My Hot Hero: A Hot Heroes Boxed Set

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My Hot Hero: A Hot Heroes Boxed Set Page 5

by Adele Hart

  “Do you want to fire me because I’m not testing your product in the office?” I lift and sink hard onto his length. His head falls back, and he strains to hold his release.

  “You’re killing me, Janey. One fucking stroke at a time.”

  “You want to come?” I rotate my hips and listen to him hiss.

  “Yes. I want to come.” His head falls back like he’s drunk on me. “God, Janey, I love you so much.”

  “So I’m not fired?”

  He pulls my hips hard onto his length and growls out his release. “It’s time for your review, sweetheart, and you get a raise.”

  I fall into his arms and kiss him not because he wants to give me a raise, but because he loves me.

  “I don’t want a raise. I want you, and I want some help to test some of these toys.” I pull the clit suction from the shelf. “Like this one. Why do I need this when I have your lips and tongue?”

  He takes the box and tosses it across the room. “You don’t.”

  Andrew’s voice calls from the front desk. “You two decent?”

  I scramble from his lap and smooth down my dress.

  Caine pulls on his pants and saunters out the door like it’s natural for him to walk around barefoot and shirtless in the office.

  “Dude, you smell like sex and strawberries,” Andrew says.

  I want to crawl into the corner and hide, but I don’t. I walk out of Caine’s office with my head held high. “It’s sex and mango, asshole.” I’ve gotten a full dose of both Andrew and Brad. Nice guys but they could never measure up to my Caine. More like brother material, and they never miss an opportunity to tease me.

  Three weeks later, I walk into our office and find a very different Caine waiting for me. He’s not naked with a coffee. He’s dressed in a suit and down on one knee with a small blue velvet box tucked in his palm.

  “No coffee?” I tease.

  “Come here you.” He uses his free hand and pulls me to him, resting his head against my stomach. He looks up at me with eyes full of love, mixed with a touch a fear. “Janey, I know it may be too soon, but the last few months have been the best of my life. I want what we have forever.”

  “Are you offering me a promotion?” I fall to my knees in front of him. It’s a position he likes a lot only he’s usually standing and my mouth is wrapped around his cock.

  “I’m offering you everything.” He flips the lid on the box to show me a beautiful princess cut diamond. “Well, half of everything. Be my partner. Be my wife.” He takes the ring from the box and slides it on my finger.

  “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” I look at the ring that signifies the promise of forever, and I smile.

  “You know when I showed up for my first day I thought this was a coffee company.”

  “You told me.” He rises to sit on the chaise. The same chair we make love on almost daily.

  “I’m so glad it wasn’t. A girl could have too much coffee.” I look around his office then look at him. “But you, Caine, I’ll never have enough of you.”

  “So that’s a yes?” He pulls me into his lap and nuzzles my neck.

  “Yes. It’s a definite yes. A forever yes.”

  Epilogue One

  Caine-six months later

  Janey and I didn’t have a traditional courtship, but we have an epic love. From the moment she walked into my office, I knew she was mine. The next day I made her mine, and I plan to keep her forever.

  She walks across a bridge in Golden Gate Park with the Japanese Teagarden as the backdrop. Her cream colored gown hugs every one of her delicious curves. Her golden hair shines like a halo, but my girl is no angel. She is no innocent, and I love every cell of her sinfulness.

  “You look beautiful.” I cup her face and press my lips to hers.

  The minister clears his throat. “You haven’t said I do yet.”

  Janey laughs. “Oh, but we have and we did, twice this morning.” Hidden inside this angel of a girl is a vixen.

  Standing beside me is Andrew and standing next to Janey is Brad. She tried to convince him to wear a dress but he settled for a pink tuxedo. Under a blooming cherry blossom tree we exchange our vows and much to the ministers disappointment we share a dozen kisses. Because one kiss from Janey will never be enough. I want her. I want all of her, every second of every minute of every hour of every day. She is my beautiful wife and I am her toy boy.

  Epilogue Two

  Janey-Two year later

  This will be the last time we make love on this chaise lounge. Caine presses into my body and my insides sing. He’s gentle, too gentle, when all I want are his powerful thrusts. I want to feel him claim my body, but he’s careful to not press on my big belly.

  Our son is due any day, and now that we are in the family business, it is time we leave the sex business to Andrew and Brad. Not that the sex business will ever leave us. In the back of our walk-in closet is a treasure trove of pleasure just waiting for exploration.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” He fills me to capacity and I tighten around him. “Why is it always so good with us?” My body wraps around his length like a custom fit glove.

  I let out a slow pleasure-filled moan. “Because we love each other,” I tell him. The orgasm wraps around my stomach and presses inside me like a bolt of lightning shooting across my insides like an explosion. My muscles quiver around his length. My hands grope for his ass to pull him deeper.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He thrusts in and out until he’s on the edge, he groans in pleasure, and I wince in pain.

  “Baby, I’m not just wet for you…my water broke.”

  An hour later, our son Noah is born. An easy labor some will say, but nothing with Caine and me is ever hard…except his cock.

  Copyright © 2017 by Adele Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Also by Adele Hart

  Alphas and Virgins Titles

  Thrill Me

  Tempt Me

  Take Me

  Choose Me

  Kiss Me

  Devour Me

  Make Me Titles

  Make Me Yours

  Make Me Crazy

  Make Me Wet

  Make Me Wild

  Make Me Happy

  Make Me Love You

  High Stakes and Hot Heroes Titles

  My Toy Boy

  My Cocky Cowboy

  My Naughty Professor

  Bad Boys and Good Girls

  Slow, Hard Puck


  Alphas and Virgins Volume One

  Alphas and Virgins Volume Two

  Make Me Volume One


  Hey Girl,

  Let’s talk boys. Cowboys to be exact, and if we’re getting specific, let’s narrow it down to cocky cowboys. That’s cowboys with a cock-y attitude. (wink wink)

  I’ve always thought they look super sexy with that big, wild animal between their legs. A horse, you dirty minded girl.

  Anyway, who doesn’t like a man who knows what he wants? And the man in "My Cocky Cowboy" wants Ellie. Cooper Jackson has wanted her for years. So when she returns home from college, all grown up and legal, he sets out to stake his claim.

  It doesn’t take long for him to corral her, but can he lasso her heart?

  Add in an outdoor shower, a father with a shotgun, and a mother with a fetish for yarn, and you’ve got a rodeo of fun waiting for you.

  What are you waiting for? Saddle up, sweet pea, there’s a cowboy out there waiting to be ridden.

  Peace out,

  Adele (Drops mic and rummages through her closet for that pair of chaps she bought for Halloween.)



  I straighten my back and feel the vertebrae from the base of my
skull to the top of my tailbone pop into place. Maybe riding the fence wasn’t a great idea after months of being out of the saddle, but I couldn’t help myself. Cooper Jackson was on our land, and I refused to miss any opportunity to see him, even though hours in the saddle netted me not one glimpse of the tall cowboy who stole my heart years ago.

  I drag my body through the front door and head straight for the sweet tea on the kitchen counter. Mom is prepping for what looks like a big dinner and a thrill races through me knowing I’ll get to see the man of my dreams tonight.

  “I love you, Mom.” After I slide into a stool at the island, I pour a full glass of tea and gulp it straight down, letting the liquid wet my dry throat and the ice cool the heat swimming through my veins after hours of thinking about Cooper.

  Mom sprinkles ample amounts of cheese on top of the lasagna she’s making for dinner. “Admit it, Ellie. You only love me right now because I made tea.” A sign hangs on the wall behind her that says Kiss the Cook. “Tell me how much you love me when I send you to the tack room to get the inventory sheet I left behind.” Mom gives me a smile—the smile that says, do-you-love-me-now?

  My gravelly groan fills the air as I plop from the stool to my booted feet. “You could have called me, and I would have brought it with me.”

  I’d just hung my saddle and worked my way back to the main house from the tack room. It’s not like it’s at the end of the driveway. Our tack room is at least a twenty-minute walk across the field.

  “I called. Your phone is dead.” She covers the casserole dish with foil and slides it into the oven.

  With the speed of a ninja, I whip my phone out of my back pocket ready to argue, but she’s right. A lifeless black screen stares back at me. The empty glass is a reminder of how blank I feel at not having seen Cooper today. I pour another helping of sweet tea into a plastic cup and steal a few tomatoes from the veggie tray Mom’s preparing.

  “I thought Cooper and Brent would be back by now.” Despite my attempt to temper my excitement, my voice pitches an octave higher when I say his name.

  Mom lifts a brow and gives me a knowing smile. “They finished running cattle between the ranches about an hour before you lumbered in. I think they went to grab a beer at Dixie’s.”

  “You’d think they would have invited me.” My tone is similar to a spoiled kid who’s been denied.

  Mom rounds the island. “I’m sure it was an oversight. When your brother and Cooper look at you, they still see an underage girl.”

  “I’m long past underage. I’ve been drinking legally for two years.” I want to bang my head against the counter. Would Cooper still see me as the little girl I was or the woman I am?

  “Go get my list. The boys will be back soon enough. I know you’re dying to see Cooper, and I’m sure he’s thrilled to see you too. How long has it been?”

  “A little over four years.” Four years, three month, six days and a handful of hours to be exact. “See you in a few.” I walk out the back door and head for the outbuildings with my head full of thoughts about a certain tall muscular cowboy who recently came back from his grandfather’s ranch in Brazil to take over his father’s ranch here in Wyoming.

  The last time I saw him I was almost eighteen and in love with everything about the man from the top of his dark haired head, to the tip of his cowboy boots. I spent hours leaning over the fence watching him ride. Spent days staring at him shirtless as he lifted heavy hay bales over his head to stack them high against the barn.

  I longed to run my fingers over his rippling muscles, my tongue along the scruff on his jaw. By the time I'd left for college, I’d doodled his name a thousand times and imagined what our children would look like when he married me.

  The grass is high with yellow flowers that skim the tops of my red boots as I trudge back toward the tack house. In the distance a truck sits alone next to the field house nearby. A home that is no longer used by the foreman since my brother lives in a cabin on the other side of the ranch. That truck has to be Cooper’s, and it matches him. All dark and brooding with its onyx paint and tinted windows—a mystery like the man.

  My pace quickens as if getting close to his truck brings me closer to him. The smell of leather fills my nose when I enter the tack room. It’s a masculine scent that reminds me of the true essence of a cowboy. A salt of the earth kind of man who’s not afraid of getting dirty. The kind of man who minces no words or actions. The smell reminds me of Cooper.

  I search the shelves for Mom’s inventory list and find it sitting on a freshly oiled saddle. Once it’s tucked into my back pocket, I close the door and slip around the front of the building to look at Cooper’s truck. The sound of water draws my attention to the outside showers. When the ranch housed a dozen hands, Dad built a bank of showers outside so the wranglers could rid themselves of the day’s dust before they entered the house.

  Like a cat hunting mice, I tiptoe to the edge of the rough-hewn barn wood screen. The sound of water mixed with the smell of pure masculinity entices me to inch closer. Knowing it must be Cooper, I breathe in his scent and let it soak into every cell of my body. Looking for a knot in the wood, I’m forced to travel down the fence to get a peek of the man I’ve fantasized about since I was sixteen.

  Mist floats in the air and lands heavy in my hair. I swipe my damp bangs from my forehead and kneel to take a peek.

  What if it’s not Cooper? Mom said he was with Brent. After a second of deliberation, I have to know. Through a hole the size of a dime I spy on the only man for me, but a dime-sized hole doesn’t provide enough of a view, so I crawl to the end of the fence where an open gate leads into the showers.

  I peek around the edge and my breath leaves me. He’s there, standing under a stream of water like a porn star in a fetish flick. His face looking up into the shower head as the water sluices down his body.

  Mesmerized, I stare at him like a stalker. I've never looked at a man’s naked form before and thought, he’s beautiful, but there is no other way to describe this man. With his back turned, his broad shoulders taper down to narrow hips and the finest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on—not that I’ve seen many naked man asses, but this one looks carved from stone. Perfect globes of muscle that flare into strong thighs and defined calves.

  His body shifts. Soapy hands disappear in front of him and a low moan fills the air. He rotates until his back faces the wall and his front faces me.

  I gasp and his eyes fly open to connect with mine. The brilliant blue color piercing my soul, freezing me in place when I know I should turn and run, but my boots are glued to ground beneath me.

  He shakes his hair and smiles at me. A self-assured, confidant smile. He sudses up his hand and continues to stroke his cock. I look from his face, to his hand, and back to his face. I have to say, Cooper Jackson is one cocky cowboy, and the nickname has nothing to do with his attitude.


  The way my name rolls off his tongue makes me weak in the knees. I lean against the wall for support and try to pretend that what’s happening is normal between friends. Like every day I talk to a man pleasuring himself while I watch. “Cooper.” His name leaves my lips in a whisper.

  He looks down at his heavy cock. “Is there something you need?” Long and lazy strokes draw my attention and I lick my lips. “Something you want?” He palms the length and wraps his fingers around the girth and I keep staring.

  What can I say? I will not fess up to fantasizing about this man, and although I desperately want to, I don’t rip my clothes off and join him.

  I shake my head and look back to his mischief filled eyes. “Lots of things I want Cooper.” I give his fully erect cock another glance. “Perhaps another time.”

  He laughs and shuts off the water. “What would your Daddy say if he caught us like this together?”

  I pull his towel off the nail he’d hung it from and walk toward him. My heart gallops as fast as my horse. “He wouldn’t say a thing.” I toss the towel at him and wa
tch with great disappointment as he wraps it around his waist.

  He stalks toward me until he stands in front of me. “Are you sure about that?” My face is level with his chest and a drip of water just dying to be licked.

  “Positive.” I tilt my head back until I’m looking up into his pools of blue. “He’d shoot first.” Afraid that I'll reach out and grope and stroke or grab him, I take a step back. “Mom’s making lasagna for dinner.” I turn and walk away but take a last glance over my shoulder. “See you at the house?”

  “Oh you’ll see me all right. What’s for dessert?”

  I turn back and give him a long, soft stroke with my eyes. “Me, if you’re brave enough.” Once I clear the wooden screen, I run like hell toward home. Holy hell, I’ve never been so bold. I am more of a peeping Tom than a femme fatale, but something came over me when I saw him naked.

  He stood there arrogantly like he was putting on a show for me. He expected me to turn and run. The one thing I know from my limited experience with men is give them what they expect and they lose interest but give them a challenge and they’ll fight like hell to win. When it comes to Cooper Jackson, I’ll challenge him. I already know I’ll let him win. Having him is worth the loss.



  Ellie Hawkins is no little girl. She turned into one hell of beautiful woman. And a bold one at that. Who knew the little kid who gawked at me for hours would turn into the beauty who visually devoured me moments ago?


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