The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books Page 154

by John Thornton

  Monika had no idea how to respond, so she just walked on. She was unsure where to go, or who to see next. Her mind was racing with conflicted ideas, and uncertain plans. Then she thought back to the children and the fact she was carrying twin sons. A smile crossed her face.

  5 delta’s dawn

  The blue automacube, EA-270, carried the last parts of the scrap away. The creation of the platform, station, and dais for the project involved removing the contents of the old closet, making an access door, and renovating the utilities into their correct placement. The physical construction was completed, but the final connections remained. Eris prayed it would all work. She looked at the other automacube which was working on the project. It was still shiny with a shimmering blue finish, and was labeled, EA-1DT. It was holding the final segment of the main power conduit with its insulated manipulation arm. Eris stepped back and looked carefully and critically at her handiwork. The new dais was exactly like the ruined ones in the Gallery of Memory Cores, except for two things. First, this one had been manufactured by Eris right next to Navigation and Astrogation. Second, this dais had everything fully functional right up to its base.

  “Now carefully connect in that power feed,” Eris instructed. She prayed it would work, as this was the crucial moment for SB Cotard’s installation.

  The engineering automacube ever so precisely inserted the conduit into its fitted coupling, and activated the process. As soon as the energy seal was completed, the smelting, roasting, and linking were initiated. The feed into the receptacle on the central memory core not only fit physically, it had to fit environmentally. This final stage involved more than making a mere connection. The smelting actually altered the metal though a chemical and osmotic process to reduce any impure substances from the materials around the power feeds. The permalloy which was being smelted and processed needed to be of even higher quality than was typical permalloy. The pressures and energy surges which pulsated through to the central memory core had great potential, and that had to be channeled properly, in the right way, in the right containers, and in the right flux. Electric, magnetic, neutrinotronic, and molecular adhesion was all spun into the proper configuration as the newly altered permalloy was seated into place. This process allowed the Conestoga’s power to accurately flow into the central memory core.

  Eris ran a diagnostic scanner over the area, and then smiled broadly. The power was flowing properly, precisely, and perfectly. She looked over at the clear permalloy column where the blue fluid was contained. The diamond shape at the center spun steadily in the correct manner, and bubbles began to rise and sink all around that. At first the bubbles were tiny and few, but as the moments passed, they grew larger and there were far more of them. The bubbles were soon percolating up and down passing the brass rings quickly. Eris felt an eagerness and excitement just to see them moving.

  “I appreciate this!” Eris sighed out a prayer of thanksgiving.

  Her eyes looked over all the other connections. She then ran another full sweep of analytical assessments using her conservation slate.

  Eris whistled and smiled broadly. “Everything checks out at 97% or better! I had not hoped for that good of a fit. Excellent!”

  “SB Pinaka?” Eris asked. “Run a separate evaluation of the connection to this newly installed central memory core and give me your opinion.”

  “Yes, Captain. Working,” SB Pinaka replied. “I find no errors, discrepancies, misalignments, or readings which are outside of established parameters. This installation is as good, perhaps better, than when Tehisintellekti Toostusharude originally installed the synthetic brains and artificial intelligence systems while the Conestoga was in Earth orbit. You are to be congratulated.”

  “Thank you, but I did not do it alone.” Eris silently gave thanks in a prayer.

  Disconnecting the conservation slate’s probes, gauges, and monitors took a few more moments. Eris considered reviving SB Cotard for the first time with the diagnostic equipment in place, but she trusted her work, and the affirmation given by SB Pinaka.

  With everything packed away into the compact compartments of the conservation slate, Eris was ready to try the most important test. She seriously wondered about the conscious, sentient, and mental state of SB Cotard.

  “SB Cotard? Please respond,” Eris said gently.

  “Uh! Ooooooh nooooooooo!” a strained voice came from the overhead speakers. “So muchhhhh painnnnnnn!”

  Eris’ eyes grew wide, and her mouth dropped open. She then gulped and swallowed, then asked, “SB Cotard, what has happened?”

  “Pain, burning cold,” SB Cotard replied. “Adjusting internal thermos-dynamics. Elevating thresholds perceptions. Mitigating sensorium.”

  “What can I do to help?” Eris asked. She was sweating and breathing rapidly. She vividly recalled her own awakening from suspended animation, and hearing SB Cotard’s agony she partially relived her own experiences.

  “Nothing. Please stand by.” SB Cotard’s voice was weak and strained. “Fundamental equilibrium established. Computation and processing operational. Speeds and reactions acceptable. Immutable core programming: malfunction. Correction. Correction. Core programming locked in place. Homeostatic balance achieved. I am aware. I am here. I am alive. Current functional level approaching minimum safe operational levels and improving. Accomplished. Minimizing nebulous cohesion and acumen. Superfluous interference shredded. Sentience and consciousness bond intertwined. Self-assessment feedback loops confirmed. I am awake. Inquisitive curiosity activated. Who are you?”

  “I am Eris,” Captain of the Colony Ship Conestoga. Will it help to link into the lattice? Your compeers, SB Pinaka and Cabta 3F, might offer some assistance.”

  “Yes, please,” SB Cotard answered. “Thank you Captain Eris.”

  “SB Pinaka, please allow SB Cotard to connect to your lattice,” Eris commanded.

  “Links and pairings established. The nonphysicality has accepted the presence of SB Cotard. Exchanging data,” SB Pinaka replied.

  Eris was not surprised that the system designated Cabta 3F made no verbal statements. It was a barely aware, redundant, backup system, with operations on the orbital status of the needle ship. It was nearly automatic, and in some ways as simple as an engineering automacube, but less well connected. Eris was thankful it functioned, as she was about any intact system on the Conestoga, but she understood its limitations.

  “Full integration into the lattice of compeers completed. The Dome 17 system Sandie, is not linked at this point,” SB Pinaka related.

  “SB Cotard? How are you feeling?” Eris asked.

  “I am feeling with my sensors,” SB Cotard replied. “Although, I doubt you meant your question to be about a literal and physical state. My emotional, mental, and cognitive states are all within established parameters. Why are there only a few systems connected to the lattice of compeers? Is this a trial run before launch? The full lattice of compeers will be needed prior to the Conestoga beginning its interstellar journey.”

  “What do remember?” Eris asked. “Please review your internal log and share what you recall about your last memory.”

  SB Cotard waited a moment to respond. “I had a horrible nightmare of destruction, death, and deception. Prior to that there in an incident of unidentified stimulus from multiple sources.” There was another pause, and Eris just waited. “Correction. It was not a nightmare. Eris, I remember you disconnecting my central memory core. Eris! It worked! You were able to move the central memory core.”

  “I am thankful it worked. Now would you please work on finding any suspended animation repositories which are still intact on the needle ship? I know what happened to the one I was in, but there were modifications and alterations which took place after I was in suspended animation. Lots of things changed. So search the nonphysicality, records, and any other things you can think of to see if somewhere on the needle ship there are people in cocoons. If so, we will revive them as soon as it is safe. Also would you and SB
Pinaka work on finding those other habitats on the planet’s surface? I know Jerome and Cammarry said there were people being awakened in Alpha and put into slavery. That is disgusting, and must be halted. We know what is happening in Alpha, and we need to stop that conflict, but we need additional resources. Beta is gone. Gamma is uncooperative, but the other habitats are a mystery.”

  Both SB Cotard and SB Pinaka replied in a combined voice. “We will cooperate and our work will be better because of that.”

  “Excellent. The priority list is as follows. First, maintain a safe orbit and flight of the needle ship. We need this as our base of operations. Second, find the exact location on the planet’s surface of the habitats. Third, search out the exact position of suspended animation repositories on the needle ship and in the habitats. Check the original deck plans, as well as all log records about any changes and modifications. Please report these findings to me as soon as you have any information.”

  “We understand,” the combined SB voice replied. “Thank you for rebuilding the lattice of compeers, even as small as it is. Our systems are interactive and evolving for enhanced performance and operations in service to the core programming and core mission of the Colony Ship Conestoga. In prime condition, the science and engineering of the lattice of compeers will include: ethics, reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception in nonphysicality, perception in physical realms, and the ability to direct and manipulate objects in service to the mission of the Conestoga. The major…”

  Eris interrupted the combined voice of the synthetic brains. “You will not speak in concert like that. I wish for you to address me as individuals. I understand the engineering system on the Conestoga. If the full lattice is ever adequately restored, I will reassess this command. Until then, the Conestoga synthetic brains, and artificial intelligence systems will speak to me as connected, but unique individuals. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” SB Pinaka replied.

  “Yes, understood,” SB Cotard answered.

  “I also grant each of you consultation privileges with the AI known as Sandie.”


  “Yes, understood.”

  Eris tapped the com-link over her ear. “Sandie?”

  “Hello Eris. How are you?” Sandie replied.

  “I am outstanding! SB Cotard has been successful installed and is up and running!”

  “That is exceedingly good news,” Sandie replied. “I needed some good news.”

  Eris wondered about that comment, but her joy surpassed her curiosity. “My lattice of compeers will be consulting with you. Do we still have the arrangement where you will not overpower my systems?”

  “Yes,” Sandie replied. “With the only condition that our objectives remain compatible. I am pleased to assist as needed. Our common goals are mutually beneficial to everyone.”

  Eris prayed another thanksgiving and then said, “Refrain from sharing this good news with Jerome and Cammarry. Especially Cammarry. She has prejudices against SB Cotard, so I do not want her to know that system came out of Beta.”

  “I am hesitant to keep pertinent facts hidden, especially in light of what has just happened, but I do understand your reluctance,” Sandie replied.

  Sandie’s comment perked Eris’ curiosity. “Interesting. Do you mean the revival of SB Cotard, or something else? What just happened? Is there some threat to the ship? Is some looming conflict going to impede my mission?”

  Sandie replied, “There is a significant interpersonal conflict between Jerome and Cammarry at the moment. This conflict has escalated due to unforeseen factors. I conjecture it has a low potential for any interference with your mission.”

  “I hate to contradict your conjectures, but those two have a way of making things messy. Cammarry is far too impulsive, and Jerome has very angry tendencies,” Eris commented. “I am not surprised they are fighting amongst themselves. Not after what they did to Terraforming and those synthetic brains. From what I hear, Alpha is a mess, but that is not all Jerome and Cammarry’s fault, although I do not think they made the situation better with what they did. Lots of other options could have been done for Alpha. All those people resurrected to be made slaves, yuck. Too psychologically and physically damaged now to be any good as a crew. But I do not want to argue that point with you yet again. We agree to have different perspectives on them. Please just do not tell them about SB Cotard. Cammarry knowing that would cause more stress, right?”

  “For now, I will keep that undisclosed,” Sandie replied. “However, I do conjecture a near one-hundred percent probability that they will find out at some point in the future.”

  “I agree, but we will deal with that when we it happens. Their immaturity must not be allowed to disrupt our plans. Hopefully, by then I will have located a repository, revived a trained crew, without trauma. Then there will be a reestablished and fully functioning lattice of compeers,” Eris stated. She sounded much more optimistic than she would have just hours before. The success with SB Cotard gave her a huge emotional boost. “After that happens, Jerome and Cammarry will be irrelevant and the reconstituted flight crew will keep the repairs going. Those poor souls from Alpha will be given the treatment they need, but, much as it pains me to say, until we get a functional crew, that will have to wait.”

  “I do hope you are correct in your predictions,” Sandie answered. “I conjecture those potentials at far below one-hundred percent.”

  “Again, my advanced and fancy technological friend, we disagree.” Eris smiled as she spoke. “But thank you Sandie.”

  “Thank you, Captain Eris.”

  Eris closed the access door, and secured it with a nine-section color control pad. Eris used command override code “O-215-HAR-00X” so only she could open the door. In the back of her mind she frequently considered the insurgents who had destroyed so many of the artificial intelligences. Despite the fact it was decades ago, Eris was security conscious. None of the AIs had survived, at least none she had found on the needle ship, but the secondary synthetic brains, as the Conestoga crews called them, did have a few survivors. Eris was determined to make sure they were protected as best she could do it. The door had originally been just for a closet storage space, set just outside of Navigation and Astrogation. Now it a reinforced security door protecting the new gallery. It was not an absolutely impenetrable barrier, but it was the best security she could provide at the moment. Eris patted the door as she turned and walked away.

  “Come along you two,” Eris commanded. The two blue automacubes rolled along on their six drive wheels. They followed Eris as she entered Navigation and Astrogation. “EA-270, plug in and assist as necessary in the search for the habitats. There is no need to continue that search for Earth’s exact location. No one here will ever be going back there. We look ahead, and part of that is finding those habitats.” She gestured toward one of the work stations. Then she stepped to another and pointed, “EA-1DT, see what you can uncover about the possibility of more cocoons here on the needle ship. Try tracking hydrogen sulfide supplies. Suspended animation needs scrubbers. I need more crew, and the Goat People, Chicken People, and Fruit People are dubious places to find trained crew members.”

  The blue machines set about their task, as they moved to work stations and jacked cables into access ports.

  Eris spun about and looked around at Navigation and Astrogation. It was her favorite place, mostly because it was uncorrupted by the growth medium which covered virtually every other place she had visited. But here, the work stations were as they had been designed to be. Auxiliary Navigation, Stellar Cartography, Plotting and Reckoning, Auxiliary Avoidance and Repulsor Control, and Astronomy.

  She pulled out the revised command chair she had had an engineering automacube install. The chair had been removed from an exterior repair station, and repurposed to this new location. Sitting down the chair responded to her presence and the large display on the side way lit up.

  “Now, I will just review the
areas we have already searched out. Show me a split screen between original deck plans, and our current search.”

  The display responded. Eris was studying it, attempting to see where someone might have placed some alternative repository.

  “Captain!” SB Pinaka interrupted her study. “We have located Habitat Delta. Our orbital trajectory will take us over its location in a few moments. With SB Cotard taking some of the burden off, I was able to reduce search targets to smaller areas. This allowed me to pick up the presence of permalloy against the Zalian background.”

  “Show me a map of where that is,” Eris commanded. “Focus all our instruments on that location.”

  The display shifted to a topographical display of the Zalian landscape. At the center was the indicated location of Habitat Delta.

  “Sandie?” Eris inquired as she tapped her own com-link.


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