A Merry Little Kinkmas [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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A Merry Little Kinkmas [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 4

by Tymber Dalton

  Sully’s eyes playfully creased at the edges. “Slave, you know our rule. You have to clean up our pet.”

  “Yes, Master,” Mac said, breathless. “I just need to catch my breath.”

  Sully fucked his thumb in and out of her mouth. “Then you get to clean Sir’s cock, too, don’t you?”

  “Mm-hmm.” That was a “rule” she absolutely loved. Even if she didn’t get off while one of them fucked her, Mac—or sometimes Sully, depending on his mood—went down on her and licked her clean, ensuring at least one, if not two or more orgasms. And she returned the favor.

  “Such a beautiful, sweet pet,” Sully whispered, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Our perfect pet.”

  She felt Mac withdraw, followed almost immediately by the feel of his lips on her pussy and clit. Her eyes fell closed as he quickly got her off again and she moaned around Sully’s thumb in her mouth. Then Mac stood and Sully moved aside so she could lick Mac’s cock clean.

  After the men released her from her restraints, Sully scooped her into his arms. She was grateful to lay her head against his shoulder as he carried her out of the playroom and back to the guest room, where he laid her out in the center of the bed. After stripping, Sully stretched out next to her, cradling her against him.

  Her ass felt like it was on fire, but she knew the delicious pain would fade until it was little more than a dull ache in the morning.

  Mac joined them a few minutes later after gathering up their toys and wiping down the bench. Then the three of them snuggled together, Clarisse in the middle, Mac spooned along her back.

  There were times, in the dark days in the hospital after the attack, when she prayed for Mac to open his eyes, that she worried these tiny, sweet treasures of time would never happen again. That Mac might not come back to them.

  That there might always be an emptiness beside them in their bed, waiting, always waiting for Mac’s return.

  He’d surprised them and the doctors both, making a full recovery, faster than most people predicted.

  Nuzzling the back of her neck, Mac kissed her. “Good night, pet. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Sir,” she said.

  Sully kissed her. “Good night, pet. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Master.”

  She felt the men exchange a kiss over the top of her head. “Love you, slave,” Sully said.

  She knew Mac was nuzzling his forehead against Sully’s. “Love you, too, Master.”

  She didn’t care if the world didn’t understand what they had. She had two men she knew would—literally—kill for her. Men she would—also literally—kill for. A family.

  This was perfection, peace, a heaven on earth she once never believed in.

  Anyone who didn’t like it? Well, in her book, they could go take a flying fuck, as far as she was concerned.

  Fortunately, most of their friends were in the lifestyle. Or if they were vanilla, they’d long ago come to terms with their unique dynamic, the vanilla end of it, at least, and never questioned it.

  Despite having this weekend alone with her men, she missed their sons. She’d joked about having her men neutered, but the more she thought about it, maybe they could have one more. Eddie looked just like Sully. Tad looked just like Mac.

  She’d love the chance to see if maybe they could have a girl.

  Being an only child, she’d often wished—before Sully and Mac came into her life—that she’d had siblings to lean on.

  Then again if she had, maybe she never would have met Bryan, and she never would have escaped to Florida and met Sully and Mac.

  Maybe just one more. If she did decide to have another baby, she didn’t want to wait too long. She wanted them all close in age. It was something she’d waffled about for the past several months.

  Muddying the waters, she knew if she said she wanted another baby, the men would agree without hesitation.

  That wasn’t the answer she wanted. She wanted their real thoughts on it.

  When she’d finally admitted to her friend Raquel back up in Ohio the kind of relationship she had with Sully and Mac, Raquel had been horrified. It had taken hours of explanation to make her see the abuse Clarisse had suffered at Bryan’s hands and the consensual BDSM poly dynamic Clarisse had with Sully and Mac were nothing alike.

  And the fact that Clarisse was the happiest she’d ever been in her life hadn’t been missed by Raquel, either.

  Clarisse’s Uncle Tad had been more than pleased by her decision to be with the men.

  Maybe one more. Maybe this time we might have a girl.

  Or I might be stuck in a house with five men.


  Not like it was something she had to decide that night.

  Closing her eyes, she settled in to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  After a leisurely brunch Saturday morning, Clarisse, Mac, and Sully helped Seth and Leah prepare for the party.

  Tilly and her men, Landry and Cris, arrived after five that evening, bringing with them a couple of folding spanking benches on loan from others for the evening.

  Essie Collins and her three men, Josh, Mark, and Ted, arrived a little after six, bearing a corn casserole that smelled heavenly, along with a couple of store-bought cheesecakes in different flavors and two bottles of wine. The men stepped out onto the lanai to chat with the others while Essie hung back in the kitchen with Tilly, Leah, and Clarisse.

  Leah and the other women had quickly grown to love Essie, who, with her guys, had become integral members of their close-knit social circle.

  “I saw the latest episode of your show,” Leah said. “The house in Osprey? I don’t know how you guys manage to turn that kind of chaos into a livable home without the use of a flamethrower.”

  “It’s not always easy.” Essie leaned back against the counter. “In fact, it’s never easy. My mom was an exception to the rule because she wasn’t a hoarder. My dad was. And the cases we get that you don’t see on TV…” She shook her head. “It’s sad.”

  Tilly reached for one of the bottles of wine Essie and her men had brought, a chilled moscato. “I’m not driving tonight, so I’m going to crack this open right now, if you don’t mind. I love moscato.”

  “Knock yourself out,” Essie said. “We brought them to be drunk. Drank? Drunken.”

  “Consumed,” Tilly said with a smile.

  Essie cocked a finger at her. “Yeah, that.”

  Leah handed Tilly a corkscrew while Clarisse turned and retrieved four wine glasses from the cabinet.

  “Oh, none for me, thanks,” Essie said.

  The other three women turned to stare at Essie, eyebrows almost identically arched in disbelief.

  Essie’s face reddened. “What?”

  Tilly tilted her head to the side as she studied Essie. “Since when do you turn down a glass of moscato?”

  The red in Essie’s cheeks deepened.

  Clarisse’s eyes narrowed. “No!” she whispered as a smile slowly creased her face.

  Essie put a finger to her lips, her own smile slowly appearing as her other hand came to rest on her still-flat belly.

  Tilly put down the bottle and corkscrew as she swooped in to hug her. “Congratulations!” she whispered. “Why the secrecy?”

  “I promised the guys they could announce it tonight. We haven’t even told Cali and her guys yet. I went to the doctor yesterday and she confirmed it.”

  The other women took turns hugging her.

  “How far along are you?” Clarisse asked.

  “About six weeks. The guys have already started planning the nursery.” This was the poly quad’s second Christmas together.

  “So fess up,” Leah said. “Accidental or intentional?”

  “Accidental, but I’m not going to complain. Apparently we’re so lucky at beating the odds we need to start buying lotto tickets. My doctor said sometimes the pill just doesn’t work.”

  Tilly snickered. “Well, it’s having to do three times the work.” />
  Essie’s three men, brothers, had more than proven their devotion to her. Mark, her legal husband and the youngest of the three, had been a missed opportunity from high school. When they reconnected just after the death of Essie’s father, Mark’s two older brothers, Josh and Ted, had both fallen for the woman, too.

  Fortunately for Essie, they hadn’t made her choose between them.

  Essie playfully smiled. “True.”

  “The good news is,” Clarisse said, “with three of them helping you out, there’s no excuse for you to have to change all the diapers.”

  Leah pulled a bottle of apple juice out of the fridge and held it up to Essie, who nodded. Leah poured Essie a serving of that into a wine glass while Tilly finished wrestling with the bottle of moscato and got it uncorked.

  Once they all had glasses, Tilly held hers up in a toast. “Here’s to a healthy baby,” Tilly said. “Better you than me.”

  “You never wanted kids?” Clarisse asked.

  Tilly snorted. “I have Landry and Cris. I have two kids.”

  * * * *

  Essie’s revelation kicked Clarisse’s thoughts back to the previous night.

  Not like I have to decide this weekend.

  Yes, she’d joked about having her guys neutered.


  They were great dads. So what if it cut into their nakey time, their play time? They were a family first and foremost.

  She sipped her moscato.

  Then again, I have enjoyed running the boat.

  When she was pregnant, both her men forced her to cut back on her time on the water, despite her and her doctor telling them it was okay. She’d soon be getting some free time back during the day when the kids were both in school.

  Do I really want to throw another baby into the mix?

  Clarisse sipped her moscato. No, tonight wasn’t the night to ponder that. “So tell us about the Kinky Karoling,” she said to Tilly. “Rumor has it it’s going to be a blast.”

  Tilly was just about to tell them when Tony and Shayla walked in the front door. “You’ll find out soon enough,” Tilly said with her trademark smirk as she went to see if they needed any help bringing their things inside.

  Leah turned to Essie. “So I guess I shouldn’t start asking you about when we can plan your baby shower?”

  “All I know is I hope it doesn’t mess up FetCon.”

  Clarisse snorted. “You sure you want to go to FetCon pregnant? There are some guys who have a massive pregnancy fetish. You might find yourself followed around all weekend by drooling men.”

  “You mean besides my own drooling men?”


  Essie stroked her tummy again. “I know I want to try to maintain as normal a life for us as we can until this little guy, or girl, arrives. At least at FetCon there’s nothing weird about a woman with three men. It’s one of the few places we don’t have to worry about people giving us strange looks if I’m just being myself around them.”

  “I know what you mean,” Clarisse said. “Trust me, you get used to it, and over it. Especially when you realize you have extra sets of hands to help out with midnight feedings and diapers. That’s when you’re able to say, you know what? I don’t give a crap what other people think.”


  “How’s your mom dealing with things?” Leah asked Essie.

  “We haven’t even told her about the baby yet. We’re going over tomorrow night for dinner. We’ll tell her then.”

  “I meant how’s she dealing with you being with them.”

  “Oh, better than I thought she would. I think she’s just so happy to have me back in her life, and to have her life back, and her house back, that as long as I’m happy, she’s happy. You wouldn’t believe the change in her. She’s like ten years younger. Looks it, too. Her house is gorgeous. She’s an amazing housekeeper. It’s the only reason she was able to fight back my dad’s hoarding for so long.”

  Shayla walked in with a casserole dish in hand. “Where does this go?”

  Leah cleared her a place on the counter with the other food and helped her unwrap it and find a serving spoon.

  Tilly returned a moment later, rubbing her hands together in an evilly gleeful way. “Are we going to sit out here in the kitchen and talk all night, or are we going to have some fun?”

  Tonight she was dressed in a sexy Mrs. Santa outfit, a short red velvet skirt with fuzzy white faux fur trim, and a matching red velvet top, also trimmed in white faux fur. She wore a Santa hat to top it all off, with black, knee-high boots.

  “Let’s go join the party,” Leah said.

  Chapter Six

  “Did I hear Cris and Landry right that you helped Tilly with some of tonight’s festivities?” Tony asked Shayla as they pulled up to the gate at Seth and Leah’s shortly after six. He punched in the gate code and waited for it to swing open before pulling through.

  “Just the songs, Sir. I am a writer.”

  He smiled. “Did she prep a new round of kinky carols?”

  “You could say that. Seth gave her a list of the holiday songs he can play on his guitar, and she and I collaborated.”

  “I thought the term was conspired.” He grinned.

  “You could call it that, too,” she agreed. “She said the old ones were getting a little threadbare. She wanted…” Shayla seemed to be searching for the right word.

  “Raunchy?” he suggested as he made the final turn toward their driveway.

  “Yeah. That. Well, raunchier.”

  “Some of those ditties have been making the rounds since Derrick first opened Venture,” Tony said. “It’s about time they got an update.”

  After he parked in the driveway, Shayla went on inside, carrying the broccoli casserole they’d brought, while Tony wrangled their gear and a folding spanking bench out of the trunk. Tilly walked out to help.

  “Need any assistance?”

  “Nope, I’ve got it.” He grinned. “I hear you’ve been planning.”

  “Duh. It’s a great year to be alive.” Her smile faltered. “Eh, you know what I mean.”

  Tony straightened. “You have every right to be celebrating, Tilly. Don’t let the past impose on your fun.”

  “I’m trying not to.” She ran her hands up and down her arms. “I’ll go make sure Shayla got inside okay.” She turned and hurried inside the house.

  He didn’t blame Tilly for her mixed emotions. With what they went through with Landry, Tilly could have easily joined the widow’s club with Leah.

  Not exactly a club anyone wanted to be a member of. Landry had been good for Tilly, forcing her emotionally back from the brink she’d teetered on ever since Cris left her.

  And he wouldn’t deny he was glad to see Tilly and Cris had seemed to create a new dynamic that worked for them. All three of them.

  He personally wasn’t poly, but he didn’t begrudge that to his friends who were. Especially when he’d seen poly relationships last longer than some of his monogamous friends’ relationships.

  It’s not all about the kink…

  Once Tony got the equipment and their bags inside, he sought out Seth and the others on the lanai. The party was just getting started, some people not having changed clothes yet. He’d had Shayla bring a cute little short, sparkly, slinky black dress to wear. They likely wouldn’t scene much tonight, waiting until they returned home for the bulk of their fun.

  But he loved watching his friends scene. Especially at private parties. The creativity, the fun, the different techniques—even the sexiness.

  Hey, if it wasn’t for voyeurs, everyone might as well stay home and get freaky in their own bedrooms.

  He also loved teaching, loved helping people grow their skills, watching as they took what they’d learned from him and developed it into new directions. He’d learned as much from his students and friends as he’d given back. Maybe more.

  On the lanai, Seth already had the grill fired up, with a large London broil and a couple of chic
kens cooking. After saying his hellos and fishing himself a can of soda from a cooler, Tony found a place to sit.

  “How many are we expecting tonight, Seth?” he asked.

  Seth lowered the grill’s hood and laid the tongs on a piece of foil next to it. “Ross said probably forty, based on the RSVPs.” He smiled, dropping his voice after a glance toward the kitchen. “I’m glad she talked me into having it.”

  “Leah?” Tony asked.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have a big one last year, and I just…” He shrugged. “That’s why we had the dinner, but not a party. I—” Seth silenced himself as Leah and the other women joined them on the lanai. Tonight, Leah wore a short leather miniskirt, flat sandals, and a gorgeous red-and-green bustier. Her formal leather play collar was locked around her neck, and she wore her hair long.

  Both of them looked so different now, happier than…before. Even a year after Kaden’s death, melancholy hovered over them.

  And now that he had Shayla, Tony no longer felt the slightest bit envious of Seth having someone like Leah.

  Tony was every bit as lucky a bastard as his friend, now that he had Shayla as his wife and slave.

  Fortunately for him, Seth had taken care of Leah. Who knows what might have happened if he’d been forced into that role—which he would have done for Kaden and Leah’s sake—when he met Shayla?

  It wouldn’t have been fair to anyone.

  Point. Moot.

  The doorbell rang, likely meaning one of their newer inner-circle members who didn’t realize that on a party night they were welcomed to walk right in. Leah went to answer it and returned a few minutes later with Gabe and Bill.

  Another success story. The man had come a long way from Tony’s first encounter with him, when Bill, a Charlotte County detective, was investigating Laura’s brutal attack a couple of years earlier. Tony had taken point gathering their friends together at his house in Sarasota, where Bill questioned everyone to see if they could shed any light on the investigation.

  And in the process, Bill had found his way into the fold, so to speak. A member of the widow’s club, he’d found love after first meeting Gabe at a munch, then partnering together at a beginning rope class the next weekend. Both of them had been shocked when they ended up assigned to a joint task force together, and had come a long way in their respective paths to healing. The light in their eyes, the blatant love for each other, he felt honored to have witnessed it unfold firsthand.


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