Zombie Apocalypse_Alaska

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Zombie Apocalypse_Alaska Page 4

by D G Leigh

  “Do'ya want to honk the hooter Agent Shaunessy?”

  “Am I allowed? Won't the strangers come?”

  Biehn wanted them to. Needed to know that's it's safe to exit the vehicle. Being told that an area is secure and actually being secure were two different things, the first could get you killed. He sounded the horn. “If they do I'll take care of it.” His pistol rested on the dashboard next to the hula girl ornament.

  Susan pressed the button just once. “Thank you Soldier-Biehn.” Her school teachers are called Mr or Miss. On TV important people are named after their jobs, Fireman Sam Postman Pat. Natural for Susan to add Soldier out of respect for her elders. This made Biehn chuckle.

  Inside the shielded gun emplacement Biehn prepared Susan for her descent. The weapons cache two decks beneath the hanger. Zipped her oversized assault jacket (minus the heavy bulletproof plate inserts). Gloves and pads. Still left enough clearance for her to crawl.

  “This is a radio so we can talk.” Clipped the receiver on her shoulder. Positioned the earpiece. “You don't have to speak loudly. The mic resting on your throat converts the vibrations.” Took a step back. “Can you hear me?” Tapped his ear.

  Remembered back at Mel's diner when she wore the police riot gear. “Affirmative.” Replied in a pretend older voice.

  Biehn not sure how to react to her confidence. “This isn't a game Susan.”

  “I know that but nobody else can fit inside.” Rolled her eyes at having to explain. “So it's gonna be me.”

  “Doesn't have to be if you don't want to.”

  “It's okay Soldier-Biehn you don't have to be sad.” Susan handed him her unicorn. “This is Captain Trips. He'll look after you.”

  Biehn couldn't remember what toy he had as a young boy to keep him safe? Exchanged her puppet for an utility torch headband. “It's going to be dark in there, now you don't have to worry about holding a light.” Susan turned her head to face him directly, the bright beam made Beihn blink. “That's funny sweetheart.” Tied a wrench to her vest so she wouldn't lose it along the way. “You'll need this to open conduits.” Showed her where to put the spanner, a few pumps and the passage opened.

  “Easy.” Susan nodded, trying to be brave.

  Biehn checked the tunnel, the latch mechanize the same on both sides. “I'm not going to be far. Right above in fact. I'll follow you along the flight deck. Once you reach the weapons store tell the sailors to clear what's underneath the elevator and I'll join you.”

  Susan knitted her brow. “What if there's strangers in the room?”

  A question nobody else had thought to ask. Biehn needed an answer. “Do you know how to use this?” Handed the child his personal sidearm.

  “Girls do play with other things than just dolls you know!”

  “This isn't a toy Susan.” Had seconds thoughts. “Perhaps I shou........”

  “Aim for the head, right?” An unusual statement for a seven year old to utter.

  “Affirmative.” Biehn mimicked her reply from earlier. “Hold it firm and steady. Squeeze the trigger. It'll kick like a mule.”

  --- Sixteen ---

  At a distance from across the river Dr.King, through his binoculars watched the activity unfolding at the wood yard. McCormick continued tinkering with immobilised vehicles. Paxton checked inventory, first essentials then stuff that was worth lugging. Alyx and Stacy vanished over an hour ago, both had left the camp at separate times. Major Fontaine sat in the incapacitated chopper's cockpit receiving a transmission.

  “Van Winkle Airfield has fallen.” Communication from Fontaine's main transport. “Zak is in the hen house. Relocating to extraction point beta.”

  Welcome news of sorts. Closer. “We'll be there one way or another.”

  Miscavige finished his task of assembling something? The tray size drone finally took to the air. Video feed went direct to his hand controller. “Switching to infrared tracking.” The display turned the image of foliage and earth into colourless grey picture apart from heat signatures generated by the soldiers. A thermal blob of each person and a few medium sized animals within fifty metres radius showed up as clear as a day. “Taking the UA higher.” The scanning range increased. Clearly identified Dr.King hiding undercover.

  Fontaine used his bullhorn in the direction of that undergrowth. “Dr.King, we need to talk.” No reply. Miscavige flew the drone three metres in front of the doctor's location. Fontaine spoke into the equipment's headset this time transmitting his voice to the neat little electronic gizmo. “Dr.King don't make this difficult. Obviously we can see you. Please come down.”

  Remaining perfectly motionless Ross watched the intimidating hoovering bug-thing. The first time he'd ever seen one.

  Still no response. “Very well!” The Major gave the order. “Shoot him!” No time to react. A tranquillizer dart hit the doctor squarely in the chest knocking him unconscious within seconds. “Those drones take all the fun out of my day job!”

  --- Seventeen ---

  “How're doing kid?” Biehn remained at the emplacement's hatch. The comms signal stronger as it didn't have to penetrate reinforced landing platform and several steel decks.

  “I'm at the final set of doors.” Susan crawled all the way. The conduit barely wider than her. “They're partly open.” She'd seen the promise of freedom from a long way back, a slither of light that grew brighter the closer she got. Gave her eyes time to adjust. Pressed her face against the flaps, tried to see as much of the armoury as possible. “I can't see anyone.” What she really meant was I can't see any strangers. Heard scratching from an inter-connecting storage bay. “Do you have ice-cream on this ship Soldier-Biehn?”

  Why was she asking this now? “Probably?”

  “I've been a good girl, haven't I. Please may I have some later?”

  “Yes, sure. If I can find some.”

  Susan inserted her wrench to open the last hatch. Out of alignment the doors damaged. Scraping hinges released just enough to be able to squeeze through.

  “Can you see what's obstructing the elevator?”

  Halfway into the depot. Wiggled her legs free from the tunnel, slid quietly to the floor. Kept low. “Yes, it's a tall upright metal box. It's higher than the ceiling.” Sideways stencilled writing on the container read AIM-120D. “It's very thin.”

  “Sounds like a missile. Top heavy. Can you topple it out of the shaft?”

  “Push it over?”


  “Will it explode?”

  “No, you'll be alright but it'll make a loud bang when it hits the deck. Can you find a good hiding place?”

  “In case strangers come?”

  Biehn didn't say yes. “I won't be long. You have my gun. Don't shoot me!”

  “I could climb backwards inside the chute, close the doors.” Susan got ready. Had it all planned. She'd be halfway back to the conveyor belt before the create struck the floor.

  Biehn already at the mobile crane. “Good idea.” His voice faint due to the weaker signal.

  A Zak appeared. Drawn by the crash. Charged at Susan cutting off her escape route. Its full fury purely focused on the little girl. Pursuing blindly tangled itself in the draping chains from the overhead weapons transfer pulley system. Inches from Susan its fingers clawed empty air. Cornered she aimed Biehn's gun. Out stretched arms placed the pistol in reach of Zak's swinging arc. Knocked the sidearm spinning across the floor.

  In her plight Susan didn't notice rotating yellow lights and the warning klaxon come to life, the second and third zombie did. Converged their attack.

  Three short bursts from Beihn's carbine ended them. Laying flat on his belly, gunsight at the ready the instant the munitions elevator descended below the ceiling line Biehn took care of the infected. Leapt off the platform backed-up by Jennings and Remar.

  Shielded Susan. While the others swept the vault for hostiles. “It's okay kid, it's over. You did real good.”

  * * * * *

  Zero Day + Six

  --- One ---

  The trans-Alaska petroleum pipeline cuts a scaring line one thousand-three hundred kilometres through Alaska's beautiful wilderness from the tip of Prudhoe Bay to Valdez far south on the opposite coastline. Built to withstand earthquakes, forest fires and even bullets the oil jugular has been a target for sabotage and since 9/11 a prime threat from terrorism.

  Surveyed several times per-day by air. Foot and road patrols take place where possible. Security personal stationed at remote outposts for rapid response against terrorism. Alyx knew precisely the location of watchtower-7 so his logging enterprise would avoid detection. They'd a chopper. His ticket north. Sure as hell wasn't gonna tell Major not enough seats about it.

  Dwight Wickers failed the entry level police exam due to low IQ. Now hired by a security firm for caretaker duties out in the boondocks. The pay was good, better than good and no paperwork.

  Alyx's sudden appearance made Dwight drop his pistol on the draw. “Jees Mr, thought you were one of them. You look like hell! Almost blew you away.” Holstered his gun without dusting it off or checking the barrel. “Are you the pilot?” Dwight anxiously asked. Didn't pause for an answer, kept on rambling as he loaded his jeep with what he thought were necessary items. “No, of cause not! It's been two days. He's a no-show for sure, can't blame him. You must be a hunter? That's why you're out here?” First logical explanation for somebody appearing fresh out of the nowhere. “Have you seen the news? Probably not. It's bad, real bad. I'm going home. Taking the family to Fort Wainwright. I can give you a ride as far as Bear Fork? Or you can stay here? I'll leave it open. There's food in the fridge. Don't break anything.”

  Alyx pointed to weather protective canvas covering the helicopter's plexiglass bubble. “Can you fly?”

  “No, sir. Wish I could.” The officer pretended to looked through binoculars “Just the eyes in the sky.”

  Alyx weighted up his choices. Could've been travelling with sexy Corrina instead of this guy. “Fort Wainwright you say?”

  “Bear Fork.” Dwight corrected. “Won't have room once I reach home. Wainwright is six miles farther down the highway. Easy walk if nobody else offers you a ride. I think the whole town is heading there anyways. Last chance. It's a miracle you showed up when you did. I'm leaving.”

  Stacy tracked Alyx through the night. Fontaine's assumption well founded. Alyx had lied about transport to save his own skin. The pilot watched the two men drive off before entering the outpost for the helicopter's keys and a quick bite of breakfast.

  --- Two ---

  Dr.King spent the night bound but comfortable, warm and dry. Fontaine's men kept a fire going. Took shifts as sentries. The timber shack that offered the best strategic position became camp.

  Living alone outdoors for years Dr.King's long unkempt hair covered half his face a bushy beard the rest. He'd eaten well, the forest provides enough substance but when you don't have to worry about personal appearance you let vanity slide.

  “Chaplin didn't hired you to kill me.” The force necessary for the dart to penetrate clothing left his chest sore. “Ridiculous concoction that zombies are taking over the world but I'm intrigued to find out why you're keeping guard and protecting me?” Ross hadn't had a conversation with somebody in a long time.

  “Sasquatch finally speaks.” Fontaine studied the vagrant man at his feet. He'd once been a respectable member of the scientific community. The only thing that remained of the former professional was the seeded look in his eyes of purpose and commitment, two attributes that can make for a dangerous opponent. “Unless my pilot can return with transport you've managed to sentence us all the death.”

  --- Three ---

  Jo and Leslie laid awake together in bed. Their door barricaded even thought they'd taken refuge on the top level shielded by several floors and secured corridors. Listened to the sounds beyond, silence. Pounding on the structure had grown less and less as the night deepened. A horrid lullaby to fell asleep to. Don't need to hear or see the infected to know that they're still there, their rotting stench seeps through. Can't defend against that.

  Leslie moved to leave the bed. Jo's hand caught his arm. Her speed surprised him. “Don't go.” She whispered.

  Leslie's smile didn't gloss over his fear. “I need to check.”

  Jo parted her legs. Shuffled the bedsheets lower. Cupped Leslie's palm over her exposed breast, the only warmth left in this dying world. “Stay.”

  Leslie sighed. Gently kissed her forehead. Retracted. “I was never this lucky.” Slipped his pants on.

  Jo rolled to faced away. “We're far from lucky.” She cursed.

  --- Four ---

  Working against the clock, under floodlights Ferguson and his team of volunteers painstakingly assembled the autonomous aircraft as fast as possible. As they strived towards saving humanity the gargantuans at the harbour's entrance edged ever closer to bracing the last channel to the outside world. Branches as wide as halls interlocked.

  This particular UAV model didn't require the ship's steam catapult to achieve take-off velocity. Endeavour's remote flight control room situated on the galley deck. Inaccessible, the dead roamed that section of the ship. Responsibility for the drone's trajectory entrusted to Ensign Wilbur's computing skills. Flightpath towards Pearl's blocked exit programmed manually. Control of the UAV is via a satellite uplink. The algae's dome interfered with its guidance frequency. No guarantees that once outside the sphere's influence a connection could be establish between the drone and USS Fortitude.

  Biehn's squad kept deck guard.

  “Roy.” Hershel's voice came over the radio. “Is that kid Susan with you?”

  Susan never far away from him, asleep in the mobile crane's cab. “Yeah, she's here.”

  “Bring her to the ready room.”

  --- Five ---

  Dr.King heard the approaching helicopter before Fontaine's men. When you've attuned to living in the wild you hear unusual sounds long before anyone else even if it's by just a few seconds. The circling helicopter sign written Denali security. Could be investigating the down chopper? Fontaine came to the barn's door. Either way he'd have this ride. From the cockpit Stacy signalled. Fontaine wasn't surprised to see his soldier at the stick, he'd proven himself resourceful in the past. If his hunch about Alyx was incorrect Stacy would return with something.

  “We're back on schedule. Pack it up boys.” Fontaine gave the word. “We're off to see Alice.”

  --- six ---

  Leslie tip-toed among the comatose dead. After throwing items from the above window this was the only option left to rouse them. Pretty certain Zak weren't smart enough to play tricks to lure out entrenched survivors. Leslie's heart rate thundered overload. A reckless way to discovery if they were truly inactive but sooner or later he'd need to drag the bodies away because of the risk of disease.

  The dead could find peace after all. Unable to regulate their core temperature resulted with complete shutdown. A glimmer of hope for mankind. That still left scientists the problem of combating the algae and gargantuans but at least we had a fighting chance. In the distance, approaching from the lower regions more zombies making their way here. From inside the building sounds of crashing. He'd locked the door. No stragglers could've wandered in. Leslie rushed to Jo's aid.

  Following the commotion Leslie leapt three stairs at a time to reach the second level. So far all the doors were still shut and barricades in place. Turned into the room marked communications expecting to deal with trouble. Discovered out of breath Jo. Heavy in her arms a fire axe. Machinery smashed and sparking, everything a mess. Leslie looked round for hacked zombies laying dismembered on the floor – none.

  Adrenaline high. Wide-eyed. “Are you alright? What happened?” Leslie asked. Ready to act. Was the danger dealt with?

  Jo let her axe fall to the floor. “Please don't be mad.”

  Calming down. Taking stock Leslie realized what had occurred. She'd destroyed all the radio equipment. “Jo, why?”

>   “I did it for us.” Believing she'd done the right thing. “I don't want anybody else here. I'm afraid of people.” She laughed but not from amusement.

  “I've already sent a message.” Opened his arms for her.

  Exhausted she plodded towards him. “Did anybody reply?”

  “No, nothing but static.” Had more news for her. “I've got to do something else you won't like but it's important.”

  She stopped. “What's that?”

  “Seeing how we're going to be here for awhile I need to unlock the basement check what's down there. We need to fortify this building. Have a backup plan if they somehow manage to bust their way in. They can't survive the cold but what if there's a way into the basement that we don't know about. Their numbers would increase. That stairway door won't hold back thousand of undead plus it's sheltered, we saw one of those plants sprout out of Steve. I don't what a gargantuan ripping this place apart from the inside out.”


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