Sword of Justice (La Patron's Sword Book 3)

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Sword of Justice (La Patron's Sword Book 3) Page 21

by Sydney Addae

“Asia needs her daddy,” Silas spoke through Hawke in measured tones. “She’s been looking for you and her mam for a long time. You wouldn’t take that from her, would you?”

  Asia’s eyes watered as the reality of what her Alpha said hit home. The Goddess wouldn’t be so cruel as to take her father after she found him.

  “Choose the Goddess, Tre, walk in the light with me, with us. Choose your family, your den, your pack. Choose me, Tre,” her mom said in a broken voice.

  Asia hugged her mam close and poured love through their link.

  “No…no… no… damn it, I said no,” Ira yelled, running toward Barticus. “Do you realize what happened today? He’s back? Nicromja came back… he saw us, talked to us. He’s real and wants to start over. We can do this. Together we search for candidates and present them to him.”

  “I’m not interested. I serve the Goddess,” Barticus said, his gaze on his mate.

  “No. You can’t. I won’t let you.” Ira pulled a knife from his cloak and stabbed Barticus in the stomach.

  Amynta screeched and leapt forward even though her wounds had not fully healed. Grabbing Ira, she punched him and knocked him onto the ground. She picked up his head and hit him repeatedly until his face became a bloody mess. “Where’s that knife?” she yelled.

  Asia watched the bleeding from Barticus’ wounds slow to a trickle. Confident he was on the mend, she picked up the bloody knife from the ground and handed it to her mam.

  Amynta took it and plunged it into Ira’s chest. “Bastard. Today you die.” Next, she slit his neck and then twisted his head, breaking it off completely.

  The barrier disappeared.

  Hawke and Damian ran toward them. Hawke picked up Asia and held her close to his chest before kissing her hard. “Love you, so proud of you, thanks for sharing those images.”

  “Sarita is going to be a handful,” she said, recalling the wrestling match the little tyke was in with Adam. “But I’m looking forward to it.” She kissed him again and then turned to look at her parents. Her father still held the sword as he wrapped his arms around his mate. Both were still healing and not at full speed.

  Hawke put her down. Damian pulled the body of the High Priest into the inner sanctuary and closed the door behind him. Hawke took the man’s head to toss into the garbage bin outside. Eventually someone would find the High Priest in the place he loved most.

  “What are you going to do with that sword?” Asia asked, eyeing the craftsmanship with envy.

  “I don’t know yet. We’ll ask the Goddess.” The moment Barticus said that, it disappeared from his hand. “Maybe not. Let’s leave this place.”

  “Is it safe? That thing, god-person, he’s not going to come after us?” Damian asked what Asia wondered.

  “Who knows? If Nicromja finds someone else to serve him here, and they are loyal and find the kind of vessel he’s interested in…Maybe. But I don’t want to hang around here any longer. Let them battle it out.”

  “Who?” Damian asked.

  “You’ve just come from Athens, land of the gods and you ask who?” Barticus smiled. They exited the door, Hawke tossed the head in the trash bin and they found the car out front.

  “Can you take us to pick up our car?” Asia asked.

  “Yes, of course,” Barticus said, as his mate sat next to him. “We’ll pick up some food and go talk. I know the perfect place.” He leaned forward, placed a kiss on Amynta’s lips, and started the car.

  Chapter 28

  Amynta tweaked the barrier, allowing Damian to enter. The five of them walked to the large house at the edge of the pack lands and ate the food and beverages they’d picked up from a restaurant on the way.

  “So who took you from Konstantin?” Amynta asked when they finished eating.

  Asia frowned. “I don’t know. I recalled moments of our time there, playing with the tall blond man… Konstantin?”

  “Yes, a very good friend,” her mam said smiling, although her eyes were sad.

  Barticus snorted.

  Asia smiled at their play. They were so different than she expected. “He was nice to me, gave me treats, and allowed me to play anywhere I wanted. His servants were tolerant of my escapades, I got into everything.” Ecstatic her memory of that time in her life had returned, she shared every detail.

  “Why’d you write all those hateful things about him in your journals? I was prepared to skewer him on sight,” she asked her mam pointing to her sire.

  Amynta’s hand flew to her mouth to hold in her laugh but it escaped. “They were bad weren’t they? I was angry with him, he was moving too slowly. He should’ve tossed that High Priest out of the house immediately when he spoke of taking you to the temple.” She paused and looked at Asia. “You may not know this about me, but I’m not very patient, the Goddess is working with me on this flaw.” Her mam spoke with a straight face and then laughed.

  Asia joined in, she couldn’t help it.

  “So how did Konstantin’s group turn into the same group that enslaved both of you is what I want to know,” Barticus said, changing the tenor of the conversation. “I know his intentions were good, but something twisted happened, any idea what?”

  “My sire gave me to the Liege for training, a different situation than Asia’s. I’d like to believe they were unrelated.” Hawke shrugged. “But who knows? Konstantin was from the ruling class, he associated with men of high rank across the country. It’s possible someone he trusted betrayed him. Lancaster’s father served Konstantin loyally for decades, and we know how that turned out.”

  “But they don’t know you two are mates,” Damian said. “So I don’t see how the two could be related. At least I don’t see them targeting you as a couple for capture. Lancaster wanted you because you were the strongest pup presented at that time. It’s possible Asia was chosen for the same reason.”

  “Konstantin left a few checks in place to keep the group honest, if those have been violated or exhausted, then its best they disband. If he knew how they have perverted his dreams and instructions, he would kill them from the grave if he could,” Amynta said, her voice sad.

  “For the most part I have an understanding of what happened,” Asia said to change the tone in the room. If her mam focused too long on things they’d lost, none of them would be able to make it out of there without falling apart.

  “Mam left to check on the pack, it was too cold and dangerous to take me so you left me with your friends. We had lived with them since my birth.”

  “Before you were born, I gave birth to you after I left Tre,” Amynta said meeting her mate’s heated gaze.

  “Right, I remember my time here as a baby. You left, and when you came back, I was gone. You searched for me but couldn’t find me. No one at Konstantin’s knew anything. Where I went or who took me is hidden in a dark ball of mysteries in my mind. At some point the Liege took and trained me. I don’t recall how old I was when I started serving the Liege, but I’ve lived all over the world in underground labs,” Asia said.

  “When I went to talk with my pack, you were five summers.”

  “You see how she cheated me, that was too long to be angry over a silly misunderstanding,” Barticus growled. “I needed time to diffuse the situation with Ira. He’d convinced himself Nicromja refused to appear because Asia disappeared and we needed to find her to prove our loyalty to the god. But you wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t wait.”

  Amynta leaned against him, smiling with the confidence of a woman who knew how to handle her man, and rubbed his hand without speaking aloud. Asia noticed the mark on her arm, and remembered it from the picture in the hidden room.

  “What does that mark mean?” she asked her mam. Her Mistress was curious as well.

  “It’s Nicromja’s mark,” Barticus answered, holding Amynta’s arm and looking at the small mark. “After you were born, he marked her.”

  Asia was stunned. “What?” That didn’t make sense that La Patron’s pups would have that mark. Clearly they were all unde
r the Goddess’ banner.

  Amynta nodded. “One morning I woke up and it was there. Didn’t know what it was until Tre and I reconciled, he was surprised when he saw it.”

  “I’m sure. So he can claim people without their permission?” Asia asked. La Patron should contact the Goddess and let her know what Nicromja had done.

  Barticus shrugged. “My parents gave permission when they left me as a babe with his High Priests. Growing up, it was all I knew, so there were no choices to be made. In the beginning we believed, but after a hundred fifty years and no contact…” He shrugged again. “I figured he was another one of those gods we learned about in college. Started out strong, but died when people stopped worshipping him.”

  “Do you know what plans he had for me?” Asia asked, wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t had her metal limbs. “He tried to control me but couldn’t because I’ve been… altered.”

  “No. He never told Ira the end game for the vessel, only that she was important. Today was the first time I heard any mention of competing against the Goddess. Although that’s not surprising. Think on all you know of religion, most of the ones we serve are competitive and seek to be thought of as the best, at least by those who serve them.” Barticus paused and then continued.

  “Nicromja has very few followers across the globe and without servants to worship him, his reach diminishes. The God in the Christian faith does not change without worship, at least not that I’ve heard. That fact makes Him different.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Asia said agreeing with her sire.

  “The metal, does it bother you?” Amynta asked, looking at Asia’s legs and then her arm.

  Asia looked at Hawke. “Not anymore. At first it was difficult to adjust to metal legs and arm.” She held up her right arm. “But the eye was the most challenging to get used to. They embedded a camera behind my lens so they could see everything I did and attached it to my brain. There were times I wanted to snatch it out, especially when I was around my Mistress.”

  “What?” Barticus said leaning forward staring into her face, his eyes searching one orb and then the other. “Those bastards, I will personally gut them and leave their carcasses blowing in the wind. How dare they treat you like an experimental pet?”

  “Please… tell me what happened. I feel Barticus’ anger and regret but am not certain of the root, he will not allow me to see what he cannot face,” Amynta said while rubbing her mate’s hand.

  Between Hawke and herself, they explained what happened with the experiments, the surgeries to repair her after difficult assignments, and Hawke’s experience in the lab. Amynta and Damian interrupted often, asking questions over the course of several hours.

  Barticus left the room a few times, choosing not to hear it again. Asia understood but somehow it no longer bothered her. The surgeries, the killings, living in laboratories, it had happened, and she placed those chapters of her life in a section of the book of her life entitled, Past.

  “You’ve been through so much” Amynta said on a long sigh. “If I hadn’t left you behind I could have spared you all of this. I was so hard-headed and determined to do things my way back then. Thinking I was right, I made mistakes.” She exhaled and reached for Asia’s hand. “Please, can you forgive me? I cannot rewrite what happened but the future is an open book and I’d like to start fresh.”

  Asia’s heart swelled with emotion, she sent her mam’s answer through their link as she wrapped her arms around the older woman.

  “I so sorry for what they did to you. I should have protected you better. Forgive me,” Amynta whispered against her neck.

  “Nothing to forgive, I’ve been wanting to know you all my life. Today starts the clock,” Asia said, sensing her Mistress’ presence even though she hadn’t reached out to her.

  Barticus cleared his throat, drawing their attention. “I have my men seeking members of the Liege now. Sir Roderick spent a few days in Milan last week. I have people on his trail. We will find them and teach them a lesson they will not forget for what they did, the bastards,” Barticus said in a low voice.

  Something niggled at the back of her mind. “What shall you do about your pack?” Asia asked her mam.

  Amynta’s brow rose. “What do you mean?”

  “Will you bring them here, home? Rebuild Albuslupos?”

  Amynta looked at Barticus for a long moment, and then he smiled. “Yes.” She cleared her throat as she looked at Asia. “When I sensed your presence –”

  “Sensed my presence?” Asia asked uncertain what that meant in this context. She had been all over the globe on various assignments and often felt things but had no point of reference.

  “Yes, like now I feel you.” She touched her chest. “In here. My child. Wasn’t the first time, either. Happened several times in the past as well but nothing ever came of it. I thought my mind played tricks on me.”

  Asia understood. Some of her missions had been in the area or nearby but she operated as a ghost, in and out, undetected by most, except her mam and possibly her sire. She couldn’t believe it, those inklings she had experienced in the past actually meant something, were connected to her parents.

  “When I sensed you nearby the other night I was beside myself with joy since it lasted through the night. That hadn’t happened before.” She smiled and met Asia’s gaze. “My intentions were to introduce you to the pack so you could lead them as is your birthright. I would then move to Athens to live with Tre. He’s been patient over the years, and wants sons.”

  Shock raced through her at her mam’s declaration. Lead a pack? Birthright? She couldn’t wrap her mind around her mam’s expectations. As much as she loved the bright light of knowing her past and meeting her parents her allegiance and future was clear. “I am pledged to serve La Patron and Mistress as their sword of justice, vengeance, mercy, whatever they need. We were allowed this time to find you to fill in the blanks of my past,” Asia said gently.

  Amynta patted Asia’s thigh. “I know that now and understand. I have a beta who has served faithfully. She will bring the pack here. Tre and I will work out something, he leads a large pack and we may merge, bound to happen sooner or later anyway. I have already prepared them for the change. We needed to be sure you were safe and free from the High Priest and Nicromja first.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” Asia said, humbled by her parent’s care.

  “What happened to Raoul and Randi?” Damian asked.

  “They have left for England, their flight took off twenty minutes past,” Barticus said, glancing at his watch.

  “Do they still work for you?” Damian asked.

  “No.” His response absolute and immediate. “They will not return here and are banned from the pack,” Barticus said without expression. Asia hated she didn’t know him well enough to gauge his real feelings over losing those two. “Every pack member knows of their disloyalty and will shun them. Their mam had permission to remain, but she left with them. They were allowed to take their flights tickets for a commercial plane and one suitcase. That was all.”

  Damian whistled and shook his head. “My sire said no one should ever come between a wolf and his mate.”

  “That is true,” Barticus said, ruffling Damian’s hair. “They knowingly crossed that line and caused my mate grief and discomfort. They are fortunate to breathe.”

  “You will have more pups?” Asia asked, recalling her mam’s reason for moving to Athens and moving in with her mate. For some reason she thought they were done.

  “Yes, she refused to conceive again until you were found and settled. Both have happened, your mate is a perfect match for you and he brings pups. We are beyond pleased. Now, we will add pups to our den.”

  “Do you plan on having pups?” Amynta asked Asia.

  Heat raced across her face as Hawke stared at her waiting for an answer.

  “That would be nice, more pups running around,” Damian said, smiling.

  “We’re not sur
e, yet. Someday, but we need to get a handle on the two pups we have now,” Asia said, skirting the question.

  “Hey, I’m good, but Sarita… she’s just a baby,” Damian said before laughing at Hawke’s ‘don’t push it’ expression.

  “You will make a wonderful older brother,” Amynta said, smiling at Damian. “And a great nephew.”

  Asia and Hawke laughed at Damian’s confused frown. Hawke clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out sooner or later.” He glanced at his watch and looked at Amynta. “Would you mind going with us to Lyrill to meet Wulfgar? He paid us three million dollars to find you, we took the money since we were looking anyway.”

  “Really?” Amynta’s brows shot up. “I’m surprised. Granted we have not spoken in over a hundred years but I never had the impression he wanted to see me. He paid you the money up front?”

  Hawke nodded. “I need to give Niall, my littermate, Alpha of the Fekete Farkas Clan, something for not following you to collect the bounty.”

  She laughed. “Considering you’re mated to my daughter I can see how that might be a problem. I had to stop his men from taking me to meet him when I stepped outside the tunnel. He seems to be doing a good job, better than any Alphas of that clan before.”

  “Yes, he’ll do well and he understood why you laid his security detail on their asses.” Hawke paused. “The council was recently restarted by Alpha Radoff and Niall has been asked to sit on the board. If you like, I can introduce your beta or someone of your choosing to the Alpha, and they can sit on the board as well to represent your pack.”

  “Excellent idea,” Amynta said and looked at her mate. “Have Geo join as well, that way both our interests will be covered while we visit our daughter and her pups in the states.”

  “Already you give me orders and no sons,” Barticus grumbled.

  Asia, Damian and Hawke laughed.

  Hawke stood. “The sooner we finish with Wulfgar, the sooner we leave for home and pick up Sarita.”

  “And La Patron needs our services,” Asia reminded him as she extended her hand.


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