Torn (Lords of the City #1)

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Torn (Lords of the City #1) Page 38

by Alice Ward

  I nodded and retrieved the half eaten snack from Alfie’s desk. “This is what I gave him. I think there are a few untouched cupcakes left in that box. Just take the whole thing.”

  He nodded and grabbed the box on his way out the door. I squeezed Alfie’s hand and promised to visit him soon before the other two medics wheeled him out of the room.

  “I’m going to get back to the kids,” I announced, my hands still shaking. “They’re so terrified. I need to tell them that Alfie’s going to be okay.”

  Principal Matthews stepped into my path. “Mary has already called a substitute,” he informed me. “I’m sorry, Emily. I’m sure this incident wasn’t your fault, and as soon as the tests come back we’ll find out Alfie’s developed a new allergy. But until then, we have to follow protocols. We have to go back to my office and work through an incredibly thick stack of paperwork. And after that, I have no choice but to put you on paid suspension until we’re cleared by the school counsel.”

  “You’re kidding me?” I asked in disbelief, feeling lightheaded. “How long will that take?”

  “It depends on how long the hospital takes with the lab work. I know this is hard news to absorb, especially after such a traumatic incident. But if everything happened the way you described, you won’t be held at fault.”

  I cleared my throat and pushed my shoulders back. “Can I visit the hospital and check on Alfie?”

  “I don’t have a problem with that, as long as the Hollis family agrees.”

  I nodded and gathered my things from my desk. Linda stuck her head into the room and surveyed the remnants of the chaos.

  “I just heard. Amaya Hollis’s uncle picked her up to take her to her family. Is there anything I can do?”

  “I have to go on paid suspension, pending an inquiry into what just happened. Can you keep an eye on my kids and make sure they transition okay to the sub?”

  “Of course. Are you okay, Em?”

  “I’m fine,” I assured her but wasn’t even sure myself. “This is just a formality, Linda.”

  Principal Matthews nodded in agreement.

  “Okay… is there anything else I can do?”

  “Yes. Call Ethan and tell him what happened. Ask him to send the best pediatric allergist he can find to Children’s Presbyterian. And tell him I’ll be home as soon as I’m finished with Principal Matthews.”

  “It will probably be a few hours,” Matthews warned.

  “I’ll let him know,” Linda promised. “And I’ll call you later.”

  She returned to her class and I stepped into the hallway with no idea if and when I’d see my classroom again.


  Ethan looked up from a skillet of bacon as I padded barefoot into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?”

  “Okay, I guess,” I replied with a yawn. “Once I finally got to sleep, that is. I laid awake half the night thinking about that poor little boy lying there helpless. If he doesn’t pull through this—”

  “Stop,” Ethan insisted. “Linda called an hour ago. Alfie’s oxygen stats stabilized overnight. He’s breathing all on his own, he’s alert, and there are no signs that the reaction did any lasting damage.”

  I let out an enormous sigh of relief and nearly crumpled to the floor. “Thank God. Have they figured out what triggered it?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet, but they’re expecting the lab results in this afternoon. Would you like to hear the really good news?”

  “It gets better?”

  He nodded. “The Hollis family says you’re welcome to visit.”

  A rush of gratitude filled my body. “Now we just have to wait for the school council to clear me. But if the lab results are due today, I may be able to go back to work tomorrow.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through this, Emily. But everything’s going to be okay.”

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “Don’t thank me. Claudia’s the one who saved the day.”

  I nodded. “I can’t believe I forgot this was one of her specialties. I’m going to have to take her out to lunch and thank her for pushing the lab work through so fast.”

  “I think we can do better than lunch,” Ethan suggested with a grin. “But we’ll figure all of that out later. The Hollis’s are expecting us in about an hour. That gives you just enough time to go get dressed and have a quick breakfast before we need to leave.”

  “You’re coming with me? Don’t you have practice?”

  “I called Coach and told him I’d be late. I thought a visit from his favorite quarterback might make Alfie feel a little better.”

  I gave him a teasing smile. “Alfie’s family is from Florida. He wears a Rod Sherman jersey on free dress days. But I’m sure he’d appreciate a visit from you all the same.”

  Ethan laughed and gave me a playful wink. “I’ll have him converted to a Stallion’s fan before the visit is over.”

  I gave him a quick hug and kissed the side of his face. “Seriously baby, thank you for coming with me. It means more than you know.”

  “I’m happy to do it.”

  An hour later, Ethan and I walked into the hospital hand in hand. We rode an elevator to the eleventh floor, where a distracted nurse directed us to Alfie’s room without looking up from her tablet. When we approached his door, a uniformed security guard stepped into our path.

  “I’m sorry, but the family has requested that no visitors be allowed in Alfie’s room,” he explained.

  “What? There must be some sort of mistake. I’m Emily Kinkaid, Alfie’s teacher. The Hollis’s are expecting us.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I know who you are. And I’m not allowed to let you into the room.”

  Ethan put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Can we speak with Mr. or Mrs. Hollis? Or perhaps Dr. Verner?”

  “The family and the doctor are in a meeting at the moment,” the officer replied. “I’ve been instructed to ask you to wait in—”

  “There she is,” a voice screamed from the opposite hall. I turned to see Alfie’s mother charging at me.

  “We trusted you with our child, you miserable bitch. I can’t believe you did this. What kind of person does something like this?”

  I was at a complete loss for words. I loved my students. I’d have jumped in front of a bus to protect any of them. I’d certainly never hurt them. I had no idea what Mrs. Hollis was talking about and turned to Claudia with wide eyes. A man I didn’t recognize stood next to her, glaring at me with absolute disgust.

  “I’m sorry, Emily. We just got the lab work back. The results… the results show inconsistencies with your story.”

  Ethan cleared his throat. “What sort of inconsistencies?”

  “She knows,” Mrs. Hollis growled. “She knows exactly what she did.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” I stammered. “I gave him his shot… I did what I was supposed to do.”

  Mr. Hollis was much calmer than his wife, but his rage burned just as hot. He turned his nose up at me and pulled his wife toward Alfie’s door.

  “Come on, sweetheart. She isn’t worth our time. The police will deal with her. Our focus needs to be on the kids.”

  Police? What the fuck do they think I did? What the hell is happening?

  Claudia cleared her throat and looked nervously toward the stranger.

  “Go ahead,” he prompted. “Tell her what you found.”

  Claudia cringed and hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Emily, I ran a full allergy prick test on Alfie last night. We didn’t find anything new.”

  “You said the results just came in,” Ethan interrupted.

  “The results on the food samples just came in,” she corrected him. “The trail mix was coated with powdered milk.”

  I shook my head and leaned back against the wall. “No. That’s not possible. If that’s what happened, it’s the manufacturer’s fault. I bought a whole case of that trail mix at Valley Health. Alfie never had a reaction
to it before. And the package was sealed when I gave it to him.”

  The man cleared his throat. “We have ample evidence that the packaging was tampered with.”

  “Who are you?” Ethan growled.

  “I’m Detective Dickson. I’m here to take your pretty little girlfriend to jail. Miss Kinkaid, will you please put your hands behind your back?”

  “No, you’re not taking her. Emily didn’t do this,” Ethan insisted.

  “Emily, I’m so sorry. I had to follow protocol and alert the police. The moment you leave, I’ll call your uncle,” Claudia promised. “I know you didn’t do this, sweetheart. Something else is going on here and we’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  My entire body felt numb. I did as Detective Dickson instructed and felt the cold metal cuffs close over my wrists.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I said again, tears falling from my eyes.

  “You’re not walking her out of here like a criminal,” Ethan insisted. “I won’t have it. The hospital has a back entrance.”

  “I’ll walk her out of whichever exit I damn well please,” Dickson replied, apparently resentful that Ethan was trying to control the situation.

  “Emily Kinkaid, you’re under arrest for child endangerment and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. If you waive that right, anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, the court will appoint one at no cost. Do you understand these rights as I’ve explained them?”

  I nodded my head, unable to wipe the tears flowing freely down my face. Ethan brushed them away with his thumb and looked into my eyes.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” I sobbed. “I didn’t do anything. You have to believe me, Ethan. Why don’t they believe me?”

  “Shh… I know you’d never hurt anyone,” he assured me, his voice low and soothing. “I need you to listen to me, Emily. Detective Dickson is going to take you to the station and book you on these charges. They’re going to put you in a room, say terrible things to you, and ask you lots of questions. No matter what they say, you have to stay quiet. I don’t want you to utter so much as a yes or a no. I’m going to follow in my car, and I’ll have my lawyer at the station as soon as I can. His name is Noel Baxter. Not a word to anyone until he joins you. Do you understand?”

  I swallowed back another sob and nodded as Detective Dickson led me away.


  The short walk from the hospital to Detective Dickson’s unmarked sedan was the longest thirty seconds of my life. The press had somehow gotten wind of Ethan’s visit to the hospital, and a group of them had gathered outside. They swarmed us, firing questions so quickly that their words muffled each other out. I kept my head high. Ethan had warned me not to speak to anyone, so I gave them my best innocent, confused smile but remained silent.

  Dickson peppered me with questions as he navigated to the police station. He reminded me that I hadn’t caused any lasting damage and promised to petition the judge for leniency if I confessed and agreed to check myself into a psychiatric facility. I stayed silent for the entire trip, save one hostile snort that slipped out after he mentioned the mental hospital. My confusion and numbness wore off, turning to white hot anger. I had no idea who’d tampered with the trail mix, but I knew I was innocent. Someone set me up, and they’d endangered one of my students to do it. I resented the fact that I was the one being charged while, for all we knew, the real culprit was planning his next attack.

  The booking process was relatively straight forward, much like you’d see on any reality cop show. A female officer searched me, then took my picture and scanned my fingerprints into a computer. She left my hands uncuffed and led me to a small interrogation room.

  “Detective Dickson will be in shortly,” she advised, turning back for the door.

  “I’m not speaking to anyone until my lawyer is here,” I replied. I felt much more comfortable asserting myself with her than the broody, formidable detective.

  “That’s a great idea,” she agreed, giving an ever so slight smile before slipping back into the hallway.

  She either senses I’m innocent, or she recognizes me because of Ethan.

  The room didn’t have one of those creepy two-way mirrors, but I still had the eerie sense that I was being watched. I’d watched enough episodes of True Crime to know that there was probably a surveillance camera pointed at me and felt pressured to act appropriately. But I had no idea what an appropriate reaction to the situation would look like. I ended up having plenty of time to practice. The female officer checked on me periodically, but five hours passed before anyone else stepped into the room. Finally, Detective Dickson returned holding a set of handcuffs.

  What the fuck is going on?

  I was convinced that the cuffs meant no one was coming for me, and that I’d have to spend the night in lockup. The detective met the fear on my face with a sneer.

  “Don’t worry. Unfortunately, I’m not moving you to a cell just yet. Your fancy lawyer pulled some strings and got a judge to agree to arraign you this afternoon. Regardless of the outcome, you’ll be coming back here after. I still have a lot of questions.”

  I nodded, but still didn’t speak.

  “You’re taking your right to remain silent incredibly literally,” he observed, leading me back to the parking garage.

  I nodded again and cleared my throat. “I don’t mean to be uncooperative,” I explained. “I’ll answer anything you ask once my lawyer is here.”

  He opened the back door of his sedan and I slid across the cheaply upholstered seat. He sank behind the steering wheel and drove to the courthouse without any further comment.

  I’d hoped to have a moment alone with my new attorney before the hearing, but the judge was ready to leave for the day so there wasn’t any time. Detective Dickson handed me off to a bailiff, who walked me to the defense table and took off my handcuffs. A tall, broad man with salt and pepper hair greeted me with a smile and a handshake.

  “Miss Kinkaid, I’m Frank Upton. I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. We’ll have plenty of time to talk after the hearing.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Frank. Thank you for getting the arraignment scheduled so quickly. Do you think I’ll be able to go home tonight?”

  “That’s the plan,” he replied.

  I felt a firm hand on my shoulder and turned to find my uncle’s soft, concerned eyes.

  “Hey, kiddo. How are you holding up? I got here as soon as I could. Claudia’s parking the car, I didn’t want to miss anything.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I confessed. The corners of my mouth twitched as I tried to hold back frustrated tears.

  “I know… but we’re going to get through it,” he promised.

  I nodded, wiped my face with my palms, and turned back to Frank. “Where’s Ethan?” I asked with a sniffle.

  A look of confusion spread across his face, but before he could reply, the bailiff called the court to order. A man who didn’t look much older than me settled in behind the bench and reviewed the charges against me. I pled not guilty and Frank petitioned for bail.

  “Your Honor, the state objects to any bail for Miss Kinkaid pending a psychological evaluation. A young child nearly lost his life. I think we can all agree that it’s best to err on the side of caution,” the prosecutor insisted.

  “My client has strong ties to this community,” Frank argued. “She’s a well-respected teacher with no criminal history or past mental health issues. The state’s case is circumstantial. The police haven’t even finished reviewing video surveillance from the school’s security system. Miss Kinkaid’s arrest is a rush to judgment, Your Honor.”

  The judge narrowed his eyes and studied me for a few tense moments before turning to the prosecutor.

  “Mr. Nelson, I’m approving the defense’s motion for bail. I suggest that in the future, you bring solid evidence into my courtroom. I’
m scheduling a pretrial hearing for January thirtieth. Miss Kinkaid, I’m not going to put a monitor on you. But I’m also not going to mince words. I know you’re involved with a man who has ample resources to help you disappear. If you so much as step one foot out of this county, I will revoke your bail and you’ll wait for your day in court behind bars. Do you understand?”

  I cleared my throat and nodded politely. “Yes, Your Honor. I assure you I have no interest in leaving town. I’m innocent of these charges and eager to clear my name.”

  “Bail is set at half a million dollars,” he declared, slamming his gavel onto the desk. “Court is adjourned.”

  We all rose to our feet as Judge Shaw stepped off of the bench and through a large oak door. The room relaxed and I turned to face my uncle. At some point during the hearing, Ethan and Claudia had joined him. I wasn’t sure who to hug first, but Ethan took a step back and let Walt have the honor. My uncle wrapped me in a bear hug and extended one hand to Frank.

  “Thank you so much, man. I owe you one.”

  “I’m happy to help,” the lawyer replied. “Next time we take the ladies out, I’ll let you pay for dinner.”

  “You arranged for Frank to represent me?” I asked, pulling away. When I left the hospital, I assumed Ethan would call one of his family attorneys, the Noel man he’d mentioned. It never crossed my mind that Walt might know someone who could help.

  “Yes, Claudia went to school with Frank’s wife, Deborah. We all get together from time to time,” Walt explained.

  I gave Claudia a quick hug and then fell into Ethan’s arms. He held me close and kissed the top of my head. “I’m so sorry, baby. I—”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” I insisted. “The only person who should be apologizing is the monster who really attacked Alfie. I want to know what we do next. How do we prove that I’m innocent and, more importantly, figure out who isn’t?”

  “There are many steps. But unfortunately, before we discuss them, you and I have to go back to the police station. Detective Dickson wasn’t too happy to have his interrogation delayed by this hearing,” Frank warned.

  “Let’s get it over with,” I agreed. “I have nothing to hide. I want to cooperate with the police as much as possible so they’ll stop wasting their time with me and look for the real culprit.”


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