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Diamond Page 12

by Tigris Eden

  “All right, Lavarious, I’ll bunk with the hag, but I won’t like it.”

  Diamond didn’t say another word as he gestured for Nadya to follow him up the stairs.

  As they made their way up, he asked her where she’d learned to fight.

  “Inwood is not a place you can grow up and not learn. It was either that or become worse off than I am now.” She didn’t remember where she’d learned to fight. She just knew how.

  “You mean working for me is not your calling in life?” His voice held a bit of sarcasm.

  “I wouldn’t say that. If I had my way, I’d be in a position where I could help others.” Another lie.

  “You saying I don’t help people?” Now he sounded offended.

  “I’m sure you think you’re helping them.”

  “I don’t think. I know I’m helping them. I don’t force people to enter into contract with me. It’s their choice. I’m sure if there was something else they could do, they’d do it.”

  “Selling your body in order to take care of yourself is hardly helpful. You become a slave to it. Like a loan. You always pay it back, but then you’re in the same place you were when you started. So you borrow again. There isn’t much to offer outside of what we were born into. I’m sure if we could all pack our things and move to the Mainland we would.”

  She’d been to the Mainland. They had the better technology, but they suffered, too. They were dying out. It was the reason she was here in the first place. Nadya’s body froze at the memory. I was sent here? But by whom? She tried to hold the memory, could even hear a woman’s voice, but again, it eluded her.


  “If you could move to the Mainland, what do you think you’d find?”

  “I don’t know.” But she did know. Did he?

  “You’re right, you don’t. But I do. You’d find more of the same, and none of it would be a better life. You’re better off here than you would be there. Trust me when I say the Mainland will eventually get what’s coming to them. Right now, they believe they are in control. But they aren’t. Their way of life is slowly coming to an end. They don’t have C-Tech. I corner the market on that. People on the Mainland won’t even go near the stuff.”

  Diamond stopped talking. She knew it was because he was giving away too much information. He realized he was actually talking to her. Could it be possible that he wasn’t as bad as she’d originally thought? Don’t get distracted by conversation. They came up to a closed door. When he opened it, Nadya knew right away it was his room. The floor was covered by lush carpet, and the bed dominated the area. It sat against a wall, with a cushioned headboard taking up most of the wall space, save for the two tiny nightstands on either side. Deep browns, dark reds, and blotches of gold were his color palette. You had to step up on a cushioned platform that stuck out partially on the sides and extended past the bed itself to form another bed; pillows acted as the headboard for that piece.

  A large window seat with pillows and a built-in bookcase were adjacent to the bed. The perfect place for reading. The window itself was covered by thorny vines that were brown and black. Only slivers of the night filtered through the cracks.

  “We will sleep here.”

  “We?” Nadya asked.

  “Yes. I’m protecting my investment.”

  “Where would I go? The house is huge, and it would be in my best interest to stay.”

  Diamond looked around the room, his hands on his hips as he turned towards her. He removed his weapons, setting them on a table against another wall.

  “It doesn’t matter where you could go. You’re going to sleep here and that’s final. The bed is big enough. I didn’t bring anything to tie you to, and I’m exhausted from this afternoon’s rude wake-up call. Take your shit off, hop in the shower. I’m going to make some calls.”

  Nadya was not going to turn down another shower. Two in two days. That was a record. She looked around and noticed an old vanity table complete with perfumes and oils. He really had wanted to start a life here with a person of his choosing. His room would easily appeal to any woman. Nadya walked over to the table and started to lay her pack down when Diamond interrupted her.

  “Don’t put your shit on the table. Put it over by the door. I don’t want any dust getting on my things.”

  She should have known he’d pitch a fit. Nadya moved her stuff over by the door before looking for the bathroom. It was hidden behind a door that looked to be part of the wall. The bathroom was huge, complete with a shower and a tub. She’d never taken a bath before—aside from the mud bath she’d been given—and was two seconds from asking him if she could when a naked Diamond walked in.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked on a gasp.

  His gaze caught hers.

  “Taking a shower. It’s big enough for the both of us. Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a naked man before?”

  What about his calls? This was taking things to the extreme.

  She’d seen plenty of naked men. What she hadn’t wanted to see was a naked Diamond.

  “What about your calls?”

  “They can wait,” was the only answer she was given.

  Heavily muscled arms were attached to broad shoulders in a way that had Nadya catching her breath. There were markings on his skin; nothing like Emerald’s face, but they were distinct and bold. Something she found oddly familiar but not familiar. His chest muscles were large and well developed. Solid. Her eyes found their way down his scarred form to well-defined abs and a narrow waist. He had the perfect inverted triangle shape. Nadya’s eyes paused as she saw what hung heavy between his legs. Her scalp tingled and her breathing changed. It was not possible for a man to be that well-endowed without some sort of discomfort. His sac was heavy and his penis alone reached mid-thigh. Maybe he was like Freeze, the Bionic who’d come in with her group at the Quarry? Either way, Nadya did not want to get in the same shower or be anywhere near Diamond with his man parts out for her to see.

  “Eyes on my face Adya, you’re not my type.”


  “I wouldn’t want to be your type.”

  “Every woman wants to be my type.”

  She made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat before responding. “Well, I’m not every woman.” His eyes called her a liar, and the tilt of his lips was a dare.

  A bit frustrated at her body’s reaction, she mentally scolded herself.

  She didn’t say anything else, and she didn’t want Diamond to think he’d scared her, so she took off her clothes, set them on top of the sink, and started the shower. The water sputtered before the spray evened out. The heat from the water started to steam up the shower enclosure. He was right, the shower was big enough to fit twenty or more people inside. With the multiple showerheads, there was no reason for them to get in each other’s way.

  Nadya stepped in and didn’t wait for him to follow. She was going to enjoy her shower. Arrogant, overly-built males be damned.


  If anyone had told Diamond a week ago that he’d be in the shower with a virgin, he’d have laughed in their face and called them crazy. But he was showering with a virgin. Or was about to. He’d have put any other woman in their place a long time ago. Lindy included. He’d been rude to Nadya, and maybe even a bit harsh, but he hadn’t punished her. Unless she considered showering with him and sleeping in the same room punishment. She does. Yeah, that was probably right, but fuck it. She had to get used to having a man around her. She should know exactly what to expect. But he highly doubted Nadya understood the ramifications of what she was about to endure. Her training would be different from the others. Yolanda would have a field day with her. Yolanda was the Quarry mother to all the new recruits and made sure they were up to par before sending them out on the floor. He’d let Yolanda acclimate Nadya to the rules, but he would be the one to train her in what pleased a man.

  There was a part of him that didn’t want anyone near her. Weird. She was making him overly protective
when he shouldn’t feel a damn thing for her. She was making him feel weak. He didn’t do weak. He hadn’t lied when he said she wasn’t his type. She was too skinny, and even a bit manly if he were honest. Her tits were next to non-existent, and he liked his women thick. And soft. She was hard and toned. There was nothing soft about Nadya. Even her hands were rough and battle-scarred. Her entire form was a testament to her hard life. Still, she had the one thing every male would kill for. Virgin pussy. The possibility of offspring would entice anyone, and he was counting on it. Knew Mainlanders would want in on the auction.

  Diamond was a connoisseur when it came to pussy. He was downright in lust with pussy of all shapes and sizes, and he’d never had a virgin before. He wasn’t sure if it was something he’d ever have or want. Regardless of what she looked like, pussy was pussy, and virgin pussy was rumored to be that little slice of heaven all craved. People had their fair share of addictions. Lavarious Diamond’s drug of choice was snatch, and lots of it.

  It was the reason his business was so lucrative. It was a currency that kept him living well. He was able to broker all sorts of deals using pussy as currency. And he only offered the best, and the cleanest.

  The bathroom was covered in clouds of steam. Diamond could make out her body behind the glass door. An idea formed in his head as he stepped closer, opened the door, and walked in. He ignored the slight hitch in her breathing as he kept to his side of the shower. Emerald had been right to have her marked. The ink itself was appealing. A great addition to her exotic features. Her marks would lure and seduce.

  Nadya refused to turn in his direction. Fine with him, he didn’t care either way. But when he saw that she was having trouble scrubbing her back, he offered his help.

  “I’ll get that.”

  Her body stiffened at his words. She didn’t move as he reached for the soap and began to lather up his hands. At the first touch of skin against skin, she hissed. He figured she was scared, but as he began to massage the soap into her back she loosened. The skin there was smooth, but he noticed a scar on the lower left side of her waist. A knife, perhaps? On her right shoulder, there was some sort of burn wound. It looked as if she’d been dragged down a dirt road. She was a fighter, a survivor.

  It was too late in the game to ask her to change her mind about what she’d originally signed up for. She’d have made a good addition to his team of soldiers. She’d serve better there, but wouldn’t bring in a profit. He needed to spread the word about her status, and soon. She wanted a patron. Her intentions clear. Being a soldier did not guarantee the safety of one’s family.

  A slight moan kick-started the blood flowing to the southern region of his body. His hands, moving of their own accord, were massaging her. He didn’t want to send the wrong message. With the last female he’d trained, things hadn’t turned out as planned.

  Diamond cleared his throat. “I’m done.”

  With quick, jerky movements, he finished his business and left her in the shower. He was still thinking about his idea to train her in what men would like, when she stepped into his view, a thick black towel wrapped around her as she looked anywhere but at him. Yeah, he needed to help her along, if not for a patron, at least to make her a viable product to sell.

  “Come here.”

  Nadya’s eyes snapped to his but she didn’t move.


  “Because I asked you to. Now get over here.”

  Towel tucked tightly beneath her arms, she moved forward.

  “I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m going to help you.”


  “Simple. I’m going to help you not only get me what I want, but I’m going to help you get what you want. It will take some doing, but if you listen to me, do what I say, not only will I get my investment’s worth, you’ll get a patron who’ll care for you and your family.”

  “Isn’t that what we agreed to already?”

  He was starting to get tired of her act. She knew exactly what was going on. Instead of calling her out on it, he answered her question.

  “No, you agreed to come and work for me, in hopes of getting a patron. Because of your virgin status and the amount of Wave I know I’ll get for you, I agreed to let your mother and sister live at the Quarry, doing tasks we both agree are suitable until you can secure a patron.”

  Her lips thinned in anger. It wasn’t his fault, if she wanted to pretend, he’d let her. It would all blow up in her face when she was in the spotlight. How many untruths had she told already? She couldn’t keep the lie alive. Eventually, she’d slip up.

  “To ensure we both come out happy in the end, I’m going to help you.”

  “Sounds fair.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  He grinned. Of course, she would think it was fair. But he hadn’t divulged everything.

  “Wait until you hear the rest, you may feel differently. As I said, you will need to follow my instructions. To the letter.”

  “What instructions?”

  “Whatever I deem necessary. It will all be to your advantage in the end.”

  “What about yours?”

  Diamond laughed.

  “Oh, I’ll get exactly what I want, and a little bit more, Adya. Don’t worry about that.”

  There it was again. The Adya. He never used pet names with recruits this new. There was a knock at the door before Lindy walked in.

  “Lavarious, do you mind if I stay with you tonight? I really don’t want to share a room with Lip.”

  “I do mind, Lindy. Nadya will be spending the night with me.”

  Lindy’s eyes were wide as saucers as she looked between him and Nadya. He knew what she was seeing, and what she was thinking. He still had a towel wrapped around his waist, and Nadya was still wrapped up in her towel, as well. To an outsider, it looked like they were either just finishing up with doing their business, or were about to get started.

  “Really? I was just in your bed last night, and now you’re going to be with her?”

  “Lins, why are you acting like a jealous lover? Nadya is with me now. You and I are not exclusive and never will be. It’s as simple as that.”

  “This is total bullshit, Lavarious, and you know it. When I’m in your bed, you don’t ever touch anyone else.”

  “You’re not in my bed, Lins. I was hungry. I ate. You provided the meal. Not coming back for seconds, sweetheart. Not anytime soon.”

  Diamond reached out a hand to Nadya, who stood watching their exchange, not saying a word. She didn’t shy away, she allowed him to entwine his fingers with hers and pull her to his side.

  “Lins, have someone bring us up something from the pantry.”

  It was obvious Lindy wanted to protest but she didn’t. She turned on her heel and slammed the door as she stormed out.

  “Was that really necessary?” Nadya asked.

  “Was what necessary?”

  “Embarrassing her like that. You could have handled that better.”

  “Lesson number one. Always be straight with people. You’ll find trying to spare their feelings is a waste of time. The truth hurts, and Lindy knew the score last night, and every other time she’s come to my bed. This is nothing new for her. That display wasn’t for me, that was for you.”

  “How so?”

  “Lins was trying to make you uncomfortable. She thinks we’re fucking. We’re not, but she doesn’t know that. Another lesson, people are going to assume shit about you whether it’s true or not. Don’t let it bother you. If it does bother you, don’t let them see it.”

  Another knock at the door, and Lip entered with a tray of food from the pantry. There was bread and other items far better than what they had in their packs.

  “Food’s decent. I also brought up some canned shit, don’t know what it is, but it’s edible.”


  “Nadya, I want you on your knees,” Diamond ordered.

; V

  Get on her knees?

  What on earth for?

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Can I at least put on some clothes?”

  Nadya watched Diamond as his gaze followed the line of her body. Up and down he went until he came back to her face. His eyes gave nothing away.


  Getting dressed was out of the question, apparently. Diamond said he would help her get a patron. It was the only reason she dropped to her knees in front of him and closed her eyes. This was as bad as being tied to the wall the night before. Inside, her mind was screaming that she knelt for no one. The voice inside her head was adamant that it was a show of weakness. Seconds seemed like hours as she struggled with her current predicament. She should drop the act and move forward, Anna and Dominika be damned. But she didn’t. Her last shred of honor and loyalty belonged to those women.

  “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  Her eyes popped open to see Diamond seated in a chair only a few inches away from her.

  “Lip, you can sit the tray on the table here. Make sure we’re not disturbed for the rest of the night. We leave at first light.”

  “Got it.”

  Diamond turned his attention back to her before Lip was even out the door. He looked at the tray of bread and other items from the pantry. The can of mystery food looked old. Too old, but what did she know about food and their expiration dates. She’d been eating tree bark and bugs for the last six months.

  “Nadya, I want you to feed me. Do it slowly, and wait for me to nod before you offer me another bite.”

  Feed him?

  Delusional, she thought seconds later. This was in no way going to secure her a patron. Sick bastard was getting himself off.


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