Hired Gun #4

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Hired Gun #4 Page 2

by A. J. Bennett

  Obviously, they weren’t privy to Athena’s interference. So there were secrets after all. “I’m not married yet. I just wanted to put that clause out there. Just in case. One can never be too prepared. My father taught me that.”

  “I also taught you to respect your elders, but clearly that didn’t stick.”

  True enough.

  “Is there anything else we can do for you?” Athena asked. For a long moment her gaze held his.

  Thorne scratched his chin. Oh there were many things they could do for him, but for now he’d have to prove himself. Once he came back he would have to shake things up a bit.

  “I would like to have open channels to each and every one of you, in case I need assistance in taking care of our little problem. That should be all … for now. ”

  Zeus gave a barely discernible nod of his head. “Granted. Just do not overstep.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Thorne glanced around the room one more time. “Well then, I guess I’ll be going.”

  “Our lives are literally in your hands.” Zeus rose to his full height. He was an impressive sight to behold. One of the few gods that the humans got right in their renderings.

  “Yeah, ain’t life a bitch.” Thorne blinked out and returned to his own apartment. Which was now empty. Thankfully.

  He paced the room, trying to figure out what would be his next move. For the first time in his life Thorne had no idea where to begin.

  The air wavered and Nike appeared in all of her glory.

  So much for having some quiet time to think. “Back so soon?”

  Wiping down the front of her dress, she gave him the evil eye. “I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be, but what Athena wants she gets. And at the moment, she wants to be your guardian through me.”

  As if he needed a guardian. “Yeah, well, what the hell are we supposed to do now? Did she leave you with any words of wisdom?”

  “She just said to continue getting close to Kataya and don’t tip your hat too early with Thanatos.”

  What he wanted to do was shred Thanatos in tiny little pieces, but he knew Athena was right. It was too early to play his hand. He had to reconnaissance and find the daemon’s weakness. As far as Kataya, he couldn’t even think about that right now. Just the thought of that daemons hands on her body …

  Damn it!

  Nike’s voice startled him out of his gut wrenching thoughts. “That was quite the show you put on there. I’m sure you’ll be the talk of The Realm for a while. The shunned half-god making demands. I quite enjoyed it to tell you the truth.”

  “I’m glad I could offer you some entertainment,” Thorne said absently.

  How in the hell was he going to set this right?

  Chapter 3

  As usual, life doesn’t always wait until we’re ready.

  Thorne’s doorbell chimed, and he knew without checking that it was Kataya. Why? Because that’s the way the little fuckers, the Fates, worked. Seriously, they seemed to get off jerking peoples’ chains.

  He immediately dropped his shield so the little vixen couldn’t read his thoughts. She wouldn’t care for his thoughts right now.

  “Stay in your form and follow my lead.” Thorne turned back toward Nike, giving her a once over. “You could lose the clothes if you’d like.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Nike said before wandering into the kitchen.

  As soon as he swung the door open and laid eyes on Kataya his anger ebbed away. How was that even possible? She looked so fragile and vulnerable standing before him, which he knew she was neither, but seeing her tugged at his heart in a way he wished he could ignore. Her curly hair was in disarray. He had to fight the urge to reach over and brush the wayward strands out of the way.

  Gods, he was pathetic.

  “No call? How forward of you.” Thorne worked hard to keep his face expressionless. Thankfully, being a jackass came naturally to him.

  She appeared uncertain as she shifted her feet.

  He wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. Instead of motioning her in, he stared at her, waiting for her to speak.

  Her stunning green eyes met his for a second before she glanced away. “I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed yesterday more than I expected and I can’t stop thinking about what you said.”

  “Which part?” Thorne asked, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

  “The part about soul—” Kataya stopped mid-sentence and her mouth dropped open, staring at him in disbelief. Thorne turned to see Nike leaning against the doorjamb.

  Kataya’s face drained of color and she looked like she was going to be sick. “I made a mistake.”

  She turned to leave.

  “Oh no, Kataya, there will be no more running for you.” Thorne grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the apartment, slamming the door behind them.

  That quickly sparked her anger. If it was possible, she was even more beautiful when she was pissed off. Thorne instantly felt his cock harden. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “I didn’t realize you two were an item.”

  “We’re not.” Thorne gave her a lazy grin. “We just sometimes come together for a mutually fulfilling good time.”

  Nike stepped forward and laced her arm with Thorne’s, taking him by surprise. “He’s hard to resist. There’s something almost godly about him. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Kataya’s eyes shifted between the two of them. “I really should go.”

  Had Nike touched on a sore spot? Was she aware of their origins? That would be very interesting indeed.

  “So soon? At least come in for a cup of tea.” Nike smiled warmly, lighting up the room. Thorne couldn’t help but wonder what she was up to. However, at this point he was willing to go along with just about anything to get Kataya away from Thanatos.

  He could sense the hesitation in Kataya but curiosity must have won over because she agreed to stay. “Just one cup.”

  As they walked into the kitchen, Nike snapped her fingers and steaming mugs were set out on coasters on the table along with an array of fruits and pastries. The scent of chamomile wafted throughout the room. Calming.

  Kataya tilted her head and stared at Nike for a long moment. “Are you a witch?”

  She gave her a wicked smile. “No, my dear. You’re the only witch in the room.”

  Her eyes widened, but she composed herself quickly. “Well then what are you?”

  “I’m afraid that’s over your pay grade.” Nike sat down and reached for her mug.

  “How do you know I’m a witch?”

  “Oh, I know everything about you,” Nike said, casually tracing her finger up and down the mug. “You see, you’re not the only one with the ability to read minds.

  Kataya’s eyes narrowed, and Thorne could sense her heart rate ratchet up a few notches. So much for following his lead. Thorne could actually see the pulse jumping in Kataya’s neck. He wasn’t sure what Nike was up to, but he was enjoying the show.

  “I know you lost your virginity in the back of a car at the age of sixteen, and you cried your eyes out the next day when the boy ignored you.”


  “I know that you spend exactly thirty-three minutes in meditation every day in front of your altar. I know your parents split when you were ten and you’ve always blamed yourself.”

  “That’s enough!” When Kataya moved to stand up she banged her knee.

  “What I don’t know,” Nike looked up and caught Kataya’s gaze, “is what the hell you are doing with Geoffrey Willis?”

  Way to let the cat out of the bag, Thorne thought with annoyance.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, yes, you do.” Nike pointed her finger and Kataya was slammed back down on the chair. If she wasn’t afraid before, she was now. It was clear who the strongest woman was in the room.

  “Where did you meet him?” Nike grilled.

  “That’s none of your business,” Ka
taya said defiantly.

  “I’m afraid you’re mistaken once again, little one. It’s very much our business. Let’s just say the fate of the world depends on it.”

  “What are you talking about? You two are obviously insane. I want to leave right now.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Thorne said, leaning forward and rubbing his thumb along her full bottom lip.

  “Don’t touch me,” she spit out.

  “What, are your witchy powers not working?” Nike asked, her voice honey sweet. “Such a shame.”

  He had to give her credit; Nike wasn’t messing around.

  “I find it interesting you know such minute details about my life but not the answer to the question you are seeking. Why is that?” Kataya asked, and a small smile flitted across her face.

  Not the smartest move.

  Her chair flung back and her head thudded loudly against the wall. Thorne was surprised to feel his heart lurch.

  Keep calm, Nike whispered in his mind. I’m not going to really hurt her.

  Kataya’s eyes darted toward him as if seeking help. He shrugged and leaned back in his chair.

  “I’m not going to tell you what you want to know. You can torture me or do whatever it is you want to do and it won’t change the outcome.”

  “So brave.” Nike was out of her chair in front of Kataya’s face in the blink of an eye. “And beautiful, too. Such a rare combination these days. Regardless, I don’t care about your bravery or even your looks for that matter. What I care about are answers.”

  “If you’re so strong, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding them out on your own.”

  “Didn’t you ever wonder why you can’t read his thoughts?”

  A shadow flickered across her face, but was gone in an instant. “Not really. I can’t read everyone. Lots of people have built up their own shields over their lifetimes.”

  “You couldn’t read mine either, could you?” Nike asked, staring down at Kataya.

  “I never tried. No offense, but the last time we were in the same room I was a little pre-occupied.”

  “Ah, yes. I remember that day well.” Nike leaned down, placed her fingers under Kataya’s chin, and raised her face. “Such a lovely surprise Thorne brought home to me. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know and we could all go back to the bedroom once again.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Sadly, I’m not surprised. Well that’s okay because Thorne knows how to keep me satisfied. Don’t you?”

  “Oh yes, I know exactly how to unfreeze that icy snatch of yours.” Thorne rose to his feet, wondering if things were about to get a lot more interesting.

  I hate you. Nike’s words ricocheted throughout his mind.

  You started this little game.

  Thorne walked up behind Nike, who was now standing between Kataya’s legs, and pressed his body to her back. One hand wandered from her waist up her ribcage, and with his other he slowly brushed Nike’s hair to the side, the whole time not taking his eyes off Kataya. When he lowered his mouth to the delicate hollow of Nike’s neck he felt her stiffen beneath his caress and the touch of his warm mouth, but it was only momentarily before her body relaxed. Goddesses had such a high sex drive. With a mere thought, Thorne dropped her dress and Nike stood before them as lovely as a statue.

  “You both disgust me,” Kataya said through clenched teeth.

  “Do we now?” Nike beckoned with her finger and Kataya rose to her feet. Thorne knew it was solely by Nike’s power and not the willingness of Kataya. He wasn’t quite sure how far Nike was willing to go, but he would stop her if she did anything Kataya didn’t want her to do. No matter how much he was turned on, he wouldn’t allow Nike to take advantage of the situation.

  They were so close that Nike’s bare tits were practically in Kataya’s face. While she was definitely pissed off,—there was no doubt about that—she was also aroused. Not really her fault. A goddess was pretty much impossible to turn down. Their sexual chemistry radiated unlike any humans.

  “You can touch me if you’d like,” Nike said, dropping her voice a couple of notches.

  “You wish.” Kataya glared at them both. “I’m not going to partake in any of your sick games today.”

  One of Thorne’s hands rested on the swell of Nike’s backside. He moved his hand slowly, testing her response. When he didn’t get admonished in his mind, he smiled. Oh yes, this was going to be fun. He moved his hand and placed it on the slight swell of Nike’s belly. His hand drifted lower, and her body sagged against him. There was nothing cold about this woman when it came to sex.

  Any lower and I’ll break your hand.

  Thorne bit back his laughter.

  Nike dropped her head toward Kataya, who closed her eyes and shook her head. “No.”

  “Just one kiss between friends,” Nike said softly before her lips landed on Kataya’s. Thorne thought his cock was going to explode as he watched Kataya’s mouth part and allow the goddess to kiss her thoroughly. This day was turning out much better than it had started.

  Chapter 4

  After a brief, intense kiss, Kataya pulled away. “Did you honestly think you could get me to talk by seducing me?”

  Nike grinned, and her clothes were instantly replaced. “Not really, but I thought it might be fun to try. And Thorne obviously enjoyed himself.”

  Thorne couldn’t hide his disappointment. Leave it to Nike to get him riled up for nothing.

  “I can see why he keeps you around,” Kataya said while wiping the edge of her lip.

  “Oh you have no idea of my worth, little witch.” And with that Nike disappeared.

  Bewildered, Kataya glanced around. “Where did she go?”

  Thorne shrugged. “No idea. She’s made a habit of coming and going as she pleases.”

  “She lives here?”

  Thorne thought it over before answering. “She’s been shacking up for a few weeks because she needed a place to stay.”

  Kataya frowned. “Yeah, right. I don’t think that woman ever wants for anything.”

  “It’s a delicate situation.”

  Kataya rose to her feet.

  Obviously when Nike had left she’d taken her magic with her.

  “I made a huge mistake by coming here. Please, just let me leave.” There was almost a touch of desperation in her voice. Thorne didn’t like hearing it.

  “Earlier you said you wanted to talk about what I’d said about soul mates?”

  “Never mind.” She wearily rubbed the back of her neck. “Forget I mentioned it.”

  “It’s true you know. Even if neither one of us wants to believe it, that doesn’t make it any less of a reality.”

  Kataya didn’t react at all … at least not overtly. Turning on her heel, she walked over to the window and stared out at the vast city below them. “It can’t be true.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m married to another.”

  His entire body went tense. Thorne was silent for a few long beats. “Geoffrey?”

  Somehow he’d managed to convince himself that Thanatos was nothing more than a job to her. He closed his eyes and his chest constricted as he waited for her reply.

  “Yes,” she said without turning.

  Just his freaking luck. “How long have you known him?”

  “A little over five years.”

  Five years? Five years, and Thanatos was just now coming to light? This was worse than he had expected.

  When Thorne finally found his voice he asked, “Then why did you fuck me?”

  “He told me to.”

  That fucking prick. “Did he tell you to enjoy it and come back for more?”

  “No,” her voice was barely above a whisper. “He just wanted me to get to know you, and he said the only way to get to you was flat on my back.”

  “I’m no expert on relationships, but that doesn’t sound very healthy to me. I can tell you this, Kataya Clarke, if you were mine, it would be over my dead
body that I would allow another man to touch you.”

  “Only another woman, I guess.” She turned toward him and her lower lip was trembling as if she was fighting back tears. “He’s good to me. It’s just this presidential race is so important to him so he’s been distant. For some reason he feels you are a threat. I’m not even sure why, you’re nothing but a thug.”

  Thorne wasn’t sure if he should feel insulted or not, but all he felt was disgust. Thanatos was using her and had been for years. True, in their realm sex was not something that was coveted the way humans did. Monogamy was quiet rare for their kind, but still …

  And Thorne knew Thanatos was seeking revenge for the family he had lost. He would stop at nothing until he reached the goal. Kataya was just a convenient means to an end. He was using her. What made Thorne sick to his stomach was the fact that he probably would have done the same thing in his shoes.

  “Why did you come here today, Kataya?”

  “I-I don’t know. It’s like I can’t stay away from you. The pull I feel for you, it’s not natural. After your comment about soul mates, I was up half of the night on the internet researching the subject, and I guess I was starting to believe you. It was the only logical explanation. I mean, why would I be obsessing over you when I’m married to a man who is about to become the most powerful man in the world? It’s absurd.”

  Thorne took two long strides forward. Gently, he touched her cheek and caressed her throat with his fingertips, enjoying the feel of her warm skin, the beat of her heart beneath his fingertips. If Thanatos got his way, they would all be dead and gone, at least from this existence. What if he didn’t find her again?

  Kataya let out a sigh as his hand drifted lower, following the line of her collarbone.

  Jesus, he had to have her. At least one more time. He felt his fingertips tangle in her mass of hair as he kissed her fiercely. His hand slid down her back, pulling her even closer. He couldn’t get close enough.


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