over her; and a handsome visage that was swoon-worthy. Rue thought it entertaining to count how many females treated him to second glances, ones he had been oblivious to all evening.

  While she could appreciate Christian’s good looks and his easy manner with her, Rue knew her own heart well enough to know that her heart was not engaged when it came to poor Christian.

  No, her heart had never been wholly hers because of Alex. And now, she fervently wished that she could love anyone
else but Alex.

  Rue shivered then as the evening took on a sudden chill, and Alex quickly took notice. Before Alex could suggest they go back inside, Christian took that moment to draw Rue into his side with one arm, maddening Alex almost to the point of throttling his own cousin.

  Christian, who had no idea of his cousin’s murderous thoughts, chafed at Rue’s arm and said, “Your skin is like ice! Why don’t we head back inside and sit by the fireplace?”

  “But it’s so pleasant out here this evening and I haven’t had much chance to come out and enjoy the evening air since I’ve arrived. Please, Christian, I’d like to stay out here,” Rue pleaded. Alex’s eyes narrowed, recognizing the telltale signs of Rue once again up to her old tricks. The big pleading eyes and the over-exaggerated pout were simply tools that Rue had always employed when she was up to something.


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