Redemption for the Rakish Earl

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Redemption for the Rakish Earl Page 15

by Jilian Rouge

  Jumping from Daisy in an oft-practiced move, she fell to her knees at Alex’s side, scared witless at the sight of him lying there, unmoving, with eyes closed. Daisy, good-natured and tame as she was, only side-stepped a few steps as Rue slid off her saddle and was content to stay where she stood.

  “Alex? Alex!” Rue cried frantically, her hands shaking as she felt down his body, using her gloved hands to check for blood or broken bones.

  A pained groan sounded from his lips and her eyes shot to his face in time to see his face contorted in a grimace, his eyes open but scrunched with pain. He sat up gingerly and groaned long at the motion as Rue sat back on her heels and babbled, “I thought you died when I saw you lying so still! But thank God you’re not! Are you badly hurt anywhere? I don’t think you’ve broken anything, but we can fetch the doctor and—”

  “I’m all right, Rue,” he assured her. “I’m sure my back will be black and blue tomorrow, but otherwise, I’m fine. What had gotten into Ulysses?” Alex got to his feet and groaned once more as he straightened, one hand flying to the small of his back as he did so.

  “I couldn’t say,” Rue replied as she helped him up with one arm supporting his lower back. “Are you sure you are alright?”

  “Yes, I assure you I’m fine. It’s an old injury that had long since healed, only my fall had brought back the memory of it.”

  “The doctor may be able to do a proper evaluation once we send for him.”

  “It isn’t necessary, but I appreciate your concern for my welfare.”

  “Yes, but I would feel better if you would let someone take a look at you before making your own pronouncement of good health.”

  The sound of multiple hooves galloping towards them had them stop their bickering and turn to observe the newcomers. The riding party, led by Christian, Amelia, and the Montagu siblings, had obviously come back this way in response to the call of the luncheon bell, and the lot of them reined in at the sight of Alex and Rue.

  From atop his horse, Christian exclaimed, “Cousin! Are you alright? We heard the commotion with your horse and came running when Rue screamed.”

  Before Alex could form thought to speech, Rue answered, “Alex was thrown from Ulysses and had taken a nasty fall. If you would be so kind to go on ahead and fetch a doctor, I’m sure his lordship would benefit from a proper assessment.” Alex threw Rue a displeased look having been cunningly gainsaid from his original position on the matter. Rue ignored the look and smiled encouragingly up at Christian.

  Nodding his assent, Christian galloped ahead, taking with him the rest of the party, except for Ernest and Georgiana. Both brother and sister coolly assessed the disheveled pair, and Rue wondered if the two could tell what they had been up to just from a glance. Expecting at least one word of chastisement, instead, she watched the two pass a look between them before Ernest volunteered, “Lord Merrick, you may have use of my mount to help you back to the house.”

  Georgie looked meaningfully at Rue and stated, “We will accompany you to ensure you arrive back safely.” Rue understood her words to mean: For propriety’s sake, we will act as chaperones before tongues start wagging.

  However, no one expected Alex to wave away the offer and declared, “There’s no need, Reddington, but I thank you for the offer. You are my guests, and it is my duty to see to your comfort and not the other way around. So, I will walk back with Rue’s assistance. The long walk just might help clear my brain from the shock it took.”

  Rue assured her friends, “I’ll be here to ensure he doesn’t do any further damage to himself. Go on and have your repast. I’m sure the both of you are famished after a good ride.”

  The Montagus looked doubtfully at them both, seeming reluctant to leave, but neither of them had a reason to stay now that they had been summarily dismissed. Rue urged, “Would you be so good as to inform Lady Edith of what has happened? I’m sure she would appreciate the news if Christian has made all haste to call for the doctor.”

  Ambling ahead on the horse path, Ernest called over his shoulder, “Come along, Georgie. It seems that the earl prefers Rue’s presence over ours at the moment. But I find that I’m not hungry just yet, so why don’t we linger just ahead to enjoy the afternoon air a little longer?”

  Georgie dimpled at her brother’s suggestion, her eyes twinkling with mirth as she replied, “Excellent suggestion! I was thinking the same thing and could use some more time out here in such stimulating environs. I only wish I’d thought to bring my sketchbook and pencils for a go at such beautiful pastoral scenes here.” Georgie nudged a heel at her horse, and quickly caught up with Ernest and his horse, careful to stay within sight of the tense couple behind them.

  Alex’s eyes narrowed at such obvious cheek displayed by the two siblings, but he also appreciated their fierce protectiveness over Rue as he, too, shared the same sentiment for her. If they wanted to linger longer if only to keep him in line with Rue present, he could not begrudge them for trying to protect Rue’s reputation. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel irritated with their presence or their attempt at interfering whatever they thought was between him and Rue.

  Ignoring her two capricious friends, Rue stalked towards her horse who was now munching happily at a nearby fern plant growing on the side of the horse path. Grabbing hold of Daisy’s reins, Rue led her horse towards Alex and the two of them walked side by side with Daisy on one side and Alex on the other.

  Watching Alex from the corner of her eye, Rue felt his current facial expression probably mirrored her own. At any other time, Rue would have laughed at her friends’ barely-veiled meaning behind their exchange, but because their subtle jibes were directed at her and Alex, she wished them elsewhere. Or at least until she and Alex were able to agree when their engagement should be announced.

  Elated as she was that Alex needed her and loved her, she still had a promise to keep for Christian’s sake, regardless of Alex’s feelings on the matter. Whether or not he understood her motive for wanting to keep their engagement quiet, Rue was still determined to spare Christian any awkwardness for the duration of his stay at Ravenscroft if Alex had his way.

  She wanted to tell him so, but her nosy friends were still within earshot ahead of them and she didn’t think they would appreciate hearing such news only in passing. She wanted to tell them herself in a much more straightforward fashion.

  In silence, she and Alex walked companionably side by side until they sighted Ulysses some distance away, grazing by the paddock fence. Ahead of them, Ernest called out, “Your horse has been found, Merrick!”

  Stomping ahead, Alex strode straight towards his incalcitrant horse as Rue sauntered behind with Daisy. Both Ernest and Georgie had brought their mounts to a stop as they observed Alex’s progress across the way. Rue watched as horse and master were reunited once more, and it appeared that Ulysses was none the worse for wear after his uncharacteristic behavior earlier.

  As they watched, Alex attempted to alight onto Ulysses’ saddle, but the horse danced skittishly sideways, unable to keep still. Alex gave up trying and could be heard murmuring words to the horse while smoothing a hand down the horse’s nose, both actions meant to soothe and calm the animal.

  As Rue drew closer, she could only observe Alex from behind as he seemed to be fussing with Ulysses’ saddle and blanket. Suddenly, a sharp cry from Alex rent the air just as he snatched back his hand, shaking it once violently, then bringing the injured finger to his mouth.

  “What is it? Are you hurt?” Rue asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

  Alex popped his fingers out of his mouth and Rue grabbed at his hand to better inspect it. Blood welled from underneath one of his fingernails, shocking her at the sight, but she quickly produced her handkerchief to wrap tightly around the wound.

  “I am more surprised than hurt, but it does sting like the devil,” Alex replied. “Now I know what had spooked poor Ulysses earlier.”

  At Alex’s yowl, the Montagu siblings had dismounted and came
running to aid Alex. Ernest had taken one look at Alex’s injured digits, and with his riding crop, attempted to lift a portion of the saddle with its handle. Georgie leaned over her brother’s shoulder to take a closer look and gasped at what they both saw.

  With finger and thumb extracting a sizable burr, Ernest showed the offending object to the group. “This was under your saddle?” Ernest asked, incredulously. “No wonder you were thrown! The poor beast must have been pricked horribly with your added weight on top of him.”

  Georgie inspected the damage to poor Ulysses’ back caused by the burr, and tsked, “Poor thing was gouged terribly. Who would dare hurt such a magnificent beast?” Georgie loved horses and could not bear the thought of anyone willingly hurting such intelligent, trusting animals.

  The implications of Georgie’s words hit Rue and Alex hard, rendering them both silent. Who, indeed! Rue’s eyes grew huge with the realization that someone may have deliberately tried to harm Alex, never mind his poor horse. Ernest and Georgie knew, too, that the burr’s placing was no accident and was fully intended for Ulysses to throw him off.

  A little pale, Ernest asked, “Why would anyone want to kill you, Merrick? And on your own property, no less.”

  Alex’s own expression was thunderous, as he gritted out, “In my business dealings, I may have acquired a few—rivals—shall we call them, who may have reason to do away with me.”

  With an arched brow, Rue saucily asked, “Are you sure it’s not some jealous husband you have cuckolded? I see that situation being more likely.”

  Scowling at Rue with an expression that said I’ll pay you back later, he replied, “Whoever is responsible for this was unfortunate enough to not have finished the job. I’d like to see them try again for they will not find me an easy target to kill.

  Rue cried, “Are you insane? You are practically giving them an invitation to kill you!”

  “I am merely itching to find the responsible party and beat them to a bloody pulp! I saw how close Ulysses’ hooves narrowly missed your head as he reared, and I mean to make them pay for that mistake!”

  Mentally scratching her head at his convoluted logic and making this about her, when he was the one thrown from his horse, Rue stated, “Well, the fact is that neither of us are badly hurt as was obviously intended. And I think that whoever tried to hurt you must be someone who is currently residing at Ravenscroft. Otherwise, how else would an outsider know the exact moment you would take Ulysses for a ride?”

  Silence descended upon the group as the gravity of Rue’s remark hit home. It was disturbing to think that the culprit responsible for trying to harm Alex was possibly sharing the same space and air underneath the same roof as the rest of them. The question Why? remained an echo in all of their heads as they looked to the prodigal earl with their own speculations of probable causes.


  Later That Evening

  Supper was a somber affair; not much talking was done as everyone seemed to sense the heavy mood in the air exuded by the Earl of Merrick. From where Alex sat, the tension in the air seemed thicker than further down the long dining table, and those seated nearest him could not do much else than pay their meal their fullest attention. However, his mother had no such compunction to remain as silent as their guests and would comment on her day or ask Rue about the details of her gown for the ball.

  By now, it was known to all present at the table that there had been an attempt on the earl’s life and it dampened everyone’s spirits enough to warrant silence. Every so often, someone would start up a conversation, but the attempt would fall flat in deference to Alex’s mood. Stilted as the flow of conversation was, the thought on everyone’s minds was: who would have been foolhardy enough to harm the earl and why?

  Seated across from Christian, Rue was treated to his kindly smiles and his attempts to school his face from appearing too awkward with the uncustomary silence at the supper table. But even his usual cheeriness could not stave off the heavy strain hanging in the air. With Alex glowering from his seat at the head of the table, Rue did her best to ignore the intense feel of Alex’s gaze upon her while she struggled to keep abreast of what Christian was saying.

  In a light tone, Christian addressed her, “I look forward to enjoying ourselves at the ball tomorrow. I hope you will save a waltz for me, at least.”

  “Of course,” she said automatically. “I would be delighted. It seems an age since I’ve last waltzed.”

  Next to her left elbow, Ernest nudged her to remind her, “That’s not true, darling. We shared a waltz just last week. At the Greshams’s ball, if you remember.”

  The memory of their waltz brought to mind the events that had involved Lord Geoffrey, occurring shortly after their shared dance, and Rue winced inwardly at the reminder. That ball seemed so long ago, particularly after all that had transpired between herself and Alex, and she suddenly found that she was grateful for the pain caused her by Lord Geoffrey. Otherwise, she would not have discovered Alex’s feelings for her were just as strong as hers for Alex.

  “Ah, yes. Thank you for reminding me Ernest,” she said, her tone slightly flat. “The Greshams’s ball was the last time I had properly waltzed, and I would be honored, Christian, to partake in a waltz with you.”

  At her last uttered word, she was caught unawares by a sweep of heat suddenly traveling along her exposed neckline and shoulder, made bare by the cut of her dress. The heat increased in potency, and she felt a growing heat pool within her core in response. She immediately realized it was Alex’s gaze she could feel as it swept wider and lower to take in the exposed swells of her breasts above the low neckline of her gown.

  Swinging her gaze towards the head of the table, Rue caught a hint of the darkly sensual hunger in Alex’s eyes before he quickly masked it with a limpid smile. Narrowing her eyes at him, she silently urged him to behave with one look and sighed.

  “Is everything all right?” asked Christian, his expression slightly etched with concern.

  Having forgotten momentarily that she was in a room full of people, Rue was a little embarrassed that she was caught woolgathering. In reply, she simply said, “Yes, it is. I only wish that Alex’s mood would improve slightly. His scowl is making everyone’s soup curdle.”

  Christian and Ernest chuckled at her comment. Ernest stated, “If his glower continues further, I’m afraid the cook would be reduced to tears if her meal returns uneaten.”

  To Rue’s right, Georgie piped in, “No danger of that happening with me! I find this soup absolutely divine! Ernest, what do you think of luring the Ravenscroft cook to work for us instead?”

  Ernest mildly scolded, “Georgiana! And risk a thickening waistline? I think not!” He patted his otherwise trim stomach in a piqued manner, making Rue and Georgie laugh. Both women knew that the Marquis of Reddington fastidiously kept his figure in trim shape and boxed regularly at Gentleman Jack’s.

  Alistair materialized within the dining room and made a beeline for Alex, looking quite put out. Rue looked up curiously at his appearance as the Ravenscroft butler was generally known for adhering to his strict code of conduct as a member of the household staff. For Alistair to appear during the middle of dinner, no matter the circumstance, he usually waited until after the meal to inform the earl of any bit of news that needed his attention.

  She watched as Alistair bent low to whisper something in Alex’s ear, his manner agitated and aggrieved. Whatever Alistair said had Alex smiling widely, his mood much improved at the result. No longer brooding or out of sorts, Alex became the jovial host once more, and boisterously bellowed, “Alistair, man, let the poor fellow in! With your skills, I am sure that one more place setting does not require such strain as you claim.”

  Looking further pained, Alistair left the room, and everyone at the table sat up straighter and taller, no longer mired with the dullness of the dinner thus far. With their curiosities piqued and their attentions directed toward the double doors, this new development was easily a wel
come diversion from the lackluster mood surrounding the room.

  Alistair returned soon after with a gentleman trailing behind and presented him to Alex near the head of the table. Servants hurried in to hastily place an impromptu setting next to the Earl, displacing one of his cousins further down the table. Most of the ladies present tittered at the remarkable handsomeness of the newcomer, but Rue was most surprised by the sound of Georgie’s shocked gasp beside her. The stranger must have heard Georgie since he swiftly caught Georgie’s eye, and Rue watched, fascinated, as both seemed equally shocked to see the other.

  But nothing more passed between them when Alex burst out with, “Rafe! I’m so glad you’ve come! I didn’t think you would make it in time for my mother’s Midsummer ball, but here you are!” Alex had already jumped from his seat to clasp hands with the towering giant before him, and even Rue silently remarked how both men side by side exuded enough raw strength and power to match their devastating good looks.


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