ROMANCE: Stolen by the Alien Lord (BBW Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Science Fiction Paranormal Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: Stolen by the Alien Lord (BBW Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Science Fiction Paranormal Short Stories) Page 4

by Knightingale, Fiona

  Clint was having a great time at school on his own. Well, as great a time as a young man can have with people barking orders and punishing his body in ways he could never had imagined. But the weekends were an all-out party with the guys. He liked taking home the girls that hung around the military bars but they always seemed so empty even as he pounded into them. It always left him feeling like he had eaten white rice when he was in the mood for steak.

  Several months passed as Ashley and Clint tried to get past their thoughts of each other, and the holidays were fast approaching. That meant happy family time with everyone together. Ashley felt a thrill in her chest when she imagined seeing Clint but her stomach always sank at the reality of who he was. Clint was just as conflicted, simultaneously longing to throw her down on the bed and longing to just skip the whole tortuous weekend.

  Ashley was reclining on the couch watching It’s a Wonderful Life when Clint strolled through the door. She gasped at how much bigger he seemed and his eyes wandered over her firm curves, evident even under the blanket.

  “Hey you,” she hoped he could not hear the shakiness she felt.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “Big Army boy home for the holidays? Must be a coffee commercial.” Ashley abided by the motto -- when in doubt, use sarcasm.

  He slung his duffle to the floor and grinned, “Wanna come say hello?”

  Damn that smile, she thought. And damn those smiling blue eyes.

  She could not stop herself from crawling out from under the blanket and wrapping her arms around him. His arms circled her waist easily, as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Her snug tank top left no secrets that she was braless and from the way her yoga pants dipped in the back, the G-string was very tiny. His hand froze in mid-air as he stopped just moments before grabbing a handful of her curved ass. She could feel muscles jumping and bunching underneath her, and momentarily wondered if he would be strong enough to pin her up against the wall.

  “Damn, if I’d known, I would have signed up a long time ago,” he whispered.

  “Clint…” she whispered back.

  Her curves meshed into his body so smoothly he almost could not stop himself. He felt so firm and solid, and it took all of Ashley’s willpower to pull back. He stood there with his hands on her waist and looked into her deep brown eyes for a long minute. He searched for some sign that his desire was not returned but all he saw was a fire that matched his own.

  He leaned forward until their lips were only an inch apart and stopped. She held her breath in the moment that could change everything. His eyes closed and he moved forward another half inch.

  Ashley nearly lost her mind. It was one of the most electric moments in any relationship, that one second before the first kiss. And one of the most sexually charged spaces in the entire world, that half inch between lips that have never touched.

  They both jumped and yelped when the garage door whined its opening refrain. Panting breathlessly, they sprung apart and she dove back to the couch under the blanket. He quickly smoothed his fatigue pants and tried to pretend he was not carrying a full hard-on.

  Clint’s dad and Ashley’s mom burst through the door and smothered him. He laughed in his surprise and hugged them both back. Over his dad’s shoulder, he caught Ashley’s eye and winked. She grinned back and slowly licked her bottom lip. He prayed that his parents could not feel his cock’s reaction to her blatant suggestion.

  Over dinner, Ashley regaled stories of college and Sam. Ah yes, Sam, the boyfriend. Still in the picture but still without sparks. How is it that I’ve had sex with Sam but feel more fireworks in an aborted kiss with this raging hot stepbrother of mine?

  Clint raised one eyebrow questioningly when she mentioned the boyfriend but said nothing. It was not as though there was anything to feel guilty about. Right? Well, nothing as long as he did not consider how many nights he stroked his own cock while imagining her breasts and ass and lips.

  His stories of boot camp and Ranger training were much more interesting than her keggers and mini golf. She tried not to squirm in her seat when he talked about climbing through the obstacle course or training on the rifle range.

  After dinner, their parents settled in for a night on the couch but urged them both to catch a movie.

  “It’s not like you all know each other very well. And you don’t have many chances. C’mon, leave us old farts here and go have some young fun.”

  Clint and Ashley eyed each other warily but neither could come up with a valid reason to say no. He left his fatigues on and Ashley threw on a pair of jeans and a warm sweater. Ashley offered to drive since Clint was without a car at the moment and it was too awkward to ask his dad to borrow theirs.

  On their way out the door, Clint snatched the keys from her hand.

  “Hey! You’re not driving my car!”

  “Sure, I am. You don’t know where we’re going.”

  “The movies, Army brain. I know where the theater is.”

  “That’s not where we’re headed.”

  “C’mon, I want to see a movie.”

  “You sure?” He paused in backing out of the garage and stared at her hard.

  “Yeah, probably the best idea.”

  He shook his head and took off down the alley a little faster than necessary.

  In the dark theater, it was all he could do to keep his hands to himself. Her sweater clung to her figure perfectly and the jeans were just tight enough to leave no doubt she was wearing a thong. He rested one arm around the back of her chair as innocently as possible.

  When his arm came to light behind her, she caught a whiff of his cologne, outdoorsy and musky and all male. I could just lean into him all night, she thought. But the movie was my idea so I should behave. Heaven only knows where he was headed to begin with.

  He could not resist the powdery scent of her neck. Almost unconsciously, he drew tiny circles on the nape of her neck. Ashley almost came unglued. The light touch tickled her skin and stirred the fire she had been ignoring. He could see her breasts swelling and falling from her breathlessness. If the sweater had been any thinner, he did not doubt he would have seen how stiff her nipples were growing.

  He let his fingers drift to one side, slowly tracing the curve of her ear. She felt like her brain was melting into a puddle between her thighs. She bit back a gasp and gripped her own hands tightly. His fingers dipped just inside the neckline of her sweater, to her upper back.

  She inhaled sharply. “Clint, come on now.”

  “What’s the matter? You seem cold.”


  “You’ve covered in goosebumps and seem to be shivering.”

  “Asshole. You know it’s not the cold.”

  He grinned in the dark, “Name-calling? That’s what we’re resorting to?”

  “Only when you act like an asshole.”

  “I’m just getting started, little one.”

  “Just don’t start anything you can’t finish.”

  He groaned and gripped her neck firmly.

  She gasped, “Hey, watch it.”

  “Wanna get out of here?”

  “Thought you’d never ask.”

  He grabbed her hand and they ducked out of the theater. When they got to the car, he made his way around to her side of the car but instead of opening the door, he slapped both palms on the roof of her Civic, trapping her between his body and the side of the car.

  “Clint…” she tried to warn him off but it sounded more like a plea.

  “Where were we earlier? At the house? When I came home?” He breathed against her ear and she shivered.

  His palms still rested on the roof of the car as he stared into her eyes. The fire he saw earlier was raging now, copper sparks flashing brightly at him. He pressed his hips forwards, drawing figure 8s against her body. He crushed her lips with his and she moaned against the assault of his tongue. She pressed her palms to his chest but instead of pushing him backwards, she slowly sli
d them up to his neck.

  His hands could no longer maintain a safe distance from the curve of her backside. Gripping her ass tightly, his tongue danced in and out of her mouth, tickling her lips and tormenting her pussy. Her hips moved with his and he nipped her lower lip with his teeth.

  “Ah,” she gasped. “Clint, what are we…”

  “I can’t help it Ashley, I just can’t.”

  His thigh forced her legs apart as one hand kneaded the soft flesh of her breast through her sweater. The fire in her eyes had incinerated all of her self-control and she whimpered against his neck.

  “Oh god…”

  She rested her forehead against his chest and panted for air. He felt as solid as he looked and she could almost feel the cut of his stomach through his button-down shirt.

  “We should really get back home.”

  “To where the beds are?”

  She looked up at him with her eyes narrowed. He grinned at her and squeezed his fingers tight against her ass.

  Ashley sighed, “No, Clint, that can’t happen.”

  He took her hand in his and placed it flat against the fly of his jeans.

  “Feel that? Can you feel what you’ve done to me? What you’ve been doing to me since Labor Day?”

  He groaned when she squeezed his cock gently. It felt as large as she had imagined during all of those nights under the sheets with only her fingers to provide relief.

  She exhaled softly.

  “Mmm hmm. That’s all because of you.”

  She took his hand and placed it against the inseam of her jeans. When he felt the heat radiating through the denim, his fingers could not help but circle and tease.

  “Clint, no, I, we, you…” she lost her ability to speak as her knees weakened.

  “You telling me no?” He looked more hurt than angry.

  “Yes, I have to.” She pulled away slowly, every nerve ending in her pussy screaming angry curses at her.

  He stepped back from her, leaving a cold breeze in his wake. They drove back to the house in silence, both afraid that any spoken word might cause their clothes to spontaneously fall off of their bodies and they would land in a compromising position in the back seat. Once home, they silently closed the doors to their own bedrooms. There was no mistaking the mutual groans through the wall between the beds as they both rode wave after wave of pleasure listening to each other.

  Christmas was awkwardly quiet that year and their parents were only mildly confused. After a few more days, Ashley opted to return to school early and Clint was required to return to his base.

  Ashley really did like her boyfriend Sam, but ended up calling it quits towards the end of January. He was too nice of a guy and deserved better than some distracted girl who was losing interest in him. He was the kind of guy she had hoped for as a high school girl, nice looking, sweet, decent. But then Clint happened.

  Clint continued down his path of vapid vacant barflies but it was only slightly better than masturbating. Although there were even nights he preferred his own hand so that he could bathe in the images of Ashley as he groaned to himself.

  One night over Spring Break, Ashley had had way too much to drink and stumbled back to her apartment with glassy lust in her eyes. She wanted Clint, she knew she wanted him, and he knew she wanted him. There was no denying it as she tried to make her eyes focus on the screen in front of her face. She fumbled with her cell phone and found his number.

  Hey she typed.

  Well hey yourself. He replied.

  Her heart jumped and her clit throbbed.

  So about Christmas… Her last shreds of self-control had dissolved in the third margarita. Or maybe it was the fourth. Or possibly the fifth.

  Yes? His curiosity was peaked and his cock twitched automatically.

  I can’t stop thinking about it. About what almost happened.

  Me either. God so many times I’ve cum thinking about what we should have done that night.

  You too? He nearly shot his load when she admitted the same.

  Clint, I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Me either, Ashley. What are we going to do?

  It’s not a good idea. Any of them.

  No, not good. They’re amazing. At least in my head.

  LOL How could I live up to that?

  Give it your best shot.

  Ashley stared at the phone for a long drunken second. She carried the phone to the bathroom and slowly pulled off her tank top to stare at her own breasts in their lacy bra. She held the camera on the phone close to her chest and the flash went off. She sent the picture over to Clint.

  Clint was getting nervous at the delay. Had he pissed her off? Had she passed out? Then his phone chirped and his hand tightened on his cock automatically. She had sent him a close-up picture of her breasts. Just these two perfect swells peeking over a thin layer of lace.

  Damn woman.

  It chirped again. The side of her jaw leaned away from the camera, exposing her soft throat and delicate neck. So perfect for biting.

  You’re killing me…

  Chirp. This time she sent a close-up picture of a curve of skin with just the tiniest string stretched across. He studied it closely and then realized it was that thin sensitive skin where the hip and torso and leg all meet. He groaned out loud in his room.


  Yes Clint?

  Aw man, my buddies are asking me who’s blowing up my phone. If they take it away from me to check, I’m in deep shit.

  Best save those pictures elsewhere. Well, only if you want to.

  Oh that’s not what I want to do.

  No? You don’t want to save them?

  Not what I mean. I mean I’m not going to make it on pictures alone.

  Well I’m about to pass out so I gotta go.

  Dammit woman, you can’t leave me like this

  Like what?

  About to explode.

  Then do something about it. And tell me about it tomorrow.

  He clicked the phone off and within seconds was thrusting hard into his fist, shooting his desire all over his own stomach. Before he passed out, he took a close-up shot of his firm abs, speckled with his own cum, and sent it over to her.

  Ashley had been waiting up to see if he said anything after he was done. When she saw the picture a few minutes later, her fingers plunged into her own pussy and she shuddered through her own climax.

  She was completely distracted the entire next day at classes. Her whole body hummed constantly, and she feared the only thing that would quiet it would be Clint himself. The thoughts of Clint just were not working anymore and her fingers were not doing the trick. She knew she could have enlisted assistance, either from a battery-powered friend or someone from a nearby college bar. But this went way beyond normal horniness. This was need for him specifically.

  In between classes, she fired off a quick text, Need to get off and wish you were here.

  Clint was out on maneuvers when it came through so he did not see it until about mid-day over lunch. His buddy punched him in the arm when he moaned.

  “Dude, you okay? Get some bad clams?”

  Clint punched him back, “Naw man, I’m good.” Now he had to go back to work with a raging hard-on that really did not want any more of his hand. It wanted her hands and lips and pussy.

  When classes were over for the day, she headed back to the apartment, shucked all of her clothes except her thong and lay down on the bed. She inched the top band down until it rested just above her mound, and clicked the camera.

  When Clint got off work that evening, he immediately checked his phone. He saw the smooth skin that disappeared into the bunched up lace and nearly licked the phone screen.

  God, just one more inch… Just one more

  Now sober, she was ready to torment him in full. Is that what the last girl asked you for?

  Dammit Ashley. Not what I meant.

  I know, but still funny.

  She had already slipped out of the thong an
d curled it up next to her foot on the bed. She clicked a nicely staged shot of her pink toes playing with the thong.

  Clint cursed out loud and by text. Fuck…

  Offer or request?


  LOL Anything else you’d like to see before I take care of some personal business?

  Anything you want to show me at this point

  Ashley grinned to herself and slowly slid her fingers against her slippery pussy, coating them with the evidence of her own desire. Then sent a picture of her glossy fingertips to Clint.

  A long pause before he responded. Goddammit


  I just made a fucking mess all over myself

  Show me

  She was rewarded with a picture of his firm muscular chest spotted with the evidence of his explosion. She grinned to herself. The torture was almost worth it just to know what effects she had on him. But unfortunately it ended up torturing herself as well.

  Well I’m off to go take care of some personal business

  He groaned and dug his fingers into the pillow under his head. Dammit

  What now?

  Wish I was there to help… Or at least watch…

  Use your imagination big boy

  That’s what’s getting me in trouble

  Ashley’s whole body tingled as she thought about his hands replacing hers. She did not know if he was actually any good but at this point, she wanted him so badly, it really would not have made a difference. Her stomach trembled and she moaned as she shuddered through her climax.

  The next day her classes seemed even less interesting that normal. She could not focus on anything in her real life and even contemplated finding a lover for the night just to ease the tautness in her body. But she knew it would do no good if it was anyone other than Clint.

  Even her friends starting asking her what was going on, that she seemed so distracted lately. She could not very well tell them what was really going on. She could not even tell them it was some new guy she met. They would ask way too many questions and she just did not have any answers ready.


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