The Author's Friends

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The Author's Friends Page 13

by Shelly Douglas

  “I originally thought we’d go out to eat, but you look a little flushed. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Your family is emotionally exhausting. I’m probably just tired.”

  “Why don’t we stay in? I’m certainly capable of preparing a couple of omelets, and we have some fresh fruit. It might be a good idea for you to go upstairs and lie down for a while.”

  “I don’t know what’s come over me.” Carla palmed her rosy cheeks and headed for the stairs.

  Michael stood in the living room alone with his thoughts for a moment and then joined her upstairs in the bedroom.

  “As much as I believe my family is capable of bringing on physical symptoms of anxiety, I want to make sure that you aren’t coming down with a virus, sweetie. Maybe I should take your temperature.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary. It’s probably just a hot flash.” She sat up on the bed quickly, a worried smile on her face.

  “Carla, we both know you’re too young for hormonal imbalance symptoms.” He shook his head, reached into the closet and pulled out a plastic box. Turning around, he rotated his finger. “Slide down those panties and roll over onto your side, please.”

  “Really Michael, after all that went on with your family today, you want to play anal games?”

  Ignoring her comment, he sat down on the side of the bed and coated the thermometer with lube. “If I have to ask you to turn over one more time, the insertion will take place over my knee. Is that position more appealing to you?”

  “Not when there’s a mean looking flat-backed hairbrush on the dresser.” She immediately pulled her panties down to her knees and rolled over onto her side.

  “Good girl,” he said as he slowly lifted her skirt to reveal her naked backside. “Bend your knees for me, please.” He tenderly patted her fleshy buttocks with his hand.

  “Would this be the wrong time to remind you that you’re not a medical doctor? Although you constantly seem to be worried about my …. ahh! Jesus, you could have warned me it was going in.”

  “What? And take all the fun out of it?” He smiled and slowly moved the slick bulbous tip further into her anus.

  “It only needs to be in for three minutes,” she advised looking over her shoulder.

  “As your doctor, I will decide how long to keep the thermometer in your bottom,” he retorted, gently pulling it out to the tip and gliding it all the way back in.

  “Gaah! Stop playing games! You are a pervert, Dr. Cohen.”

  “You’d better hope you are running a temperature, Ms. Campbell, because if you aren’t sick, the next thing to enter your lovely behind will be hard, but not so thin.” Michael grinned as he twisted and twirled the thermometer in her bum.

  “Do you think this will divert my attention from your family’s antics, or are you really just amusing yourself on a Sunday afternoon?”

  Michael removed and checked the thermometer. “Your temperature is normal, so you might as well get comfortable while I prepare for a rectal exam,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled a latex glove from the plastic box.

  Carla closed her eyes as Michael separated her cheeks and gently blew a breath of cool air on and around her shivering back entrance.

  “Mmm. I can see you’re going to dispense with idle chitchat. This is just a suggestion, but speaking to your patients during an exam might put them at ease.”

  He lightly circled the perimeter of her dark hole with his slick finger. “Sorry, but my best conversation starters were already used this morning.” He paused. “You’ll feel my finger in your bottom now,” he warned as his thick appendage smoothly slid into her anus.

  “That sounded so authentic, Dr. Cohen.” Her voice was breathless and muffled by the pillow.

  She quivered as he gently moved his finger deeper and deeper into her slim passage. “Everything feels perfectly fine in here,” he said as he carefully removed his digit and kissed her hip. “Don’t worry, Carla. We will have a beautiful wedding … with or without my family.” He removed his glove and helped pull up her panties. “Now let’s go downstairs and I’ll whip up a couple of omelets.”


  Richard stood in the doorway to the den. “Dana, what’s going on in that creative mind of yours? It looks like you’re either cooking up a new concept for a novel, or scheming to get even with someone. Please tell me it’s not the latter of my two thoughts.”

  “Carla called a few minutes ago and she was extremely upset.”

  “Jesus. Her life is more complicated than some of the soap operas my mother used to watch.” He shook his head sadly as he crossed the room to sit next to her on the couch.

  “Michael’s family had a meeting and made it quite clear that they disapprove of her because she isn’t Jewish. It seems Lilly is taking advantage of the situation by trying to wiggle her way back into his life. Thankfully, he hasn’t given in to the family pressure and wants to proceed with their wedding plans immediately.”

  “Dana, why do I get the feeling you’re dying to stick your little nose into a place where it doesn’t belong? This isn’t something you should be involved in.” He took her chin in his hand and warned in a stern but loving tone.

  “I just feel bad for Carla. You can’t fault me for that.”

  “No, I totally understand how you feel. But there are certain things that are out of your control, and this is one of them. Darlin’, this is not our family. So take a deep breath, relax and just continue to be a good friend. It’s probably all she really needs right now.” Richard kissed the top of her head and walked away. Dana sat for a few minutes thinking about what he said. Then she reached for the phone and scanned her contacts.


  “Debbie, my name is Dana McBride. Carla Campbell is a friend of mine. Do you have time to talk?”

  After a few moments of silence Debbie muttered sarcastically, “I can’t imagine what we’d have to talk about.”

  “My husband and Carla would both kill me if they knew I was making this call, but I simply couldn’t help myself,” she whispered while peeking at the doorway to make sure Richard wasn’t returning to the den.

  “Assuming this is about Michael and his upcoming marriage to Carla, I really don’t think there’s much to discuss. My parents are quite upset about the whole situation, and I don’t think anything will change their mind.”

  “How do you feel about all of this? Are you in agreement with your parents?”

  Debbie paused. “Not for the same reasons. As you know, Lilly’s been a friend of mine for a long time, and my wish was for her and Michael to find their way back together.”

  “That’s not going to happen, Debbie. He’s in love with Carla. It’s obvious that nothing good can come out of a quarrel like this, and if things are left as they are right now, your family will end up being more fractured than ever.”

  “Dana, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but my parents are very strong, spirited people. There’s a good reason why they’re called survivors.”

  “You’re probably right, but I couldn’t help myself. I see what this is doing to my friend, and I can only imagine how it’s affecting your family. I’m risking more than you could ever realize, but I’d do anything for Carla. Isn’t that what best friends do?”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  “Couldn’t you explain to your parents that Michael isn’t going to change his mind? He intends to marry Carla with or without their blessing. From what I hear, they depend on you quite a bit, so maybe you could encourage them to look at this situation from another angle.”

  “My parents have a lot of reasons for feeling the way they do. I’m not sure I could ever get them to see this in a different light.”

  “Has anyone in your family met Carla?”

  “No, we haven’t.”

  “Maybe it would help if you got to know her. At this point, what is there to lose? Remember, Michael’s happiness is at stake here.”

  Debbie took in a deep, cleans
ing breath and blew it out. “Let me sit down with my parents and see what they have to say.”

  “You won’t regret this.” Dana hung up the phone smiling and immediately dialed Carla.

  “Carla, I need to make a confession.”

  “Uh-oh. This doesn’t sound good.”

  “I called Michael’s sister, Debbie, a few minutes ago.”

  “Are you insane? Dana, why would you do that?”

  “Please don’t be mad. I was only trying to help.”

  “No offense, but I guess things can’t get much worse.”

  “Debbie agreed to talk to her parents to see if they would be willing to meet you.”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. From what Michael has told me about his parents, there’s little chance of my being accepted into the family. Do we really want to give them an opportunity to reject me in person?”

  “Come on Carla, don’t you think it’s worth a shot?”

  “This isn’t just about what I think. Michael seems to have closed the door on the subject.”

  “I hate to make this about me, but imagine what will happen when Richard finds out that I called Debbie. At the very least, it would be nice to hope for a happy-ever-after ending to this story while doing corner time with a red backside.”


  “So what does Dana think of my little family meeting this morning? Of course, I’m only assuming that’s who you’ve been talking to all day.” Michael sat down next to Carla on the couch and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Do you want the truth or should I make up an amusing story?”

  “Our friend Dana is always entertaining. Is she going to be in trouble with Richard?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t just meet her yesterday.”

  “She called Debbie today and asked her to speak to your parents. Dana wants them to arrange another meeting; she thinks your family should get to know me.”

  “Did you tell her what happened this morning?”

  “Yes, but she thinks they should give me a chance.”

  Michael shook his head in doubt. “What was my sister’s reaction?”

  “She agreed to talk to them. I think she might try to set something up.”

  “I don’t know if this is such a good idea. Hurtful things could be said that can’t be taken back.”

  “I’m a big girl, Michael. It might be my last chance to try and be a part of your family. I want to do this.”

  He pulled out his cell phone.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “Richard. We might as well invite him and Dana, too. After all, they’re just like family.”

  “Tell your parents not to worry about seating all of us. I have a feeling Dana will be standing.”


  “She did what?” Richard asked incredulously as he looked at Dana across the room.

  “Don’t be too hard on her.” Michael blew out a breath and tried to relax as he pulled Carla close.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “We’d like you to join us for the next family meeting.”

  “It’s the least we can do,” he said shaking his head at Dana in disbelief. “Just let us know when and where.” Richard hung up his cell phone and slowly set it down on the coffee table. Dana put her hands on her hips and strutted towards her husband.

  “I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say, Kitten.”

  “I needed to help my friend, Richard.”

  “But I told you not to get involved.”

  At that point, they were nose to nose.

  “You’re going to spank me, aren’t you?” Her arms crossed in defiance.

  He then crossed his to mirror hers. “I should tan your little behind until it is cherry red for disobeying me. But …”

  “Oh my God … did you just say, ‘but’?”

  “I give you a lot of credit for challenging Michael’s sister. It took real chutzpa’ to do that.” Richard tapped her on the nose, his facial expression softened.

  Dana laughed. “Yeah, we better take a truckload of chutzpah to that meeting you just agreed to attend.”

  Richard swung her around and landed a loud smack to the back of her jeans.

  “Oww … what was that for?”

  “It was just a gentle reminder to behave this week. You seem to be in a rather aggressive mood these days.”

  “Gentle … my ass,” she mumbled as she rubbed her bum and ran out of the room laughing.

  “It never ends.” He shook his head as he darted after her.

  Later that evening, Dana headed downstairs to do some final editing on her book. As soon as she got comfortable, her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her handbag to see that it was Debbie and answered quickly.

  “Dana, can you talk for a few minutes?”

  “Yes, and I’m so glad to hear from you, Debbie. Michael called a little while ago and included us in your meeting. Needless to say, Richard isn’t thrilled that I chose to involve myself in your family business. But of course, he knows I’d do anything for Carla.

  “Dana, she’s lucky to have such a good friend. If this works out, I hope we’ll make plans to celebrate. But in meantime, there’s still a lot of work to do.”

  “Have you set up a time to see your parents yet? If need be, I’d be willing to come along when you get together.”

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier and will repeat your thoughts to them. Hopefully, they’ll listen. Gabe and Hanna Cohen tend to heed advice from a stranger rather than family. I really do appreciate the offer and may take you up on it.”

  “Sometimes it’s good to hear a perspective from an outsider. Let me know how the preliminary discussion goes. In a peculiar way, I can’t wait to have a front row seat to watch this drama unfold.”

  “Dana, I’m just hoping for a happy ending. You’re not only a good friend to Carla, but also to Michael. I’ll call you as soon as I talk to my parents.”

  Dana put the phone down and sat back in her chair. She really put herself out on a limb this time.


  “Carla, you look absolutely sensational. I hope you’re not wearing anything underneath that skirt because I plan on taking advantage of you when we get home,” Michael said as he knocked on the door of his parent’s house.

  “I can’t believe you’re making jokes at a time like this. I’ve been nervous about this meeting all week.” She looked at her fiancé, marveling at his calm demeanor. “Aren’t you nervous?”

  “I’ve found it’s usually better to be in a light mood when approaching a family conflict. On second thought, maybe we should turn around and go home now. If you aren’t wearing any panties, this could turn out to be a much better day than I ever imagined.” Michael playfully swatted her across her rear.

  “I think it’s too late to run; someone’s coming to the door.”

  Hannah and Gabe Cohen answered the door together. “Come on in, you two. They’re waiting patiently in the living room.”

  Michael and Carla walked into the house and gasped when they saw everyone holding a champagne glass.

  “We’re about to make a toast with mimosas,” Debbie said as she handed one to each of them. “Good thing the guests of honor arrived!”

  “What’s going on?” Michael asked looking at all the familiar faces around the room. “I thought we were having a family meeting. This seems more like a party.”

  “It’s an engagement party, silly brother.” A short, attractive woman with dark brown wavy hair extended her hand to Carla. “You must be my future sister-in law. I’m Ariel, the middle child.” She peered over her shoulder at Debbie and laughed before giving Michael a hug.

  “I’m Debbie. It’s nice to finally meet you, Carla.” She held out both hands sheepishly, hoping to be forgiven. Carla hugged her and smiled at Michael.

  “Your friend, Dana, and I had some nice chats with Mom and Dad this week. She’s a very smart girl, you know.” Debbie
spoke loud enough hoping everyone would hear.

  “What a wonderful family you have Michael. Why were you hiding them from us?” Dana asked walking toward him with a gleam in her green eyes.

  Debbie squeezed Carla’s shoulder as she whispered in her ear. “By the way, you won’t need to worry about Lilly anymore. She’s found a new boyfriend.” With a slight turn of her head, Debbie motioned for Carla to look towards the corner of the room, and there stood Lilly, holding hands with a very handsome man.

  “Oh my God, who invited her?”

  “My parents did and told her to bring a date. They thought it would be a good time to end the notion that she and Michael might get back together.”

  “This is just unbelievable. No offense, but that woman has done nothing but cause problems since she flew back into town on her broom. So who did she bring?” Carla whispered.

  “He’s an old flame from high school. People put roots down in the city of Pittsburgh and never leave. Isn’t that right, little brother?”

  Michael nodded.

  “Jesus, she works fast.”

  “Welcome to the family.” Michael put his arms around Carla and gently kissed her cheek.

  Gabe and Hannah came forward and raised their glasses. “May we have your attention please?” He paused and cleared his throat. “We’re not getting any younger, you know, and family is just as important today as when we came to this country. Bigotry has caused nothing but pain and sorrow in our lives, so why would we perpetuate such an awful way of thinking? If you believe that this woman is your beshert, then we accept her into our family with open arms. After all … Carla Campbell-Cohen has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

  Everyone in the room cheered in agreement as Gabe and Hanna hugged Carla.

  Hanna’s eyes shined as she touched Carla’s face. “We look forward to getting to know you and would love to help in any way we can with your wedding.”

  Michael flashed a smile, put his arm around Carla and raised his glass to Dana. Ironic isn’t it? I’m the one who is supposed to specialize in dealing with relationships, yet it was you who wouldn’t give up on nurturing basic decency. I can’t thank you enough, my friend. You never stop having faith in people do you?”


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