Southern Shifters: Lion for Her (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Southern Shifters: Lion for Her (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Brandy Walker

  “And, I don’t want you to,” he said. An edge to the words had her jolting in surprise.

  She thought Van had been just as convinced, as she was, that Mack was her mate. “You don’t?”

  “No.” The golden depths in his eyes flashed before he seemed to search her face for something. He let out a long breath and scrubbed his fingers through his hair. “Did you ever wonder why he never claimed you?”

  She shrugged and looked away. More than once, but it sounded a bit desperate to her. Admitting it to Mack’s brother, well, it was a bit humiliating. He’d seen everything that went on between her and his twin. He knew Mack had a wandering eye, even though he’d never acted on it.

  A strong finger on the side of her face had her turning her head toward him again. “He wasn’t the one for you, Maddie.” Her name on his lips sent the butterflies inside tumbling end over end. A wealth of emotion she couldn’t name came through, jarring her. Her breathing picked up, and she could hear her heartbeat echoing loudly in her ears.

  Maddie quickly pulled herself together and rolled her eyes, like she was sure he expected her to. “Then why did I feel the pull?”

  “Maybe because you were with the wrong twin.”

  “What?” Her eyes rounded, and she knew her mouth hung open. “You weren’t interested in me,” she insisted.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, and where I made my mistake.”

  Greer slid another shot in front of her, this time a double. She slammed it and set it down, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Getting drunk might not be the brightest idea, but it would definitely help her get through whatever was going on. Already her head was buzzing, but she wasn’t too sure it was from the alcohol.

  “Explain yourself.”

  Van picked up her hand and rubbed soothing circles into her palm. It was a trick he knew was a way to distract her when he was about to tell her something she didn’t like. He’d learned it in high school when he first broke the news to her that everyone thought she was a slut and was just messing with the two boys. “Mack and I both felt it. We both wanted you.”

  She jerked on her hand, but he didn’t let go. “Then why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because we agreed to let you be the one to decide.”

  “Brilliant plan…if I knew you were into me as well. Never in my wildest dreams did I figure you liked me in any way other than friendship.”

  Van snorted. “I more than like you.”

  Her eyes flared unintentionally at what that might mean. “Could have fooled me.” She tapped the bar top and waited for another drink. When it didn’t appear, she looked to see where Greer was.

  He was in front of them. Leaning on the bar, hands propping up his big, dumb head.

  “Another drink, please.”

  Greer stood and wiped down the area he’d been lounging on. “Nope. This is the part where you need to be aware of what’s going on.”

  “And I think this is the part where I need to get stupid drunk,” she sassed back.

  He tsked and shook his head. “Doll face, you need to listen to the man.”

  “You seriously believe he’s my mate?”

  Greer shrugged. “I don’t know about that, but I’m going to guess that a man wouldn’t chase down a girl his brother used to date just for the hell of it. I’m sure there’s some bro code he’s breaking by even contemplating being with you. The least you can do is hear him out and be mostly sober while doing it.”

  Maddie resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. She hopped off her stool, and took some money out of her bag. She tossed it down and grabbed Van’s hand.

  “Let’s go somewhere else to talk about this. I’m thinking a crowded bar isn’t the best place for my ensuing freak out.”

  Chapter Eight

  Van was more than happy to abandon the bar to be alone with Maddie. She pulled him to a set of stairs and practically dragged him up them. Once at her room, she unlocked the door and pushed him inside.

  “You. Bed. Now.”

  He certainly wasn’t going to complain about that. Van took a seat and leaned back on his outstretched arms. Maddie’s gaze seemed to eat him up. Her eyes started at his booted feet and went up his jeans-encased legs.

  When her gaze stopped at his crotch, he had to hold back the urge to adjust himself because of her lust-filled look. His dick thickened and pulsed behind the zipper. What was once roomy and comfortable was now hellishly tight. She licked her lips, and he knew she’d noticed.

  Van had to clear his throat to gain her attention, or all of his good intentions were going out the window. For too long, he’d waited for a moment like this. She was free of his brother and there was no other man in sight.

  Van sat up and held out his hand. “Come here, Maddie.”

  He didn’t think she even thought about it. Her movements were automatic, as if trained by listening to his voice over too many years. She took several steps in his direction and when she was within reach, Van snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her in close. He pressed his face into the valley between her breasts, groaning when her scent washed over him.

  There was no bakery or bar or other hybrids getting in the way. It was pure Mad Maddie that filled his senses. Underneath the vanilla and sunshine, which had always driven him crazy, was the sweetest arousal he’d ever had the pleasure of smelling. Licking up the valley of her breasts onto her chest, he wrapped a hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her closer.

  He explored her neck. Nipped her chin. Her fingers threaded through his hair before she fisted its length. She yanked and pulled his head back before he had a chance to kiss her.

  “Talk first.”

  Her breathless words stroked his ego. He’d barely gotten started with the woman, and she was already panting. “I prefer to talk later.”

  “Yeah, well I need to wrap my head around a few things before this goes any further.”

  Van sighed and let go of her waist. At least things would be going further at some point. He’d hold her to those words. He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs. “Where do you want to start?”

  Maddie took a couple steps back and paced. Her curvy body kept him captivated. The sway of her hips like a metronome for his heart. It beat in time with her, syncing them together.

  “You came here for me?”

  He blinked repeatedly to pull his focus to her face. “Yep.”

  “And not to take me home to your brother?”

  He snorted. “Hell no. Mack can chase after his own woman.”

  She stopped and turned toward him. Her brows furrowed deeply. “He has his own woman?”

  Van grimaced. He hadn’t planned on telling her that quite yet. He’d wanted her safely attached to him before that happened. They had a history, and even though they all knew Mack and Maddie weren’t mates, the feelings they had for each other would probably never go away completely.

  “Wow,” she blinked.

  He didn’t like the stunned look on her face. He stood and went to her, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest.

  “No. Give me a minute.”

  Backing up, he opted not to sit. He shoved his hands into his pockets and watched her.

  Maddie tilted her head to the side, and he could see the wheels turning in her head. “No. That’s good,” she finally said. “I’m happy for him. We were never meant to be. I can see that now.” She canted her head in his direction and looked at him beneath her lashes. A smile tipped her lips. “I’m good. A little shocked, but today seems like the day for surprises. Now, where were we?”

  “I’m not taking you home to my brother,” he reminded her.

  “Right. You want to take me home for yourself.”

  “Hell yeah. The pull you felt for Mack, I know you felt it for me too.”

  Maddie blushed and nibbled on her bottom lip. “Maybe,” she said, drawing the word out.

  “No maybe about it, babe. I think what you felt for Mack was
residual energy from me.”

  “If that’s true, why wasn’t I drawn to you more?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. We’re twins. We did everything together, and it was hard to tell us apart. You could put us next to each other, one of us angry and the other happy, and not know who felt what. We blended together. Our feelings, our essence. Since we were young when we fell for you, I think that’s what happened. Add in the fact Mack was the more outgoing one, who made friends easier, I think I was doomed.”

  Van couldn’t take it anymore. He had to touch her. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her close.

  Her startled eyes pierced his own. A tiny bit of confusion creased her forehead. Her gaze dropped to his lips quickly before darting back up. “I don’t think you’re doomed,” she whispered, a husky tone to her voice. This time when she threaded her fingers through his hair and gripped it, she didn’t pull him away. Instead, she pressed his head down as she went up on her tiptoes and planted a first sweet kiss on his lips.

  Her mouth opened beneath his, and he took it for the invitation it was. He dipped his tongue inside. Drank from her and filled her with his soul. Every fantasy of her lips on his was completely blown out of the water. Maddie didn’t stand by passively. No. She speared her tongue into his mouth and licked every nook and cranny. She bit at his lips. Rubbed her lips across his stubble. And yanked his head to the side so she could make a beeline down his neck to his sweet spot. Her feline teeth grazed his skin, and he didn’t even bother trying to suppress his shiver.

  Maddie pushed him until the backs of his knees hit the mattress. They tumbled down, her landing on top of him. She pulled her knees up around his hips and ground down on his erection.

  Motherfuck, that was the jackpot. Van pushed up and humped her. Her breath hitched, and he guessed he’d hit just the right spot. It was also his snapping point. His hands went to the hem of her shirt, and in one swift move, he had it up and off her. Soft satin and plump flesh brushed against his chest. He could feel her beaded nipples and craved to have them in his mouth.

  A flick of the wrist had her bra undone. She squeaked in surprise and he chuckled.

  “I didn’t know you were that skilled.”

  “You have no idea, babe.” Using his grip on her hips, he shifted her up. The bra dangled in his face and seemed to annoy her enough that she shrugged out of it. While she was occupied tossing the bra over the edge of the bed, he sucked one of her dark pink nipples into his mouth.

  * * *

  A soft moan escaped Maddie’s lips before she could stop it. If she thought about what Van told her, she might very well freak the fuck out. But she didn’t want to do that. She would much prefer to concentrate on what Van was doing to her. How he made her feel. Not all that other shit, which could ruin the moment.

  But, holy shit, his mouth was a wonderland. Kissing him was intense and soul searing. His lips wrapped around her areola, his tongue flicking over her nipple, oh…she could let him do that forever. Her body ignited and her brain shut down.

  Van popped off her breast and switched sides. His tongue flicked and this time he bit down hard on her engorged nipple. A spike of arousal shot right to her clit, and she groaned like she was indulging in the world’s best ice cream on a lonely night.

  Hey, it had been her reality as of late, so she knew what that sounded like.

  Arching into him, she pushed more of her breast into his hungry mouth. He grasped the other one and pinched and teased her nipple. Maddie was helpless to keep from grinding against his erection. The pulsing need rocketing through her pussy demanded to be fulfilled. He felt huge, even hidden behind his jeans.

  She slipped her hand down his belly and fiddled with the button on his jeans. For some damn reason, she couldn’t get it undone. Frustration had her sitting up and scooting down his thighs.

  He was much quicker on releasing her jeans. He shoved his hand down the front of her pants, diving straight for her center. “Ah shit. So wet, baby.”

  Maddie grunted and forgot all about his jeans for a moment, as he slid his finger up and over her clit. He twirled it in the confining space, pressing her clit over and over again. Remembering how it felt when he bit and pinched her nipples, Maddie grabbed her tits and lifted them in her palms. With pointer finger and thumb, she pinched her nipples hard and groaned happily. It wasn’t as good as Van’s mouth or fingers, but it elicited the right sensation.

  Suddenly, he pulled his hand free and pushed her off him. “Take them off. Now,” he growled.

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Shimmying out of her pants and panties as quickly as she could, she scrambled back on top of him. Her pussy hit warm, hard flesh, and she looked down. Van had unzipped his jeans and pulled his thick cock out. It was a wondrous sight, and a little frightening. That was one area the twins were not twins.

  Van was bigger. Thicker and longer. A dark vein ran the length, pulsing in time to his heartbeat. Her mouth watered, and she vowed to taste him before the night was over.

  “Not yet, Maddie.” Van must have known the direction of her thoughts. “Bring those nipples back down here.”

  Maddie dropped a hand next to his head to hold her weight and wedged the other between them. Her breasts swung forward, brushing against his lips. He captured one nipple and sucked it in deeply. That same surge of arousal she’d felt before, started up again. Her nerves fired. Her clit swelled. Using her fingers, she spread the lips of her pussy so they wrapped around his dick. He sucked and she fucked. Grinding back and forth against his shaft.

  “Van,” she gasped. “So close.”

  He wrapped one of those big hands around her, making his way down the cleft of her ass. Tapping at the tight ring of muscles, threatening or promising to push in. She slid faster against him, her arousal coating his dick to make the glide easier. The head of his cock bumped her clit on each pass.

  “Come on, Maddie. Give it to me. I won’t fuck you until you do.”

  “Please,” she pleaded, not quite sure for what. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to come. She wanted to please him and give him what he asked for. It was too much and her brain couldn’t process it all.

  He seemed to know. He grabbed her waist hard with his free hand. He pushed the tip of his finger into her ass at the same time he sucked one of her nipples painfully hard. Riding his dick hard, she threw her head back, the sensations overwhelming, and shouted his name.

  Quick as lightning, Van had her flipped and on her back. Her legs automatically went around his waist, and he started to slide inside. Her swollen pussy stretched around his girth, and she was thankful as hell she’d coated him with her slick juices.

  He stretched her and, damn, it was the greatest feeling. Heat rose in her chest, suffusing her limbs. Goosebumps decorated her arms and legs. Her scalp tingled in that blissful way it did when someone else washed your hair.

  “Maddie,” he grunted. His golden eyes locked onto her face. She could see the lion lurking beneath the surface, prowling. A quick thrust of his hips, and he pushed the rest of the way in.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and yanked him down, smashing their bodies together and fusing their lips. Van flexed his hips, tapping someplace deep inside that had her gasping in a mix of pleasure and pain.

  He shuttled his cock in and out. Picking up speed the more she moaned. There was intensity to his lovemaking that threw her body into chaos. Van was unlike any man she’d ever been with before. He poured himself into what he was doing. He possessed her. Fucked her. Loved her. All at once. He was all consuming, and she couldn’t get enough.

  Sliding her hands over his back, muscles flexed beneath her palms. Sweat formed and coated his back. She dug her nails in as another orgasm built inside. Her ass came up off the bed, her pussy locked down. She cried out, flying into the atmosphere as he continued to pound into her.

  Her mind became focused on one thought. Mate. Her feline’s teeth pushed through, and she found herself biting him. Her c
anines tearing into the silky flesh where neck and shoulder met.

  It threw Van over the edge. He moved harder and faster. She let go of her prize and watched him. The ring of gold shown brightly, his canine teeth dropped down. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. She couldn’t help tipping her head to the side, inviting him to bite. Begging him to claim her.

  When he did, it set off another orgasm in her. Van grabbed her hips and held her in place as he powered into her. His growl turned into a lion’s roar, shaking the windows in the room.

  Heat scalded her insides, as he finally came. “Mate.”

  Van collapsed on top of her. She could feel his heart beating a million miles a minute. Sweet, smooth serenity washed over her. Everything Van had said was true. He was her mate.

  He rolled to the side, scooping her up to cuddle next to him. Her eyes grew heavy and before she fell into slumber, one word whispered across her subconscious. Mate.

  Chapter Nine

  “But what about your brother?” she asked. Her head rested on his shoulder. The soft strands of her hair spilled onto her breast. He picked up a piece and wrapped it around his finger. Loving the way it felt.

  Van smiled. Happy as hell at the moment, even Maddie’s worry-filled questions wouldn’t change that. Everything he’d ever wanted was in his arms. Warm, smooth flesh, and the steady beat of her heart. It was a combination he would never tire of.

  She ran her fingers over his chest in a mindless manner, drawing squiggles and circles. She traced the edges of his nipples, then followed the muscled crease that ran down the middle of his chest. Fire licked in her fingers’ wake, his skin coming alive. He sensed her anxiety about them going home. “He’ll be fine.”

  Her hand quit moving for half a second before it started up again. “But what about our families?”

  Van put his hand on hers and squeezed lightly. “They’ll be fine too.” He placed a kiss on her head for reassurance and inhaled deeply of her scent. It was no longer just vanilla and sunshine. Part of him was there too. “Seriously, babe, it’ll all work out.”


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