Cindy's Perfect Dance (The Candy Cane Girls Book 2)

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Cindy's Perfect Dance (The Candy Cane Girls Book 2) Page 9

by Bonnie Engstrom

  It was larger than she’d originally planned, but the thirteen roses formed a perfect heart. Lydia had wanted it to be both special and make a statement. Tiny white fluffy wax flowers bordered the roses like a delicate frame; tissue white Seafoam Statice and white Ginestra flowed from the bouquet dramatized with slender leaves of lily grass, and three white Cymbidium Orchids that she had grown herself nestled at the heart tip of the pure white rose blossoms. The trailing blooms added an elegant softening effect, and the orchids were to symbolize the Trinity. Lydia was thrilled with the resulting bouquet. But, she reminded herself, this wedding wasn’t about her.

  Melanie was the first bridesmaid followed by Candy, Natalie, and Connie. Tall, elegant Doreen was last, the only one in a long skirt to hide her shoe lift. The musicians paused while the women arranged themselves in a charming group. Lydia thought they were all so poised, such lovely young women. She was grateful to have them in her life. She felt a bit like a house mother, and she knew Kerstin Day felt the same.

  Soft music announced the Matron of Honor, her beautiful daughter-in-law Noelle. Noelle’s gown was a deeper blue with some lace detail on the skirt and bodice. All were strapless, except young Taylor’s and her sisters’. Little cap sleeves were perfect on them. Connie had designed all of them except the little girls’ that she had taken to her favorite dressmaker Sandy who copied the bridesmaid dresses in miniature and added the cute little sleeves.

  Lydia noticed all the girls and women wore fancy thong sandals with rhinestones and pearls on them. Most appropriate for a surfside wedding. Robinson and Cindy had given each girl and woman a special necklace, a delicate ring encased in rhinestones with a small heart in the middle. What a special token to save for their own weddings someday. The little girls’ and Noelle’s and Connie’s and Natalie’s and Melanie’s were sterling silver, but Doreen’s and Candy’s were gold. Lydia learned later that Cindy had chosen the necklace colors after observing the jewelry each girl wore. Cindy had also given her the same necklace in gold to match her wedding band, but it had tiny pearls alternating on the delicate chain, and she was sure the stones in hers were diamond chips and the metal 18K. She fingered it, and her heart swelled with joy.

  She was so glad she had played the mother card with Robinson insisting he tell Cindy about the MS diagnosis. Going into a marriage with secrets was no way to begin one.

  Noelle had reached the end of the aisle with delicate steps. She shifted her bouquet to her left arm in readiness to take Cindy’s when she arrived. All the attendants turned to face the back of the aisle when Teagan struck a chord and led the little musician group in the traditional Wedding March. Everyone stood up and faced the bride who practically floated on her father’s arm.

  “Who gives this woman in holy matrimony?” The pastor’s strong voice rang out.

  “I do,” Arthur Akers said. “With blessings,” he added. As he turned to sit in the first row next to the Days, a chorus of voices resounded, “We do, too!” There was a beaming smile on every Candy Cane face, and the pastor almost dropped his Bible.


  Because of the unpredictable sea breeze, there were no candles, so she and Arthur Akers wouldn’t be lighting a unity candle. Instead, she, Logan and Cindy’s dad would clasp hands in front of the cross while the preacher (hopefully, he was one) said a blessing over the families by reading from Psalm 112.

  Praise the Lord.

  Blessed are those who fear the Lord,

  who find great delight in his commands.

  2 Their children will be mighty in the land;

  the generation of the upright will be blessed.

  3 Wealth and riches are in their houses,

  and their righteousness endures forever.


  The three parents returned to their seats and dabbed their eyes. Lydia guessed he probably was a real, ordained pastor since he had chosen such a lovely scripture to bless them with. She hoped.

  She was smoothing her dress – why was she fussing with it again? – when the pastor’s deep voice rang out.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is usually the time when I would expound on the importance of Holy Matrimony.” He smiled broadly. “But, having met with the bride and groom and having learned of their life plans,” his eyes scanned the guests, “and why they chose to marry in this glorious setting, I have decided the following passage from Isaiah 58 eleven and twelve says it perfectly, as God’s Word always does.” He cleared his throat and raised a hand over Rob and Cindy as he read the ancient words.

  “I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places— firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.”

  Lydia was blown away. This scripture was perfect for Rob and Cindy, for the reason they were here, for their mission in Costa Rica, and especially for their marriage commitment. She brought her hands together between her breasts, the breasts she had nurtured Rob with thirty years ago.


  “… for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”

  That part of the vows frightened Lydia. But when she saw Cindy turn toward Rob with a beaming face, she relaxed. In a few minutes she would have another amazing daughter-in-law.

  Noelle slid a ring off her right hand to pass to the clergyman to bless. When Braydon fished in his pocket for Cindy’s ring she was thankful it wasn’t secured on one of the many ring bearers’ satin pillows, and especially not on Lucy the dog’s ribbon. Braydon passed it to the minister who blessed it and placed it carefully in Rob’s palm. Rob stared at it for a long moment. Was he having an incident? Finally, Rob looked at Cindy, his eyes glassy with tears. His whisper was just loud enough for those in the front rows to hear. “I still can’t believe this is happening. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful gift, this woman You have given me.” Then he placed the ring on her finger.

  Lydia found herself being escorted back up the aisle by Nick. She had done this before, played this part before. She felt a little confused when Logan gave her a gentle push. She was following Cindy’s dad, Arthur. He was not being escorted, but Brad had gestured he should start walking and walked behind him. He looked so alone, and in her usual style, she prayed for him.

  She thought about the fact both her boys had married only children. A coincidence, or God’s plan? Noelle at least had a mother, a wonderful one who had become Lydia’s dear friend. But, Cindy only had her. Could she fill that role?

  She found herself and Logan piling into a limousine. They were deposited with aplomb at a huge Marriott Hotel. Knowing Arthur Akers couldn’t afford this extravagance, she and Logan had paid for a reception with the hotel’s exceptional fare, and best of all, dancing. She prayed Cindy would never know, never feel obliged. It was the Lovejoy’s treat for her and their son.

  Rushing to the ladies’ room, Lydia couldn’t help but overhear spattered conversations.

  “Gorgeous wedding!’

  “Special on the beach.”

  “The groomsmen were hunks.” A giggle or two followed that one.

  Then, “How do you suppose Rob and Cindy afforded to pay for this extravagance?”

  “Not our business. Just enjoy the moment.” She liked that one, wished she knew who said it.

  Another one. “Let’s just go have fun. Wonder if Emily is here?”

  Who was Emily? Lydia didn’t know that name. Should she worry?

  She joined the crowd in the ballroom, found her place with Logan and Arthur at the special table reserved for them. She noticed a small table, was it called a Sweetheart Table? Close to the band? Suddenly, a band blast, a pause, and a tapping of drums and loud guitar stringing.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Todd Lovejoy!”<
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  Cindy’s eyes lit up like sparklers. Rob was so proud of her and so much in love. He took her hand and led her into the ballroom decorated with globe lights hanging below drapes of tulle billowing from the ceiling and smelling of roses. He kissed her and led her to the tiny table in front of the band. Everyone clapped and some even cheered.

  “Rob?” Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes brimmed. With joy, he hoped. “How did this happen? It is so extravagant.”

  He shrugged. “Just did.” That was all he’d explain. Later, when they were in Bungalow Three after two nights at the Marriott, he would … maybe … share with her. After she had donned the elegant nightgown Connie had whispered to him about, the one she had designed. Or, maybe a lot later, after she, or he, had removed it. Maybe never.

  He lifted her hand and pulled her up. “Rob, it’s not yet time for the first dance.”

  He nodded to the small band. They took the cue playing “Get the party started.”

  Did it really matter that the first dance was protocol?

  “Cindy,” he said as he nuzzled her ear. “Let’s dance.”


  Cindy’s Nachos Recipe

  Serves 4-6

  Ingredients: (Do not let the list intimidate you. You probably have it all.)

  * 1/2 to whole bag nacho chips (If your market has the latest $2 Only ones, they are the crispest and thinnest, the best)

  * 1/2 jar of Medium salsa con queso warmed in microwave on low to soften

  * 4 oz. shredded Sharp Cheddar cheese

  * Crumbled blue cheese (a small amount crumbled in your fingers, lick off what is left!)

  * A 4 oz. jar of sliced black olives (drain well, sprinkle liberally)

  * 1 or 2 Roma tomatoes chopped (or whatever tomato you have)

  * 1/2 to whole avocado chopped up (be sure it is firm, not mushy)

  * Good salsa (sometimes generic is better, make sure it’s mild; fresh is always better)

  * Green onion chopped, but only if you have it.

  * Sour cream to glob on top after chips are out of the micro

  Assemble: (Just go for it.)

  * Spray large micro safe platter with a bit of Pam.

  * Start to assemble; chips first, top with other ingredients in order.

  * The Key to unique is the Blue Cheese!

  * The key to wonderful is liberally sprinkling all other ingredients over all.

  * Microwave with caution. Start with 2 minutes on low, then go to 1 minute on high. You can always micro more, not less.

  If you have it, sprinkle with fresh chopped cilantro for color and a little zest.

  Everyone makes Nachos, but the secret ingredient in these is the blue cheese.

  Have lots of napkins handy, and enjoy!

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  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Cindy and Rob’s journey of love. I loved writing it, but it was a challenge because of Rob’s illnesses. I try to include some thought-provoking circumstances in each of my stories, but this one was a task. Researching Multiple Sclerosis and how Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are conducted proved time consuming. But, I wanted to portray both accurately. If I didn’t, all errors are mine.

  Even though I participated in four of my own children’s weddings, I had forgotten so much. What came first, when did the parents participate, what music was played during different parts? I did have a lot of fun portraying two of my children and all six of my grandchildren as part of the ceremony. Even my grandsons’ little dog got into the act.

  In the end, Lydia Lovejoy was an exceptional woman. Viewing the wedding through her eyes was a special treat.

  Book Three in the Candy Cane series is bouncing around in my head and heart. If you want to know which Candy Cane will be featured be sure to look for it and sign up for my newsletter. Questions will be answered. Did Emily attend this wedding in Costa Rica? What did Cindy do with her kitten Star? Will the newlyweds be successful in planting a church? Will either of the two Lovejoy brides have a baby? Who will find love next?

  For now, buy a ticket to Costa Rica and rent a bungalow on Playa Hermosa Beach. Brian will teach you how to surf.(([email protected])

  I love to hear from my readers. Please email me [email protected] (be sure to put the word BOOK in the subject line), or find me on Facebook or my website at

  If you liked this book or any others, please leave a review on Amazon. Feel free to be honest, but positive reviews are greatly appreciated.

  My first newsletter (with tantalizing excerpts from my Writers Digest winning short story) will be coming out soon. Go to my website to sign up so you won’t miss it.

  Thank you.



  Bonnie Engstrom and her psychologist husband, Dave, live in Arizona near four of their six grandchildren. The other two live in Costa Rica where they surf. The couple share their Arizona home with Sam and Lola, their two rescued mutts in charge of the household.

  She used to bake dozens of Christmas cookies in November and freeze them so she would have a lot to pass out to neighbors. Now … well, that was a long time ago. Instead of cookies for Christmas, she writes. Her Candy Cane stories set in Newport Beach, California, where her family was raised and where they have many fond memories, are perfect for gift giving. Or, for just cuddling up by the fire for an inspiring romance read.

  She hopes you enjoy Her Valentine Promise and also gift it to a special female in your life. Don’t forget to leave an honest review on Amazon.

  Other Books by Bonnie:

  Butterfly Dreams

  Recipes for Romance

  Her Culinary Catch

  A Winning Recipe

  A Cup of Love

  The Candy Cane Girls series

  Her Candy Cane Christmas

  Her Valentine Promise

  Her Wild Ride




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