Turning Point

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Turning Point Page 4

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Erm oh yeah Shaan, ok where’s the car lets go check it out”

  He dangles the keys in front of me and says

  “It’s in the underground car park, I tried to get it in the lift but it was a little big- “

  Grabbing the keys, I mock laugh, “hardy har ha lets go “

  I lead him out pass Paige and to the lifts. We both reach for the call button at the same time, his hand brushing mine and yep, completely alight again.

  I suck in a breath and hold it until the lift arrives. Exhaling slowly, I lead him in. The space is way too small, he turns around to face me as the doors shut. With one hand either side of my face he leans forward and hovers above my ear

  “you never said what you want more of” his lips graze the top of my ear and I shudder, its almost as embarrassing as ‘the purr’

  I ease up on my toes to get just a little closer to him, he makes me feel safe, between his arms, like he’s going to protect me from anything but pleasure

  “anything you want to give Connor” I rub my cheek against his as I fall back on my heels, letting my chest press against his lead torso, I slightly tilt my hips so I rub his groin, I want to tease him, I want to see him on edge. Oh, I want him. Full stop.

  He holds me still and twists himself so his dick, his very hard dick is wedged against me, if we’re really quiet I think my pussy will actually plead for it. Literally I am dripping and its not 11am yet.

  The lift stops and the doors open to the car park. I want him, now. Oh god I want him.

  He peeks to his left and looks in the mirror behind me, I guess the car park is empty as his lips finally search for mine, no deep sensual kiss, this is hard, rough almost desperate. He nips my bottom lip pulling it through is teeth. Fuck that’s hot. I lean for more of him, a deeper taste

  As if he can read my mind, he slides his hand down my back and cups me under my ass, he lifts me up and instinctively my legs go around his waist, his tongue demands entry and I give it, easily. I suck on the tip of his tongue trying to hold him in place and its like I have flipped a switch. He pushes me back against the door to the comms room and it opens with ease. Kicking it behind him, He turns us around and my back is pressed against the hard metal door. SHIT. I know there’s no going back.

  With me still wrapped around his waist, his hands slip under my dress (yes, I know its Ma’s but don’t kill my vibe) he pulls my knickers to one side, there’s no need to ask if its ok as my legs instinctively open wider for him to get to me. He smiles against my mouth

  “you like that huh? This is going to be hard and fast like I promised but next time I will take all night keeping you as wet as you are now”

  With that he pushes two fingers inside of me and I melt at my core. FUCK

  He’s curling his fingers inside me and my body is on edge, I cry out wanting to stop this freight train of an orgasm that’s about to crash out of me.

  “don’t hold back Rayne, let it go” he drops his mouth to my breast and bites my nipple through my dress, who knew that was my trigger? I can feel his tongue feasting on me through my dress, one hand squeezing me holding me against his mouth whilst his fingers pull me over the edge. I bite down on his shoulder as I come hard.


  Holding her boneless body in my arms, I don’t want to move she sits perfectly against me. I’m frightened if I move she’ll run. I won’t let her run.

  “are you ok?”

  She doesn’t answer me, but buries her head deeper into my neck. I can feel her mouth moving against my skin but have no idea what she’s saying. Adjusting her slightly I lift my hand to her chin and tilt her head towards me.

  I search her eyes for a sign, a sign to stop or keeping going. I get lost for a moment, I must be staring too hard, as her eyes brighten then she firmly closes them and exhales. I can’t help it, I kiss both of her eyelids, for no reason other than to reassure her that I am there with her, wherever there is. I know that the energy has shifted, my heart is doing its own double time, a snare and a hi-hat inside my chest pounding a rhythm I ‘ve never heard before but I like it. She’s clearly more in tune with me as she wriggles against me, my dick wants to get in on the act, its banging against my stomach like a kick drum, demanding I listen to him and keep going.

  For once in my adult life I go with my head, easing myself away from her, my dick is screaming at me, asking what the hell is wrong with me, to be honest, I don’t know.

  I drop the slightest of kisses on her lips and set her onto her own two feet.

  She looks up at me like I have lost her mind, if my dick could talk I’m, sure he’d be yelling in agreement, asking me what the fuck is going on.

  I lean down and kiss her twice more, once on her mouth because I can and one on her forehead just to smooth out the frown that exploded across her beautiful face

  She’s like Bambi when I let go of her, she sways on those damn shoes like her legs are going to give way. I brush a stray piece of hair out of her eyes and thumb her cheek.

  “Why did you stop?” She asks me as she leans into my touch. This girl right here! What’s she doing to me?

  I shake my head and laugh “damn good question beautiful”

  The feel of her soft skin against my rough hands feels so damn right. She giggles and shakes her head like she’s trying to make sense of it all too. Pushing her hands against my chest she puts even more distance between us. She trails her hand very slowly down my chest to the fly on my trousers it’s a whisper of a touch but its enough

  “Still as hard as yesterday I see” and with that she winks at me opens the door walking back out to the lift lobby.

  This damn woman!

  I can all but laugh and go with her to check out the car.

  “So, tell me how come you end up here today, I meet you for the first time yesterday and suddenly you appear in my office, are you stalking me Connor?”

  I open the door to the F Pace and step back so she can climb in.

  “nope not stalking, just using an opportunity to see you again. And trust me Rayne, I will use every opportunity I get to see you again and again and again”

  She gives me that damn smile, its like she’s taunting me “Explain to me, again how you ended up in my office with my bosses’ new car, did you rob the delivery service or something??”

  “Sure did, heard on the DL that there was this hot chick waiting for a car delivery, word on the street was she gives off this hard exterior but if your lucky, you can split her like a hot knife through butter and she melts in your hand, for an experience like that, I’ll happily take the consequences...”

  “what consequences would you deem to heavy for an encounter with this hot chick”


  The answer leaves me before I think about the weight off the question, have I honestly just said I would do anything for some time with her. Pretty much

  “Good to know”

  I jump in the passenger seat and talk her through the car. Her boss has got the thing fully loaded, usually it would be that getting me going but the adrenalin rushing through my veins is everything to do with the goddess on my right.

  Taking out the delivery note, I hand it over for Rayne to sign. She scans the paperwork than raises her eyebrows. “Ahhh, this explains why you were talking to Aaron and Shaan yesterday, I didn’t realise you all worked together”

  “yeah, I’m their bitch boy”

  “Yeah whatever, although you’re doing a bitch boy job, this little box here” she points to the footer on the invoice “suggests that you are more than a bitch boy”

  I laugh because I still can’t believe I have gone from washing the cars to running their three largest showrooms. This morning when they called to say this car was ready, I pulled out the paperwork ready to hand it over to one of the sales execs to deliver when I saw to be signed for by Rayne Sinclair I quickly decided there was only one man for the job….

  “Its only a job title, I mean what does Divisional Manager actuall
y mean? I sit in the offices and sell cars to people with far too much money, I source cars from every corner of the globe and make sure I keep Michael, Aaron and obviously Shaan incredibly wealthy”

  “That’s not really any difference to what I do to be fair, keep the rich, rich.”

  I want to know more, but not here, not now.

  “have dinner with me? Let me take you somewhere that’s not a car park, or dingy office in the basement or a room in your parent’s house. Somewhere we can continue this...” I point between the two of us and she mirrors me “this” she says as she waves her finger across the centre console “I don’t even know what this is Connor. You physically and mentally have pushed me over and knocked me off my feet, yet I haven’t even known you 24 hours. I know very little about you, yet you’ve got under my skin and into my knickers without breaking a sweat. I don’t usually do this Connor, I am usually guarded and protect myself fiercely. But you waltz in and I can’t actually find the words to turn you down”

  “is that a yes then”

  She slaps her hand against my chest and winces

  “one of these days Rayne, you’ll realise that is a pointless exercise”

  She shakes her hand like she has burnt it in a fire. I lean across and take it in mine.

  “Here’s the deal, at 6pm I am going to be outside your office, and I am taking you out for a dinner, there will be no touching, just a lot of talking. You’re going to get to know me and I am going to get to know you. I am going to take you home, walk you to your door and kiss you goodnight. Then when you’re ready you’re going to suggest our second date, and we’re going to keep doing it until the timing is right.”

  “right for what?”

  I lean over and hold my lips a breath from hers, I wanna sink into her so badly

  “Right for me to take you, all of you. I’m going to take my time with every inch of you, today. Earlier. That was a taste, a small taste of what I am going to make you feel. When the time is right, I am going to fill and fulfil you in ways you may have dreamt but never knew to be true”

  She leans in like she wants to kiss me, nope. Not right now.

  I kiss her cheek and get out of the car.

  “see you at 6 Rayne” I watch her face, confusion, frustration all over her. I don’t look back when I walk out of the car park. I know she’s watching me. We’re so fucked.


  The knocking on my office door, shakes me out of my thoughts.

  12.30 right on time

  “Come in” I stand to greet Leilani and our new client Malachi. I’m grateful the distraction.

  Since Connor left I have gone through every emotion – embarrassment, anticipation, arousal, confusion. Everything.

  I came back to my office in a daze, almost like I couldn’t believe I let it happen.

  How did I allow a man I barely know get so intimate with me? in my place off work!!! Oh GOD I want to die – again. I have been on autopilot, called Trent for advice, tried to coax him out of retirement, didn’t work. He and Ma are heading down to the Marina to get his boat (its not really a boat, it’s a Fair line Targa 48 Open, a two-cabin piece of luxury that he brought after winning his biggest case to date. Hollywood actor, scandal, drugs enough said) and head off to wherever the sea decides. I’m not bitter, honestly their timing sucks. Trent did speak to Guy however and he will be here to offer his own legal prowess.

  Leilani greets me with a kiss to each cheek and I shake Malachi’s hand. 48 hours ago, if he had walked into my office, I may have thought he’s attractive, I might have even had a little flirt but a certain 6ft something hulk of a man has consumed my every thought for the last day. He’s officially ruined me for every man.

  “Nice to meet you” Malachi says and I take him in. I have seen pictures of him in the papers and online, I have watched him play. I’ve followed his career not as a PR manager but as a football fan. He was like bad reality TV, you can’t admit that you’re hooked to anyone but its your guilty pleasure, you’ve got to see what crazy scenario going to happen next...

  “you too, have a seat, we are just waiting for a consult acquaintance of mien to join us, he’s going keep us on the right side of the law with this”

  Malachi looks nervous

  Leilani picks up the tension and gives him a reassuring pat on the arm

  “Don’t worry Mal, Trent is one of the best in the field...”

  I interrupt Leilani “Trent is away, Guy will be joining us”

  Its so minor that I nearly miss it, but something flashes across Leilani’s face? If I didn’t know the ball breaker so well, I would be sure she just blushed. Full on cherry tinge but not Leilani surely????

  I give her a look, its supposed to be a questioning look but I am sure I look as though I am gurning.

  She gives me the subtlest of shakes of the head and I know to leave it.

  “Malachi – “

  I lean over my desk a little, something I learnt from Trent early on, it’s a great way to gain trust, act as though there are no barriers between you and them, I look home square in the eyes and continue

  “you’ve either got to trust us that we are in this on your side, or this isn’t going to work. Let me be clear; This is going to be uncomfortable at times, its going to be boring but one thing it won’t be is a waste of time. This whole thing needs to go away and bet your arse I am the one to do it so if you don’t trust Leilani’s judgement to bring me in on this then I suggest you leave right now, however if not just learn to trust in this. Ok?”

  He shrugs and nods his head. Well that’s progress…

  My intercom buzzes and I answer Paige

  “Yes Paige?”

  “Mr Pearce – Morgan is here to for your meeting”

  “Send him in please”

  I look at Malachi “If you feel uncomfortable at any time just give me the nod and this meeting ends, but know this, if you can’t tell us, just us in the room, you won’t be able to handle what the press will do to you if this gets out”

  He looks at me shocked, as though he is saying I thought you were on my side

  “Oh, don’t get it twisted son, she looks like an angel but she’s got a killer instinct fiercer than any shark I’ve ever met, show her a piece of flesh and she’ll make you bleed”

  I laugh and reassure Malachi, “I’m not that bad, usually”

  I walk to the door and let Guy in. He kisses me on both cheeks and stops when he sees Leilani “Miss Barros”

  “Mr P-M. How are you?”

  Leilani stands to greet Guy and that damn blush appears again on her face. I haven’t ever seen her behave like this, I know there’s something amiss but now is not the time.

  Guy kisses Leilani the same as he greeted me hmm... maybe my senses are off.

  “Guy Pearce- Morgan, Malachi Harris, Malachi Harris, Guy Pearce Morgan”

  The two men shake hands, a little longer than should be comfortable and a little harder than friendly

  “As much as this dick measuring contest is amusing can we get on with the meeting please?”

  Leilani stares at me open mouthed and both men start to laugh. I shrug and sit behind my desk. Guy perches on the edge of my desk furthest from Leilani and folds his arms against his chest. I have never seen Guy at work, I’ve seen him in his office and watched him interact with Trent but never seen him like this.

  If it wasn’t for Connor I might find him attractive. He has this real masculine edge. Not sure if its his crazy sense of dress. He’s got on tailored camel trousers and a white shirt and dark brown Chelsea boots. As far from corporate attire as you can get. It makes me wonder if he has even been into the office today.

  He flexes his arms I notice through is shirt the outline of what looks like a tattoo, the shadow is from his elbow, the intricate pattern travels up his arm. From what I can see if journeys across his pecs. Not what I expected from Guy. He always seemed like the kind of guy (LOL) who would be frightened of marking his skin.

bsp; Guy starts the meeting off, asking Malachi to explain exactly what’s happened. He takes it all in and leads the meeting, can’t say I am disappointed, my heads all over the place and with a moment to think I realise I am wondering off to a world with Connor. I wonder where we are going tonight? I wonder if we’re driving or taking the train somewhere, will it be linen table cloths or more relaxed. Will I have enough time to get changed? Oh god what will I wear


  I jump at Leilani’s voice and my pen rolls across my desk.

  Leilani clearly can tell that I haven’t been paying attention.

  “If Guy gets the agreement drafted today can you find out who’s on Johan’s team?”

  I cough and nod

  Johan team find out I write on my pad. Jesus, I need to get a grip and fast.

  Malachi and Leilani stand to leave. I shake Malachi’s hand and give Leilani a quick kiss good bye. Guy walks them out for me and tells Paige to hold all my calls.

  He sits across from me and taps his into his phone. Once he’s finished he looks up at me

  “Shall I recap the last hour or were you just pretending to not listen”

  I shake my head “Sorry fill me in”

  Guy then proceeds to update me, the long and short of it is the Johan is untouchable, we must find out who runs all his PR and legal affairs. He’s a bit of a myth which is unusual in this world. Usually the names of the agents, lawyers, everyone are all over the press, lawyers love the publicity especially when they are the best at keeping their clients noses clean.

  It seems Cherri has already made her demands, she is blackmailing Malachi given his reputation and his loyalty to Johan. She wants £5m in settlement and she will sign any document we see fit to keep her silence. Malachi wants to pay her, but I know this would only open the flood gates and unless we get this legally water tight, she could still get the money and overturn the agreement. This sucks.

  “why do you think he doesn’t want to the truth to come out? Why is he protecting Johan?”


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