Rough & Ready (Notorious Devils Book 5)

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Rough & Ready (Notorious Devils Book 5) Page 31

by Hayley Faiman

  Sloane Huntington is nothing but the past.

  “I’m sorry, man,” MadDog says as he sits across from me.

  It’s visiting day. I’m stuck in fucking prison for three years on a drug charge. It’s my own fault. I knew how much was too much to have on me, but I did it anyway. I was high and cocky. Now that I’m in forced sobriety, I can see a bit clearer.

  I fucked up.

  Big time.

  “Why? Because I’m in here? Brother, I did this shit to myself,” I chuckle as I lean back in my chair.

  “No, Genny,” he says. I sit up a bit straighter.

  “She okay?” I ask.

  I haven’t heard from her, but that doesn’t surprise me. My woman, my wife, she’s a bit temperamental, high strung, and high fucking maintenance, among other things. I’ve known her since she was a pretty little fifteen-year-old and I snatched her up quick. I saw the way the other thoroughbreds in school were eyeing her. No way would she be with them. My blonde-haired sunshine needed wild freedom.

  I just didn’t know that we’d eventually be semi-miserable together. Love her, but the woman grates on my goddamn nerves sometimes. So I hide out until she’s over whatever snit she gets into, then I sweet-talk her down, and it’s all good again for a while.

  It’s a cycle.

  “Don’t know. The day Torch came back and said you’d been hauled away, she said she was getting shot of you and she left. We’ve been keeping eyes on your place, but she hasn’t come back, not even for her shit. We’ve had to up our security on the Old Ladies, shit is in limbo.”

  I close my eyes for a beat. She wouldn’t need her shit, She has enough money to buy herself a new outfit every day for the rest of her life, and never repeat it. I know where she’s gone. She’s gone back to Frisco, back to her parents, back to society.


  “Don’t worry about her,” I say with a shrug.


  “Seriously, Pres. She’s got so much fuckin’ security where she’s at, she’s safer than the fucking president,” I mutter.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, Prez, I’m sure.”

  MadDog leaves a few minutes later, and I’m taken back to my cell. I pull off the photograph that’s taped up on my wall next to my bed and I look at it. It’s a picture of Genny. Imogen. She’s about twenty-one in it. She’s smiling, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  That’s my fault.

  She hasn’t been happy since the day she walked in on me fuckin’ a whore while I was high off my ass. It’s not that I want to hurt her, but fuck, nothing I ever do has made her happy. I bought her a house, and it’s about a quarter of the sized house she grew up in. It’s not fancy and perfect, but honest to fuck, I don’t give a shit about that material stuff, so I didn’t think she would either.

  Then, she wanted me to come home every night. I have shit to do at the club. I couldn’t come home every night. Then, she started holding out on me as a form of punishment. We’d been married for two years when she started that shit.

  That was when I started fucking clubwhores.

  I hadn’t been with another woman in over five years. But I stooped, I fucked the bitch out of spite and anger. I didn’t get caught, so I kept doing it, it was just another high for me to chase after. Then when she caught me, she threatened to leave, I sweet-talked her and she stayed. Then, that was a high.

  Fuck, I’m always chasing the next high.


  Now, she’s gone and I’m stuck here. No sweet-talking her back home anytime soon, at least not for the next three years.



  Pitching for Amalie

  Catching Maggie

  Forced Play for Libby

  Sweet Spot for Victoria


  Owned by the Badman

  Seducing the Badman

  Dancing for the Badman

  Living for the Badman

  Tempting the Badman

  Protected by the Badman

  Forever my Badman (Summer 2017)

  Betrothed to the Badman (2017)

  Chosen by the Badman (2018)

  Healing the Badman (2018)


  Rough & Rowdy

  Rough & Raw

  Rough & Rugged

  Rough & Ruthless

  Rough & Ready

  Rough & Rich (2017)

  Rough & Real (2018)


  Royally Relinquished

  Encroachment (December 2017)

  Follow me on social media to stay current on the happenings in my little book world.


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  As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.

  Born in California, she met her now husband at the age of sixteen and married him at the age of twenty in 2004. After all of these years together, he’s still the love of her life.

  Hayley’s husband joined the military and they lived in Oregon, where he was stationed with the US Coast Guard. They moved back to California in 2006, where they had two little boys. Recently, the four of them moved out to the Hill Country of Texas, where they adopted a new family member, a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

  Most of Hayley’s days are spent taking care of her two boys, going to the baseball fields for practice, or helping them with homework. Her evenings are spent with her husband and her nights—those are spent creating alpha book boyfriends.

  I want to thank all of my fans, everyone to took a chance on Rough & Rowdy and then decided to continue on with this series! There is so much more coming your way so sit back and hold on, these men of the Notorious Devils are not through with you yet!

  I always say a special thank you to my husband, my best friend, and the man who supports me in every single one of my dreams. He’s the man who has owned my heart for the past seventeen years. Thank you babes.

  My mom, she’s always supported wholeheartedly everything I have ever decided to take a leap of faith on, including my writing. She’s the kindest, most loving, and most supportive mom in the world. Thank you Banana Boots.

  Rosalyn my editor, my bestie, my confidant. All the words have been said, they’ll be said repeatedly, I’ll never tire of saying them. God brought us together for a reason, in a time where we truly needed each other’s guidance and friendship. I can’t wait for all the things that we’ve been planning to come to fruition!

  My sister from another mister, Nisha. Thank you for being my friend and always having my ear and always making a bitch laugh.

  Celia, my oldest friend, from the git-n-go until today, thank you for being such an awesome friend. Thanks for the laughs, the cupcakes, the brownies, the cruises in the Mustang, and all of the years together.

  Cass, my BOO, thank you for being such a great friend! Thank you for always being there no matter the distance!

  Cassy Roop, thank you so much for always making these covers so hot and sexy!

  Crystal Snyder thank you for loving my book men, for Beta reading for me, and being such a beautiful person inside and out!

  Stacey Blake. Sending my manuscript to you is never “scary” because I know that you’ll always make it absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for being so fantastic!

  Enticing Journey—Ena and Amanda—I always know that my PR work is safe with you, that you’ll represent my book and me in a way that only you can—THE BEST WAY! I truly appreciate all of the hard work you ladies put into everything!

  A special thanks to all the Blogger babes that have taken a chance on me…

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




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