Her Scottish Wolf (Howls Romance): Loving World

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Her Scottish Wolf (Howls Romance): Loving World Page 5

by Theodora Taylor

  Despite the high number of applications, it was a hard cull. And in the end, only six of the applicants were up to Iain’s standards—which after three years, Milly had nearly memorized. So she got the job done, but it took a while. By the time she sent those six resumes on, Linda in HR along with the rest of the office had already knocked off for the long weekend. That, and given the fact that it was dark outside, meant it had to be well past 9:00 P.M.

  Yet she could still hear Iain click-clacking away in his office. The guy was a beast when it came to his work. However, Milly was more than ready to throw in the towel for today.

  But Milly’s headache had gone from mild to booming, blurring her vision so she had to yank off her glasses along with her headband and hair tie to relieve all the pressure points on her head.

  It worked. The headache immediately began to subside. But soon after, her body became suffused in a heat so volcanic, she could feel herself visibly sweating. Not only that, but her skin had begun to tingle with an all-over ache. Crap! Fever and body aches could only mean one thing: she was sick. And no doubt it was leukemia related. As she’d discovered during her first tango with the L-word, it came with all sorts of lovely and debilitating types of pneumonia and infections…

  So there would be no taking the train home today. Milly sent Iain an IM to let him know she was heading out. And as she slowly rose from her chair, she decided to use some of her precious travel funds for a Lyft—

  She immediately fell back into her chair, her legs suddenly too weak to stand. What the…? Milly’s entire body had been taken over by a tingling ache that had completely debilitated her.

  This sickness was different than before, she realized. The fever and body aches had gone from bad to unbearable in a matter of seconds. Milly stripped today’s purple cardigan off, hoping to cool down. But that hardly made a dent in her discomfort. Her silk blouse felt like chain mail on her feverish skin. In a fit of sheer desperation, she took her blouse off, too. Then her pencil skirt. But even her remaining cotton camisole and panties felt like too much in the burning heat of this fever.

  Her entire body tingling, Milly ended up tugging off her underwear. The part of her brain that wasn’t completely in thrall to the fever was deeply distressed that she’d removed her clothing with her boss only a few feet away on the other side of a closed door. Her actions were shocking and highly inappropriate. But it was all she could do. Because Milly honestly felt like she’d die right there in her swivel chair if she didn’t get out of her restrictive clothes immediately.

  And that was when things took a turn for the truly bizarre. As soon as she removed her underpants, a strange, acrid smell hit the room. It was an odor unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Sharp and pungent and completely overpowering.

  As soon as it arrived, it was as if there was nothing else in the room. All she could feel, see, hear, or smell was the strong scent. Curious but not necessarily unpleasant. Actually, she sniffed hard, not unpleasant at all. Her nostrils flared in and out, taking more of it in on some primal instinct. And then she was assaulted by a new sensation…

  One she’d almost never had outside her bedroom when she felt lonely in her sad 25-year-old virgin bed. Milly looked down slowly to find her sex visibly clenching in and out. Like an animal gasping for air.

  Oh, God, what was happening to her?!?

  Before she could even register what she was seeing, her hand reached down seemingly of its own accord to touch her wildly clenching sex. She was soaking wet. Like, wetter than she’d ever been in her life. To the point that she could actually feel the hot sticky arousal on her vaginal mound. She started rubbing herself, first in slow circles, then in hard, desperate plunges. But her ministrations brought no relief, in fact, they only seemed to make things worse. The neatly trimmed curls atop her sex now glistened with her arousal. It was as if the more she touched herself, the more her core wept.

  Not enough…the words dropped into her head with an ominous thunk. Your touch isn’t enough—

  A door clicked in the distance, and suddenly the sound came back on in the room.

  Then Iain…oh God, her boss, Iain appeared in his office doorway. Her boss. Gray eyes wide with shock, his sensitive nose flared so wide, Milly knew he could easily smell the strange scent she was emitting.

  Milly’s heart froze at the sight of him watching her desperately try to get herself off.

  But her hand didn’t stop. Not even for a second. In fact, it moved faster under Iain’s shocked gaze, as if her body now had a mind of its own.

  “I’m sorry,” she all but sobbed, trying her best to choke out some kind of explanation. “Taking new meds…side effects…can’t stop—oh!”

  Milly broke off with a cry when another wave of that strange smell suddenly filled up the room, overtaking her words. Overtaking her mind.

  Him! Him! It’s him! Need him! a feral voice said inside her…head? No, it seemed to come from someplace deeper. Like a base part of her. That was now begging, not just for relief from this all-consuming need, but for a very specific relief.

  Iain!!! the feral voice keened. And that was when she figured it out.

  The voice inside her head didn’t just want to get off. It wanted someone else to get her off. And that someone was her boss. The guy currently white knuckling the doorknob as if the sight of his assistant engaged in such inappropriate behavior had him struggling to stay on his feet.

  But then something worse than him finding her like this happened.

  He started to back away…

  No! No! Don’t let him go! the feral voice inside her screamed.

  But it was too late. SLAM! Iain disappeared into his office. As if he was running away, or trying to hide from the wild woman in his outer office.

  Oh crap, oh crap! Her mind shorted out for a second, not knowing what to do.

  But apparently, the voice inside her knew exactly what it wanted.

  Her body no longer felt weak. Just determined. And on suddenly strong legs, she propelled herself across the room, coming to stand outside his door as she had nearly every weekday morning since she’d been hired three years ago.

  Except this time she was naked. And intent on one thing.

  Her boss.

  “Iain,” she moaned, her body releasing yet another wave of the extremely strong but not at all foul odor. At least to her.

  Iain, however, sounded like he was choking on the other side of the door as he said, “Don’t, Millicent. Don’t come in here. I can’t be responsible for what I do if you come in here.”

  “Iain, please…” she begged, wishing she had the strength to kick open the door. It felt like her entire body was on fire, every nerve intent on one goal. One person. “Iain, I…I need you to…”

  “You must find a way to call your flatmate, Millicent. Tell her you don’t feel well and ask her to bring something to sedate you with.”

  “What?” she asked, voice cracking with incredulity because being sedated by her female roommate was the exact opposite of what she wanted right now—the opposite of what she needed. “No, I don’t want that…I want you. Please, I hurt so bad Iain…I need you.”

  He must have been right on the other side of the door, because she could hear him inhale sharply as if her plea had stabbed him, causing him pain. And it sounded like he was talking through gritted teeth when he said, “Tell her to sedate you… please, Millicent. You’re not in control of yourself.”

  No, she wasn’t.

  And, it felt like somebody else, not sensible little Milly Odoom saying, “No, I won’t do it. I’ll sit right here until you fuck me.”

  Another sharp breath, then several short ones, as if he was working hard to stay in control on the other side of the door. “Millicent, please.”

  “No,” she answered viciously. “I won’t call her. I won’t go. I want you, Iain. I need you. And I don’t care how bad it sounds. Can you please have sex with me. Please?”

  Silence. Then he bit out the
words: “Call. Your. Flatmate.”

  Oh God, oh God, that was exactly what she should do. She knew she should be taking his advice instead of standing outside the door. Begging him to take her.

  Yet, she couldn’t stop herself from trying again.

  “Please, Iain, I know I’m, like, this awkward virgin. And nowhere near as pretty as the girls you like to date.” Tears slid down her cheeks, as she rested her hot forehead against the cool door’s wood. “But I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t have you inside of me. Please—”

  She broke off. Not because of how bad she was embarrassing herself with her desperate pleas, but because the door suddenly flung open. And there stood Iain, on the other side of it. Breathing hard.

  “Is that what you think?” he bit out. “That I’m saying no because I dinna fancy you? You’re honestly thinking I put you on the other side of that door because you’re not pretty enough…sexy enough?”

  He sounded gravely insulted, like her plea for him to lower his standards had somehow impugned his core character.

  “I…I don’t know,” she started to say—

  The next thing she knew, Iain was on her side of the door. Sweeping her naked body up in his arms and carrying her across the room.

  What felt like less than a second later, she was deposited on the couch meant for clients with Iain biting out the words, “Knees. Now,” above her.

  But his hands were on her before she could even process the command. Flipping her onto her stomach, then pulling her hips up hard. She felt but could not see Iain settle in behind her. His kilt brushing the back of her naked thighs as he said, “I will show you how much I don’t fancy you, chridhe.” His kilt lifted, covering her backside, and the next thing she felt was the tip of him at her entrance.

  As hot as she’d been for him just a few moments ago, her back stiffened, her heart seizing up with fear. Because this was happening. Finally. Exactly what she’d asked him for.

  The new, feral voice inside her was ecstatic. But the scared mouse she’d always been seized up with the recollection that she’d never actually done this before.

  “Relax, chridhe…” One of Iain’s hands found the back of her neck, massaging it with his thumb. “I’m half out of my mind for you, but I’ve no plans to hurt you. Trust me, Millicent.”

  His words and the thumb at the back of her neck soothed her. Loosened her muscles, until she became pliant again.

  But as soon as she did, the hand at her neck went hard, arm locking in place. And that was all the warning she got. Iain pushed his full length into her, thick, long, and so hard that any and all doubts about whether he found her attractive enough to bear having sex with her were immediately pushed from her head.

  She screamed. But not in pain. The wild thing inside her was so insanely relieved to finally have Iain in her, that the loss of her hymen felt like nothing more than a small bandage being pulled off skin.

  But then he stopped, going completely still, even though he was embedded inside her.

  “Iain…” she whimpered, wondering why he wasn’t moving.

  “I need a moment, chridhe. Giving you first claim…” He trailed off as if he didn’t have the words to finish that statement and settled for. “It’s beyond anything I ever could have imagined for us.”

  She felt the exact same way. In all the ways she’d imagined losing her virginity, she never would have guessed it would be to her boss on top of the couch she sat across from every day. It felt like a fever dream. Maybe it was. Maybe none of this was happening.

  But in any case, she began rolling her hips into him, needing him more than she cared about whether or not any of this was real.

  “Millicent…” Her name was both a curse and a warning on his lips.

  But the hand on the back of her neck went hard again, his forearm locking so she couldn’t move anything but her hips as he began to take her slowly from behind.

  Whatever she’d been expecting from her first time. Whatever she’d dreamed of…this was better. Oh God, was it better...

  A mere minute or two later, Milly cried out. Voice breaking, mind shattering. Her body torqued so wildly beneath Iain’s anchoring hand, it began to feel like he was holding her down for her own good. That if he wasn’t there, the waves of pleasure would carry her mind away, and she’d be lost forever.

  But Iain held her in place, keeping his arm locked until she was through. Only then did he release the back of her neck.

  But instead of continuing on to get his, he said, “There are some things I must share with you now, chridhe.”

  “What?” she asked, still breathing hard but not missing the grave note in his voice.

  “I know you desire for me to take you. But that is not how this works. You must accept my claim so we can go on.”

  “Accept your claim,” she repeated, still breathless. “What happens if don’t?”

  “Then I must pull out. Let you be. It would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and we still might have to sedate you, but I could do it. I would do it if you asked that of me. It is your choice, chridhe. But only in the next few moments. I can only hold my beast for so long. Say aye now before I lose control.”

  Say aye…

  His words were strange to her. Nearly unintelligible. But she knew one thing loud and clear. She did not want him to pull out. Which was crazy because he wasn’t wearing a condom! But for some reason, the wild voice inside her wouldn’t allow her to consider asking him to put one on.

  “Aye, don’t pull out,” she said, her voice little more than a pant at this point. “I want it. I want you to come inside me. So bad…”

  He collapsed on top of her. His torso crashing down onto her back, as if her words had weakened him. But still, he didn’t move. “Christ, Millicent. I want to take you with everything I have, but I must have these words from you…”

  He uttered a short phrase in what she dimly recognized as Scottish Gaelic. “It means ‘I accept thy claim’ in the old language,” he explained. “And we can’t continue on unless you say them to me exactly.”

  She repeated the Gaelic phrase back to him in a breathless rush before she even knew she had the words memorized. Milly had no idea what she was agreeing to, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was him. Him coming inside of her. “Oh God, please Iain. Move…I can’t…I can’t…”

  He reared up, but only to drive in deeper. Then his teeth sank into her shoulder. Hard and vicious—much like the wolf who’d bitten her two days ago.

  The bite should have hurt her, or at the very least, shocked her out of this sex thrall she’d somehow fallen into. But all it did was turn her on that much more.

  And when he became a wild beast on top of her, relentlessly thrusting deep, she received him with long moans.

  “I’m close to completing my claim of ye, chridhe,” he warned, his Highland brogue thicker than she’d ever heard it. “What happens after I do might scare you—I’m going to swell inside you in a way you willna unnerstaun. But it is the way of my kind, and I swear to you it will feel good despite its strange nature.”

  “I don’t’ care! I don’t care. Just keep…keep going,” she answered. “So close…”

  She continued to urge him on with her soft cries, until with one last hard thrust of his hips, he released inside her, sending her right back over the edge a second time.

  The second orgasm shattered her all over again, but it wasn’t strange. Just really, really good. Which made her wonder what he’d been talking about before with his weird warning—

  Then it happened. An unexpected pressure where their sexes were joined. A swelling like he’d said, but like nothing she’d expected. It almost felt like a knot was forming at the top of his cock. An impossibly large knot.

  Milly squirmed beneath him, her heart pounding with new fear.

  “Stay calm, chridhe. It feels odd, but it won’t hurt you. I promise you. Trust me, Millicent.”

  Trust me, Millicent.

od, how many times had he said that tonight? But she calmed. Taking him at his word that this…weird genetic idiosyncrasy of his wouldn’t hurt her.

  She forced herself to stay still and let it happen. But then she soon found that she couldn’t do that. Or to be more specific, her sex couldn’t do that. Without any warning at all, it started squeezing around the knot like a fist. With such a hard clenching action, it actually tugged Iain’s strangely knotted staff deeper into her core.

  Oh God, what was going on? It was almost like…the word “milking” floated into her mind. Yes, it was almost like she was milking his cock. Milking it so hard, she immediately came again, even though she’d barely come down from the second orgasm.

  And just as she began to think how strange it was to come so soon after, another orgasm overtook her. And then another.

  Her extreme clenching affected Iain, too. He shuddered above her, releasing more seed into her. And she was barely able to register that he’d started to come again when a fifth orgasm overtook her. They ended up coming together, both yelling out as the relentless pleasure washed over them.

  She expected him to pull out when they finally came down from the last orgasm. But instead, he pulled her closer and twisted. With an elegant strength, he arranged their bodies on the couch, so they were spooned side-by-side, with his staff still embedded in her core.

  “You’ll need to take a wee nap now,” he told her as if her falling asleep with his cock still buried inside her was the most natural thing to do.

  An hour ago she never would have been able to imagine having sex with Iain, much less falling asleep on the couch with him embedded inside her. But now, like a spell cast, a deep need to sleep stole over her. Even as her sex clenched the strange knot with more strength than she would have guessed her seriously underutilized core had.


  “We can’t sleep out here,” she said, trying to fight off the incoming sleep train. “The nighttime cleaners will be here in a couple of hours.”


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