The Secret Engine

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The Secret Engine Page 3

by Chase Wheeler

  Speed kept on driving, clouds of dirt from the unpaved mountain road billowing up behind him. The black car kept close on his tail.

  “Hang on!” Speed shouted. He hit the accelerator, and the Mach 5 shot forward.

  The driver in the black car tried to keep up.

  70 mph ... 80 mph ... 90 mph ... closing in on 100 mph.

  Speed was testing the driver, pulling him along. And the roads on the mountaintop were no picnic. On one side of the car was a thick wall of craggy rock lifting straight up into the sky. The other side was the cliff edge. The road was separated from open air by only a guardrail.

  Speed shot down the road. He drove through one curve and was coming up on another. This one was sharper, tighter.

  “Uh-oh,” he said.

  Mr. Clepto held tightly to his seat.

  Speed hit the gas and turned the wheel at the same moment. The Mach 5 stayed on the road, narrowly avoiding the guardrail that lined the cliff.

  The black car wasn’t so lucky.

  It smashed head-on into the guardrail, almost flying off the cliff.

  Speed had lost his tail.

  But not for long—because coming up behind the crashed black car was another black car just like it.

  It came around the bend and accelerated toward the Mach 5. It was gaining, getting closer and closer no matter how hard Speed hit the gas.

  That’s when Speed did the unexpected. He stomped on the brake. The Mach 5 came to a short stop in the middle of the mountain road.

  The black car swerved, trying to avoid collision. But the driver of the black car had none of Speed’s superior driving skills, and instead of coming to a smooth stop, he drove straight into the rock wall.

  Crash. The black car was a pancake.

  Speed heard a loud grinding noise in the sky up above. It was a giant cargo helicopter, heading straight for him. In his rearview mirror, Speed could see two more black cars and a truck.

  “We’d better go! Speed said.

  Up above in the cargo helicopter, Blaggard communicated with his henchmen in the cars and truck below.

  “There’s just one car down there and no cops around, so let’s get ’em,” he commanded.

  Following orders, the two black cars and the truck ganged up on Speed in the Mach 5. They came at him from both sides, trying to run him off the road.

  Speed kept hold of the wheel and stayed on course. Mr. Clepto cowered in the passenger seat, the chase too much for him. But these thugs were no match for Speed Racer.

  Or so he hoped.

  Not far away, someone was on the way to help Speed. It was someone driving a yellow car with the number 9 on the doors: Racer X.

  Racer X raced up the steep, rocky side of the cliff, not needing roads to make his way up the mountain. He took jumps and turns with ease. His skills made roads unnecessary.

  For the most part.

  Racer X had driven up the side of the mountain straight up to ... a narrow cliff.

  He was stuck. And the Mach 5 could be seen speeding down the winding road far below—with a pack of cars chasing it.

  How am I going to get down there in time? Racer X thought.

  Just then, the cargo helicopter lowered a ramp. A legion of motorcyclists churned out onto the mountain road below.

  The motorcycles hit the ground one by one by one, seemingly endless. And they were all heading for the Mach 5.

  When Speed saw the gang of motorcycles coming straight at him, he gasped. And in the rearview mirror, there were more black cars gaining on him. He was caught in the middle and, any second now, was about to collide with them.

  It was time to make use of the powerful controls his father had designed on the Mach 5.

  Speed pushed a button on the Mach 5’s steering wheel control panel. The belt-tires activated. With his off-road wheels in place, Speed made a sharp turn and took the Mach 5 straight up the side of the mountain.

  The cars and motorcycles didn’t know what hit them. The white car had been there, and now it was gone. Speed was halfway up to the mountain peak before it occurred to them to look up.

  Then they collided. The band of black cars smashed head-on into the motorcycles. The trucks knocked the cars off the road. The motorcycles flipped and knocked into one another.

  It was a mess,

  But Speed Racer and Mr. Clepto were in the Mach 5 on the other side of the mountain, out of harm’s way.

  Still, there were more cars coming up the mountain. Now Racer X had found his way off the cliff and down to the road. He spied the oncoming cars. I’ve got to slow them down so Speed can get away, he thought.

  He was determined to cause a massive distraction.

  Racer X shifted gears and hit the gas. His yellow race car hugged the curve so tightly that it rode up onto two wheels! He cut between the black cars, dodging them left and right with serious skill. Blaggard’s henchmen didn’t know how to handle him. They swerved, spun, tried to run him off the road, but no one could touch him. It was no wonder Racer X was known as one of the best racers in the world.

  Racer X flew over the road. The drivers tried to follow him, but they just skidded off the road and into the rocks. A wrecked car burst into flames, closing the road from any further traffic.

  Racer X looked back with satisfaction. That’ll keep them out of mischief for a while, he thought.

  Then he raced away, before Speed would know he’d been there.

  Meanwhile, Speed saw his chance to get the information he was searching for. These cars and motorcycles that had been chasing him were sent by someone. And that someone wanted the engine. But who? And why?

  Speed hid the Mach 5 around a blind bend and waited. One of the black cars had stalled out in the rocks and the driver was climbing out. Speed leaped out and grabbed the driver by the neck. He used a good wrestling choke hold that Pops, who had been a famous wrestler, had taught him.

  “Now talk,” Speed demanded. “Who told you to follow me?”

  The driver wouldn’t say.

  “C’mon!” Speed demanded. “Who’s behind this? Talk! ”

  The cargo helicopter rose up from the other side of the mountain, lowering itself directly over Speed. The propellers spun loudly in the wind.

  Speed looked up. “I’ll bet your boss is up there,” he said to the driver.

  Before the driver could respond, a voice boomed down from the helicopter. It was amplified, but Speed couldn’t see who it was.

  “You’re right, sonny. Now let go of my man!” the voice demanded.

  “Who are you?” Speed shouted.

  Speed heard a sinister laugh. “Look behind you!” the voice warned.

  Speed turned. All he saw was a gigantic man, a man bigger than any man he had ever seen. The man lifted one monstrous hand and brought it down hard on the back of Speed’s neck.


  Speed dropped to the ground. He was out cold.




  Slowly, Speed opened his eyes. He thought he heard someone calling his name.

  “Speed! Speed, wake up!”

  Speed’s vision was blurry, but he recognized the voice of Mr. Clepto, the old man he was trying to help.

  Then Speed remembered everything. He remembered the Model T, the code on the engine, the chase on the mountain, being knocked out by a gigantic man ...

  “Unnnngh, ” Speed groaned.

  “This is a fine mess we’re in, Speed,” the old man said. He didn’t look hurt, but he did look scared.

  Speed rubbed his head and stood up. “Where are we?” he asked.

  “Who knows. But I don’t like it,” Mr. Clepto said. “Just look around.”

  They were in a dim cave without an exit in sight. Torches were posted here and there, flickering patterns on the dark walls. It took Speed’s eyes some moments to adjust to the light so he could see.

  Sinister laughter echoed throughout the cave.

  Speed looked up, up, u
p until there—in a hidden passageway that crossed over the cave—stood a man with a gleaming bald head. He wore a shiny suit and a nasty smirk.

  He pointed a thick finger down at Mr. Clepto.

  “Old man, you are the son of Light Fingers Clepto. Am I right?”

  “How did you discover that?” Mr. Clepto asked.

  “I’ve got a spy network throughout the world. I find out everything worth finding out.”

  Mr. Clepto shook his fist angrily. “You’re nothing but a thief! You stole my precious Model T.”

  “I always get whatever I want. Now, tell me, what did you do with the original engine that was in the car?”

  “Why should I tell you? What are you planning to do with it?”

  “I don’t plan to do anything with it. I just want to read the code on it because it’ll tell me where a billion dollars was hidden in Misty Valley by your father.”

  “What?” Mr. Clepto said in confusion. “A billion dollars?!”

  Speed listened in shock. He realized that the code was indeed map coordinates: They would lead to the exact spot in Misty Valley where the money was buried.

  “That’s right,” Blaggard said. “That’s why I busted out of Songalong Prison, so I could get my hands on that loot. And you’re gonna take me to it.” He grinned.

  Speed was shaking with anger. “You’re the escaped convict Tongue Blaggard!” he shouted.

  “Right,” Blaggard said. “Now tell me where the real Model T engine is, or Tiny goes to work.”

  At the sound of his name, the gigantic man Speed had met briefly before stomped out from the shadows. He was so large, his head almost reached the ceiling of the cave. He advanced on Speed and Mr. Clepto.

  Speed stood his ground. He couldn’t let these criminals win.

  But Speed was no match for the gigantic likes of Tiny.

  In one single shove, Tiny knocked Speed off his feet and sent him flying to the other side of the cave.

  “Force him to talk, Tiny!” Blaggard demanded. He was pointing at Mr. Clepto.

  Tiny grabbed Mr. Clepto by the shirt. Mr. Clepto was just an old man—he looked like a small child in Tiny’s grasp. He flailed around, but still, he sputtered, “I’ll n-n-never tell you where that engine is, never!”

  Tiny spoke in a low, rumbly voice. “Tell me.” His enormous fist was raised. He was about to knock the helpless old man out.

  Speed had to do something. “Don’t hit him!” he cried out. “I’ll tell you!”

  “No, don’t tell him anything, Speed!” Mr. Clepto cried.

  “Tell us!” Blaggard shouted.

  Speed was still on the ground, trying to catch his breath. He sat up and stared down Blaggard as best he could.

  “The engine doesn’t exist anymore,” he lied. “I destroyed it.”

  Blaggard’s eyes grew wide. “You destroyed it!”

  “But I remember the code!” Speed cried.

  Tiny let go of Mr. Clepto and went for Speed. He picked him up by the neck, about to toss him across the cave again.

  “And I know the code is really map coordinates,” Speed continued. “Let’s go to Misty Valley right now. We can split the loot three ways. We’ll be glad to share it. But if you won’t agree to share, I won’t tell you how to find the loot.”

  Without the exact coordinates, Blaggard would be searching under every stone in that valley for the rest of his life and he might never find the money.

  Blaggard knew it, too. He might have been told that Light Fingers Clepto’s money was buried under a boulder somewhere in Misty Valley, but he didn’t have the slightest idea where to start digging. That’s why he was so desperate for the engine’s code.

  “Think it over, Mr. Blaggard, think it over carefully,” Speed said. “Agree to share the money, and I’ll agree to lead you to the spot in Misty Valley where it can be found.”

  “So you’re not gonna tell me the code so I can find it myself?” Blaggard growled.

  “No,” Speed said. “You’ll just have to take us with you.”

  Blaggard nodded for Tiny to let go of Speed. He left the cave to make his decision.

  Mr. Clepto crept closer to Speed. “I wouldn’t share anything with a man like that,” he whispered.

  “Shhh!” Speed whispered. Tiny was still in the cave with them, just waiting for the signal to pounce.

  “Why did you say that?” Mr. Clepto whispered.

  “I was just trying to save us from Tiny,” Speed whispered. “If Blaggard needs us in order to find the money, he’ll be sure not to hurt us. The first chance we get, we’ll turn Blaggard over to the / police and you’ll be able to keep that billion for yourself.”

  “Well, the money did belong to my father, so I suppose it is now rightfully mine,” Mr. Clepto said. “But I want to give you some of the money so you can enter the Multipeak Race.”

  “Shhh!” Speed warned again. Blaggard was coming back with his decision.

  “I accept the deal, kid,” Blaggard said. “You show us the way. And if the money’s there where you say it is, we’ll split the loot.” Then he motioned for Tiny to carry them out of the cave.

  Back at the Racer house, dinner was about ready and Speed still wasn’t home.

  “It’s late,” Mom Racer said. “I wonder where he could be.”

  “I’m sure he’s still training for the Multipeak Race,” Pops said. “You know how much he wants to win that race.”

  Then the phone rang.

  It was Speed!

  He told Pops that he was staying over at a friend’s house that night and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.

  Pops said that was fine. He had no idea that Speed was making this phone call from deep inside a cave on top of a mountain. Or that Speed was using the telephone in Tongue Blaggard’s headquarters, guarded by Blaggard and Blaggard’s many henchmen, including the humongous Tiny.

  Blaggard had told Speed to make this call to his parents to avoid any suspicion. “Good work, Speed,” he said from behind Speed’s back.

  Still, this was Speed’s one chance to let Pops know he needed help. But he had to do it in code, because everyone was listening.

  “And Pops?” Speed added quickly. “Tell Trixie that the ring I wanted to get her cost six hundred and fifty dollars, so she may as well forget it. I’ll have to get more money before I can afford it.”

  Blaggard and Tiny did not like this change in the planned conversation one bit.

  Tiny forced him to hang up the phone.

  But Speed had said all he’d needed to say. Once Trixie got that message about the $650 ring, she’d know it was a signal for help and that she should go looking for him. He just hoped she’d know where to go ...



  Blaggard insisted that they leave for Misty Valley right away. Speed and Mr. Clepto were allowed to drive in the Mach 5—but they were hemmed in by cars driven by Blaggard’s henchmen.

  “They’re guarding us in the front and in the back,” Mr. Clepto cried to Speed as they drove the highway. “We won’t have the chance to call the police!”

  “Don’t worry,” Speed said. “Once Pops tells Trixie about the ring, she’ll know to start looking for us. Now I’ll contact her on the radio.”

  Speed reached out to try the radio. By now, Trixie would have surely received his message, but she wouldn’t know where to find him. He had to let her know they were heading to Misty Valley.

  “Trixie! Trixie, come in!”

  Speed heard only static.

  “Wait!” Speed said. “I’m not getting a signal.”

  He opened the radio compartment to find a worrisome sight.

  “Something’s wrong,” Speed said. “Some of the wires were cut.”

  Blaggard’s men must have tampered with the radio—and unfortunately Speed couldn’t fix it while driving. He’d have to wait until they were stopped somewhere and then try to reconnect the wires.

  “Now I’m even more worried, Speed!” Mr. Clepto c
ried. “My granddaughter and the children must be wondering where I am. This is a very dangerous adventure for an old man.”

  “Trixie will find a way to help us,” Speed assured Mr. Clepto. “She always does.”

  “But I don’t understand, Speed. Why would a ring that cost six hundred and fifty dollars mean anything different to Trixie?”

  Speed tapped the Mach 5’s dashboard.

  “See the levels on the tachometer?” he said.

  “The tachometer measures the revolutions per minute in the engine. When this arrow goes over six hundred and fifty thousand, that means we’re in the red zone. The engine is getting too hot. Danger. Trixie will know exactly what that means. She’ll know that means we need help.”

  “Oh, I hope so, Speed, I hope so,” Mr. Clepto said.

  As they approached Misty Valley, the dirt roads turned red. In the valley was an active volcano—dark billowing smoke could be seen in the distance for miles. And the clay of the valley was deep red like nowhere else around, so all of Misty Valley looked like it was burned from staying out too long in the sun.

  The drive through Misty Valley was longer than expected. When Blaggard heard that they wouldn’t reach the spot until after midnight, when it would be too dark to look for the loot, he decided that they would stay the night in the first place they found.

  This turned out to be a quiet lodge on a hillside. The police would never think to look for him there.

  It was here, deep into the night, that Speed decided to try to fix the radio in the Mach 5. When the last of Blaggard’s henchmen couldn’t keep his eyes open and started snoring, Speed saw his chance. Slowly, he crept outside.

  The Mach 5 was parked close by. Speed jumped inside and immediately opened the radio. If he could just reconnect the wires somehow, maybe he could pick up a signal ...

  He didn’t have much time.

  At that very moment, a snoring henchman jolted awake and leaped to attention inside the lodge. “Wake up!” he cried. “The kid slipped out! ”


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