Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery

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Hannah's Horror: A Romantic Mystery Page 13

by Isabella Kole

  The next thing she heard was, "Hannah is resting, too. I thought we could meet for dinner after they've had some time to freshen up."

  So, it sounded as if Alan had given Cassie a 'warning' too. Good grief! Soon after that, she drifted off and slept until she felt Chad gently shaking her awake. "Come on, beautiful, it's time to get up."

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking around the room.

  "Looking for spirits?" he teased.

  "N-no, just trying to wake up," she said as she rolled over. "Ouch!"

  "It hurts that bad?" he asked with concern. "I was sure the aloe would help."

  She laughed. "It's really not that bad. I just wanted to make you feel perfectly awful about ruining my bikini time."

  "Oh, you little minx," he said as he leaned over and kissed her gently. "I will get you for that, but later, after dinner. Up with you, now, I have a tub full of bubbles waiting for you."

  He helped her out of the bed, and she ran into the bathroom. The Jacuzzi tub was indeed full of bubbles. She stuck her big toe in to check the temperature of the water. Perfect, not too hot and not too cold, he really knew what he was doing. She stripped off her shirt and bra, having lost her bottoms a few hours ago, and lowered her body into the refreshing water. After splashing about for a while and then simply relaxing, she finally got out and dried off with the thick towel he had laid out for her. She hurriedly brushed her teeth and applied fresh make-up before raising the towel to look at her bottom in the mirror. No beginning bruises, not really very red anymore, just slightly pink. By tomorrow, she might even be able to put on her bathing suit and head to the beach. If not then, surely by the next day, she thought with a grin.

  Choosing her new sundress and the appropriate jewelry for the evening, she asked Chad to fasten the clasp on her necklace before slipping into her dressier sandals. She slid a bracelet onto her wrist and smiled up at him. "I'm ready," she announced.

  "Just give me a few, and we'll meet Al and Cassie in the lobby." He went into the bathroom to finish getting ready. When he came out, she couldn't help but take a deep breath at the sight of her handsome doctor boyfriend/future husband. He was dressed in navy slacks and a striped Ralph Lauren polo shirt. His broad shoulders strained against the knitted fabric, and he had brushed his hair into its usual casual style. Sexy was not the word for it, there had to be a word stronger than that to describe the way he made her tummy tickle and her heart jump when she looked at him. Not to mention the way her limbs turned to mush and her feminine parts made her aware of a growing need. All she wanted to do at that moment was throw herself into his arms and beg him to take her. But, she couldn't, and she wouldn't. They had dinner plans. So, instead, she walked slowly to him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. After they returned to their room later, she would make sure that he properly ravaged her.

  It was all Hannah could do at that moment not to reach down and touch him, to prove to herself that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. The masculine, musky scent of his own body mixed with his cologne nearly did her in, so she backed away, walked back to the bed and picked up her small evening bag. Turning to him, she said, "Are you coming?"

  "Not yet, but later, I plan to," he teased with a growl.

  Mission accomplished. He had taken the bait, and a few hours from now, she would be getting exactly what she craved. Him. Inside of her.

  She walked out the door ahead of him and waited for him at the elevator. They were all alone, not another soul boarded with them. As they descended the floors in the locked steel compartment, he pulled her to him and devoured her mouth with his tongue, only serving to whet her appetite for him even more. Yes, the evening was going to be fun, and she could imagine all sorts of subtle sexual foreplay throughout dinner. Her foot sliding up his pant leg under the table, his hand finding its way into her lap when no one was looking, perhaps a light nuzzle on the neck, oh, it was going to be delightful. It would set the scene for what was to follow later.

  Alan and Cassie were not in the lobby yet when they got there, so they walked to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out at the sights that greeted them. Palm trees and taxicabs, people milling about, it was the perfect vacation scenario.

  "Busy place," Alan said as the other couple joined them. "Do we know where we want to eat yet?"

  "I checked with the desk clerk earlier, while Hannah was napping. He suggested a little seafood place not far from here. He said it is within walking distance," Chad informed them all.

  "Sounds good to me," Cassie's boyfriend answered. "Girls, any objections?" he added.

  "You all know I love seafood," Hannah said.

  "It's fine with me, too," Cassie agreed.

  While Chad was telling Alan which direction they should go to reach the restaurant, Hannah looked over at Cassie, and when the other girl nodded, she smiled back at her knowingly. Yes, both of them had received discipline that afternoon, she was sure of it.

  The walk to the restaurant was pleasant enough. Several other vacationers were also walking around the area. They spotted the eatery easily and went inside. After a brief wait, the hostess led them to a table on the back deck, where they could enjoy their meal and look at the ocean. It was a breathtaking view.

  Chad ordered a bottle of wine, and Alan took care of the appetizers. After looking over the menu and much discussion, they finally all agreed to try the lobster.

  The evening was relaxing, if not somewhat electrically charged. It seemed that Hannah and Chad were not the only ones casting teasing glances at each other. Cassie and Alan did their share of openly flirting as well. It was not hard to see that it would be an early evening for both couples. Hannah was surprised they were able to enjoy a long and leisurely dinner with all the sexual tension at the table, but they did manage to make it through all the courses, including dessert.

  When she slipped her foot out of her sandal and crossed her legs, she nonchalantly slid the bare foot up Chad's leg. She knew from experience this was a sure fire way to get his motor running, so to speak. She was positive he was sporting a hard-on by the time she finished teasing him. Reaching over cleverly, she let her hand slip into his lap, and sure enough, she was spot on! He was very uncomfortable, his dick nearly bursting out of his pants, straining against the fabric.

  Chad cleared his throat and pushed her hand away. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Now, see what you've done. We're going to have to wait a little longer to leave. I can't get up from the table and walk back to the hotel like this. You are a naughty little girl, Hannah."

  Hannah giggled and looked over at their friends to see if they had caught on. They were too engrossed in each other to notice. Alan was rubbing Cassie's neck gently while she was talking to him in a low tone.

  Finally, it was time to go back to their respective rooms. The two couples strolled lazily, rather than making a heated path back. Evidently, the slow and sensual buildup was working its magic, because they went straight to the elevator, got out on their floor and said goodnight at their doors. She had no more than entered their room, when Chad followed her. He kicked the door shut with his foot, turned around to lock it, and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her to the bed, and in no time, they were lying next to each other, skin-to-skin, as naked as the day they were born.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Mmm," she moaned as he kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear.

  "You like that, baby?" he asked as his hand found her right nipple and began to roll it between his forefinger and his thumb.

  Her only reply was another deep moan. Slowly, torturously, he worked his magic on both of her breasts before moving his hand to her stomach. Drawing those lazy circles like he always did on the skin of her midriff nearly sent her into orbit. The simple, soft caresses only served to heighten the desire that was already threatening to burn out of control. All the while, his hands were busy, so were his lips, scorching her cheeks, lips, neck and shoulders as his teeth gently bit and then he followed with a ki

  Hannah squirmed and arched her hips involuntarily, mindlessly urging him to move his attentions to another spot, the one they both knew would quickly send her over the edge.

  But Chad had other ideas. He intended to draw this lovemaking session out as long as he possibly could, as difficult as it might be for him. His cock was already rock hard; it had been most of the evening. This was their time, no distractions, just the two of them every night, alone in a room overlooking the ocean.

  The sound of the waves crashing into the shore outside only added to the mood. The setting was perfect. The subtle innuendos they had thrown out to each other all night had led up to a passion that begged for completion.

  Moving his face down a notch, he latched onto an erect nipple, sucking on it, enhancing Hannah's desire even more. When he was sure he had done a complete job, he moved to the other one to give it the same attention. After that, he moved to her belly, licking and kissing the skin, not missing an inch of the area. Skipping the one place she wanted him to be, he lowered his body and began to kiss one leg, ankle and foot before making his way up the other one. Still, he did not stop in the middle. He was back at eye level with her now, and his lips descended on hers in a rush of passion as his tongue forced its way in, dancing with hers, teasing her even more. Finally, when Hannah was nearly frantic with need, a fire raging from her toes to her core, he relented, and that scorching hot tongue of his reached its final destination. He licked, he sucked gently, and he showered her most sensitive bud with affection. Knowing that she was going to cum any minute, he grabbed onto her butt cheeks, pushing her further into his face. And when she could hold back no longer, he stopped and said, "Let it go, baby." And she did. The waves outside were nothing compared to the shudders that wracked her body then. When she finally became halfway coherent, Chad didn't miss a beat. He was inside her with one hard, swift thrust and immediately began moving. She caught up with him quickly, matching his thrusts with hip movements of her own, taking all of him she could get.

  He rolled over, taking her with him, and then he let her take the lead. Hannah rode him like a rodeo queen, never stopping until they were both sated and exhausted. She collapsed on his chest and there she stayed until he finally, gently, moved her to the side while he got up and went into the bathroom. He returned with a warm cloth, which he used to gently cleanse her. After climbing back into bed with her, he pulled her to him, and they slept in each other's arms, nude, until just before dawn, when she woke him by bringing his cock back to life with her mouth.

  Another long play session followed, and they dozed afterwards until it was time to get ready to meet their friends for breakfast.

  By the sparkle in her red-haired friend's green eyes, Hannah could only surmise that she and Alan had enjoyed a hot night in the room next door as well.

  The vacation was off to a great start. Hannah was almost afraid to admit it, for fear something would happen as it had on their other two trips. They breakfasted in the hotel restaurant and discussed the plans for the day. They finally all agreed to do some sightseeing, take in some of the local attractions and get some shopping done that day.

  The morning consisted of the girls hitting some of the souvenir shops while the guys looked over some pamphlets from attractions nearby. After lunch, they chose to check out the Boardwalk. The afternoon flew by, and soon it was time for dinner. Steak was the meal of choice that night, and they found the perfect place to wind down with food and drink.

  All in all, it had been another perfect day. They agreed to hit the beach after breakfast the next morning. By the time they reached their rooms that night, after a relaxing walk along the beach, all Hannah wanted was a bath and bed.

  She and Chad snuggled under the covers, the gentle sounds of the ocean lulling them into a relaxed mood as they watched a movie on TV. A peaceful sleep followed.

  When Hannah woke up, Chad had the in-room coffee maker going. She got up and went into the bathroom. After freshening up, she joined him on the balcony with a cup of the aromatic brew and together, they watched the ocean, not yet inhabited by vacationers.

  "This is so peaceful, I could stay here forever," she said wistfully as she gazed at some sea gulls along the shore.

  "Ah, it would get old after a while. These touristy places are good to visit, but not to live in," Chad replied as he took another sip and set his mug on the table.

  They enjoyed two mugs of coffee before going in to get dressed for the day. Other people were up and about, and the beach was beginning to show signs of activity already. They went down to the restaurant for breakfast. Cassie and Alan joined them just after they sat down from filling their plates at the buffet.

  "Hey, sleepyheads, glad you could join us," Chad teased.

  "I was dead to the world last night," Cassie said.

  "I think the sea air and the sound of the waves is enough to lull anyone to sleep," Alan added.

  "We were saying the same thing earlier," Hannah said. "I slept like a baby, too."

  "No…um…unwanted visitors in the night? I'm sorry, I just had to ask," Cassie asked the question they all wanted to an answer to.

  Hannah sighed. "Not yet, thank heavens. Let's hope it stays that way. This has been a wonderful, truly relaxing trip, so far. I don't want that to change. Life is going to be hectic enough when we all get back home."

  "Amen to that," Chad said as he downed a small glass of orange juice in one gulp.

  "Damn, man, how'd you do that?" Alan asked in amazement.

  "Comes from always being in a rush on duty," Chad replied with a grin. "I never know when a quick meal is going to get interrupted, so when I get a chance to actually sit down and eat or drink something, I have to do it fast. You have no idea how many meals I have had to leave because of an emergency page."

  "I can well imagine," Alan answered. "I get a few of those emergency pages, too."

  "I wouldn't think that would be good on the digestive system, Doctor," Hannah interjected.

  "It's not. Lack of sleep isn't, either, but it's a rare night that any doctor I know gets a full eight hours, unless he is on vacation."

  "Then you should get plenty of it this week," Cassie said. "Take full advantage of the time off."

  "I fully intend to," Chad, the doctor, replied.

  "It's funny, I rarely think of you as a doctor. I mean, yes, of course I know you are one, but to us, you're just Chad." Hannah giggled.

  "That's because, with the three of you, I can be just Chad, and that's a great feeling."

  An hour later, they were on the beach, lavishly slathered in sunscreen and enjoying the sand and the water.

  "Look at all the families with kids. That dad is helping to build a sandcastle," Cassie said.

  "There's one over there in the water with his little one," Hannah noticed.

  "And the mamas are sunbathing, reading or resting," Alan said with a chuckle.

  "That seems about right. Mama is on vacation. Since Daddy never gets to enjoy the kids, he is keeping them occupied," Chad added.

  "A lot of mamas work, too, though," Hannah pointed out.

  "True, but you know as well as I do, a lot of those working mothers don't get much of a break. A lot of husbands help out around the house, but the biggest part of it falls on the wife," Cassie pointed out.

  "Well, since I am not planning on starting a family for a few years, at least, I say we forget about that and go for a swim in the ocean," Hannah suggested.

  And that is exactly what they did. They swam and then sat on the beach again, letting the sun dry their suits before the guys decided to grab hot dogs from a vendor nearby.

  "Sounds like a plan to me. That way, we can stay out here a bit longer," Hannah said.

  "But we need to go in by two. The hottest part of the afternoon is not the best time of the day to be out here," Cassie said, looking at her fair skin and reaching for the sunscreen bottle again.

  "That's true. We'll have lunch and then start packing up," Hannah agr

  The hot dogs tasted good, probably only because they were eating them on the beach. Soon after they had finished, the girls started to pack up their gear to head back up to the hotel, where it was cool. The air conditioning and ceiling fans were going to feel pretty darn good after a morning on the beach.

  Hannah and Chad showered together back in their room. After that, Hannah took a nap while Chad opened his laptop.

  The two couples decided to have dinner separately that night, and Chad and Hannah ordered room service. Dinner on their balcony was a nice change.

  Chad brought up the subject of marriage again. "You know, I've been thinking. If we want to get married next summer after you graduate, shouldn't we start planning now?"

  "You're really serious about that, aren’t you?" she asked as she took a drink of iced tea.

  "I am, but if you feel I'm rushing you, please, say so. I can wait. I will wait for you."

  "We've dated for a couple of years; we both know this is what we want. The only thing holding me back is the fact that I don't have a real job yet. And I won't have one until I get my degree. I have my part time one, of course, but you know what I mean. Shouldn't I be contributing to the household when we start our life together? You know what you'll be doing. You'll be working at the hospital. You've already been offered a staff position there when your residency is completed."

  "I can see where that would concern you. We can wait a little longer, if it makes you feel better about things, although we could make it on my salary."

  "Let me think about it. You're right about one thing. If we want any kind of a formal wedding at all, we need to start planning soon."

  "And it doesn't necessarily have to be in the summer. We could wait until fall or winter, for that matter, to give you some time after you finish school."

  "I promise, I won't make you wait long," she said as she touched his hand across the table.

  "Do you think Alan and Cassie will tie the knot someday?" he asked.

  "I think so. They've been dating a long time, a lot longer than you and I have. I wouldn't be surprised if they beat us to the altar."


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