The Wrath of the Chosen

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The Wrath of the Chosen Page 22

by K. C. Hamby

  “You juss don’t get it. I tole you, I’m in lub with you,” the voice yells back, slurring every word in a voice that I immediately recognize.

  Sara. I snarl. What the hell is she doing there?

  I push my legs to go impossibly faster. I’m running in a blur and almost there.

  “Get off me!” Nina screams angrily. My blood catches on fire. Sara’s touching her? My wolf pushes close to the surface and only has one thought: protect my Mate.

  Just a little farther. The buildings and shops are flying past me now.

  “What? Is it because of the Fal girl? What does she have that I don’t?” Sara yells and I hear struggling. Then a punch is thrown with the sound of fist on flesh that I know all too well.

  “Bitch!” Sara screams. “Come here!”

  I get to the stairs and look up.

  Sara has Nina pushed against the wall with her hands around Nina’s throat. Sara’s nose is dripping blood from Nina’s hit.

  Nina is struggling to breathe, kicking her legs out, trying to knock Sara away from her.

  My eyes dilate. I don’t think I touch any of the stairs as I fly up them.

  I grab Sara from behind by her shoulders and throw her off Nina. Nina drops to the floor and gasps for air, but I’m not done with Sara. I snarl and jump on top of her. Her eyes nearly fall out of their sockets when she recognizes me. I know that look.


  Something inside snaps back to the old Fal and I smile devilishly. I feed off her fear. It’s in her scent and smells sharp and alluring. She breathes in my face and the chemical air of alcohol floods my sense of smell. I punch her in the face a few times with my right fist while holding her body in place with my straddled legs and left arm. Rage colors my vision red. I’m no longer in control. My wolf is.

  I pick Sara up off the ground by her throat with one hand and slam her against the wall beside Nina’s window. I’m not in control enough to hold back my strength and I’m surprised Sara isn’t incapacitated. Pieces of brick fall to the ground with the impact. Her head bounces off the building so hard, she may have brain damage. I reach down into my boot with my right hand and pull out my knife. I push my body against Sara’s, press my left forearm over her neck, and put the knife to her upper throat, pushing down with a snarl.

  I freeze. My knife has enough force on Sara’s neck it gives her a small cut. Blood trickles down onto the sleeve of my jacket while copper tickles my nose. Sara stares at me fearfully. I growl at her and she whimpers. I cackle quietly.

  She hurt Nina is all my wolf understands. She hurt your Mate.

  I grip my knife tighter and push it a little closer. Sara whimpers louder as more of her liquid copper flows. I faintly register someone speaking around me. My ears perk up and pay more attention.

  A raspy “Fal,” is what I hear coming from the corner by Nina’s door. I slide my eyes in that direction. Nina. My wolf calms slightly and commands the rest of me to listen, giving my control back.

  “Fal, don’t,” she pleads with me. She’s talking about Sara. Don’t kill her. My wolf snaps back into control I snarl and look back at Sara.

  “I should kill you,” I tell her in a low and sinister voice. A tear slips down her face, mixing with the blood from where my fist connected with her face a few times. “You got lucky this time.” I loosen my grip on her throat and take the knife away. Sara starts to leave.

  I’m still not done.

  I grab her and slam her back into the same position, pressing my knife back into the same cut. Sara cries out.

  “Fal!” Nina yells at me.

  I ignore her. “If I ever see you come around Nina, if you so much as think about her again, I will not show mercy. I will not hesitate. I will kill you with a smile on my face.” I push the knife enough to make it hurt. “Do. Not. Come. Back,” I growl and release her.

  She frantically stumbles down the stairs and out of sight. I wipe my knife off on my jeans and stuff it back in my boot. I walk over to Nina and she glares at me like I’m a stranger.

  No, not a stranger. A monster.

  I brush off the hurt and effortlessly lift her up in my arms to carry her inside.

  After some maneuvering through the door, I gently place her on the couch and cautiously sit down beside her. She side-eyes me like I’m going to put a knife up to her throat next. My wolf whines in my chest.

  “Can I look?” I ask, gesturing at her neck. She hesitates, but eventually agrees. I tilt Nina’s chin up and snarl, making her squeak and jump. “Sorry.” There are bright red welts circling her neck. I lean back and take a few breaths. She’s alive and it calms me down, if only a little. “What happened?” Nina takes a few breaths while touching her neck and wincing.

  “She came here unexpectedly,” Nina croaks. I head to the kitchen to grab her a bag of ice for her neck as she continues. “She asks if we can talk. I said no at first, but then I agreed we could talk if we stayed outside. That’s when I realized Sara was absolutely lit.” She glances at me as I hand her the ice and sit back down with confusion crinkling my forehead. “Drunk. She was drunk. Anyway, she started trying to convince me I should be with her because she would treat me right blah blah blah.” She swallows hard as I clench my jaw. “I told her no and tried to go inside, but she blocked the door.”

  I’m fine. I’m not going to flip my shit.

  I’m fine.

  “Then she kissed me.”

  Never mind.

  I stand up with a snarl and pace in front of Nina, but I keep my mouth shut. “Um, anyway, I pushed her off and told her to leave. Then she pinned me to the wall and tried to….” She trails off.

  “Tried to what, Nina?” I don’t want her to be afraid to tell me things, but I understand she probably thinks I’m a psycho. She sighs.

  “She tried to slide her hand in my jeans.” She talks fast to get her story out while I decide whether I should chase Sara down and kill her now or later. “I pushed her off and punched her. Then she put her hands around my throat and that’s when you showed up.” She looks up at me.

  I’m seeing red. So much red. I take a step toward the door to go after Sara.

  “Fal?” Nina whispers. I look into her eyes and she snatches away the rage I have. I sigh.

  “I should have killed her.” She looks down like she is debating with herself. She flicks her eyes back to mine with determination.

  “No more secrets. What do you do? Or…what are you?”

  Chapter 24

  I guess this is it, right?

  I’ve heard about the feeling that makes your heart race. You break out in a cold sweat while someone places a vice grip on your heart and squeezes.


  I don’t think I’ve felt it until now, which is amusing because I get myself in compromising situations regularly that should even induce fear in the gods. But no, this is when my fear presents itself. It’s here when I’m looking into the sapphire eyes of the one I literally can’t live without; when I have to tell her one of the most secret parts of me. I’m not scared to tell her, though. I fear her reaction.

  If she leaves, I am nothing. She is every part of everything I want to be now and far into the future. It’s terrifying how much I need her. Just the thought of her not wanting me is enough to kill me. But I need her to be willing. I need her to choose me, even knowing all the facts. I need her to choose all of me, even when the darker parts are monstrous.

  So, here goes nothing.

  “I’m an assassin.”

  Her head jerks back in surprise and she blinks several times. “So, you do work for the FBI.” I shake my head solemnly and Nina swallows hard. “I’m really going to need you to explain before my brain decides to come to its own conclusions.” I nod and come back to sit on the couch, giving Nina plenty of space to process what I’m about to say. My heart thuds and I can hear hers speeding right beside mine.

  “Okay, I’m a part of a worldwide species known as Lupi. We’ve been around for thousands of years. H
ecate, the goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, death, and a lot of other things that don’t directly relate with this story, created us because she saw the evil in the world was destroying humans and their humanity.”

  “Wait, wait, wait. Lupi. Like, wolf?” Nina stares with bulging eyes.

  “She made us as shifters. We have a wolf form, and when we are in what you see as person form, we have all the characteristics of our wolves. We are lethal, loyal, and silent killers. Hecate charged us with taking out the darkness threatening to upset the balance of light and dark.” I stop to gauge how Nina is handling this. Her forehead is creased in deep thought. Her mouth opens and closes several times trying to find the words she wants to say.

  “So, you only kill bad people?” she asks after a minute of silence. “Give me an example of bad people because I think ‘bad’ can be subjective.”

  “The last huge job I did, I took out a sex slave operation and got a group of girls out of it.” Her eyes grow wide, lifting her brows. “And the guy who attacked you the first night we met. I was out looking for him. He was a rapist and murderer.” She sucks in a harsh breath.


  “Was,” I confirm with a nod. Nina becomes quiet again and I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until she speaks and I’m about to let it out.

  “I mean, it makes sense why you can kick so much ass,” she states with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.


  “I better be able to. I’ve been training since I could walk.” Nina awkwardly chuckles and I relax a little.

  “Is this how you actually got your scar?” I nod, my blood running cold with the thought of Damien.

  “So, three hundred years ago, a Lupi fell in love with a human. Long story short, the Lupi broke the human’s heart and she decided to tell people about us. These people were religious fanatics and found us to be…unnatural. They vowed to their god to get rid of us.” Nina blows a heavy breath out of her nose.

  “I know a little about being called unnatural by religious fanatics.” She rolls her eyes and I realize she must be talking about the whole same sex marriage issue. I pat her leg with a knowing glance.

  Nina shuffles closer to me on the couch, sucking in every word I say like a cute little sponge. “They began training as young as possible, learning how to take us out. They call themselves Hunters.” Nina rolls her eyes. “Right? We call them Poachers instead. It fits them better. Anyway, when they turn sixteen or so, they get these double scythe tattoos on the back of their necks, marking that they are of age to kill. But they never think of how it makes it easy for us to identify them.” I stop and muster up enough control to talk about Damien. Pressure is applied to my leg and I look down. Nina has placed her hand on my thigh and Luna has also joined the party.

  “Damien is the one who did this to me.” I gesture to my scar. “He’s a Poacher. An unnaturally strong and fast one. I killed his partner because she was brave—or stupid—enough to attack me. I tried to tell her to leave and she wasn’t ready to fight me, but she did it anyway. One thing you should know, they don’t give up on a kill.” I look at her pointedly. “When they have marked someone, they’ll hunt them until either they or the target is dead. So, it was either me or her. Obviously, it ended up being her. Damien sought revenge. Ergo, my face.” I sneer and huff out a laugh. Looking at Nina, I find her not as amused.

  “How do they go about…getting rid of Lupi?”

  “They don’t believe in using guns, so they have to get close enough to kill us. It usually involves knives and several forms of martial arts. I happen to find guns very helpful,” I tell her with a devilish grin. Nina looks like she’s going to be sick.

  “Okay, new subject,” she breathes. “You said you were made as shifters. Does that mean you can get all fury and wolfy?” I laugh until I realize she’s deadpan serious.

  “Not me, but yes. Lupi shift into giant, furry wolves.”

  “What do you mean, not you?”

  “Um..” This got a lot more personal than I anticipated. “I don’t shift. I decided a long time ago I don’t deserve my wolf after Mom died. I haven’t shifted in years.” I sigh, my wolf whining in my chest.

  “But, it’s a part of you! You said so yourself! Hecate made you a shifter. You’re effectively cutting off half of who you are,” Nina argues and grabs my hands. My eyes burn with the threat of tears.

  “What if I don’t like who I am as a wolf? It’s been so long, I don’t even remember what she’s like.”

  “Well, I think you’re pretty great. And I bet you in wolf form would be absolutely adorable. And probably terrifying, but mainly adorable.” Nina boops my nose with the tip of her finger and I smile.

  “Thank you, Nina.” Okay, I’ve put it off long enough. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Jesus, something else?” she jokes and sobers when she notices the grave look on my face.

  “I’m going to be straight up with you. If we are caught together, the Lupi will kill us both,” I say with anxiety lacing my words.

  “Oh, my god!” I squeeze her hands tighter when she moves to pull away.

  “Please, let me tell you everything. Romantic relationships aren’t allowed between humans and Lupi. I want you to be able to decide for yourself what you want. When I left you, I was trying to protect you. But, I chose for you and that’s not fair. I want you to choose me on your own knowing all of the facts.” I slide off the couch and sink to my knees on the floor in front of her. An act of vulnerability. I’m completely at her mercy. I look into those beautiful eyes of sapphire, hoping tonight won’t be the last night I see them. “I am willing to risk everything for you, but I can’t make you put your life at risk for me if it’s not what you want. I will go away and never speak to you again if I have to.” That statement has stupid tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. I don’t know how I would be able to stay away from her since she’s my Mate, but I will find a way if she needs me to. I’d do anything she asks, even if it kills me. Her fingers twitch in my hands and she averts her gaze from mine. “If you do decide you want this, I will protect you with everything I have; until my last breath if it comes to that.”

  Nina remains silent, causing my heart to kick into overdrive.

  Seconds turn into minutes and my heart may actually beat out of my chest with anxiety.

  I’ve pretty much concluded Nina is never going to say anything again when she finally sighs.

  “I am terrified, but I don’t think I’m terrified because of the danger what you are brings or because I may, I don’t know, die. Sure, it’s scary. But nothing terrifies me more than watching you walk—or, I guess run—away again. Especially knowing it would be the last time I would see your beautiful face. That is what scares me the most.” She gives me a soft smile.

  I furrow my brow. What is she saying? Anxiety gifts me with a cold sweat all over my body. The room may swallow me whole while I try to find her meaning. Nina takes a shaky breath.

  “Fal, I don’t want to be without you.” She smiles devilishly. “I’m in.”

  I stop breathing.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” She rolls her eyes. “Now, kiss me before I get some sense and change my mind.” Her lips tip up in another sly smile.

  I tackle her. She squeals with laughter as I hold her in my arms on the couch.

  She chose me.

  She wants me just as much as I want her. I shower her with kisses, causing her giggles to continue. It’s like music to my ears. She reaches up and pushes some stray hairs behind my ears defiantly falling out of my braid.

  “So, you have wolf-like super powers when you’re in this form?” She tilts her head in curiosity.

  “Wolf-like abilities, yes. Advanced sight, hearing, sense of smell, and speed. I can hunt as quietly and deadly as a wolf.” I shrug and cut my eyes to her.

  “And strength, obviously!” Nina exclaims clearly referring to me going ape-shit on Sara. I duck my head.

  “Yeah, that’s correct,” I laugh. “Actually, my abilities are better than an average Lupi.” Nina quirks her eyebrows up inquisitively.

  “And why is that? You make all A’s in superhero school?” I roll my eyes and give her a peck on the forehead.

  “I’m Chosen.” I’ve never really said it out loud before and it’s like I’m breaking some Ash law. “It means Hecate finds favor in me and sees me for some unknown greater purpose. We are all from Hecate, but it’s kind of like picking people you trust the most to carry out things for you. I’m apparently essential in keeping the balance of light and dark.”

  “How do you know you are Chosen?”

  “She came to me in a dream and branded me as Chosen.” I sit up on the couch, pull up the hem of my shirt, and show her Hecate’s Wheel on my side. Nina scoots closer and runs her soft fingers over the raised skin.

  “A tattoo you didn’t have to pay for. That’s cool.” She laughs and I snort at her. “I’m sorry I’m asking so many questions. It’s like I’ve jumped into one of my fantasy novels and I want to know everything.” She glances at me sheepishly, but I see the excitement in her eyes.

  “No! You can ask as many questions as you want, baby.” I close my mouth and inwardly raise my brow at myself. ‘Baby’ just rolled off my tongue so effortlessly. I cut my eyes at Nina and she’s smirking.

  “Okay, so I’m assuming Nathan is a Lupi since you’re training him.” I nod eagerly. “Is Ash an assassin too?”

  I groan. “No, but he should be. After Mom died, he chose the Voítheia path. They’re the Lupi who help assassins during or after we finish a job. They clean up the scene or, if we ask, join us on missions. Ash usually helps me out if it’s a particularly big task.” Nina leans away from me with a cringe. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah…I’m fine. It’s a lot to take in and the killing part is not exactly my favorite.” She shoots me a small, guilty smile. “It’s amazing there is a secret world right under my nose. It screams Young Adult Fantasy novel.” She giggles, forcing a smile from my lips.

  “I know it’s a lot to handle. I do need you to know, it’s imperative you don’t tell anyone about this. And you absolutely can’t tell anyone I’m Chosen. There are just some things expected of us I’m not ready for.” She seems to want to ask what things I’m speaking of, but thankfully she doesn’t press the issue. She just nods seriously.


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