Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1) Page 7

by Sedrie Danielle

“Lancelot! The horse shall rise! The time has come for the Reckoning, but we are the chosen!” he shouted, but it fell on deaf ears. Something grabbed Luis and drug him down the hall screaming.

  Lance laughed as he heard his father’s screams and looked for his phone to warn his brother of the threat. The sound of footsteps behind him caused him to turn and aim his gun; cocking it against the head of a beautiful naked woman.

  “Are you going to shoot me Knight?” she asked, taking the end of the gun and sticking it in her mouth.

  He gave her a devious smile as she ran her tongue up the shaft of his gun; pushing him against the wall. Lance dropped the gun and grabbed her face as she forced her tongue in his mouth.

  “I can’t do this now. There's somewhere I have to be,” he said, pushing her away.

  “Let’s make it quick then.”

  He chuckled. “Am I ever quick?” he asked, lifting her up and pinning her to the wall. Although his mind was on his duties as a Knight, he couldn’t resist pressing himself between her thick, chocolate thighs.

  She grabbed a handful of his hair as he shoved his manhood inside of her. Janae held on as he hammered her against the wall; holding her up by the legs, leaving her moist playground completely at his mercy.

  Lance listened to the change in her moans as he found her holy spot. He could feel the rise in her energy as the ecstasy rushed throughout her body.

  She fell slightly limp as he carried her to the bedroom, where he saw his phone sitting on the table. She continued to kiss him, but his mind had begun to drift. He craved another form of action which the beautiful lady could not provide.

  “Don’t stop now,” she said, attempting to pull him to the bed.

  “Janae I have to go,” he said, causing her to stare.

  “Well, why? When can we finish?”

  “We are finished. This is it,” he said calmly. She was angry and slapped him hard. Lance rolled his eyes and grunted as she was quickly causing him to get in a bad mood. He grabbed her by the wrists and stared at her with those dark, intense eyes which tranced her when they met.

  “I’m a lover. Not a fighter. And when I go out and save the world, I come home to a cold bed. Why? Because when you’re not slobbing on my knobs, you’re riding stallion on your husband. Go back to him, and let him finish what I started,” he said.

  She stood back. “I’d leave him for you.”

  “You can’t handle me. Not every day. You know where the door is,” he said, walking towards the shower.

  Janae’s eyes welled up with tears, and she grabbed her things and left. Lance walked out, his hair still wet, noticing she had taken his comb.

  He reached in his side drawer and pulled out a leather bound book. He flipped to the back and began making an entry for Janae, and as he wrote, a tear ran down the side of his face. “Fucking witches,” he said grabbing his phone to call Cesare.


  “Beebs! Come massage my wings! I think I got a knot!” Adonis whined as he spread his naked body across Bibi’s bed. “Beebs!” he continued on, but she ignored him while sitting at her vanity, putting on eye liner.

  Bibi stood about an inch taller than Mila. Her big, curly hair was a disheveled mess as it often frizzed up right after washing. She always wore eyeliner around her big, brown eyes and pink lipstick on her pouty lips. She was lean, not nearly as curvy as Mila, but compensated with her backside.

  “Oh my god Donnie. Don’t you have some people to kill or something?”

  “Hell no. I’m off today, now come give your boy a wing rub,” he said, stretching his wing to hit her on the back. Bibi sighed as she attempted to ignore him, but knew he would press on until he got what he wanted.

  “Dammit Donnie! You’re getting wing hair all over the floor!”

  “I’m molting.”

  “Well molt your ass outside and vacuum this shit up before I start sneezing!” she yelled back.

  Adonis hopped up and grabbed the fussy woman, trapping her in his wings. Bibi tried to fight her way out but the grip of his wings was too tight. He began nibbling on her neck, finally getting a laugh out of her. It always tickled her how his voice didn’t match what he looked like; sounding like one of the Black men from the hood she grew up in. She smiled, remembering how they met over one of his famous prank calls which led her to believing that one of the Red Axes had a crush on her.

  “Mmm. Caramel. My favorite flavor,” he said, turning his nibbles into slow caresses with his tongue. Bibi knew the fight was over and allowed him to take her. She grabbed his scruffy face and kissed him as he released his hold of her.

  They stared into each other’s eyes, giggling, taking a moment to reconfirm their love. Bibi peeled off her clothes, pressing her naked body against his, pulling him to the bed. Adonis began laughing.

  “So let me get this straight, you want me to beat it down, but you won’t rub my wings?”

  “Donnie! You are killing my vibe!”

  “Well shit, you’re killing mine! Mistress, don’t you understand? I will do whatever you bid me to do if you rub them. It feels so good when you do.”


  “Yes. It’s like having two extra cocks especially along the spine,” he said, giving her his begging look. She smiled and he laid on the bed. Bibi started massaging his wings and Adonis began to curl his toes as he exhaled deeply to her touch.

  She could feel his sexual energies rising and it excited her. So this really is a thing for you, she thought to herself as he continued to release orgasmic moans. Bibi leaned over and licked from the base of his spine, between the folds of the wings sending his arousal into a frenzy.

  “Oh my god Beebs, fucking sit on it,” he said, rolling over with his stiffened cock in hand. Bibi crawled up and met his eyes quickly finding herself laying on her back as he flipped her over. He cocooned her in his wings as he took her.

  The couple did more than make up for the arguing, and Adonis laid triumphantly as he made sure his lady was pleased. Bibi hopped off of the bed only to nearly slip from the hair shed during their rough sexcapade.

  “Donnie! Now seriously, you have to vacuum!”

  Adonis sat up and looked around the room and shrugged. Bibi hit him with a pillow and the two began arguing again.

  As the couple argued about wing hair, Mila walked up to her suite on cloud nine. Her lady parts were still somewhat throbbing after her husband’s pounding and she reveled in it.

  “Sounds like mama’s home,” Adonis said, grabbing the pillow, keeping Bibi from hitting him with it. The sound of her heels alerted Bibi who stuck her head out of the door of her suite to see who it was.

  “Is that the sound of my homie?”

  Mila turned around to see Bibi and Adonis sticking their heads out of the door.

  “Hey Beebs, Adonis. Everything seems quiet and you two aren’t arguing. What’s up?”

  Bibi and Adonis laughed and Mila laughed with them, knowing that she was premature in her assessment.

  “Well, I’m glad you asked, because there is something I want to talk to you about! I was in meditation and I got a call of distress from a witch. I scryed to see where she was and the pendulum pointed to a building that isn’t far from here,” Bibi said, smiling from ear to ear.

  “A witch? You sure?”

  “Positive. Her energy levels were way too high to be a sheeple. As strange as it is, I believe her spirit went looking for the help and I’m the one she latched onto first.”

  “Beebs, I don’t know. We already have like 50 Marked Maidens. We’re going to run out of rooms pretty soon. The Order has never had so many sisters at once,” Mila said, throwing off her heels and untying her bun.

  “I know, but if she is already part of another order, she can’t be a BG. We can at least make sure she’s safe. She really needs our help Mila, and in the meditation I got the idea that she may be with wolves. I know firsthand that that’s not where anyone should be,” she said folding her arms.

  Mila sighed,
looking at her phone to see if there were any messages from Cesare, and there weren’t. Adonis stood in the doorway listening to the conversation when the two looked up at him.

  “I take it that look means GTFOH.”

  “Exactly,” Bibi said smiling. Adonis didn’t argue, and kissed Bibi on the way out.

  Mila didn’t really want to go on a mission, but Bibi was committed to it. She walked over to her closet and pulled out one of her simple cat suits as she didn’t expect the mission to take all night. Bibi shouted with joy and ran to her own suite to suit up as well.

  “You mistresses stay out of trouble. We know y’all have been off the chain lately with your missions, and you neglect to tell us about them.”

  “We don’t answer to the Order of Magia Chaotica. Our initiations are no concern of yours.”

  “Beebs, we are your brotherhood. If one fights the other fights. If one is at war, so is the other. If you girls are engaging with other Orders, you need to let us know,” Adonis said in a more serious tone.

  Bibi grabbed his face and kissed him, but that didn’t sway his mind. “Don’t worry. We aren’t doing anything out of the norm. If we need you, we’ll tell you. Promise,” she said holding out her pinky, which he gripped with his own.

  Adonis retracted his wings inward and put on a shirt before he stomped his way to the bar. He was relieved that Bibi would be leaving so that he may partake in his favorite pastime, drinking.

  Bibi hated that he drank, and he would often sneak libations to avoid fighting with her. The bartender slid him his personal keg full of Berserker Brew and he commenced to drinking; sitting at a table with two Berserkers from the Sons of Ragnarok.

  Bibi revved up one of the BG blue Tahoes, driving to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirt of Atlanta. Both ladies instantly felt the woman’s energy, reaching and attempting to find help for her release.

  “Wow Beebs, you were right about this one. She does need our help,” Mila said, as the energy signals became stronger the closer they got. Bibi parked the car out of sight and the two ran towards the back entrance.

  The woman’s muffled screams could be heard from the outside and Mila’s blood began to boil.

  “Let’s go!” Bibi shouted at a whisper, but Mila stopped her from entering.

  “Don’t you hear that?”

  “Here what?”

  “Latin,” Mila said lowering her eyes. “Someone is reading from the Malleus Maleficarum.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’m married to a cardinal remember?” she answered, summoning her trident. Bibi followed Mila’s lead as they kicked the door down. Before assessing the situation, they found themselves in the midst of wolves and a priest.

  The woman, had a dog muffler on her face hanging naked from rope strung around the steel posts which gave support to the building. The wolves stood around, taking turns on the woman as she shed a tear for each time they entered her against her will.

  “And what do we have here? More witches? You are a plague to the Earth, one the Order of the Teutonic Hierophant has worked for centuries to cure! The Satans are born of you women and I will destroy these tainted vessels with Heaven’s fire. Now is the time of the Reckoning. The Order of the Holy See has long foreseen this day and it shall be done!” the hooded priest said in a strong, German accent.

  “You fight against witchcraft, but you employ wolves? Your logic is flawed.”

  “Sometimes, you have to fight evil with evil, unstained goes the garment of the Christ,” he answered, motioning for the wolves to attack the two Blue Goddesses.

  The wolves began to take form, pouncing at the women who had taken the Blue Goddess stance. Their fighting was only matched by that of the Magia, as combat training was an essential piece to their elevation in the Order. Mila and Bibi made chopped steak of the wolves, slicing into them with their tridents.

  Bibi impaled a wolf while Mila chopped the heads off the others. The battle was over quickly and the priest had disappeared before Mila could extend her wrath to him.

  “Damn! I wanted a piece of him!” Bibi shouted, planting her trident into the ground. She looked over to the woman and shook her head, feeling her pain and tearing up herself.

  One wolf lay breathing heavily as he spit up blood, attempting to scoot away. Mila grabbed him and pressed her fingers into his wound making him scream; Bibi freeing the woman.

  “Tell me, what are wolves doing working for the Hierophants?!” she shouted, punching him in the face. He started laughing, spitting blood in her face. Mila was absolutely disgusted and became filled with rage.

  While Cesare sat in the car trying to convince D’Artagnan to get out, he felt it. He reached for his phone amidst D’Artagnan’s complaints and dialed her number, but her phone was in the car. He could feel that she was under control, but concerned about why she was so angry.

  She beat the wolf until his face was unrecognizable, Bibi watching with curiosity. When she realized she had lost herself momentarily, she stopped, throwing blood off of her hands.

  “I am not the only one Dakinis. There are more,” the woman said, pointing to a back room.

  “Do you know why they took you?” Bibi asked, and the woman nodded.

  “I am Orria, a Pantheress of Ordo Panthera Nigrum. The wolves have taken me and my sisters for reasons which I cannot speak on.” Bibi took her hand, as Mila wiped her face and body clean.

  “It’s ok. You can tell us. You’re safe now,” Bibi assured.

  “None of us are safe. You see, we Panthers belong to one of the few Orders where birth is the initiation. Our power is in our blood and our panther forms are the manifestation of our spirits. The wolves are the same, yet one can be made a wolf by the bite and the drinking of the blood. They wish to create a generation of wolves born as we are. So they breed with us, but those of us who have become pregnant die because they cannot survive the mix of the pregnancy,” Orria explained.

  “Sons of bitches. Come back to the Palace and let us help you,” Mila pleaded, but Orria shook her head.

  “No, you have done way too much already. Our fight is our own, and our help will come. Blaze will find me,” she said, as a deep, panther roar came from the depths of her soul. She roared for five minutes, shortly after, the sound of motorcycles and vans pulled up outside.

  A large black man with an even bigger afro ran across the room shouting “Orria!” He embraced her tight holding her close; both purring like cats. Bibi leaned on her trident as a group of black men in leather jackets and large afros followed.

  “Mistresses, we thank you for helping our sisters, but we do not wish to involve you and the Magia in this. Leave us to clean up our messes,” a light skinned black man with the largest afro said. He was good looking and articulate; his face read like a man that was about to do something bad.

  “Panthera Crux, we know what happened here, and I will respect your wishes from one head to another. Just know that if you need us, we will fight with you,” Mila said, hugging him tight.

  She motioned for Bibi to follow her out as the Panthers gathered their women and burned down the building.

  The ladies looked at each other as though they had failed the mission, sitting in silence.

  “I don’t think this is the last we’ve heard of this situation.”

  “I know that look, it’s the look of revenge. This night was just the beginning of something much larger,” Mila replied.


  Masaka, The Girly Man

  Cesare found himself much calmer once he felt Mila’s energy stabilize. He sent her a text asking her if she was alright, and her quick response set him at ease. He wanted to get the night over with so he could return to his wife, and looked over at D’Artagnan who had also calmed his paranoia.

  “D, let’s make this quick. I got somewhere I need to be.”

  “Ray it neva be quick with chu. You always got ta talk to shit and piss spirits off.”

  “Not tonight my friend. Like you,
I’m not really in the mood,” he answered.

  The Knights got out of the car and canvassed the cemetery. Sitting just beyond the entrance was a bright purple, blinged out Hearst with white rims and rhinestones all along the window frame. Cesare thought it was hilarious but knew that their favorite Lady Keeper was at work. D'Artagnan grabbed three pennies and threw them at the entrance gate of Cemetery Gromere. The iron doors squeaked as they opened; the three pennies sank into the ground.

  The two Knights walked along the winding path looking amongst the gravestones towards the sound of someone shoveling soft soil. “Sound like Guédé Masaka be working tonight,” D'Artagnan said.

  “Guédé Masaka works every night,” replied a feminine, male voice; also Southern in its core.

  Cesare shot D’Artagnan a strange look as they approached a tall, feminine looking man. D’Artagnan often called Masaka the “Girly Man” as she was comfortable enough with herself to act like a lady while having the testicular fortitude rivaling any of the Black Knights. She continued to shovel small piles of dirt behind a mausoleum as the Knights approached.

  “It amazes me how your whites stay white,” Cesare said. Masaka picked up the shovel and rested it on her shoulder.

  “These whites can come off too. At the drop of a dime. Have you come to play?” Masaka asked, batting her long lashes.

  Her appearance was that of a tall, lanky man with long arms and a thin face with perfectly applied makeup. Her white jeans and white hooded tank had upon it the seal of the Keepers of the Crossroads. Upon her head was a puffy, white, head wrap which was typical attire for lady Keepers.

  “Actually, we came to investigate the witch burning. Did you see anything?” Cesare asked.

  “No suga. I only came to collect some graveyard dirt for Mama Gee. Just so happens that we all ended up here,” she said. Masaka led them to the scene as she tied several small bags of graveyard dirt together.

  Cesare's phone began to ring and he saw that it was Lance. As the three of them stood amongst a pile of dead witches burnt at the stake, Cesare gave Lance a quick report.


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