Saving Grapes (Cable's Bend Book 1)

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Saving Grapes (Cable's Bend Book 1) Page 5

by Madeline Kirby

“What, then? And if you tell me it’s complicated one more time, so help me I will deck you.”

  Thom hung his head. He couldn’t tell Ben what he really wanted – that he wanted to latch onto Ben, make him his, keep him here with him until they were old and gray and tottering up and down the rows with walkers. The kiss earlier had filled his head with visions of kissing and making love under the sun, surrounded by the vines, or holding hands as they walked down to the winery to taste the latest vintage. He could still taste Ben’s kiss, and he was drunk from it, but not a fool. He didn’t want to be a stop on Ben’s journey, he wanted to be the final destination. But right now, Ben was still figuring out what he wanted to do. If that didn’t include sticking around the vineyard, or at least around Cable’s Bend, then there could be no future for them.

  “I need time,” he finally said, his voice so soft that Ben had to strain to hear him. “You need time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “Time for what, Thom?” Ben asked again when Thom remained silent. “Look, I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m attracted to you. I’d hoped you were feeling the same thing. But if you’re not, then I need to figure some things out. I’m not going anywhere, because I really do like it here, and I’m excited about the winery and everything, but if we’re not going to be, well, more than friends, then I need to get on with my life. And if you’re not going to do anything about what’s between us, then you don’t get to get between me and anybody else, okay?”

  Thom nodded, “Okay.”

  Ben stood there a little longer, hoping Thom would say something more, but when the older man remained silent, Ben sighed, turned, and headed back towards the house.

  Ross was still hanging around the house when Ben got back to the yard. Didn’t the man have work to do?

  “You get your problems worked out, lover-boy?” Ross called out as Ben approached.

  “Shut up, Ross.” Ben didn’t care if he was being rude, he was in no mood for flirting or whatever it was Ross did that passed for flirting.

  “I guess not.”

  Ben stopped and met the red-head’s eyes with his own. The man really was a giant. Even at six-foot-one, Ben had to tilt his head back to make eye contact.

  “You’re something else, you know that? Doesn’t anything ever piss you off or make you back down?”

  “Not that I can think of.”

  Ben had to chuckle in spite of himself.

  “Forget about Debbie Downer out there. Why don’t you come out with me? I’ll take you out on what passes for a town around here. Show you a good time.”

  “Yeah, right. I am not having sex with you.”

  “Who said anything about sex?”

  “You have a reputation, surely you know that.”

  Ross shrugged one shoulder. “I can’t help it if most people can’t resist my rugged charm.”

  “I’m telling you now, I’m not hopping in bed with you. If you want to go out, as friends, fine. But anything more will depend on how I feel about you after that.”

  Ross swept his gaze up and down Ben, and his mouth split in a crooked grin. “Deal,” he said, holding his hand out. Ben shook it, and jerked his hand back when Ross tickled his fingertips over Ben’s palm.

  “Don’t you ever give it a rest?”

  “Just checking the boundaries. And I’ll probably flirt while we’re on our non-date, because that’s who I am. Think you can handle it?”

  “Yeah,” Ben rolled his eyes. “You are not as charming as you think you are.”

  “We’ll see about that on Friday. I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something sexy.” And with a wink, Ross turned, climbed into his truck, and headed back down the hill to the job site.

  * * *

  After a sweaty day in the vineyard on Friday, Ben took a shower and stood in front of his closet trying to decide what to wear. Ross had told him to wear something sexy, and he had no intention of doing so. He couldn’t wear his work clothes, though. Most of them were dirty anyway, since Saturday was laundry day. That left his one pair of dress slacks and his clubbing jeans. He groaned, and reached for the jeans. He hadn’t worn them in months, not since the last time he and his friends had driven into Houston to celebrate finishing their exams. He’d never had any shortage of men trying to dance with him or buy him drinks when he wore these jeans. Not the look he was going for tonight, but he didn’t have much choice.

  He pulled the jeans on over his black boxer briefs, relieved they still fit. Turning to check himself out in the mirror, he worried that maybe they fit too well. They hugged his legs and ass perfectly, and the soft, thin denim flattered his package as well. Great. Ross was totally going to get the wrong idea. He pulled on a black t-shirt, leaving it untucked, hoping it would camouflage the uncooperative jeans. Nope, the t-shirt was tighter than he remembered, and accentuated his chest and arms, which had benefitted from weeks of hard work in the vineyard. Back to the closet he went, looking for another layer. He found a gray and black plaid button-down shirt that should do the trick. He pulled it on over the t-shirt, rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, and was pleased to see the tail covered his ass. If he started feeling awkward he could always button it up. Nothing to see here, folks.

  At last satisfied with his look, Ben grabbed his wallet and house key and headed downstairs to wait for Ross. He headed back to the kitchen where he could hear Thom making noise as he prepared his dinner. Thom looked up when Ben entered the kitchen, his face unreadable, and Ben briefly regretted putting on that plaid shirt. He knew he looked good – he should have given Thom a look at what he was passing up.

  “Ross will be here any minute,” Ben said, putting his wallet and key in his pocket.


  “I don’t know how late I’ll be.”


  “Anything you want to say before I go out?”

  For a second, Ben though Thom was going to say something. He hoped Thom would try to stop him. One word, if it was the right word, and Ben would call Ross and cancel. He’d only agreed to go out with Ross because he had been angry with Thom. But all Thom said was, “No.”

  “Okay, then. Good night.”

  Ben strode down the hall and out the front door to wait on the porch. He didn’t want to go out with Ross on a real date. And he wasn’t doing it to make Thom jealous, although if it got Thom to do something – anything – that would be a bonus. But he did want to get out of the house. Maybe Ross knew of someplace they could go dancing. Making a decision, he shrugged off the plaid shirt and left it draped on the porch railing. Ross’s appreciative once-over when Ben climbed into his truck a few minutes later had Ben wondering if he’d made the correct wardrobe choice, but it was too late to turn back now.

  Chapter 8

  Thom sat on the porch, the lights out, and watched the headlights of Ross’s truck approach the house. He’d almost begged Ben not to go tonight, especially when he came into the kitchen wearing those tight jeans. When Thom had come outside and found that plaid shirt hanging over the porch rail he hadn’t known what to think. He’d gone a little nuts, imagining Ben running around looking like sex on legs while in the company of Ross, of all people.

  The truck stopped, the engine was cut, and the cab light came on. Ben and Ross were talking, smiles on their faces. Ross reached his left hand over, ran it along Ben’s jaw and drew him forward. Thom ground his teeth, watching them kiss and wondering if it was their first one. Or had they been kissing all evening? Or doing something else, something more than kissing? He was driving himself crazy thinking about it, but couldn’t look away.

  Ben drew back, smiling. He laughed at something Ross said, and got out of the truck. Ross started the engine, turning the truck and driving off as Ben walked toward the house.

  “Don’t see him again.” It came out sounding harsher than Thom intended and Ben stopped, startled, one foot on the bottom step.

  “I can see anyone I want. You’ve made it clear it has nothing to do wit
h you.” Ben climbed the steps and headed for the front door. Thom jumped up, intercepting him and grabbing his wrist as he reached for the door.

  “Not him.”

  “Why? Why not him? He’s a fun guy, and he wants to see me. He doesn’t have any hang-ups about who I’m related to or how old I am. I told you how I felt, and you were pretty clear that I was wasting my time. So why shouldn’t I move on? Should I just live like a monk? Not even go on a date? Shrivel up and die alone? Is that what you want? Is it? You don’t want me, but neither should anyone else?” Ben was getting increasingly agitated and was almost shouting by the time he paused and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

  “No. But he’s… he’ll…” Thom stopped, rubbing his hands up and down over his face, trying to find the words. “He doesn’t date. He’s rough and selfish.”

  “What am I, a fairy tale princess? Maybe I just need someone who’ll make a decision. Someone who’ll want me and do something about it.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I mean, you deserve better. Someone who cares about you, not someone who’s just after their own pleasure. Ross is… he’s just wrong for you.” Thom caught Ben’s eyes, trying to make the younger man see his concern while trying to hide his own jealousy. It didn’t work.

  Ben’s demeanor underwent a sudden transformation. He took a deep breath and leaned forward into Thom, backing the shorter man against the door frame and smiling. “Do you care about me, Thom?” he asked, his voice a husky whisper.

  Thom gulped, trying to find his voice, “Of course I do. You know that. But I’m responsible for you. I made a promise to your uncle and I can’t betray his trust.” Oh God, Ben was just too close and he smelled so good.

  “So, you’re responsible for me? You can’t let anything bad happen to me, right? You need to protect me from big bad wolves like Ross? Hmm?” He whispered the last in Thom’s ear, his breath hot and moist against Thom’s skin. He leaned in another inch, his chest pressing against Thom’s and his left hip moving forward to put a slight pressure against Thom’s groin.

  Thom could feel his resistance crumbling. He’d been wanting Ben too long and he’d been alone too long. Why was he holding back, anyway? They were both adults, and if Ben was going to keep goading him, why shouldn’t he go for it? He shouldn’t, he knew he shouldn’t, but…

  “You can’t let anything bad happen to me. You’re responsible for me, you said so.” Ben’s tongue traced the outer rim of Thom’s ear. “So take responsibility, Thom.”

  “Shit,” Thom groaned just before Ben’s lips covered his and his self-control went out the window. “Inside,” he growled as he grabbed a fistful of Ben’s hair and pulled his head back. “Upstairs. Now.”

  Ben didn’t say a word, didn’t pause, didn’t hesitate. He just yanked open the door and took the stairs two at a time. Thom locked the front door and followed him up the stairs at a more normal pace, trying to control his breathing and hoping he didn’t embarrass himself. He found Ben in the master bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling off his boots and socks. The bedside lamps had already been turned on and the quilt pulled down to expose the crisp white sheets.

  “You didn’t waste any time,” Thom observed, walking over to where Ben perched on the edge of the bed. He cupped Ben’s face in his hands, tilting his chin up and kissing him softly, exploring his lips and stroking the seam between them with his tongue until Ben opened for him, drawing Thom into his moist heat with gentle suction. When Ben groaned into his mouth, Thom increased the pressure, pressing Ben onto his back and kneeling over him as their tongues tangled together, licking and exploring.

  Thom ran his hands down Ben’s neck, along his shoulders, and then down his chest. Ben’s nipples were hard beneath his shirt and Thom had to see them, touch them, taste them, right now. He moved his hands down and started pushing the shirt up when Ben grabbed his wrists, one in each hand, and flipped them over so Ben was on top, pinning Thom beneath him.

  “I knew you wanted me,” he grinned, lowering his lips to claim Thom’s.

  Damn, thought Thom. He may be young, but he knows what he wants, and how hot is that? Thom surrendered himself to Ben’s forceful kiss. When Ben shifted, leaving Thom’s lips to kiss a line along his jaw to his ear, Thom flexed his fingers. “My hands,” he whispered. “Let me touch you.” Ben released him, rolling to Thom’s side. He pressed himself against Thom, his right leg hooked over Thom’s, and Thom could feel Ben’s erection pressing against his thigh. “It would appear the feeling is mutual.”

  “Yeah, well, I made no bones about that. You were the one playing hard to get.”

  Thom looked down and discovered Ben had managed to undo all of Thom’s shirt buttons and was already working on his fly. “Bones? You mean boner?” he teased, nudging the bulge in Ben’s jeans with his hip.

  Ben hissed on an intake of air. “Oh, I’ve definitely got one of those.”

  Thom shifted so he could reach his hand down between them and rubbed it down the front of Ben’s jeans, feeling the outline of the younger man’s erection. Ben rocked his hips, pressing against Thom’s hand, seeking relief.

  “Easy,” Thom chuckled, “we’ve got all night and I don’t want to rush this.”

  Ben groaned. “I’ve waited so long. Don’t make me wait any more.”

  Thom grinned, then leaned over to kiss and suck at the juncture of Ben’s neck and shoulder as he pulled up Ben’s shirt. “Gotta get all these clothes off us first.”

  Ben practically knocked Thom off the bed as he jumped up and started stripping off his clothes. Before Thom really had a chance to react, Ben was on his knees pulling on Thom’s socks. Laughing, Thom shucked off his shirt and jeans and stood next to the bed in his boxer briefs, his own erection clearly outlined by the grey cotton. Ben froze, and stared at him.

  Thom felt his face flush under Ben’s gaze. Ben was gorgeous, his pale honey skin smooth over his athletic body. Thom had seen him shirtless before, but not like this. Not nude and aroused and wanting him. Wanting Thom. Words failed him as he looked at that gorgeous creature and hoped, prayed, that he would be good enough. He didn’t delude himself that he’d be good enough that Ben would never want to leave, never want to find someone younger, better looking, better for him, but if he was good enough, maybe Ben would want more than just tonight. He knew it wouldn’t be forever, but maybe for a while.

  Ben drank in the sight of Thom. He’d wanted this man, lusted for and craved and been falling for this man for months. He was nervous, but he was finally where he wanted to be. Almost. He closed the small gap between them, rubbing his erection against Thom’s, his hands on Thom’s shoulders. Bending down for a kiss, he whispered, “Come to bed, Thom. Make love to me tonight, now.” He lowered his hands to Thom’s waist, pushing his briefs down to reveal his hard cock, already starting to leak pre-cum. He ran his hands over Thom’s ass as he pushed the briefs down in the back and pulled Thom against him, crushing them together from chest to groin.

  Thom groaned, his knees almost buckling. He leaned into Ben, and pushed him down again. They scooted and rolled until they were in the center of the bed. Thom was leaning over to take lube and a condom from the bedside table before Ben’s words really registered. “Wait… ‘to you’? You want me to... you don’t want to… to me?”

  “I want you inside me. We can do it the other way too, whatever way you want. But I really want… When I think about it with you, our first time, that’s how I picture it.”

  Thom rolled back onto Ben, kissing him and running his hands down Ben’s chest, over his ribs and back up, pausing to fondle and pinch his nipples until they were hard peaks and Ben let out a small whimper. “I’ll make it good for you, Ben. I promise.” He meant it, with all his heart. No one had ever offered himself to Thom like this before. He swallowed the lump in his throat, took a deep breath, and jumped in with both feet.

  He slowly worked his way down, kissing a trail from Ben’s jaw to his collarbone, to his coppery nipp
les already drawn up in tight buds. He licked one, nibbling it until Ben groaned, then moved on, down his stomach to his navel, surrounded by a swirl of fine brown hair. Thom ran his cheek over the trail of hair leading down from Ben’s navel, enjoying the soft sensation and Ben’s warm, musky scent. By now Ben was fully hard, and Thom felt the other man’s cock nudging his chin.

  Thom pulled back to get a good look. The head of Ben’s cock had emerged from its foreskin, dusky and moist. Thom lowered his head to the unruly thatch of hair at its base, breathing in the rich, earthy scent, and then drew a line up the underside of Ben’s shaft with his tongue. He stopped when he reached the head, wrapping his hand around the shaft, stroking to pull the foreskin back all the way, and teased the frenulum with the tip of his tongue. Encouraged by Ben’s moans and panting breaths, he continued licking all around the head. He finally took just the head into his mouth, and used the tip of his tongue to tease the slit, licking away the pre-cum as fast as it leaked out.

  “Thom, please,” Ben panted, “no more teasing.”

  “I told you I wasn’t going to rush this.”

  “But I’m about to come.”

  “So come,” Thom said and lowered his head back to Ben’s groin, taking one of Ben’s balls in his mouth, sucking gently and running his tongue all over and around it before moving to the other one.

  Ben didn’t stop babbling the whole time Thom played with his balls, but when Thom went back to his dick, giving it a couple of licks before taking the head into his mouth, and then slowly taking it all in, Ben gasped and was silent. When Thom started pulling back, sucking and tickling with his tongue, Ben gasped out, “Coming, I’m gonna…”

  Thom grunted, lowered his head and repeated the procedure until he felt the first hot spurts of cum hit his tongue. He swallowed it all, licking and cleaning Ben with his tongue until the younger man stopped shuddering and started to relax.

  Thom laid himself out on top of Ben, his hard cock in the groove where Ben’s thigh met his groin, and lowered his lips for a kiss, letting Ben taste himself on Thom’s tongue. Ben groaned, deep in his throat, and thrust into Thom with his tongue, licking until he could no longer taste himself, only Thom.


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