Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1) Page 14

by Sedrie Danielle

  She took a shower and put on a matching leather bra and thong as a Maiden helped oil her skin. The door to her suite was open, as were all of the others this day, and Victoria came in wearing a pair of jeans and shirt.

  “What in the world! Why are you getting ready?” Mila shouted, excusing the maiden from her suite.

  “I don’t think I’m going to attend the Ball tonight.”

  “Why not?!”

  “I – I’m not ready to see Rufus. We haven’t spoken in two days. I haven’t told you what happened, but I think it bothered me more than it should have.”

  Mila sat her down on the chaise and held her hand. Victoria, being a Dame in the Order, was often sought for her guidance. It wasn’t very often that she sought advice; particularly for matters regarding her marriage.

  A beautiful woman in her 50s, had the body and face of someone a decade younger. Her skin was flawlessly tanned, her brown hair was almost always tied in a bun.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “It’s nothing big really. It’s silly even. He called me Nadia during sex the other night.”

  “Oh wow.”

  “I know. It just makes me feel like he hasn’t really moved on. I love him and I know he loves me, but there’s still her. You never can win against the dead chick,” she said, tearing up.

  “Hey, you know Rufus doesn’t deal with separation well, but he loves you. Have you spoken to him about it?”

  Victoria shook her head. “Then call him, and curse him out if you have to, but talk to him about it. Maybe there is a reason. You know, sometimes our men have to be pried open,” Mila said.

  Victoria smiled and hugged her. “I want to see my dame in her crown tonight. Make sure that happens,” she added.

  Victoria took a deep breath and dialed Rufus, almost hoping that he wouldn’t answer, but he picked up after one ring.

  “Hey! How’s my girl?” he asked excitedly.

  Victoria paused, swallowing hard as the sound of his voice eased the tension in her thoughts.

  “I’m alright, but there’s something that’s been bothering me.”

  Rufus sighed. “It’s about the other night, right?”

  “Yeah. I just need to know what place I have in your heart. Maybe we got married too soon. Maybe you haven’t mourned properly,” she said.

  “Victoria, I –,” he started, but couldn’t find the right words to say.

  Silence to her was confirmation enough and she hung up the phone.

  “God fucking dammit!” he yelled, throwing his phone across the room. “I love you darling, but I still love her too and I’m sorry,” he said, knowing he just messed up again.

  Caden walked in smiling with a big bowl of cereal and his game controllers, wearing a pair of pajama pants.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I’m glad you asked Rex. I am going to save the world from alien domination with my new game pack for Ambezoid World 6,” he answered excitedly.

  “No sir. We have a Ball to attend.”

  “Ah come on Rex!”

  “For fucks sake, you’re going. I’m going. The whole god damn Round Table is going and I don’t want to hear your shit about it! Now go get ready,” he yelled.

  Caden’s face had the look of utter shock, and he didn’t want to anger Rufus further. As Caden stormed out Claudius came sliding in with his slippers, yawning as though he were getting ready for bed.

  “That means you too!”

  Claudius walked out before Rufus had a chance to retort.

  Victoria sat at her vanity looking at her gown hanging in the reflection and she began crying.

  “Mistress Vicky! It’s your turn for hair and makeup!” Valina said, but then noticed she was crying.

  “There’s no need. I won’t be attending the Ball tonight. Tell Lady Shinza I’m gone, and if she can’t reach me to not worry. I’m alright,” she said, grabbing her purse and turning out the lights to her suite.


  Guédé Masaka had Bibi under the dryer as she was helping with the grooming for the festivities. Bibi was nervous as the hair dryer typically made her curly hair like that of a poodle. “Masaka, I have crazy mixed people hair. The dryer is not my friend.”

  “Oh hush chile. I’ll have you flattened right on out to make that famous Blue Goddess bun.” The two ladies went back and forth about Bibi’s hair when Josie walked in the door, sitting in a chair to get made up. The ladies became quiet, staring at the obvious elephant in the room.

  “Oh please, continue with your little conversation. I promise I won’t tell.”

  “Josie I’m not in the mood. I’m going to have a fantastic night.”

  “So am I Bibi, so am I.”

  “That is Mistress to you, Courtesan. Don’t go looking for fights that you can’t win.”

  “Then stop letting your insecurities place blame on me. I haven’t done anything to you so I wish you would stop throwing shade my way,” Josie retorted.

  Bibi scoffed. “You tried to fuck my husband. All shade intended.”

  “I didn’t try to fuck Adonis, he tried to fuck me,” she corrected.

  “I know she ain’t. Chile, everybody knows you’re a walking crab shack; everybody just keep sticking their hands down in the barrel with the lights out hoping not to get pinched. See, that’s why I can’t be no Blue Goddess honey. Some bitches need their tongues flat ironed. Bring yourself over here before I throw this can of hairspray,” Masaka said.

  Bibi calmed herself as she didn’t want to fight, leaving a tip in Masaka’s blinged out tip jar; rolling her eyes at Josie who was smiling back. She stomped down the hall only to be grabbed by Adonis from behind. She closed her eyes, shutting down for just a moment as the smell of brown liquor upon his breath took her to a dark place.

  She slammed him into the wall putting her trident up to his throat. Adonis was in complete shock, as were the ladies who witnessed it. Bibi was breathing heavily, her eyes welling up with tears.

  “Beebs? Babe it’s just me. Calm down,” he said with his hands raised.

  “I hate it when you drink!” she shouted, storming off to her suite. Adonis hated to see his lady cry on the count of something he did and ran after her. She fell onto the bed, crying and smearing her makeup as she held onto the pillow. Adonis sobered up quickly, not knowing how to remedy the situation.

  He wanted to embrace her but could smell the alcohol on his breath and clothing, and didn’t want to set her off again. Adonis threw off his clothes and hopped in the shower, hoping to cleanse himself of the smell. He stood, letting the water fall down upon his head, looking at the swirl of water go down the drain.

  Bibi’s silhouette was standing just outside of the shower door; her hand pressed against the glass. Adonis placed his palm up to hers as they waited for the other to speak. Bibi’s lips quivered and he could hear her sobbing and pulled the door opened.

  Bibi fell into his arms with her clothes on and he held her.

  “I’m sorry Beebs. I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “Now I’m all ugly,” she said, forcing a smile, looking at her reflection.

  “Ugly is impossible for you. Your eyeliner is a little runny and your lipstick is smeared, but never ugly. These are easy fixes for a Blue Goddess.”

  She smiled at him and he kissed her smeared lips, drying her off with a towel.

  “You have to help me Beebs. I don’t think I can do it alone.”

  “You are a Black Knight. You can do whatever your mind can conceive. As a Dakini, I am told the same thing. The reality is, I need help too. That was our vow, remember, to aid and love, to be the light through the other’s darkness. I don’t know why things are surfacing, but I’m sorry for losing my cool.” Adonis smiled at her and nodded. Their troubled love had always seen its fair share of difficulties; each time triumphing to strengthen their bond.

  “Well, we better fix your man bun, we can’t let Team Borgia beat Team Maragos.”

/>   Lance quickly slipped through Cesare’s Magia portal to get his suit for the Ball. The brothers showered and groomed themselves for the night putting on their Magia tuxedos. They came down the stairs stomping in their dress shoes and Vincenzo turned his attention away from the television to have a laugh.

  “What the fuck are y’all wearing? The cosplay brothers strike again! Having dinner with Caesar?” he asked, in between his laughs.

  The brothers wore a pair of black dress pants and shoes, their jackets draped around the front and shoulder like a Roman toga; in their hands were black laurel crowns which they didn’t place on their heads until a Dakini tied their hair into man buns.

  “This, little brother, is a contemporary look for a thousand-year-old tradition. We, the Black Knights, host a night of love and war alongside our sisters to commemorate the defeat of Gabriel,” Lance said smiling.

  Vincenzo stared at them waiting for the invite.

  “Is there sexy women there?”

  “Loads,” Lance answered.

  “Well shit, stop holding out and invite your brother! It’s me baby! Vinny B!”

  Cesare sighed and Lance started laughing.

  “Vinny, this is a magical celebration and the other Orders would have a fit if we let you in. You’re still a sheeple even though you’re our brother.”

  “But technically the Marked Maidens are sheeple too. They don’t learn any magic at that level,” Lance retorted. Vincenzo didn’t understand what they were talking about, but wanted in.

  Cesare sighed and told him to go put on one of his regular suits. While Vincenzo got dressed, Lance and Cesare discussed the bad decision of taking him, but it was already in motion. He quickly returned with a wide smile ready to go.

  Cesare took the car, parking next to Adonis’s Challenger. Vincenzo got out of the car, looking at the beauty of the Blue Palace, walking behind Cesare. He suddenly fell to his knees as an unbearable weight pulled him down. The world around him began spinning and a sharp noise pierced through his skull.

  “Shit! The barrier is still up!” Lance said, pulling Vincenzo away from the entrance. He instantly recovered, but had a confused look on his face.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Mila still has the barrier up. You’ll have to stay here until we deactivate it,” Cesare said. Vincenzo nodded, looking around at the ladies who were beginning to walk inside.

  Cesare and Lance stomped their way to Mila’s suite where they found her tying Rufus’s man bun as he complained about Victoria. She placed his golden laurel crown on his head, pleased at her handy work. Lance hopped in the chair after him and she pulled his hair tight, making a poodle-like puff on top of his head.

  “Mila, the barrier is still up.”

  “And it should be. I don’t have time for bullshit tonight,” Rufus said.

  “Oh Rex, this is the one night in the year where you don’t have to worry about anyone trying to kill you. All of the 33 Orders of Man are welcomed here tonight for love,” she said.

  “And war. Let’s not forget the other half of the theme,” Rufus interrupted.

  “You are the most powerful magician on the planet Rex, and all of the Black Knights will be present. Tonight would not be the night you met your end.”

  “Why not mistress? We are about to sit in a room where all of the oldest magical families in the world will be in one room. The Barcas, the Agrippas, St. Claires; each with a reason to want to do me in,” Rufus said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Have you pissed off the Barrons too?” she asked sarcastically, but he didn’t find it funny. “Rex, you do this every year. You’re practically immortal so I don’t understand why you get so paranoid about group festivities.”

  “My darling Mila, I wasn’t always so, tame. Sometimes revenge takes generations to manifest. The Barcas have not forgotten the sting of my blade. It was in Sagunto, where I met the first Borgia, before there were any; a man by the name of Sacerdos of Saguntum. There he and I witnessed the horrors of the Barcas as they sacrificed children to their goddess Tanit, known by the symbol of the crescent moon. Together we thought we had rid ourselves of the Barcid dynasty, so you see Borgia, we have known each other a long time. Sacerdos was a man of the cloth, and like you, quick to kill. When the Barcas see you, they see an enemy. Be mindful of that,” Rufus explained.

  All three Borgias let Rufus’s words marinate in their minds. Maybe this is what Luis was referring to, Lance thought to himself. Mila sighed, looking irritated as the talk of gloom and doom was quickly messing with her mood.

  “Well, our own enemies are the least of our worries,” Mila said, explaining what happened with the Panthers and Wolves as Cesare sat in the chair for his man bun.

  “For fucks sake Mila, you girls have to tell us this shit when it happens. I hope that the peace is maintained. Just for one night,” he said walking off.

  Cesare waited for Rufus to go around the corner when he turned to Mila. “Hey umm, we brought Vinny. He’s outside because he couldn’t get through the barrier.”

  “Cesare! Oh my god babe. You know the Warlocks kill sheeple. So does some of the other Orders. It’s not safe for him to be here.”

  “This is the safest place he could be until he is initiated. I’ll keep a close watch on him. I promise.”


  Rufus and Chrissy climbed to the top of the largest dome and deactivated the barrier so all may enter the Palace. Rufus was unsure about it, but figured he had already pissed off one lady this night, he wasn’t betting for round two.

  The Orders began gathering and Vincenzo found himself in conversation with every woman that walked past him. A cop car drove past and the officer looked as though he recognized someone from the crowd and immediately called for backup.

  Vincenzo saw the cop car slow down and make a turn, sitting and intimidating in the distance. “Oh shit,” he thought to himself and he hoped it wasn’t coming back for him. Vincenzo followed the crowd inside hoping to see a familiar face. As the guests were seated, two members from each Order was delegated for the procession which lined up outside the hall.

  Cesare eyed Vincenzo motioning for him to move towards the back so he would not be noticed. Jin-Lu walked up with Lady Shinza on his arm and he laughed at his fellow Knights. “What’s has you in a good mood?” Claudius asked.

  “Oh nothing, just, my bun is bigger than yours,” he said, stating the obvious. Ping-deng was sitting perfectly wrapped on top of his head, giving him the most impressive man bun of all the Magia. Cesare thought his joke was funny as he too had a pretty thick man bun.

  Once the Orders gathered, Rufus motioned for the ladies to sound the gong. The procession of pairs began, each Order showing off their best garbs and magic tricks. The House of Golden Dragons entered first; Emperors Dorgon and Kangxi with his wife Lady Uya wearing the finest yellow and red silks spun in China. A large golden dragon made of paper hopped around them; exploding into glitterbombs all over the floor.

  “Dey shudda went last. Damn Dragons shitting glitter all ova de house mon,” D’Artagnan said, getting a laugh out of the other Knights.

  “Representing the Cult of Winged Reapers, Matilda of the noble House of Barron, and Lorne Davies!” the announcer shouted as they flew in on their broomsticks; animating them to sweep up the glitter left by the Dragons.

  Vincenzo stood in awe, trying not to bring attention to himself as the displays of magical powers amazed him. Cesare on the other hand was huffing and puffing; fidgeting as he grew impatient.

  “Stop being disrespectful babe,” Mila said, tugging on his toga.

  “It’s not that. I have to fucking pee.”

  “Seriously? Well hurry up, there are still ten more Orders to go in before us,” she whispered.

  Cesare ran down the hall as Hercules and his Iron Fists flexed in their sleeveless tuxedos. He ran into the first vacant room he could find and let it flow. He sighed as his bladder was relieved, and as he washed his hands he quickly picked up on energie
s approaching. He looked out of the window and there were about two dozen cop cars and helicopters flying overhead.

  “Holy fuck!” he shouted, running down the hall. Mila could sense his energy rising and whispered “Cesare” alerting the other Knights.

  “What’s wrong Mila?” Caden asked.

  “I don’t know, Cesare’s is going into Chaotica mode,” she said, and Adonis and Caden ran down the hall to see about their brother in arms. Baldaar, who was standing in line next to his father, Thorklid, saw the Knights running and decided he too was bored and followed them.

  They ran into Cesare who was attempting to reactivate the barrier in the foyer, but it was too late. Several cops kicked the door in, running with their guns pointed and cocked. Adonis laughed hysterically as the officers shouted “Stop, put your hands up!”

  “We are looking for the one who calls himself Hercules! If you know of his whereabouts I suggest you bring him out here!”

  “We don’t know who you’re talking about,” Cesare said.

  “Don’t bullshit us! We saw him come in here, and as a matter of fact, you look like the accomplice. Freeze! Get down on the ground!”

  Suddenly the air in the room became cold, and the cops found themselves stiffening. Baldaar blew his ice breath and all six cops became as statues. Adonis thought it was hilarious as did Cesare.

  “They said freeze. Did they not?” Baldaar said, in his Nordic accent.

  “Shit! Cops!” Clyde shouted as he walked towards the front to take a smoke. He took grabbed his Oathbreaker, the circular blade shaped like a pentacle all Warlocks wielded, and threw it at the frozen cops. Their bodies shattered into millions of pieces; one of the cop’s heads, crashed through one of the front windows, landing at the feet of two others.

  “What the fuck? Johnson?” a cop said, recognizing the face.

  “You stupid ass Warlock! Now they’re going to bring the shitstorm!” Cesare shouted, but Clyde was betting on it. He whistled, alerting the six Warlocks who had accompanied him and they flew out the door on their broomsticks to engage the policemen.


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