Tap Dance Kidnap

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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 20

by S M Mala

  ‘There is someone but it’s complicated and-.’

  ‘Isn’t it always?’

  ‘It really is,’ he said quietly, looking down at his feet. ‘And I really like her too much already.’

  ‘Is it that woman who was outside here, then at the party and who you should have met her for lunch on New Year’s Eve?’

  ‘I love you but don’t ask too many questions.’

  ‘Are you in love?’


  ‘Are you in love with this woman that’s why you’re acting like this?’

  ‘That’s not-.’

  ‘You are,’ whispered Sean. ‘That’s what it is. You’ve fallen in love.’ He then let out a loud laugh, grabbing Kit by the shoulders. ‘I never thought I’d see the day.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ replied Kit, trying to get out of his friend’s firm grip.

  ‘Alright, alright, I won’t talk about it,’ he smiled. ‘When you’re ready, you know where to find me.’

  Kit nodded then walked away, turning his head to see Sean beaming brightly.

  He went into the gents for a pee and to check the toilets.

  Then his eyes stopped at the condom machine.

  Finishing off and washing his hands, he looked at it. The bunch of keys were hanging from his waist so he went closer and opened it up to check the supply.

  Sasha came into his head again which also brought life to the other head between his legs.

  Half of him wanted to take a packet and the other half thought, if he did, it was only tempting fate that it would go wrong. Resting his head against the machine, he didn’t know what to do.

  Could he make love to her?

  Was he able to start off let alone finish it using a lubricated sack for precaution?

  ‘Shit,’ he mumbled, closing his eyes, recalling what she said the night before about her being able to have sex.

  He took one packet then thought hard before whispering,

  ‘Here goes nothing.’

  ‘It’s remarkable!’

  … laughed out Ryan. Kit had just walked in the front door. ‘Captain, I mean Gillian, is teaching her how to dance.’


  ‘You thought she was bad at tap. You’ve got to see this!’

  ‘You look well,’ Kit said, noticing the man’s beaming smile.

  ‘That’s because I’m happy. When we’ve finished up here and get paid, I’m thinking of going away for a couple of weeks, if my granddad’s okay.’ Then he slyly looked away. ‘Keighley and I are getting on. I met her daughter the other night.’

  ‘That’s great. How’s your grandfather?’

  ‘He’s getting really weak.’ The smile was wiped from his face. ‘I hate seeing him like this. I’m also thinking about taking him out of that home and putting him somewhere nice, you know, so he gets the best care. I know they’re doing their hardest but sometimes I just think they don’t care if you’re old and losing your mind.’

  ‘Is that why you agreed to do this? For money?’

  ‘Listen, it’s not been hard. She’s not the most obstructive hostage.’ The smile reappeared. ‘Kit, you have to be careful. Captain knows there’s something going on and-.’

  ‘There’s nothing!’

  ‘Really? That’s why Mr Wilton mentioned she wasn’t in her room when he visited yesterday?’

  ‘She was in mine,’ gulped Kit, frowning at Ryan before walking down the corridor.

  He felt Ryan’s hand on his arm, pulling him back gently.

  ‘I think she’s lovely but you know it’s going to be difficult for you.’


  ‘She’ll go back. If Cameron Lester gets wind that she is seeing someone it could be her getting really hurt next time. Or even you.’

  Kit could hear his own breathing get heavier.

  He knew he might not see her for a while but it didn’t occur to him that she could get harmed.

  ‘Cameron will most definitely have eyes and ears out regarding who she was seeing and what she was up to.’ Ryan pulled Kit away so they were out of earshot. All Kit could hear was Sasha laughing in the background. ‘I’m worried.’

  ‘He can’t force her into being with him.’

  ‘What if he finds out she likes you? What do you think happens then? He’s not going to allow it. One way or another, he’ll stop you.’

  ‘Nothing has happened between us,’ Kit dismissed, getting agitated.

  ‘I think it has. If you can’t see it then we can. I like you and her. I don’t want to see bad things happen.’

  ‘I hear you,’ he mumbled before walking towards her giggling.

  Stopping at the door, he looked in and saw her dancing with Captain dressed as Gillian.

  They had their arms wrapped around each other, shuffling from one foot to the other.

  ‘I need to buy a place to live and will probably stay at my mother’s for the time being,’ she said, concentrating on her foot work.

  ‘Your mother,’ Captain said, letting out a disgruntled sigh. ‘I didn’t know who she was until a few days ago. My god, Sasha, your background is worse than ‘The Sopranos’.’

  ‘That’s just rude!’ she sniffed and Kit tried not to laugh. ‘I am not a gangster and neither is my mother. Okay, it’s not something I talk freely about and my dad told me never to ask about her business. I didn’t and still don’t. And it’s good that she’s a woman and has infiltrated that misogynistic field.’

  ‘It’s something to be proud of,’ Kit said, walking in and sitting down.

  ‘Hello Kit,’ she said, stopping what she was doing and smiled.

  He wanted to kiss her but noticed Captain growl at him, in full make-up, then look at her.

  ‘Whatever you two are doing, stop it now,’ said Captain firmly, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer. Sasha’s head was up against his chest. ‘You’re going to make it complicated for all of us.’

  Sasha glanced over at Kit and frowned.

  ‘We were friends before I found out he was an abductor,’ she said sweetly. ‘And I like him and he likes me, don’t you?’ Kit nodded. ‘Plus if I sweet talk him, he’ll give me free tap lessons. I’ve got them on.’ He looked at her feet. She was wearing her tap shoes. ‘Gillian’s teaching me to waltz.’

  ‘She’s about as good at this as she is at tap,’ laughed Captain.

  ‘And if you’re laying down the law, don’t you think you should hold off from playing around with Alexander? You can’t have one rule for one and one rule for the other.’

  ‘She’s not like you.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘She’s normal.’

  ‘What are you saying, Gillian? I never thought your alter ego would be such a bitch.’

  Kit noticed Captain was starting to get agitated.

  ‘Girls, stop quarrelling and play nicely,’ Kit said, seeing Captain was stuck. ‘What Gillian meant was that we have to look after you. Cameron’s not a nice guy and this might backfire on you.’

  ‘You mean he might try and silence me, one way or another,’ she said flatly. ‘Possibly kill me.’

  The comment made Kit jump and Captain released her from his grip, stepping back, horror written all over his face.

  ‘I know he’s going off the walls. I had my passport to go away after meeting Kit for lunch then I got abducted,’ she said, looking at the pair of them. ‘He doesn’t do rejection well, I know that. Why do the pair of you look so surprised?’

  ‘Why on earth would you say something like that?’ asked Kit, walking towards her.

  ‘Okay forget it.’ Sasha turned around and starting doing a shuffle ball change exercise on each foot. ‘I like this move as it’s an easy transition.’

  ‘They think you’re in danger, don’t they?’ Captain said, pulling off his wig, revealing a sweaty bald head. ‘This is what it’s all about, isn’t it? And you said something to him that’s put him in turmoil and he’s trying to track
you down, to see who you’ve told.’

  The look she gave Captain was priceless.

  It was a cross between sheer annoyance and suspicion.

  Kit wanted to kiss her then realised what sort of mess she’d landed herself in.

  ‘What did you tell him?’ asked Kit, eying her up.

  All he wanted to do was take her to bed and caress her all over.

  Sasha realised he was thinking something when she grinned.

  ‘Can you give me a tap lesson?’ she asked Kit, ignoring Captain. ‘I need some exercise.’

  ‘This is bloody serious! What’ve we got involved in?’ Captain said, putting his head in his hands.

  ‘Leave,’ she said gently, touching his arm. ‘I’m safe here, I really am.’

  ‘But are we?’

  ‘I’ll sort out Cameron Lester, you can be certain of it.’ The way she said it convinced Kit she would. ‘If I tell you then you’ll get implicated. If I tell anyone… get the picture? Secrets are best kept like that, a secret.’


  ‘Captain,’ she said calmly, looking up at him. ‘I’ve already died inside so what’s he going to do to me that hasn’t already been done?’

  ‘Don’t say that Sasha!’ barked Kit, angry with the comment. ‘Like you said, you have a right to be happy.’

  ‘And I will be. I need some time.’

  ‘Jesus!’ said Captain, storming out.

  Ryan walked in and looked at the pair of them.

  ‘It seems she has upset Cameron Lester and he’s after her blood,’ said Kit, staring at her.

  ‘Was that before or after the marriage proposal, Sasha?’ asked Ryan, looking pissed off. ‘You have to co-operate with us.’

  ‘Like I said, the less people know the better,’ she replied and walked towards the sound system, changing the music to a dance channel. ‘I’ve got a lesson.’

  ‘Okay, which means I have to placate Captain,’ said Ryan, letting out a massive sigh. ‘The sooner we get this sorted, the quicker you’ll get out.’

  ‘That’s if I want to.’ Sasha smiled and waited for Ryan to walk out before closing the door behind him.

  She then turned to Kit and smiled.

  ‘Tap with me.’

  ‘I don’t want anything bad to happen to you,’ he whispered.

  ‘It won’t. Cameron will probably say I’m a mental case and they’ll stick me into some clinic.’

  She grabbed his hand and stood beside him.

  Then she did it.

  Sasha started to tap properly and he wasn’t sure how to react.

  ‘You were spying on me yesterday, I saw you,’ said Sasha, letting go of his hand and dancing to the beat of the music. ‘See, there are more things you’re finding out about me.’

  He dreaded what else he’d find out next.

  ‘Guys, I’m going to stay here tomorrow,’

  … said Kit, seeing Ryan and Captain huddled together, talking secretively. Captain turned his head then shook it slowly from side to side. ‘Is something wrong?’

  ‘Did you hear what she said?’ the older man replied, wiping his face of the remnants of make-up he had on earlier. ‘This isn’t what I bargained for. I’m going to speak to Jeremy Wilton. He should have told us what the score is.’

  ‘What is the score?’ asked Ryan calmly, walking towards their coats and taking them off the peg.

  ‘Why are you so bothered about this?’ questioned Kit.

  ‘All I wanted was enough money to re-start my life, not end up in the cross-fire of some underworld crime war,’ Captain hissed, moving closer to him. ‘Mark my words, you can’t get mixed up with her. If Sasha’s mother gets involved and who knows who else, it will be carnage.’

  Kit looked at Ryan’s unconvinced expression.

  ‘I’m telling you as a friend, please don’t get involved.’ Captain looked pained when he said it. ‘It never turns out well in the end, not for the good guys.’

  He put on his coat and walked out of the house. Ryan stood looking at Captain’s back before the door shut. Turning slowly to Kit, his face was scrunched up.

  ‘Be careful with your heart,’ Ryan whispered.

  All Kit could hear was the woman he was in love with tapping in the other room.

  The sound now filled him with dread.

  ‘Have I upset you?’

  … Sasha asked. Kit was deep in thought at the other end of the sofa as they watched ‘Singing in the Rain’. ‘You’re very quiet.’

  ‘I’m just thinking,’ he replied.

  ‘You didn’t give me a tap lesson.’

  ‘You don’t need any.’ Then he turned to her. ‘Why do you go to a beginner’s class when you’re advanced? I don’t understand.’

  ‘I like the people, I told you this before,’ she replied, pursing her lips. ‘Are you mad that I didn’t let you know?’

  ‘There’s so much about you I don’t know and every day, I’m finding out a bit more.’

  ‘You don’t like what you’re finding out?’

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  Sasha’s smile dropped and she glanced away. Then she got up and walked out of the living room. He heard her walk up the stairs and quietly close her bedroom door.

  Kit didn’t know what to say.

  Telling her the truth would make it go all wrong before it even started.

  And he didn’t want to feel let down again.

  He simply couldn’t take it.

  After twenty minutes, he realised she wasn’t coming back. It had got to the part of the film where Gene Kelly was doing the iconic dance in the rain.

  A man in love, simply celebrating how he felt.

  Turning off the television set, he mounted the stairs and stopped at her door. The lights were off and he knew she’d probably gone to bed. He walked to his room, undressed, brushed his teeth then went back down the corridor. His palm was placed firmly against the door knob. He turned it slowly and went into her room.

  She was lying with her back to him as she always did. Kit slipped in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her as she moved closer.

  ‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘After this is all over, you don’t have to worry. I promise. It’s the idea of being close to someone, that’s all.’

  ‘I don’t think that’s true.’ He pushed his nose into her hair, smelling the scent, not wanting to stop inhaling. ‘It’s not someone. I want to be close to you.’

  ‘I don’t want bad things to happen to anyone I care about, not again.’

  ‘It won’t.’

  ‘It might.’ Sasha turned around and lay on her back, looking at him. ‘I’m not telling you anymore. If that’s your plan to make me say something, then you’re mistaken.’ Kit stroked her face then kissed her gently on the lips. ‘I heard what else Ryan said about you and me.’

  ‘You said to me what happens here, stays here. I think we’re going to have to stick to it.’

  Kit couldn’t imagine not seeing her again. He wasn’t going to tell her, open up too much.

  He needed to protect his heart and trust Sasha a bit more.

  ‘Then we’ll get as close as we can for the time I’m here,’ she whispered and kissed him, stroking his lips with hers. ‘And I want to get as close as you’ll let me.’

  It happened very quickly.

  Kit rolled on top of her and pushed his tongue deeply into her mouth, tasting and touching. His hands ran up and down her body then he felt her legs wrap around his back. She was touching him gently, running her hand through the back of his hair and caressing his buttock with her other hand.

  He was rock solid and it was as if something drew him to the tight hole, moist and willing him to make contact. Pushing inside, her felt her hot wet heat and was enveloped in the sensation of wanting to grind himself in.

  They looked at each other. He moved slowly, completely mesmerised by what he was feeling and how she looked.

  So very beautiful.

  Sasha smiled.

did the same.

  Her hips started to move with his and he was overcome with love and lust.

  ‘Oh my god!’ he groaned, knowing he couldn’t last long, feeling his balls tighten as she squeezed his arse. ‘Sasha!’

  Kit went blank for a moment, knowing he’d come very quickly, hoping he could have lasted longer but happy he managed to have sex.

  He felt kisses on his face then she whispered,

  ‘I knew you had it in you.’

  ‘I might not be able to do it again,’

  … he said, laughing deliriously. They were lying in bed holding each other. ‘Could have been a one off.’

  ‘I, personally, thought my hymen would have grown back an inch thick,’ she sighed.

  ‘You felt wonderful.’

  Kit started to laugh loudly.

  ‘That’s post screwing talk, Mr Foley.’

  ‘Are you okay? Was it alright?’ he asked, kissing her forehead. ‘Did it hurt?’

  ‘It’s like feet down there.’


  ‘Toughens up so it’s pretty hard wearing.’

  ‘Seriously, you really say the strangest things. I’m sorry I didn’t last long.’

  ‘Five seconds is good enough for me,’ she cheekily smiled then bit her lip. ‘I haven’t got any sexual infections. You’re safe on that front.’

  ‘I’m one hundred percent clean,’ he hesitated. ‘We didn’t use any protection.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about that.’ Sasha sat up on her elbow. ‘Paul had problems with getting me pregnant and I had little problems of my own. They found cysts on one of my ovaries so I had an operation to remove them. When we make love again and we will do, we’ll use condoms to be safe.’

  Kit felt a very warm feeling in his chest and a tightening further down in his gut. All he wanted to do was look at her. She looked stunning, her hair falling over her shoulders and there was a glow reflecting from her cheeks.

  ‘Do you know when I’m going to be let out?’ she asked, kissing his forehead.

  ‘I want you to be held up in here for as long as possible.’ He reached out and stroked a lock of her hair. ‘That would be perfect.’

  ‘It would, wouldn’t it?’ Sasha rolled on top of him, pressing her breasts against his skin. ‘You know when I’m allowed to go back, I won’t be able to go to the tap classes.’


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