Turning Point

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Turning Point Page 10

by Georgia Hamilton

  “you can talk to me Rayne, I’m a good listener, I won’t force you but I am here”

  She throws the phone back into her bag, tossing her head back in the chair.

  “I wouldn’t even know where to start, how about we go and grab some lunch? Have you got time for a break? I have just barged in here, acting all emotional and irrational, I am sure you’ve got better things to be doing”

  “I have time, for you I will make time”

  I discreetly look at the time, there is so much going on right now I can little afford to leave it all up in the air, but I want to be with her.

  “I’ve got a couple of emails to send, but I can leave everything else with Shaan this afternoon – just hang tight and wait for me”

  “Alright” she taps her chin and looks around my office, pointing to the wing back chair (Aarons favourite) and the glass side table she nods

  “Can I set up a temporary office over there whilst you work? I should probably have been a little more responsible before storming out of the office, Paige has text a few times about outstanding things. I can’t believe I just flaked like that, feeling sorry for myself like a spoilt brat, I have behaved like such a child... maybe I should go back to the office”

  She jumps up out of the chair at my desk, her sunglasses which were precariously perched on her head have now gone flying across my desk hurtling past me straight onto the floor. There’s this shadow creeping up her neck, I know she is embarrassed and I shouldn’t laugh but I can’t help it. The moment I stand to retrieve them for her she stands, she tries to push me bac down into my chair. Like every other time she has tried to use her feeble force against me, she’s met with a brick wall. She flinches realising her mistake too late.

  I grab her wrists not hard but firm enough for her to stop in her tracks.

  “Now Now beautiful, you need to keep that temper in check”

  She struggles but I grip her tighter, holding her against me. Her resistance shouldn’t turn me on, but it is, the more she’s wriggly to get away from me the harder I am getting.

  “well you shouldn’t laugh at me”

  “I wasn’t laughing at you, I was just laughing. You are too cute. Now go and sit yourself over in that chair, set your shit up and quit trying to fight a losing battle, you cannot over power me”

  As if to prove my point, I hold her wrists one hand whilst retrieving her glasses. Holding them above her head, yes, its childish but she’s been sulking like a child and I want to have some fun. I look at her, then to the glasses. “if you want these back, go and sit your cute butt down over there” I nod to the offending chair. “and do whatever it is that you need to do, I will finish up and then we” I kiss her nose “will” another kiss “get” kiss “out” kiss “of” kiss “here” longer kiss.

  I hook her aviators in the front of her vest top and let go of her wrists.

  I know I am in trouble when she doesn’t move, she leans up on her tip toes, her centre flush against mine she gives me a showstopping kiss, sucks every bit of air out of me.

  “yes sir” she whispers as she settles back on her heels.

  So, remember that cheap fantasy I mentioned earlier? Secretary? Office? Pencil skirt? You with me now? Ok so scrap that, it is not cheap its fucking expensive and wrapped in a Rayne shaped bottle, that I want to plunge into, literally.

  Watching her walk to the other side of the desk, I know full well she’s swinging her hips with more vigour than she needs. That cream skirt fits like a glove all way to her knees, the most tantalising split in the back that goes to mid-thigh. I look down her legs and those straps on her heels look more and more like restraints. Restraint the one thing I need to stop me from re-enacting every single last scene from that really bad porno (not that I have watched all 6 minutes – *honest face)

  I watch, hypnotised by her motion, she deliberately bends at the waist to get her laptop out of her bag, she’s searching for something else, god knows what. I am sure she’s prolonging this as some kind of payback for me laughing at her.

  Whatever it is that she finally found in her Mary Poppins bag it drops a bit in front of her, the little minx gives me a quick glance over her shoulder before reaching for it.

  She is a hundred percent doing it on purpose, she is trying to kill me without laying a finger on me and she is about 30 seconds from achieving it.

  In less time than it would take Usain Bolt to cover the distance, I’ve got her by the waist.

  “Do not start what you cannot finish Rayne”

  I lift her out of the way, grab her notebook off the floor, pop her in the chair put the notebook on her lap and retreat behind my desk. Holding her gaze, I adjust my trousers, easing the pressure my rapidly growing groin is causing. Her stare is so intense, she has in the blink of an eye taken this from eye flirting to a full-on fuck.

  I cough trying to clear the gravel in my throat before answering my now ringing desk phone.

  “Connor speaking... hi, thanks for calling back…. Yeah, they’ve got us on a tight schedule so if that mustang is still available? It is? Brilliant. No don’t put it on a trailer, I will come up and see it. Tomorrow sounds good. Ok see you then”

  Aa triumphant yes escapes me – “get in”

  “Good news I take it?”

  She’s got her pencil in her mouth, leaning over the small glass table skimming through something on her laptop. Her legs are crossed to the side and she looks completely at home. I like having her here in my office. Her warmth sits so beautifully against my cool stark office. Everything in this room is metal and minimalistic, with the except of the huge wing back chair, a foot stool and three large paintings – the paintings are the only thing I chose. They are slightly abstract, brightly coloured portraits of London. Lots of primary colour and fluid lines, I can’t say Art is something I know anything about, but I liked these.

  I flip back to her, “yes, we signed a contract with new clients today, they’ve got a sizeable budget and need specific cars, not bespoke which is a blessing but certain specification. I’ve got a lead on one from an existing contact, so I need to drive up to Manchester tonight. I need to be there in the morning to inspect it and get back home. If all is well that’s 1 out of 5 cars...”

  Her mouth is kicks up in the corner and she claps her hands

  “Oh my gosh Connor, that’s amazing, tell me more about the new clients”

  She’s facing me in the chair, legs now delicately tucked under her, laptop away to the side. She is giving me her full attention, it makes me feel something, warmth. She makes me feel warm.

  I give her the rundown of the meeting, giving her an insight into what it is I do.

  Talking to her about work, our office, our clients it’s nice. Having her here with me, I like it. A lot.

  I usually like being on my own, taking refuge in my office to be in my own headspace.

  Today however, sharing my office, my space, it does not feel claustrophobic, I’m not feeling ready to burst out here needing to get air in my lungs to help me breath. I feel relaxed, comfortable.

  We organically go back to our own work when her phone rings taking her back to her laptop and whatever emails she was engrossed in before.

  I quickly check out a few hotels for the night. It crosses my mind to ask Rayne to join me, but I think it’s a little too soon. I know that sounds weird, considering the lines we have crossed already but each time I have been lucky enough to enjoy her, it has been natural, not forced.

  I didn’t walk into her office with the intention of plucking that insane orgasm out of her, I didn’t take her to dinner thinking I would finally get a complete taste of her.

  The fact that our growing friendship, naturally snaps back into place after any intimacy is what makes it so special

  Happy that I have done all I need to I pack up my stuff. Rayne stops mid-way through her phone and peeks up at me over her reading glasses. She is way too cute for me.

  I tip my head to the door, tapping my watc
h, letting her know I am ready.

  Holding up one finger she’s back to her call,

  “that’s really good. I told you it would work. Yes indeed. Don’t worry the invoice is in the post” She winks at me and bites her pencil again. If I tell you that visual shoots straight to my groin, you better believe it. Mini me has come to life and wants a piece of the action. Down boy! I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet for keeping him locked out of the Rayne party, I have never tried reasoning with my appendage before, however right now I am pleading with him to behave.

  “It’s been fabulous... I agree... physically I can potentially take on two more clients but then my books are full, if I hand anyone over, it will not be any of your clients”

  Another wink at me. I love watching her work, it’s obvious she’s talking to a man because she’s flirting. Not heavily but the stretching out of the words, the slightly breathy pauses, the giggles she sprinkles over the conversation. I thought I was a veteran at flirting, especially working in sales but she is a pro at this, forget reading the book on technique, she is re writing the rules! Based on recent events, I expected myself to be jealous, but I’m not. It might have something to do with the fact that she very subtly changed her position on the chair, rubbing her left foot down her right leg as she shimmed, the pencil biting is intentional. I can see the slightest hint of her pink tongue. It is in that exact moment I realise what a pervert I am. She sets off a little giggle again before hanging up the phone, giving herself a mini fist pump in the process.

  “good call?” I’ve shut everything down, I am more than ready to get out of here

  “you could say that” I help her pack her laptop away and carry her bags out to my car.

  I click the remote to pop the boot and open her door for her. She leans up, giving me a hug. “I can’t tell you how much having you there meant to me today”

  It’s not possible to just reciprocate the hug, I hold her tightly, trying to convey the emotions I feel for her.

  “whenever you want me, I will be there” she’s tucked under my chin, her curls trying to escape the bun she’s got it in. I kiss her head because my lips are addicted to her.


  Having taken my hair out of that tight bun makes me relax instantly. I run my hands through the mass. “OH yeah!!!” It feels so good.

  Connor is laughing next to me, I peak out of my right eye.

  “Whatcha laughing at?”

  “Megaman up first and he won’t second no shit, I ain’t got no time to smoke this, hold this...”

  I can’t help myself and because I’ve got to try and maintain a little dignity

  “I got 21 seconds to pass the mic, I got 21 seconds to say what I’ve gotta say, but you don’t like me anyway, nah I won’t hesitate”

  “Look at you wanna be Lisa Maffia!”

  He nudges me with his elbow.

  We both laugh at the ridiculousness.

  It’s one of my favourite things, singing lines from songs mid-sentence. You know like in the car on a trip, you ask how much longer? The driver says we’re half way there, I would burst into Bon Jovi.

  (I defy you to read that again without singing Livin on a Prayer!)

  It is sad; however, it gives me hours of entertainment.

  Taking a good look at him he’s taken off his jacket and he’s wearing a fitted navy-blue shirt, it grips his biceps, folding into a sharp cuff just above his elbow. It is definitely trendy a complete opposite to his heavily tailored grey/ blue check suit. I did not actually realise it was check until he took the jacket off. I realise I am now staring at his arms, every flex is like a flick to my bean.

  “You still with me Beautiful?”

  I shake my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts.

  “Just about, where are we going?”

  He gives me a wink and tells me not to worry. His phone starts to ring, although I know I shouldn’t I glance at his display in the dashboard.

  “Mad Man” shows on the screen

  Connor drops the call, giving me a sheepish look, he pats my knee. “No more interruptions, not for the rest of the day”

  I know this is him not wanting to answer any questions and it’s not my place to ask. I know from the conversations we’ve had that Connor didn’t have the best of starts in life, I know he lives in South East London, I know he wants to move, he wants to get away from something. He hasn’t said much but Bea made a few comments, told me about the people he hung around with, him getting into trouble with the law, how he was involved with a gang of some sort. He broke away from it all, I know Trent has something to do with it, not exactly sure what he did but he did something. Connor had said a few times that he wants to move, I guess he wants to get away completely from his old life. The fact that this person has a nickname instead of their actual name makes me think they are an old friend of Connors.

  I don’t want to dwell on the call, he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it, I’m not bothered about it. No really, I’m not bothered. Or maybe I am. I shouldn’t be. But I am. A little. Why? Not sure? Well I am sure, ish. I think I like him a lot. I think it’s been a shock to my system that I have feelings for Connor. I guess I wanted a sign from him that this was not just a fling. Not just sex. I know he took me to see Beatriz, introducing someone to Beatriz is not something he does often. If ever before me? I just want a bit more, a concrete sign. I don’t want to second guess anything.

  He is a man after all, I will not hold my breath waiting for him to physically say something but if he had taken that call, from a friend in front of me, that would have meant something. Fuck it sucks being a woman. This constant need for reassurance. The need for signs of emotional attachment.

  I am a strong, fairly independent woman. I look good most of the time, I have no financial worries, my wardrobe is pretty phenomenal, in fact my second bedroom is a walk-in wardrobe, I have shoes, bags, dresses, sunglasses, watches by most designers, I own my home. I don’t own a car, but I have access to a few. I can go where I want, with whom I want, whenever I want.

  Yet all I want is to be sat here. In this tinted windowed, black on black BMW, being hugged by the butter soft black leather seats with this gorgeous man taking me on a road to nowhere.

  Connors pulls the car into an underground car park, I don’t know where we are, I am not scared, I am excited. He cuts the engine without saying a word, then he’s out of his seat, rounding the bonnet and opening my door before I can release my seat belt. He lifts me out of my seat with a gentle tug, propping me on my feet in one swift motion.

  “you ready beautiful?”

  I nod, remembering my bag is in the boot, I point to the back of the 4x4.

  “I need my bag Connor”

  He shakes his head and tugs me towards the ramp.

  “No, you don’t! Now, hungry?”

  Even though I’m in 5” heels (not the best footwear for this weather but hey) I am dwarfed by Connor.

  I have to strain my neck to look at his face, it’s dark in the car park, dimly lit, but I can still make out every line and feature in his face. His eyes are crinkled, cheeks pulled in, white teeth gleaming back at me. His smiles are infectious.

  “Need you ask? I am always hungry!” It’s impossible not to match his grin.

  Grabbing my hand, he takes the lead as we hurtle-up the ramp towards the street above, I struggle to keep up with him, without a word of a lie I am cantering at three steps for each one of his. When we get toward the top, the sun beaming down, and he abruptly stops

  Yes!! Maybe I won’t be winded after all. I can feel the beginnings of a stitch, it is taking all of my might, not to double over if only to relieve a little pressure.

  He pulls his sunglasses out of his shirt, slips one of the arms into his mouth and faces me.

  He lifts my aviators off my head and glides them onto my face. Taking my hand in one of his, he uses his other hand to pop his own glasses on. Tom Ford should sign him up now. I want to take a picture of him in th
is exact moment, so I never forget how good he looks. Effortlessly he looks like he has just stepped off the pages of GQ.

  He is drawing stares from women as we walk past, I can’t say I blame them. One nearly dropped her ice cream. I have a quick look at him to see if he notices and he is oblivious.

  The afternoon sun is pumping out the sky, we are on the South Bank, close to the London Eye, London has never looked so good. The Thames is shimmering under Mother Nature’s spot light. The eclectic mix of period and modern architecture. Street venders with stalls selling everything from candy floss and hot dogs to I love London t- shirts and mugs.

  There is a funfair set up next to the park, which has obviously helped to draw bigger crowds to the area, there are more tourists than usual around, everywhere is heaving with bodies. Connor pulls me in closer to him, guiding me through the packed pavements, weaving me in and out of the intricacy that is London.

  He takes me to a street food restaurant that’s in an old aircraft hangar. I love that he has deliberately walked passed the more upscale eateries. It’s not that I don’t love good food, but It’s nice that we can just relax, be informal.

  I need the loo when we get to the restaurant, running to keep up with the gentle giant has played havoc with my bladder. I leave Connor to grab us a table and dash to the bathroom.

  Public toilets are generally hideous places, although these aren’t too bad. An 8/10 at best.

  I take a good look at my reflection whilst drying my hands, my hair is looking flat probably from the humidity, I tip my head upside down and blast it under the hand dryer for a second – curly hair has its perks at times. Grateful that I had my lip gloss in my jacket pocket, I swipe the cherry scented lifesaver across my lips, give myself a quick pout – yep kissable.

  Jacket on or off? It’s warm in here, so I risk it, fixing my top so my boobs look good but not completely on display, I head back into the restaurant to find Connor.


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