Virgin Jewels

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Virgin Jewels Page 2

by Karen Erickson

  Ignoring his worrisome obsessive thoughts for the moment, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Her posture was perfection. Slim shoulders held straight and tall, the compelling slope of her back and swell of her pert ass making him sit at attention. Her dress was sleeveless, revealing slender, pale arms and he had the urge to rush up behind her, slide his hands down their silky smoothness. Feel them curl around him and hold him close.

  Fuck, he was acting ridiculous. Thinking ridiculous.

  But if Hannah Anderson was in fact the next predestined owner of the infamous Virgin’s Blood Jewels, the one who would be transformed the second she wore them, then he wanted to find out. He wanted to be the one to see her slip the necklace on, watch her change when it grazed her skin. Wanted to watch her become wanton and wicked, overcome with her desire. For him.

  Without thought, he got up from his chair and walked over to where she stood waiting for her order. He approached her silently, knew she didn’t realize he was approaching. Not wanting to scare her but still preferring the element of surprise, he stopped just behind her. Close enough to smell her perfume, feel the warmth from her lithe body radiate toward him. He wished he could press himself against her, bury his face in her fragrant hair, breathe in her sweet, womanly scent.

  There would be time for that later, he knew without a doubt.

  She stiffened and turned her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes widening with surprise when she saw him standing there. She took a few steps to the side as she turned, moving away from him. “Mr. McNamara.”

  “Call me Colin.” He smiled at her and she took another step back, her fair skin flushing pink.

  “All right…Colin.”

  “Can I ask you a question, Hannah?”

  She pressed her lips together and just like that, his cock hardened. He could imagine those lush lips wrapping around his dick, sucking him deep into her mouth. Her naked body on bended knee in front of him, the necklace gleaming blood red against her pale throat as she sucked him dry, drew his cum into her mouth and swallowed it with pleasure.

  “What is it that you want, Mr. McNa—er—Colin? If it’s in regard to the necklace, I know nothing about it with the exception that it’s beautiful. My sister and I had never even heard of the legend you shared with us earlier.”

  “I’m surprised that you’ve never heard the Virgin’s Blood story. It’s famous in the southern states, particularly Louisiana of course, where the necklace originated,” he explained, stepping closer.

  “Well, since I’ve never set foot outside California, I’ve never heard the story I’m afraid.” She shot him a tremulous smile and started to take another step away but he stopped her, his fingers wrapping around her upper arm.

  “Have you ever worn the necklace?”


  She gulped, he could see the movement at the base of her throat and her gaze wandered down to where his fingers gripped her arm. He loosened his touch but didn’t let go, didn’t want to let go. Her skin was so soft and warm…he could feel the life pulse beneath the tips of his fingers. A matching throb began deep in his body, beating through his veins.

  “The Virgin’s Blood Jewels, Hannah. Have you ever tried them on? They would look beautiful lying against your pale skin.” His fingers stroked her arm, featherlight, and he detected the faint shiver that overtook her at his touch.

  She shook her head, biting on her lower lip. The simple gesture made his cock swell and he was tempted to dip his head, nibble where her teeth had just been. “I’ve never tried it on though I have to admit I’d like to. My sister tried it on but she didn’t like it.”

  Colin raised his brows. Why did that not surprise him? The woman seemed so uptight her ass probably squeaked when she walked. “She didn’t like it? Why not?”

  “Well, she tried it on when we first bought it, and it had been locked away in a jewelry box for many years. It was damaged, tarnished and so dirty. The stones had lost their sparkle, the chain had bent or worn thin in some places. She put it on and immediately took it off, saying it made her skin crawl, which I thought was strange. We then contacted the jewelry repairman we use and after much work, he was able to bring it back to its original condition.”

  “It’s a very beautiful necklace.” He stepped closer, noted she didn’t move away. A good sign. “It would be even more beautiful if it was worn by its new rightful owner.”

  “You really believe that myth, Mr. McNamara?” Her voice had taken on a breathless quality, her chest rising and falling in an increasingly fast rhythm. Her reaction to him was quite obvious.

  He wondered if she noticed his reaction to her. He desperately wished he could reach down and adjust his growing cock but there was no way he could do that in the middle of a busy coffee shop.

  “I definitely believe the myth. My grandfather said he saw it happen with his own eyes when he was much younger, watched a woman wear it the night before her wedding at a party celebrating the impending nuptials. Her entire body, her face, everything had come alive. Someone who was once a timid, shy wallflower became a laughing, flirtatious woman.”

  “Are you saying she became disloyal to her betrothed?”

  Colin shook his head, allowed his fingers to drift down her arm once more. “No, she only had eyes for the man she was to marry.”

  Should he continue the story, tell her what happened next? It would shock her, possibly even arouse her.

  He decided to go for it.

  “She fucked her fiancé that night in the garden just outside the party, Hannah.” He stepped closer, whispering the next words close to her ear. “Gave her virginal body eagerly to him and he took it, fucked her pressed against a trellis of wild roses. My grandfather said when they came back into the house she had blood-red rose petals scattered in her auburn hair and her pale arms were cut by the thorns. Thin red streaks of blood all over her arms but she was oblivious. She knew only love, arousal. He said it was the most beautiful sight he’d ever laid his eyes upon.”

  Hannah didn’t say a word, merely nodded in response. His gaze drifted over her, noticed her hard little nipples poking against the fabric of her dress and he knew without a doubt he had to get that necklace around her neck.

  No matter what it took.

  “Have you ever been taken like that?”

  She shook her head, her gaze fixed firmly on her shoes. As if she was afraid to look at him. “N-no.”

  “Would you like to be taken like that?”

  Her head lifted sharply, eyes blazing but not with indignation. No, more like pure arousal. “I doubt this is appropriate conversation I should be having with a complete stranger.”

  “Go out with me sometime and then we won’t be strangers.” He smiled, teasing her. Hoping like hell she’d take the bait.

  “My sister doesn’t trust you. She thinks you might want to steal the necklace,” she challenged, pursing her lips, the expression sexy as hell. “Is that true? Is that why you’re asking me out on a date?”

  That was the furthest thing from the truth. Downright laughable, really. He’d love to get his hands on that necklace but he certainly wouldn’t steal it. He was no thief.

  “I’m asking you out on a date, Hannah, because I think you’re beautiful and interesting. And I’d like to get to know you better. Not because I’m using you as a way to get the necklace, trust me.”

  Her mouth softened, her eyes opening wide. “You find me interesting?”

  “Very.” Had the woman never been told that before?

  Colin was about to say something else but her name was called and she went to the end of the counter, picking up two Styrofoam coffee cups. She turned, stared at him for a moment and then shook her head.

  “I appreciate the offer but I don’t think I can accept.”

  His chest literally hurt at her words. “Why not? Did I do something to offend you? If I did, I’m sorry.”

  “No, you didn’t, it’s just…I think you’re mistaken. I’m really not very

  “I doubt that.” He did. There was something more than sexual intensity going on between them. Oh there was definitely an attraction, he couldn’t deny that—but he sensed there was something more.

  He just couldn’t figure out what. He wanted to figure it out. Badly.

  “It’s true, just ask my sister.”

  “Why would I ask her? She seems about as interesting as a Barbie doll.”

  Hannah giggled. “That was mean.”

  “And most likely true.” He shrugged. The sister paled in comparison to this woman. Boring, fake, prudish—those three words summed up Celeste in a nutshell.

  “It was nice talking to you, Colin.” Her gaze met his, her deep brown eyes saying so much. She liked him, he could tell.

  But it was as if she wasn’t allowing herself to like him.

  “I’m sure I’ll see you again, Hannah.”

  Most definitely.

  * * * * *

  Hannah moved through the rest of the day in a haze. Her encounter with the enigmatic Colin McNamara at the coffee shop had left her confused, painfully aroused and more aware of herself as a woman than she had ever been.

  She wanted him. She didn’t know him, had no clue where he came from, what he did, nothing…but it didn’t matter. She wanted him with a ferocity that was nearly overwhelming.

  The way he had looked at her, when he’d told her he found her interesting, the feel of his hand caressing her arm—all of it made her feel for the very first time as if she were interesting. Wanted. Not her parents, not her sister, none of her friends had ever made her feel like Colin did.

  It was downright laughable. She was putting all this importance, all these life-changing emotions, on a man she’d spoken to for a total of ten minutes. She wondered idly if she was losing her mind.

  Of course Celeste didn’t even notice Hannah’s odd behavior, wrapped up in her own little world as she was. Hannah would’ve given anything to repeat the story to Celeste that Colin had whispered in her ear at the coffee shop. To watch her sister gasp with disgust and shock, roll her eyes at the idea that a necklace could make a woman act like such a wanton creature. She wouldn’t believe it.

  Hannah believed it. Just looking at the Virgin’s Blood necklace made her body tingle, made her pussy flood with moisture. What would happen if she slipped the chain around her neck, felt the stones rubbing against her skin? Would it compare to the soft caress of a lover? Would she orgasm immediately? Would her skin flush, her nipples tighten, her pussy clench?

  She wanted to find out. The idea had been brewing inside her the entire morning. She planned on finding out the second Celeste left the store for the evening.

  “I really, really don’t want to go to that gallery opening tonight,” Celeste moaned after yet another customer left the store.

  Hannah glanced at her watch, noticed that it was already almost six. Closing time. Her entire body hummed with anticipation and she refused to allow her eyes to wander over the necklace one more time. If she kept looking at it, it would only make her more anxious, more aroused and needy. Not the proper emotions to experience around her uptight sister, she knew. Celeste would immediately suspect something, probably even think she was ill.

  Oh yes, she was ill all right. Sick with desire over a necklace. It made absolutely no sense!

  “What’s wrong, Celeste?” Hannah decided to turn the tables, deflect the attention away from her. She figured if her sister wanted to talk about herself, fine, they could talk about her.

  What else was new?

  Celeste let out a dramatic sigh and rubbed her temples with the tips of her index fingers. “I have a throbbing headache and I’m afraid it’s going to turn into a migraine. This opening is so important, a huge event at Dolly’s gallery that will be filled with potential clients, current clients, lots of important people to network with. I just don’t know if I can make it with the way I feel.”

  “I’ll go.” The words tumbled from her lips before she could even stop them. She never went to local social events, much preferring to stay at home and snuggle in her pajamas versus schmoozing with self-important people and telling them about the store. She left that to her wannabe-socialite sister.

  Celeste’s mouth dropped open, she was so surprised. “Are you serious, Hannah? I know how much you hate parties. Have you ever even been to a party?”

  Hannah shrugged. Leave it to Celeste to cut her with a few choice words. Her sister was right but today was a day open and ripe with new possibilities thanks to her reaction to the necklace—and to Colin. Besides, she was sick of sitting at home and being sad, feeling depressed. She needed to get out and meet people, become someone important and vital instead of standing in the shadow of her older sister.

  It was about damn time for her to come out of her shell.

  “If you don’t feel well, Celeste, I think I can overcome my shyness for one night and help you out. Help the store out.”

  “Well, I’ll want you to talk up the shop, specifically the new necklace. I’d love to sell it as quickly as possible. The cash would come in handy right now.”

  “I can hand out business cards and spread the word about the Virgin’s Blood Jewels.” Yet again, a feeling of dread filled her body at the thought of the necklace belonging to someone else but Hannah chose to ignore it. She glanced in Celeste’s direction just in time to catch her wrinkling her nose in disgust.

  “Goodness, I hate the name of that necklace, it’s so lurid.” Celeste looked down at the case where the necklace lay, her expression contemplative. “Though I have to agree the garnet stones do look like fat drops of blood. If you use your imagination.”

  “I believe the story Mr. McNamara told us,” Hannah said quietly.

  “Do you really? I don’t know, it just seems so…gross.” Celeste closed her eyes briefly. “Just thinking about it makes my head hurt even more.”

  Hannah wanted to roll her eyes at her sister’s dramatics. Whatever man ended up with her would need the patience of a saint. “Go home, Celeste. I’ll close up shop, it’s almost time anyway. Go home and rest, and hopefully your headache will go away soon.”

  Celeste turned around and opened a drawer, pulling a thick cream-colored envelope out and setting it on the counter. “You are such a dear for doing this, Hannah. Here’s the invitation to the opening. Make sure you don’t forget it; it’s your entrance into the gallery. And don’t forget to bring business cards too.”

  “I won’t forget, don’t worry.”

  Celeste smiled and grabbed her purse, adjusting the strap on her shoulder. “You’re too sweet for doing this and I do appreciate it. I know I don’t show it very often but you are such a help to me and to the store. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Hannah stood still, shock coursing through her at Celeste’s words. She couldn’t remember her sister ever saying something so complimentary. Her mother never praised her, she was used to that, and she figured Celeste had just followed suit.

  It was nice to hear she was appreciated for once. Today was truly a banner day.

  “Thank you, Celeste. That means a lot coming from you,” Hannah said as her sister dipped close and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek.

  “Have fun tonight, okay? And try to loosen up, relax. This isn’t your final sacrifice or anything.”

  Hannah watched Celeste leave the store without a backward glance then allowed herself to look at the display case. The necklace twinkled under its spotlight, calling to her, and she approached the case with hesitant steps, laying her hands on the glass reverently.

  It seemed to pulse with life against the black velvet, the deep red stones changing colors with the light, from the palest orangey-red to red with black undertones. It reminded her of blood.

  Hannah shivered, anxious to touch the necklace but not doing so, not yet. The anticipation was so delicious she wanted to draw it out, make it last. What if it was disappointing once she got it on? What if nothing happened once t
he necklace was wrapped around her throat? What then?

  She sucked in a harsh breath, knew deep down inside that wouldn’t happen. The necklace was going to transform her, change her, make her a different person. She wished Colin was with her to see the transformation. She wondered what he would do if he was there.

  A shiver rippled through her at the thought.

  With determination, she grabbed the key to the case and slowly opened the lock.

  Chapter Three

  The necklace burned in the palm of Hannah’s hand and she wanted to cry out with delight. So delicate, so fragile yet so powerful, the necklace frightened her, aroused her, caused wisps of pleasure to course through her veins. She rubbed the stones with the tip of her finger, marveling at how smooth the uncut facets were. Just touching them made her entire body taut, tense with anticipation and yearning. Her pussy was slick and needy and she rubbed her legs together, hoping it would ease the ache.

  It didn’t.

  Should she put it on? Remembering that the front door was still unlocked, she rushed toward it and turned the lock with a determined click, flipping the sign back over to say Closed. Even yanked down the window shades that were always up, shrouding the store in semidarkness. Only the amber spotlights that shone from above were on, casting the store in an almost ethereal light.

  The necklace still lay in her hand, throbbing against her skin as she went to the full-length mirror in the far corner and stared at her reflection in wonder.

  She looked completely different and she hadn’t even put the necklace on yet. Her skin was flushed a rosy pink, her hair a tousled cloud around her head. Her eyes were glittering, her lips swollen and red, as if she had just been kissed.

  Oh how she wished she had just been kissed.

  With shaking hands, she brought the necklace up to her throat, laying the thin gold chain against her skin. A gasp escaped her at the contact, the stones seeming to scald her skin in an excruciating pleasure-pain sensation.

  After many futile attempts the clasp finally connected and she smoothed the necklace against her skin, felt its power all the way to her bones. Without conscious thought, she pulled her dress off over her head, unclasped her bra and threw it to the ground then stepped out of her panties. Standing naked and proud in front of the mirror, she watched herself. Watched her nipples swell and darken to the same red shade as the garnet stones, watched the pink flush slowly travel down her body.


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