EQMM, December 2007

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EQMM, December 2007 Page 20

by Dell Magazine Authors

  BONNER, BRYNN: Jangle—May


  BREEN, JON L.: The Jury Box—January-December; The Missing Elevator Puzzle—February; The Saga of Sidney Paar—July; A Run Through the Calendar—December

  BUSCH, ANDREA C.: Baltic Bail-Out—November

  BUTLER, GWENDOLINE: Enter Coffin (right)—November

  CALLAHAN, BARBARA: The Day After—March/April

  CARLSON, RON: The Steaming Gun—November

  CARTER, SCOTT WILLIAM: Road Gamble—June; The World in Primary Colors—Sept/Oct

  CHEKHOV, ANTON: A Malefactor—December

  CLEEVES, ANN: Going Back—March/April

  COBB, JAMES H.: Over the Edge—July

  CODY, LIZA: The Old Story—March/April

  COOPER, NATASHA: The People in the Flat Across the Road—May

  COZINE, HERSCHEL: Benjamin's Demise (verse)—November

  CRIDER, BILL: Blog Bytes—August-December

  CUTLER, JUDITH: Girl's Best Friend—August

  DEAN, DAVID: Ibrahim's Eyes—June

  DEAVER, JEFFERY: Making Amends—August

  DUBOIS, BRENDAN: The Best Revenge—November

  EDWARDS, MARTIN: An Index—December

  EHLERS, JARGEN: World Savings Day in Hamminkeln—May

  ELLIS, KATE: The Angel of Manton Worthy—June

  EQMM Readers Award (2006)—May

  ESTLEMAN, LOREN D.: Garbo Writes—February; The Profane Angel—Sept/Oct; Wild Walls—December

  FAHERTY, TERENCE: Garbo's Knees—January; The Judas Clue—November

  FRANCISCO, RUTH: Devoured—November

  FREEDMAN, J.F.: Clara's Sacrifice—May

  GORMAN, ED: Blog Bytes—March/April-July; Brothers—March/April; Scream Queen—Sept/Oct

  HALTER, PAUL: The Robber's Grave—June

  HANDLER, DAVID: The Man Who Couldn't Miss—December

  HARRISON, JODI TAMARA: The Royals of San Marco High—January

  HASKINS, MICHAEL: Murder in Key West—March/April

  HEALY, JEREMIAH: Makin’ Up and Breakin’ Up—August

  HERRON, MICK: Remote Control—Sept/Oct

  HOCH, EDWARD D.: The Theft of the Five-Pound Note—January; A Bird in the Sand—February; The Girl Next-Door—March/April; Swift Among the Pirates—May; Leopold Undercover—June; The Problem of Suicide Cottage—July; China Blues—August; The Theft of the Ostracized Ostrich—Sept/Oct; The Problem of the Summer Snowman—November; Gypsy Gold—December

  HOCKENSMITH, STEVE: Dear Dr. Watson—February

  HOGAN, CHUCK: One Good One—March/April

  HOLM, CHRIS F.: The World Behind—June

  HOPKINSON, HARRY: Too High on the Hog (verse)—February

  HOWARD, CLARK: Blues in the Kabul Night—Sept/Oct

  HOWE, MELODIE JOHNSON: The Good Daughter—August

  HUDGINS, MARIA: Murder on the London Eye—December

  JAMES, BILL: Makeover—March/April

  JOZIATIS, BRENDA: Ms. Mitty—July

  KEIFETZ, NORMAN: The Dragon's Breath—August

  KLAVAN, ANDREW: Hero Time—March/April

  KNADLER, DAVID A.: Strange Days—November

  KNIGHT, ALANNA: Camouflage—July

  KOHLER, SHEILA: Limpopo—Sept/Oct

  LAW, JANICE: Ideas in My Head—Sept/Oct

  LAWRENCE, CONRAD: As the Saying Goes—February

  LAWRENCE, MARGARET: The Golden Fool—February

  LEWIN, MICHAEL Z.: Wheeze—March/April; They Never Listen—May; D'Ya Hear Me?—May

  LOVESEY, PETER: The Case of the Dead Wait—January; Say That Again—March/April; Popping Round to the Post—November

  MACKER, RICHARD: The Live Weapon—August

  MACLEAN, MIKE: Little Secrets—November

  MARSTON, EDWARD: The Shakespeare Express—August

  MAYOR, BARBARA: Careers (verse)—January

  MENZIES, CAROLINE: The Bathtub Oracle—December

  MILES, KEITH: Crash Tackle—March/April

  MUIR, BRIAN: A Darkening of Flies—July

  MULLER, MARCIA: Pickpocket—Sept/Oct

  MURPHY, MARGARET: Epiphany—February

  MYERS, AMY: Where There's A Will—February

  Parson Pennywick and the Whirligig—Sept/Oct

  OATES, JOYCE CAROL: Valentine, July Heat Wave—March/April

  OLSON, DONALD: Something Extra—November

  PARRISH, P.J.: Lost and Found—June

  POULSON, CHRISTINE: Don't You Hate Having Two Heads?—May

  POWELL, JAMES: Candy Cane Wars—January; Ivory Crossroads—March/April; A Cozy for the Jack-o'-lanterns—Sept/Oct

  PRONZINI, BILL: The Winning Ticket—June; The Carville Ghost—Sept/Oct

  QUILL, MONICA: No Wick for the Rested—July

  ROBERTS, GILLIAN: The Old Wife's Tale—March/April

  ROGERS, CHERYL: Pearler—February

  SANDERS, LOUIS: Goodbye, Friends—January


  SHARP, ZOE: A Bridge Too Far—July

  SIMMS, CHRIS: Mother's Milk—May

  SLUPETZKY, STEFAN: A Viennese Romance—March/April

  SMILEY, PATRICIA: Party's Over—December

  SNYDER, KEITH: Dead Gray—March/April

  SOTO, MARK R.: No Bones About It—Sept/Oct


  SYKES, JERRY: Personal Space—March/April

  TAYLOR, ANDREW: Fingers to the—BoneJanuary

  TAYLOR, ART: An Internal Complaint—June

  TODD, MARILYN: Death at Delphi—March/April; Room for Improvement—December

  TOLNAY, TOM: Moon Madness—Sept/Oct

  TURNBULL, PETER: The Estate—August; The Mummy—December

  VAN KIRK, JOHN: With the Rich, a Little Patience—January

  WARREN, JAMES LINCOLN: Heat of the Moment—June

  WEINMAN, SARAH: Boy Inside the Man—May

  WEISFELD, VICTORIA: Evidence—August

  WILSON, JOHN MORGAN: Serious Money—July

  WYDRA, FRANK T.: Doorway to Heaven—March/April; My Funny Valentine—August

  YIM, RENéE: Skin Deep—July

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  ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE. Vol. 130, No. 6. Whole No. 796, December 2007. USPS 523-610, ISSN 0013-6328. Dell GST: R123054108. Published monthly except for combined March/April and September/October double issues by Dell Magazines, a division of Crosstown Publications. 1 year subscription $43.90 in U.S.A. and possessions, $53.90 elsewhere, payable in advance and in U.S. funds (GST included in Canada). Call 800-220-7443 with questions about your subscription. Subscription orders and mail regarding subscriptions should be sent to Ellery Queen, 6 Prowitt Street, Norwalk, CT 06855. Editorial Offices, 475 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016. Executive Offices 6 Prowitt St., Norwalk, CT 06855-1220. Periodical postage paid at Norwalk, CT and at additional mailing offices. (c) 2007 Dell Magazines, a division of Crosstown Publications, all rights reserved. Dell is a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Protection secured under the Universal Copyright Convention and the Pan American Copyright convention. ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (R) is the registered trademark of Ellery Queen. Submissions must be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelope. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. POSTMASTER: Send Change of Address to Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, 6 Prowitt Street, Norwalk, CT 06855-1220. In Canada return to Quebecor St. Jean, 800 Blvd. Industrial, St. Jean, Quebec J3B 8G4. For back issues, send your check for $5.00 (U.S. funds) to Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Suite SM-100, 6 Prowitt Street, Norwalk, CT 06855-1220. Please specify the

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