Tap Dance Kidnap

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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 14

by S M Mala

  That’s why he felt worthless.

  He’d let down the person he loved the most and didn’t want to make that mistake ever again.

  Lose her trust.


  … Sasha said. Kit had woken up late and rushed down the stairs, after checking to see if she was awake. ‘Do you want something to eat?’

  She’d got dressed and changed, her hair scraped severely back into a ponytail.

  ‘I’m fine. I have to go,’ he replied, rushing to get his jacket.

  ‘Kit, are you okay?’ she quietly asked. ‘I was a bit worried about you.’

  ‘Fine, fine! Forget it ever happened!’

  Dashing out towards the door, he unlocked it then closed it firmly when he went outside, making sure to double lock.

  Then he stopped.

  He was imprisoning her and, now, avoiding conversation.

  Placing his head against the door, he held his breath.

  ‘Everything okay?’ Ryan asked, walking towards him. ‘Sorry I’m a bit late but my granddad had a bad night.’

  ‘She’s in the kitchen,’ Kit replied, forcing a smile then walked at high speed towards his car.

  As he drove off, he felt relieved to get away from the house and Sasha.

  She was starting to scratch the surface of him and he didn’t like what was being revealed. All he had to do was focus on his day.

  Then he remembered it was Wednesday and he had to give a tap lesson.

  It was the last thing he wanted to do.

  After going to the gym then sorting out the deliveries, he headed off for the lesson, totally unprepared. People were waiting in the studio as he walked in.

  Today it was Estella, Glenda, Vanessa, Stuart and Alexandra.

  ‘A small and intimate class, Kit,’ said Glenda, looking gleefully around. ‘I wonder where everyone is.’

  ‘Ingrid’s gone away somewhere exotic,’ sniffed Alexandra, tying up her laces. ‘Bernadette’s with her family and Sasha has gone on holiday, which is strange, as she doesn’t leave London let alone the country.’

  ‘That’s what I was told,’ said Glenda, practicing her shuffles.

  ‘Did she tell you?’ asked Kit, wondering who Jeremy Wilton had got to disclose the information.

  ‘She texted wishing us a Happy New Year,’ shrugged Estella. ‘Personally speaking, she’s in need of a holiday.’

  Kit now felt bad about how he left it with Sasha that morning so decided to concentrate on giving his lesson.

  They were all working very hard and there was less chatter and laughter. Somehow his class wanted to make an effort, listening intently to everything he said. There were no questions regarding how his Christmas was or New Year.

  It’s as if it didn’t happen.

  Clapping as they got to the end of the lesson, Kit noticed Justin was standing outside, waiting for everyone to leave.

  ‘Are you coming for coffee and cake?’ asked Alexandra, putting on her heavy coat.

  ‘I can’t today. Did you enjoy the party at my bar the other week?’ he asked slyly, watching her start to blush. ‘You met someone there, didn’t you?’

  ‘Did you?’ Glenda asked, her ears pricking up. ‘That handsome man who looked like he was army or something.’

  ‘I’ll reveal all over coffee. He’s a friend of yours so you could tell me a thing or two,’ Alexandra replied, starting to smile.

  ‘Maybe?’ he said, thinking about Captain in drag.

  ‘What about you, Kit?’ Estella asked, clipping her hair back. ‘Any new woman?’

  ‘How do you know he’s single?’ asked Stuart, tutting away and taking his bandana off.

  ‘Just making conversation you snappy sod!’ laughed Estella. ‘I know you didn’t pull.’

  ‘I’m sure Kit has lots of lady friends,’ sighed Vanessa, winking at him. ‘I can be one, if you like?’

  ‘Leave the boy alone. He doesn’t want a woman who suffers from incontinence,’ said Glenda as Vanessa gasped. ‘Are you wearing your special pants?’

  ‘I told mother to put you up for adoption. If only she listened,’ hissed Vanessa, walking towards the door.

  ‘I’ll catch up later,’ he said, smiling at the group, waiting for them to leave.

  Justin walked in and stopped in front of him with a confused expression.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Kit asked, avoiding eye contact.

  ‘Where’ve you been? I was passing your place the other night and popped in for a quick one, only to be told by Sean you’re not working evenings for the next few weeks. Do you want to share?’ The twinkle in his brother’s eye showed he thought it was about a woman. ‘You wining and dining someone?’

  ‘I just want some time away from the place, that’s all.’

  ‘You’re not spending the night in your flat.’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘I’ve got spare keys and I checked to see if you were okay,’ he said, immediately looking concerned. ‘I do worry.’

  ‘You think I buried myself in a kilo of cocaine?’ he smirked, shaking his head and laughing. ‘The trust is amazing.’

  ‘The love is genuine,’ Justin said seriously. ‘Are you okay? Over Christmas you seemed really happy but now, even your mug reveals you’re a miserable bastard. What happened?’

  He put his tap shoes in his bag and reached for his jacket, zipping it up before staring up into his brother’s eyes.

  ‘It must be costing you a fortune to get the cover,’ Justin continued.

  ‘I can afford it so it’s no big deal.’


  ‘I need a break and I can do without a few things plus I’ve got a rebate on an insurance policy I forgot about. It’s fine,’ he shrugged, seeing his brother looked unconvinced. ‘I won’t let the people I love down again, especially Grace. I met someone who I really like but it’s not going to work and it bugs me. Simple. Can I go?’

  ‘Why won’t it work?’

  ‘It’s more than complicated.’

  ‘Does she like you?’

  ‘Not sure.’

  ‘But you like her?’

  He didn’t want to answer as he grabbed his bag, standing up straight and glanced out the window.

  ‘I need to sort out my head,’ he half lied, wondering if his brother would forgive him for what he had got himself into. ‘And I’m lucky enough to be able to do that. Don’t ask too many question as I don’t want to say.’

  ‘I see. You’re being mysterious and aloof, I get it,’ smiled Justin, grabbing Kit and giving him a hug. ‘Anyone would be pleased to have someone like you. Even a man.’

  ‘She told you!’ he said loudly, pushing him away as Justin started to laugh.

  ‘Who’d have thought?’

  ‘That mother of ours is round the bend and I only bumped into her last night!’

  ‘Whatever makes you happy!’

  ‘It’s a man I know who’s a transvestite. I accompanied him to the pub because he wants to… actually, I don’t know what he wants to do but I was trying to help. How the hell would I know she was going to turn up?’ said Kit, walking towards the door, stopping before he opened it. ‘She thinks I’m gay, doesn’t she?’

  ‘Mummy said you have even poorer taste in men than you had in women. She was particular to point out the ‘had’,’ chuckled his brother. ‘Oh god! What are you up to?’

  ‘As we know, with my flaccid dick, not much.’

  ‘Do you think this will help? Seeing a man.’

  ‘Fuck off Justin!’ he snapped, hearing his brother laugh loudly. ‘I’m not gay!’

  ‘And something happened?’

  … he heard Sasha ask.

  Kit had quietly let himself into the house, seeing Captain and Ryan were there. He stopped in the corridor and could hear them whispering.

  ‘We kissed,’ Captain replied. ‘It was different.’

  ‘I bet it was different for her getting a snog off a bloke dressed as a bird,’ laughed out Ryan. ‘
She thinks it’s okay?’

  ‘Are you going to have your dick cut off?’ asked Sasha.

  ‘You don’t ask questions like that!’ exclaimed Ryan, laughing harder. ‘I thought Captain explained it to you.’

  ‘I’m not being ignorant so I apologise if you think I am. But doesn’t this make you a lesbian with a cock?’

  Kit couldn’t help the laughter coming out of his mouth.

  ‘We have a guest,’ Captain agitatedly replied. ‘My date from last night. Did he tell you his mother was in the pub? I recognise her.’

  ‘Ah, that’s because she’s an actress,’ said Kit walking into the room, seeing all three of them sitting on the sofa together.

  If he didn’t know any better, it looked like three friends hanging out.

  Glancing at the screen, he noticed they’d been watching an old black and white film which was on pause. Then he turned and caught Sasha’s eye.

  She smiled at him and a warm feeling filled his stomach.

  ‘And she told my brother who now thinks I’m gay,’ Kit continued, sitting on the arm chair opposite. ‘Everyone at tap thinks you’re on holiday.’

  ‘You gave a lesson today?’ she asked, sitting up. ‘You never said.’

  ‘Anyway, they were working really hard and Alexandra was going to fill us in with the details of someone she went out with last night. Do you want to confess anything, Captain?’

  ‘It was a pleasant evening,’ he replied in his official tone. ‘I had a good time.’

  ‘And you kissed her?’

  ‘She kissed me,’ he said indignantly. ‘I was taken aback but it was a lovely surprise.’

  ‘And you don’t want to now dress as a man?’ Sasha asked, looking confused. ‘I’d much prefer to be a bloke, any day.’

  ‘I want to be Gillian and Gareth. They work well together and it’s what I’ve always wanted. I’m still a man who likes to dress as a woman. Women dress as men and no-one says a thing,’ Captain shrugged, standing up. ‘I don’t like certain manly things about my body, the hair, so I’m doing something about it. Getting laser treatment for my face and neck. I feel at peace with myself for the first time in ages. But my cock stays.’

  He marched off with his head held high as Sasha smiled.

  ‘Are you trying to wind him up?’ laughed Ryan. ‘I wonder who’s holding who captive.’ Kit noticed he glanced at him then back at Sasha. ‘Do you want me to spend the night here as well? I don’t mind.’

  ‘No!’ Kit said immediately, watching Sasha and Ryan look surprised. ‘It’d look better if only one of us stayed and I really don’t mind. Plus you have to be on hand for your grandfather. Any news?’

  He noticed how Ryan was looking at him then again at Sasha.

  ‘As long as you don’t mind. My granddad isn’t very well, got a chest infection so I do need to be there,’ said Ryan, standing up. ‘Better see if Captain’s going to get into a huff about you taking the piss, Sasha.’

  When Ryan left the room, Kit stared at Sasha and she did the same.

  He couldn’t fathom out what was going on.

  They didn’t speak.

  Kit only knew how he felt.

  The need to spend more time with her.


  ‘Are you okay?’ she asked. ‘When you left this morning I could see you didn’t want to talk. I’ll keep out of your way this evening.’

  ‘I don’t want you to,’ he whispered and she glanced away. ‘I’m sorry for the way I behaved. I was embarrassed.’

  ‘I won’t pry again but can we have a tap lesson now? I feel the need to get some sort of exercise.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘You’re not scared I’ll use my taps and hit you over the head, are you?’

  ‘It seems resting has improved your dancing,’

  … Kit said while they did some exercises in the spare room on the ground floor. ‘Even though, whoever owns this house, might not be happy with the marks we’re leaving.’

  ‘They’re loaded and if they don’t even know the type of person they’re letting the house out to, they can afford to suffer the costs,’ she replied and he noticed Ryan and Captain were whispering in the corridor.

  Captain walked in and sat down on the chair.

  ‘You’re very good,’ he said to Kit then squirmed as Sasha did the move incorrectly. ‘And this is the level you teach at? That bad?’

  ‘Excuse me!’ she snapped and stopped. ‘I was in an accident and got my legs all bashed up so this is very hard.’

  ‘Did you?’ asked Kit, not hearing her say it before. ‘Was it really bad?’

  ‘You should see the scars.’

  ‘Sorry Sasha,’ Captain guiltily said. ‘I think you’re doing a great job.’

  Kit noticed Sasha smiled to herself and continued to hop and tap on each foot.

  They continued to do the lesson while Captain watched them. Kit didn’t have to tell Sasha anything. He’d just demonstrate with his actions and she’d then copy it, badly.

  ‘You need to give me your tap shoes when you’ve finished,’ said Captain when Kit could see she was getting tired. ‘I need to lock them up.’

  ‘No I won’t,’ she said defiantly. ‘I could easily get a knife and stab the lot of you but I won’t. These shoes are new and I like them.’

  ‘We’re ex-marines and Kit looks like he can hold himself. I doubt if you could hurt us but those shoes? They could harm someone.’

  ‘I’m not going to attack you!’ she laughed. ‘You’re not exactly macho. Ryan looks like a sultry model, Kit tap dances and you like to dress in a frock. I’m manlier with my hairy armpits.’

  Sasha started to laugh at her own comment as the men tried not to join in. Ryan poked his head around the door and beckoned Captain to go outside.

  ‘You’re in a good mood,’ Kit sighed then realised he was ogling her again.

  His eyes travelled up and down her body, stopping at her breasts, covered in a film of sweat noticeable in her v neck t-shirt. Then he continued towards the curve of her thigh. She caught him and frowned. Kit turned away.

  ‘I don’t like being looked at,’ she mumbled. ‘Makes me feel uncomfortable.’

  ‘Sorry,’ he said quietly.

  ‘It’s okay. I’m checking your arse out now as we speak.’ He immediately stood up and turned around as she smirked. ‘I can do it too.’

  ‘I’m pretty self-conscious about my body,’ Kit said, trying to straighten up. ‘I have flabby bits left over from being fat.’


  ‘That as well.’

  They stood and stared at each other.

  He desperately wanted to kiss her again, regain that feeling of euphoria he had a few weeks back. Sasha walked towards him and stopped, inches away from his body, looking up.

  ‘I like you Kit,’ she whispered. ‘Talk to me about anything, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to judge you as I know you won’t judge me. I can tell.’

  ‘Why do they want to protect you?’ he asked, seeing her eyes widen. ‘What’s going on in your life that makes people worried for your welfare? How did you get the bruising on your body? Sasha, you need to tell me.’

  ‘I don’t want to get you involved,’ she shrugged. Kit could see she was agitated. ‘I just think I might have got something wrong. I hope so. Who told you to do this to me? It wasn’t Cameron, was it?’ She shook her head. ‘He’ll probably be going mental about me not being around. I know what he’s like.’

  ‘What’s he like?’

  ‘He was my husband’s best friend,’

  … she said when Ryan and Captain had left for the evening. They were sitting in the living room which was dimly lit. ‘I met Cameron when I was twenty and he introduced me to Paul. Cameron worked for Paul’s father’s company and Henry knows my mother.’ There was a distinct grimace. ‘We started as a group of friends and then it progressed to something more.’

  Kit was looking at her. Her hair had fallen out of her clip and hun
g heavily on her shoulders, light reflecting off the strands. He thought she looked stunning while sipping a cup of tea.

  ‘How does he feature in your life now?’ Kit asked, a hint of jealousy creeping into his gut.

  ‘I think he thinks he needs to protect me. He was devastated when Paul committed suicide.’ She smiled and then frowned. ‘Somehow he thinks he has to keep guard of me, even trying to stop my mother getting involved, which isn’t a bad thing.’

  ‘What about your mum? Where is she?’

  ‘Around,’ she said, glancing at him. ‘I suppose you want to know about my background?’ Kit nodded while she put her cup of tea down. ‘My mum met my dad, they had a fling and she got pregnant. She was using him to help her in a case. He was a lawyer, you see. Dad, being a stickler for good behaviour, thought it was inappropriate for them to carry on. He also managed to get custody of me.’

  ‘What was wrong with your mother?’

  ‘All I can say is she’s unique,’ smiled Sasha. ‘It was amicable and I saw her every weekend while I was growing up. She was more like a mad aunt than a mother. Dad got married again, after he got caught by his first wife cheating with my mother. We were happy. Then he died and mum stepped in.’ She let out a disgruntled sigh. ‘Little did I know how much of worrier she’d turn out to be.’

  ‘Do you see a lot of her?’

  ‘I have no choice as she stalks me quite a bit in a nice way, not a bad way, as she puts it.’

  Sasha leaned back into the sofa.

  ‘I really didn’t speak to her when I came out of the coma because she kept me alive. I was angry and upset, pretty vile to her.’ Sasha looked sad. ‘I think she understands how I felt. Anyway, Cameron stepped in to guide me much to her annoyance. She thinks he smothers me.’

  ‘Does he?’

  ‘He’s been a good friend and was very loyal to Paul.’ Sasha replied, biting her lip. ‘And no, I’ve never shagged him but I think that’s what he’s working on. The thing is, I can’t offer him anything else because…’

  She was trying her hardest to find the words but looked lost as she shook her head.

  ‘There’s no emotional connection?’ he asked. Sasha nodded. ‘How did you get the bruises on your arms?’


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