A Fine Profession (The Chambermaid's Tales Part One)

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A Fine Profession (The Chambermaid's Tales Part One) Page 23

by Sarah Michelle Lynch

  If I hadn't been dead-set against it, I think we would have already made love twice during that shopping trip. In the store, he had his hands constantly seeking warmth up the inside of my jacket and his mouth whispered dirty words in my ears. The old me may have been aghast at our behaviour but this was the new and improved Charlotte, or so I thought. It wasn't even as though I was proud to be enjoying a shopping date with my new, handsome, semi-married boyfriend. It was just a means to getting us to the ball, the idea of which definitely thrilled me.

  I took him to the canal where Alex and I used to sit and chatter on lunch breaks and we huddled together in the cold. Sat on a bench, it might not have seemed unnatural for Noah to put his fingers inside my belly right there. To anyone but us, anyway. However, I was a little sore from him fucking my back passage with a dildo and then his cock a little while earlier. I was grateful to have a break from his wanderings.

  We sipped coffee from polystyrene cups and he tensed up. He must have known I was considering some questions I had for him.

  “I thought we agreed to just have fun,” he said.

  “We did agree, but there's something I need to know. Something…”

  “Sexual?” he asked, voice brought down an octave or two.

  “Your wife. What is happening there?”

  He frowned and edged a little distance away from me. He slumped against the bench and groaned unhappily.

  “You can't blame me for asking. It's not that I want us to engage in ownership. It's that I want to know whether I am treading on someone else's toes here.”

  He grimaced and rubbed his hands over his face. “Why is nothing ever simple?”

  “Because, I mean, come on. You can tell me. I won't be offended.”

  The thing about Noah was that for all his gruff manners and brutish good looks, he was a civilised man at heart who could tell which words might incense a woman to the point where she would no longer put out.

  “You're certainly not treading on her toes, Charley. She doesn't give two shades about me.”

  “I just want a simple answer, Noah. Are you still with her?”

  “It's not as straightforward as that. It is over, and then again, in a manner, it isn't.”

  “But am I going to get a visit from a very angry woman anytime soon?”

  “No. She really doesn't care to meet my conquests. She doesn't. In fact, she always turns a blind eye. So, we're good here.”

  I nodded and stared out at the city, not really satisfied by his answers. I'm a conquest. I lost myself in thought and the cup slipped in my hand. Hot liquid dribbled over my wrist and he quickly took out a hanky. I insisted I was fine and he held me, smelling my hair. He found my mouth to kiss me lovingly, so well in fact that I forgot all about my worries.

  “Alex and I used to sit here.”

  “Yes?” he asked, nobly.

  “He and I could tell one another anything. But then, we were friends to start with.”

  “Friends is good but what we've got going on is better,” he said, teasing fingers through my hair.

  “I don't want to go back home, yet,” I said.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “There's a scruffy old bakery up in Clifton that does the meanest cream cakes. Will you take me?”

  “Um, okay, but whatever for…”

  “I'm just in the mood,” I said, and he nodded and smiled knowingly, drawing me further into his arms.

  “Don't change, don't ever change,” he said, and we wandered off to my flat, to get the car.

  Before we set off, he had his way with me on the backseat behind the tinted windows. His mind was set on cumming in my hair and I let him, but I was unfortunately unable to join him in the bakery to help select our purchases. But when we got home, he shampooed me and put me to bed for a couple of hours while he watched some silly afternoon film.

  I woke a little while later and he was waiting with the selection of cakes.

  “I assume we need a blindfold?”

  “Of course,” I said.

  “Not much fun otherwise.”

  He started wanking off over the pile of cakes, waiting until I was sightless before deciding which delicacy he would add some sustenance to. It didn't take me long to find his scent and I ate the cake he had soiled, licking and chewing, without using my hands. My mouth was a mess. He tied me to the bed after that and smothered my pussy in jam, cream, and vanilla custard. He talked slowly, telling me about all the tastes, and his meticulous energies brought me so tightly to fruition. It was totally satisfying. Afterward, he crawled on top of me and licked my face clean. He slid his knees underneath me and fucked my restrained body wildly. It was both euphoric and exhilarating. With two of my senses knocked out, the others were heightened, and none more so than my ears, which heard the thwacking of his body against mine, his breathing, his groans and grunts. It's an old adage, I know, but we literally couldn't get enough of one another. I fought to tell myself to relax and enjoy what we had, but the questions were always niggling at the back of my mind. I'd had some wild sexual experiences before, but nothing compared to my lovemaking with him. I was so sure of what I felt and was so aware of what I really wanted, but I daren't dream of it all becoming a reality.

  We dressed for the ball separately. I insisted upon doing so. Otherwise, we'd never make it out. He got ready in the bathroom after another of our baths, while I readied myself in the bedroom. It is important for a girl to keep some of her mystery. I dabbed Chanel perfume in all my erogenous areas and I would later tell him that his job once we got home was to seek them out. I used a little wax to fashion my hair into a sharper style and some eyeliner to make my eyes and brows more prominent. As always, it was all about the eyes and mouth. I also knew the thought of me wearing rouge on my nipples would drive him to distraction. He was my tame beast and I wanted to enrage him. I desired to consume him with my magnetism that night. I was incensed in a manner of my own.

  “How long will you be, Charley?” he asked, a suited elbow just peeking into my room as he stood behind the door.

  I could see he was peering through the gap. Aside from my dress, I was ready. I was rubbing cream into my hands and arms but popped a breast out of my dressing gown to arouse him.

  “You're a foul man, Yeardley.”

  “I know. And yours is a body for foulness.”

  “Wait for me in the living room, I won’t be long,” I instructed in a harsh tone of voice.

  He walked down the corridor and I slipped some rouge around my nipples before getting into the dress. I was without underwear, aside from stockings and suspenders. I was feeling mischievous that night.

  I slid on my black velvet pumps and walked into the room so he could get a good look at me. He was deliciously gorgeous in a tux and still fragrant and warm from our bath. He walked up to me, wrapped his hands around my waist and brushed his mouth against mine. I pulled back to stare into his eyes. He couldn't help but grow a hard-on. He moved back in to kiss me wildly. We were so tempted. I yanked him off me and he took a few deep breaths, groaning, “Damn it woman.”

  “Damn you for ruining my lipstick,” I said, walking toward the mirror to replace it.

  I was wet and my pussy ached. But I could not show him that. I wanted this to be a night to remember. He rubbed my lipstick from his mouth with the back of his hand and readjusted his trousers.

  “You were the one who suggested this,” I said.

  “I know,” he drawled.

  “And you'll have all night to watch me and watch others ogling me.”

  He grunted and tucked a hand in his pocket, defensively covering his shock at how much power I now had over him. I was purposefully making him fall deeper in love with me too, but I didn't know how things would pan out. Secretly I hoped, we might wear each other down and settle for a conventional life. How ridiculous, I know.

  “What about our plan of attack for tonight?” he said.

  “What?” I asked, unsure of his meaning.

  “It's a masked ball,” he said.


  “At Hambleton. With your kind of friends.”

  Stupid, silly me. And there they were again, those words of his that were so cutting. So unconsciously critical of me and my lifestyle, because of his glaring jealousy, which he would never admit, of course. I should have asked him more about the ball we were going to when he first mentioned it but I foolishly shut myself off to there being a possible ulterior motive. I thought the plan was only for us to have a romantic night out. There were of course other, more innocent, such parties that took place in Nottinghamshire. I thought he might have been referring to one of those.

  What could I say? It would only be deemed cowardly of me to back out. I was not the type of person to shirk a challenge anymore.

  “You want other women at this affair?” I asked.

  “Not really. You tire me out enough. Though, I'd like to watch you with other men.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “To see what it is you do with them.”

  And there it was. The ulterior. He wanted to find out what I engaged in with my clients and see it for himself, in a roundabout way, for the purpose of massaging his ego. Ooh, this man infuriated me. Yet I could not say so.

  “If I don't want to, then it's tough,” I warned.

  “Fine, as long as you let me watch if you do.”

  “Do you require me to be the Chambermaid or myself?”

  “Either. It's up to you.”

  And so, we climbed into his Audi and headed out to the Lodge. We barely talked the whole way, not admitting what may possibly lay ahead of us. Suddenly, we were cool with one another. Instead of us being a comfort together, we were now competitors. I felt ill and knew this was not what I wanted. However, like I said, I wasn't willing to turn down a challenge. And Lottie was never one to be particular. I thought I was past reckless behaviour, knee-jerk reactions and high-octane thrills. Maybe, to sustain what I had with Noah, this was what I would have to do.

  We arrived and had our car valet parked for us. The house was especially decorated with hundreds of lit candles and the valets were more richly-dressed than usual. I set my mask against my face, while he strapped on his leather one. We funnelled into our destiny alongside many other well-connected guests, and I knew this might make or break our sexual adventures together.

  I hoped that I wouldn't see Florence and Mark there. I knew they were frequenters but there was the odd meeting they forewent. I just did not need that complication on top of everything else. I felt the way I had parted company with them may have left a bad taste in their mouths and indeed, it may have tested the strength of their relationship. Seeing Noah with me, I did not doubt their jealousy would know no bounds. Thankfully, aside from them, I had always maintained my mystery on previous attendances at these events and felt certain nobody else knew me as Charlotte.

  Noah and I circulated for a while, taking champagne and canapés. Nothing much had changed, really. Noah's eyes sought mine from behind his mask and his longing struck deep in my heart with just a glance. The sights and the smells were too much for my relatively innocent, playful little Etonian fuckster. Oh how his arousal at the Sapphic ladies licking one another invited my own warm stirrings.

  Noah had his eye on one of the more private gallery chambers. We explored the house rigorously, searching for a lone male who was not only attractive but also looked like he might succumb to the Chambermaid's methods. I had already decided there was no other way of my getting through that night, unless I adopted her guise.

  We were almost considering giving up, when one such candidate crossed my path in the refreshment lounge. He was standing by the champagne fountain and Noah signalled to me to go over.

  I sidled up to him and greeted him with the sultry words, “How do you do?”

  He turned and looked stunned, struck even, by amazement.

  “Very well.” He coughed.

  “And what is your itinerary so far?” I asked him.

  “Nothing on the horizon, yet, though I had noticed a woman earlier, and thankfully, she's standing right before me now.”

  “Why didn't you approach me before?”

  He looked back in Noah's direction and muttered, “He's a bit big for my liking.”

  I whispered, “He only wants to watch.”

  “Oh, that's okay then,” he beamed, behind his white, Phantom-style mask. “I thought he would break my behind otherwise,” he smiled.

  “Only mine, only mine,” I reassured him.

  The gentleman – I was quickly given to realise this – was not entirely without experience but was certainly without art, I felt. I looked back at Noah, whose expression was unreadable, and gestured to the young man, “Shall we find a quiet spot?”

  “Yes, of course,” he said.

  All three of us silently walked toward a beckoning space for us to explore what we all desperately wanted to. I did not know how Noah was going to react to the scene but there was no turning back.

  When we entered the little snug room, we saw the curtain on the other side of the “booth” had been dropped. Ours had been chosen as one of the entertainments for those wandering the galleries outside. Now I knew people would be watching, I felt nerves take me. I was running on adrenalin and an absolute inclination to perform.

  Noah sat in a corner, his legs crossed, and lit a cigar. It was a prop to take him away from the action. He adopted a pose that was nonchalant yet directly observational.

  The young man stood, waiting instruction. I held my mask to my eyes still but knew I might need to forego it soon to perform the act. In a swift move, I walked over to Noah and with my back protecting us from the viewing point, I swapped with him. We could change back afterwards to the disguises that suited our own outfits.

  I stood before our guest and asked, “Do you have a lover?” A direct question but one that always brought forth revelations.

  “No,” he said.

  “So, what is it you seek?” I asked.

  “Thrills. A woman who likes to be fucked.”

  “Nearly all women like that, just when the time is right.”

  “But not all women are as beautiful as you.”

  “Not all women have the insatiable appetite I have,” I warned.

  “What shall we do then?” he asked, an erection now working its way up his trousers.

  “Fuck, but in a way you've probably never done it before.”

  “I'll try anything,” he said.

  I glanced sideways at Noah but still couldn't gauge his expression. I was growing more anxious by the second, constantly battling my true thoughts. I was at work.

  “Disrobe,” I commanded.

  The young, lithe man revealed a very pleasing body and I struggled to hide my glee. Noah must have seen this but he delighted in my sexuality, really. The lad was about twenty-four, I guessed, and a naive fellow seeking new experiences perhaps. How to play this?, I thought. I required Noah inside me when we got home so there was no way this youth would be allowed to enter any of my holes.

  “Very nice,” I said, and I stood behind him, pressing my body against his. I stroked his rising cock gently, as if to get the measure of it. “How many women have you had?”

  “Around thirty.”

  “I see. And none of these were equipped enough to keep you hooked?”

  “None,” he said simply.

  I tickled his balls and continue to press my bosom against his smooth, silken back.

  “What pleases you most?” I asked, continually speaking in a calm, seductive rhythm.

  “Everything, but especially anal sex.”

  “Really? Huh,” and I considered the possibilities.

  I opened the door of the chamber and nodded to one of the servant boys out in the corridor. I whispered something and he went to fetch a piece of equipment I needed.

  “What did you ask for?” he said, with a nervous smile.

  “You shall see. And please, trust
me. You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it.”

  “I'd like to see a little of you, if your Master doesn't mind.”

  Clever boy, I thought.

  Noah nodded acceptingly and I proceeded to unzip the dress, letting it fall to the floor in a swirl of burgundy glory. I stepped out of the gown and walked in front of him. He stood a little shy then and took a sharp intake of breath when his gaze fell to my breasts. He almost jerked when his eyes then travelled to the bald zenith of my legs.

  “My body pleases you?” he asked.

  “Very much,” he said, his cock now tilting and swaying.

  “I want to try something, if you'll let me,” I said.

  “Anything,” he said, not really knowing what to do with his hands.

  I went to the goodies drawer at one end of the room, swaying my stockinged hips to madden both men in the room. I was feeling wicked.

  I withdrew a pair of plain handcuffs.

  I looked into the Initiate's eyes (that was how I thought of him) and sought agreement. He gave no reluctance.

  “On your knees,” I told the bound boy.

  I circled him. I teased my fingers through his hair. I heard the clacking of my shoes on the floor and saw how each motion struck fear and anticipation into his heart. One of the servants brought me my weapon of choice and I quickly took it, stowed it behind a curtain, and recommenced our session.

  “There are two things we shall learn today,” I told him.

  “I'm willing,” he said quickly.

  “Number one. From now on, you'll not talk. You can blink, or nod, but move those lips apart except to swallow parts of my body and I will be most displeased. You shall learn the power of facial communication. You shall also learn that your only worthy task in life after this is to please a woman. You will realise that nothing else will give you as much pleasure and no other employment will offer you as much satisfaction. If you agree to learn, you might feel more inclined to seek a woman to be educated by. Are we clear?”


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