Sword of Justice (La Patron's Sword Book 3)

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Sword of Justice (La Patron's Sword Book 3) Page 16

by Sydney Addae

  “Family, Asia. A husband, well, mate, a son, a daughter, who is a delight by the way. So your parents have grandchildren and that should make them happy. Now you know your past, it was always there waiting for you to discover it. I’m so happy for you.”

  Asia’s eyes watered as Jasmine’s words penetrated. She hadn’t thought in quite those terms, but hearing it now, seemed right. Sounded right. “Thank you, Mistress. I would love to link with my… parents. So far I am still unable to link with anyone but you and Hawke.”

  “Hmm, I’ll talk to Silas, have him ask the Goddess. Seems you should be able to link with your mom and dad, being blood related. But I don’t know how all of that works.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate it. We have arrived at this place, it looks like a converted home. Barticus does not sense her here, but that means nothing if there is a lab below ground,” Asia told Jasmine.

  “I’ll update Silas, good luck and we’ll talk soon.”

  “This is the place I attended a presentation. She’s not here.” Anger and sorrow filled Barticus’ voice.

  Asia opened her door and stepped out. “If there’s a below ground tunnel or lab, she could be there. The problem is getting inside this building to check.”

  “Not a problem.” Barticus popped open his trunk and stepped out the car. Hawke and Damian stood next to Asia, watching.

  He pulled out two devices and walked to the building. First he twisted the handle, the door didn’t open. He placed a life-signs detection device on the wall, flicked it on and waved them over. After a few seconds they could see inside the building, but there was no one on this level or the one above.

  Barticus motioned to Damian to remove the detector while he pulled a long cord from his pocket and placed the suction tip on the card scanner next to the door. The other end attached to a small handheld device no larger than an iPhone.

  “That looks familiar,” Hawke said to Asia, reminding her of the time she rescued him from Lancaster Castle and all the security pads in that building.

  When the light on the reader changed from red to green, Barticus pushed on the door. It opened and they walked in. He held out his arm, stopping them. Turning, he placed the suction tip on a security panel, tapped on a few keys, and the red light turned to green.

  “Look for a way below,” he said, pocketing his equipment and walking away.

  Asia strode down the hall, opening every door. Hawke and Damian went upstairs to see if there were hidden elevators.

  A few moments later she heard voices, like a sales pitch, and headed toward a room with the door ajar. Inside, Barticus sat on the edge of the table, his jaw slack while he stared at a large screen.

  “You can see, our fighters will protect your property, your village, your country with their lives. Once given orders, nothing stops them, ensuring your peace of mind. Our state of the art collars can be programmed for your security team as well…”

  “What the hell?” Asia said, coming further into the room. “Where did you find that?” She glanced at the screen, where someone demonstrated the proper use of the collar.

  Barticus looked over his shoulder. “This is the room where we had the presentation, but I never saw this. They talked behavior modification, threw out some numbers, it sounded good and I made a decent return. But this… they never.”

  Hawke and Damian entered the room and stared at the screen. “Whoa… So this is what? A marketing firm for the Liege?” Hawke asked, staring at the screen. A full-blood stood ramrod straight while a collar was locked in place.

  “Could be.” Asia watched Damian search the room and then sit at a small table set apart from the conference table. The image on the screen changed.

  She stiffened as a picture of her in the mining cave where the now deceased doctor, R.J., stood over her holding a knife dripping with her blood. Before she could blink, he plunged it in her chest again and again. She coughed, tried to move as her chest continued to rise.

  Time faded and Asia was in that dank cave, scared and welcoming death. She and Tyrese had been kidnapped from the compound, taken to the mines and separated. They had placed a silver noose around her neck and shot her with a silver dart, preventing her from shifting or moving.

  Sick sons of bitches.

  R.J. took out a small pistol, shot her point blank. She had searched for death, but it never came. Instead she heard La Patron demanding she live, felt the heat of his healing energy flow through her veins. Blood poured from the wound, soaking her clothes. Mentally she cursed R.J. The old hack had claimed to be a doctor, but violated his Hippocratic Oath as he stood watching her bleed.

  “What the fuck?” Barticus whispered, his eyes glued to the screen, pulling her from that morbid memory.

  Hawke poured love and compassion down their link, holding her strong so she didn’t break down. He stiffened when Tyrese removed the noose and silver dart, allowing her to shift. Tyrese stood next to her while his father stalked the doctor. The bastard dropped the bloody knife now that the others were dead and begged for his life. If she could kill him again she would, his death had been too easy.

  Moments later she shifted to human. Her cheeks warmed as Damian whistled at her naked form. Both Hawke and Barticus glared at him.

  “What? She is a beautiful bitch, and tough.”

  The screen changed to a fight scene with her and Mark. She flew out of the room and knocked him back. This was the first time she saw the device La Patron had locked over her eyes and was surprised she’d been able to fight at all.

  “Wow, now that’s awesome,” Damian said, watching her offensive moves.

  Hawke growled when Mark shifted. But when Asia shifted into her two-legged hybrid, he grinned. Damian sat awestruck as the fight intensified. Although blind with the mask, she fought with a ferocity that surprised her. In retrospect, she wondered how she’d fought as long as she had. When it was obvious the tide had changed and he could destroy her, Asia held her breath. She had never seen or known what happened next. The room went completely silent when Jasmine’s fist slammed into Mark’s jaw and he went flying across the room.

  Asia’s hand flew to her chest and her throat tightened as Jasmine hit Mark repeatedly and then kicked him in the back as he came after her. Tears filled her eyes when Jasmine touched Mark’s foot and orange flames shot up his leg. His body shook so hard the picture on the screen became distorted. There was no sound, but Asia remembered Her Mistress questioned him repeatedly about her mom and pups, each time touching his foot and sending fire through him. A few moments later she walked over to Jasmine, they talked, and she had been sent to safety. To this day, Asia still recalled the shock of her Mistress’ command. What she saw next strengthened her commitment to Jasmine and served to tie Hawke as well. Jasmine lifted Mark and sent a jolt of energy so strong the screen flashed in fireworks.

  “Who was that?” Barticus asked in a respectful tone.

  “My Mistress, mate of La Patron,” Asia said, pride evident in her voice as the screen flickered with Mark’s death.

  “I have heard they are a well-matched pair. She fought for you like a mama bear,” her sire said with a soft smile. “If that is the way they treat those in their care, you are blessed indeed.”

  “I am.”

  “We both are,” Hawke said. “I owe her my life and my arm. What she did on your behalf speaks to her character, she is worthy of our service.”

  “She sent me to my room like a child to keep me safe. I had no idea what she would do, I’ve never seen this before. She killed him.”

  “I am indebted to her,” Hawke said, his wolf close to the surface after seeing her so close to death.

  Another screen flickered, this time with Hawke and Asia fighting bluebirds.

  “What the hell is that?” Barticus asked, looking at the strange-looking beasts.

  “Bluebirds,” Hawke said, watching the screen. Asia stared as well, this being the first time she actually saw what happened.

  “Byte has skin li
ke that,” Damian said. “Look at how big you shifted.” He looked at Hawke. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

  “Too late,” Hawke joked, but continued to watch the action.

  “They destroyed that plane,” Damian whispered. “Why were you playing with him with that sword?” He looked at Asia.

  “The sword was new and I wanted to test a few things first. Hawke made me stop and finish the job, he never wants me to have any fun.” She winked at him as the camera died with the last decapitation.

  “There’s a lot here, mostly of the Hawke or Asia in her natural state.” Barticus flipped on another, which showed her running and jumping out of a helicopter. She landed and took off running, a clock on the screen recorded her speeds. Next she sparred with a partner, same thing, the clock ran on the screen. Another showed her on the gun range, and another with her below water.

  “These speeds are high, even for a full-blood,” Barticus murmured.

  “She’s been altered,” Damian said, his voice filled with awe and authority. “Titanium steel in her right arm, and both legs. Plus, they did something to her eyes. Her body adapted and worked better, could handle the most difficult tasks. You saw they tried to kill her but couldn’t. It was one of the reasons they refused to equip us with the metal. During our training, her records were the ones to beat. No one ever came close, though. She still holds the record with the most kills and successful missions. Asia Montgomery is the top bitch in the wolf nation, no one can defeat her.” He looked at Hawke. “Not even you.”

  Hawke cleared his throat. “You’re probably right about that.”

  Asia’s cheeks warmed and she turned from the screen. They needed to find the door to the basement, not watch old films.

  “What the hell? How many times?” Barticus stood and faced her.

  She spun at her sire’s yell, her heart dropped at the image of her bandaged from surgery. R.J. explained the operation when they merged the camera lens with her eyes and the computer chip with it.

  Red tinged Barticus’ cheeks and his eyes darkened to a navy blue. Rage vibrated from him as he stepped closer. “How many times did those bastards cut… her open and experiment?” he ground out, glancing at a wide-eyed Damian.

  His pain and anger whipped against her.

  “Forty-seven, possibly fifty,” she whispered and touched his arm, offering comfort.

  His face darkened. Jaw tight, he strode out the room.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Damian asked, turning off the projector.

  “He didn’t like what he saw,” Hawke said, waving the pup out the room. “Let’s see if there’s a basement here.”

  They left the conference room and searched the first floor. Barticus’ tangible anger kept him isolated from them. Asia hurt on his behalf and wondered if she should’ve gone into greater detail over what had happened with the Liege when they spoke earlier.

  “Stop beating yourself over his reactions. It’s good that he’s mad on your behalf, I feel better about him for that. Barticus isn’t the only one pissed,” Hawke said. “Knowing your mate suffered is one thing, seeing proof of it is tearing me up inside. You need me to chill, so that’s what I’m trying to do. But really, I’m right where your sire is right now, wanting to kill those bastards.”

  She rubbed his arm, felt the heat wafting from him and sent love and appreciation down their link.

  “I wonder what this is,” Damian said, staring at a small picture on the wall. The size made it stand out. He looked at Hawke with a question in his eye.

  “What do you think?” He asked her as he stood in front of the image.

  “Not sure.” She looked around for Barticus and waved him over. He headed in their direction, pulling the cord from his pocket.

  Placing the suction end on the picture, he tapped a few buttons. “This is a door.” After a series of tries and misses, the wall gave way. Behind it a set of stairs circled downward.

  “I do not sense her,” Barticus said.

  “There are heartbeats below, but no movement. This may be where they store the altered full-bloods before sending them on missions,” Hawke said, moving down the stairs.

  Barticus looked at Asia as Damian followed Hawke. “I do not want to look below since my mate is not here. I need to find her.”

  Asia understood. People wouldn’t understand her mate’s thirst for knowledge and exploring the unknown, she did. As a scientist, his mind constantly asked questions.

  “Where do you plan to go and look?” she asked, stalling for time after telling Hawke to hurry.

  Barticus wiped his hand over his mouth and waved her outside. She told Hawke where they were. He continued looking around.

  When Asia met Barticus’ tormented gaze her heart stuttered.

  “They knew,” he whispered in a ragged voice so filled with anguish her heart dropped.

  “What?” She asked when she could form a word.

  “Whoever created or runs this damn program, knew who you were.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. Water filled his as he gently cupped her cheek. “You look like Amynta, like her twin. With the posters and rewards there is no way…”

  He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. “Bastards took my money, offered me a deal to buy stock, but never showed me anything about you or mentioned your name. This was deliberate and by someone who hates me and my mate.” His jaw clamped tight as he struggled to bring his emotions under control.

  “They…” He turned and took a few breaths. “Whoever…whoever is behind this will die.” He shook his head and then looked up at the sky. “All these years, they knew who you were, knew we searched for you. Those bastards knew. They knew damn them, they knew.” Her heart broke as he kept muttering the words.

  Asia’s stomach rolled as she realized the truth of his words. This had been a deliberate torture for decades. Was it someone’s idea of a morbid joke? What the hell? The next time she found Lancaster, he would die slowly by her hand. That bastard didn’t deserve to die quick or clean. Somehow he was all in the mix with this.

  She placed her hand on Barticus’ shoulder, drawing his attention. “We’re going to win this war,” she said softly, believing it with every fiber of her being. “They’ve won a few battles, but we will skin their asses in the end. You can believe that.”

  He inhaled and straightened before turning to face her. “Yes. You’re right. All my life I have had two weaknesses. You and your mam. I cannot believe I did not investigate this group thoroughly. That changes now.” He pulled out his cell, made a few calls and waved Hawke to the car. When he clicked off, an energized, determined, man strode to the SUV. “La Patron’s shutting them down in the states. I’m shutting them down in Europe. They’ll operate in the ice caps of Russia or down in China. No place else when I’m done with them.” He spoke with the confidence of a CEO running a billion dollar enterprise with heads of state on speed dial.

  Hawke and Damian hacked into the computers and re-programmed the collars on the full-bloods below. According to Hawke there were ten lined up, waiting to be activated. Since they could not remove the collars without killing the full-bloods, Hawke decided to do the next best thing. Recalling codes from his days in the lab, he worked on the computerized chips in the collars determined to leave the Liege a nice surprise.

  Chapter 22

  “Who is she?” Thalia, Randi’s mother asked from her chair near the window. Late sunlight poured through the window, obscuring her view of the woman lying on her faded yellow print sofa.

  “This is the woman he had a child with, the one they searched for and couldn’t find.”

  Thalia frowned, wondering who they were talking about as she picked up her pipe. “Why have you brought her here?” The smoke chased the fog in her mind as she looked at them, weighing their words.

  “We need some time to think what to do next.” Randi crossed her knee and looked at the prostrate woman before turning to face her mother.

er taking a long pull from the pipe, Thalia released the smoke slowly, enjoying the calming effect. “You snatched this woman without a plan? Who is she?”

  Randi rolled her eyes. “I told you, the woman who had his child.”

  A shaft of fear pierced the fog and she jolted, seeing clearly for the first time in years. The darker complexion, long braids, muscular build. Oh my god, they took Amynta. But how? The woman fought like an Alpha.

  “Have you lost your mind?” she snapped when she could breathe through the fright of seeing her Alpha’s mate on her sofa, knocked out by her children. “Lord Barticus will destroy all of us behind this.”

  Raoul waved away her concerns. “No… I don’t think so. He doesn’t know who took her, we can turn her in for the money –”

  “Who do you think pays the reward? The temple of Nicromja is broke, has always been broke. If Lord Barticus did not support it, that religion would have died decades ago. Take her out of here. When he finds her, he’ll smell your scents on her,” Thalia snapped, aggravated. Their selfish actions would ruin her life.

  Twenty-nine years ago she met her mate. Her husband, Oslo, had been Lord Barticus’ beta for five decades. Lord Barticus and her mate were like brothers. After several miscarriages, she finally carried to term. They had been so happy.

  Lord Barticus doted on their children. When the word came that Oslo had been killed by another pack, Lord Barticus went berserk like the Vikings of old. She had never seen such anger or hatred or pain.

  That entire pack was destroyed, women and children as well, and he led the charge. When he returned, he pledged to care for the children as his own. To this date he’d kept his word. The outside world assumed Randi and Raoul were his flesh and blood, he never challenged those allegations. Sometimes her pups forgot he owed them nothing and everything he gave was a gift.

  “He will kill you for this and me too. No one touches another’s mate, not if they want to live.” Shame and sorrow weighed heavy on her chest. “After all the kindness he has shown over the years, this is the repayment he receives. You dishonor your sire’s memory.” Thalia placed the pipe aside, it brought no comfort today.


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