Break The Bed (Rock Gods Book 2)

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Break The Bed (Rock Gods Book 2) Page 15

by Joanna Blake

  I smacked my lips.

  Yep, that was it. Oil and vinegar. That's the kind of sandwich you got in an authentic Italian cafe. I looked at her with newfound respect. Tabitha was full of surprises.

  The girl could cook.

  I let my eyes travel over her curves, wondering what else she could do. That led to a couple of visual images that were definitely not PG. Or even PG 13. More like R verging on those soft-core movies they showed late at night on certain cable channels.

  The 'movies' with the terrible actors and actresses with fake boobs. There was nothing fake on Tabitha though. I licked my lips, looking her over.

  Hmmmfff... not one damn thing. I tilted my head to the side, trying to imagine her naked. And smiling. And-

  "Are you okay?"

  Tabitha ran across the room and thwaked me on the back. I coughed out the bite I'd been slowly chewing. I had not been choking. I had simply been distracted by her bodacious-


  She was staring at me, reaching for my mouth. I realized she was going to start manually clearing my air pipe in about three seconds if I didn't say anything. I guess she was a pretty good nurse after all. Or nurse-in-training.

  "I'm fine!"

  I was, however, hard as a rock. Tabby was kneeling between my knees, her hands on my thighs. It was an almost-about-to-give-head position. I stared at her, my eyes devouring her. I wanted to remember this moment, for later.

  She smelled so good, like vanilla and cinnamon. She looked even better than she smelled, with her wide eyes and creamy skin, those gorgeous lips of hers parted unconsciously. It was too much. I felt my cock lurch in response.

  I moaned. Loudly.

  She leaned back, moving her hands away from my knees.

  "Did I hurt you?"

  "No. I just-"

  I grabbed a magazine and dropped it on my lap.

  "I'm fine."

  She looked at me suspiciously, as if she knew I was lying. Or kind of lying. I was fine other than having a nuclear warhead in my pants. But she knew something was up.

  Clearly, Tabitha's bullshit-o-meter was a finely tuned piece of equipment.

  That didn't surprise me actually. She hadn't had an easy time of it back in high school. From what I could tell, the guys were always after her but she didn't have a lot of friends.

  She had a reputation as kind of a tough girl actually.

  She didn't look tough to me though. She never had. She looked... just over it. The girl was not easily impressed. I realized we had that in common.

  "So, what have you been up to? Since high school?"

  She narrowed her eyes at me. I could see her chewing the inside of her cheek. It made me want to yank her down on my lap and-

  "This isn't a social call, Gabe. I'm here to take care of you."

  I held up my hands and smiled cajolingly. Thankfully the magazine didn't slip. That would have been embarrassing.

  And it would have ruined the plans I was making. My dirty mind was very, very busy today. First, I had plans to get her in bed, and then I had lots of ideas what to do once I had her there.

  My earlier resistance to having her as my aid was rapidly fading. No, I did not want this ridiculously hot woman seeing me like this. But maybe I could use it to my advantage.

  Gain her sympathy and all that.

  Besides, I never backed away from a challenge.

  Somehow, having her resist my attempts to draw her out was making me even more determined. She couldn't be more appealing if she was covered in whipped cream with cherries on top.

  But she wasn't making it easy. Tabby was a tough nut to crack. I could not stop myself from wanting to crack her shell wide open.

  As annoying as it was to be stuck in a wheelchair, I was going to use whatever I could to get Tabby in my bed. I was going to get this girl, once and for all. Not just once or twice either. I wanted a year long fuck-a-thon. Maybe longer.

  I'd have to soften her up first though. I smiled to myself, thinking that wouldn't be a problem. I knew how to charm someone when I needed to.

  By the time I was walking, she'd be at my beck and call.

  "But I need to stay in good spirits. Isn't that part of healing? I thought I read that fifty percent of all healing was mental."

  I gave her a sad look.

  "I'm... lonely. Stuck down here by myself. I'm just asking you to talk, not for your hand in marriage."

  She stared at me, her eyes searching. She glanced at her watch. Then she shrugged.

  "Okay, fine. You don't need to take any pills for a few more hours. What do you want to talk about?"

  I leaned back in my seat, mentally rubbing my hands together. And then undressing her. And then-

  "I wondered what happened to you after high school. Fill me in."

  She looked more than a little uncomfortable, but I didn't care. I was curious. And it wasn't like I was going to tell anyone.

  "What do you want to know?"

  I smiled.


  Excerpt of Cockpit


  I rubbed my cheek where she'd slapped it, admiring the way she looked in those tight jeans of hers as she stomped off. She was a redhead alright. Only a russet haired woman would slap a man after kissing the hell out of him.

  And Jenny was one hell of a kisser.

  I took my time coming back in. Not because I was worried she'd slap me again. I was just deep in thought.

  Mostly thinking about gettin' deep in her.

  I sat down and ordered a watered down pitcher of beer. I had a long night ahead of me. I had someone to walk home.

  Jenny scowled at me while she took my order, and scowled when she watched the other bartender bring it back. She scowled when she brought me a basket of fries.

  The woman basically scowled up and down the whole night.

  I sat back and waited for her shift to end, enjoying the memory of the way her luscious body had melted against me. It was getting close to time when she asked me if I wanted anything else. I took my time, staring up and down her body.

  "Oh yeah honey, I can think of a lot of things."

  "I'm not a piece of meat, Jagger!"

  "No, you're definitely not a piece of meat. But you do look tender."

  Jenny threw my check at me and turned tail to see to her other tables. I made my last beer count, sipping it slow as molasses until I was the last guy in the place. She started getting ready to close up. She 'accidentally' mopped right over my boots.

  I smiled and stood up, throwing a fifty-dollar tip on the table. Her eyes widened. She stared at me as I walked out of the bar.

  'Course I was waiting out front for her when she came out fifteen minutes later.

  She stared at me. I stared at her. Then she walked up to me and tossed that fifty-dollar bill in my face.

  "I'm not for sale you sonofabitch!"

  I looked right at her. She was angry. But she had mistaken my meaning.

  "I didn't say you were."

  "Then what are you doing tipping like that?"

  "I took up a seat in your section all night. Seemed fair."

  She stared at me belligerently.

  "Well, I'm not taking it."

  "How about a twenty?"

  "What are you, a cash machine?"

  She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Her glorious, perfect, mind-bending chest. I pulled out a ten and a five.


  She yanked the money out of my hand so fast I got rug burn. Then she stomped off. The woman had a pair of legs on her. And she made good use of them.

  I was whistling as I followed her back towards the base.

  Excerpt of Cuffed


  “Scream all you want, honey. No one’s gonna hear you.”

  She tugged frantically at her ankle, then stopped to glare at me. Dammit, the old stereotype was true. Casey was even prettier than usual when she was angry.

  “You’re not going anywhere.”
br />   “You can’t do this.”

  “I can. And I will.”

  “This is- kidnapping!”

  “You aren’t a kid. And I’m a federal agent.”

  “Good! If someone finds out they will throw you in jail!”

  I smiled at her calmly, my eyes trailing over her long legs. She was wearing tight jeans and they were extremely sexy for some reason.

  Probably because she was wearing them.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh yeah? How are you going to explain this?”

  She held up the chain and waved it at me.

  “Kinky sex game?”

  Her mouth opened in shock. I had her there. And damn if it didn’t give me ideas.

  “I’m tired Casey, or whatever your name is. But you are going to tell me something. You are going to tell me everything.”

  Her eyes were wide as I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes. You are.”

  I smiled and reached out for her. Then I pulled her over my lap. She screamed as she lay facedown on the couch. Her perfect bottom was high up in the air as she wiggled around, trying to get away.

  I grunted, realizing my dick was getting hard and that there was no way to hide it from her.

  She stopped wiggling with a loud gasp.

  Oh yeah, she’d noticed alright.

  I rested one hand on her back to hold her in place and laid one over the generous globes of her delicious looking ass.

  Hmmff… it felt nice too. Really fucking nice. I smiled to myself and lifted my hand.

  Time to make it jiggle.


  “Was Dante at the Jar that night?”

  “Ow! Yes, Christ I told you!”


  “Did you see him with the vic?”

  Silence. So be it. I lifted my hand again.


  “Did you see Dante with the vic?”


  I stopped, my hand frozen in midair. I knew it was insane what I was doing. Everything I was doing.

  I was too close to the case. It was the middle of the night. The girl brought out a protective urge in me.

  But it was more than all that.

  Her shoulders were shaking. I let my hand rest on her bottom. I stroked her softly, knowing that it was dangerous.


  But Jesus it felt right.

  She sat up and stared at me. Those bright blue eyes of hers shimmered with unshed tears.

  I reached out, my head tilted as I examined her. My fingers found her cheek and noticed that they were dry. She hadn’t let a single tear fall.

  I smiled into that beautiful, perfect face of hers.


  Excerpt of Go Long


  "How do you like our campus so far Kyle?"

  Kyle smiled benignly at my mother. He looked as innocent as a choirboy. Meanwhile, under the table his foot was brushing mine. I wasn't sure if it was deliberate until he did it again. I scowled at him as he oozed charm and good will. All false of course.

  I wasn't fooled.

  "It's the most beautiful I've ever seen. And the students have been... very friendly."

  He grinned at me pointedly and popped a bite of food into his mouth. He made it clear he was talking about me as his foot caressed mine again. I kicked him and he nearly choked. I smiled serenely as my father pounded his back.

  Kyle glared at me as he wiped his mouth.

  I gave him a look that clearly said 'two can play at that game.'

  "Thank you Coach."

  "Make sure you chew your food, boy. Can't lose you before the season starts!"

  I put my chin on my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew more about sports than most men. But Kyle didn't know that. I intended to milk it.

  "Daddy, isn't it unusual to put a walk-on on the team?"

  "Hardly ever happens at this level. But Kyle here is an unusual young man."

  "He is?"

  "He's unnaturally talented on the field Bellie. His military training had a lot to do with it, but some people are just naturals."


  Kyle's eyes were glowing mischievously. I could have screamed. My plan to control the conversation had completely backfired. If he started calling me 'Bellie' I would lose it. I really would.

  "That's what we call our little girl. Did you know they actually pay her to attend school? She had a full ride of course, but they actually give her a stipend and all sorts of administrative jobs for extra money. She has career academic written all over her."

  I groaned inwardly. Did he have to make me sound like a cross between a 12 year-old and a grandma? That's what I was really. Kyle was right when he called me Miss Priss. Just a little girl who acted like the biggest, most responsible, boring goodie two-shoes ever to walk the face of the-

  Kyle was staring at my breasts. Not just staring either. He licked his lips and made an appreciative grimace. Like he couldn't stand being this close to me and not touching me.

  I coughed, nearly spitting out my mashed potatoes.

  He was touching me with his eyes. It was practically foreplay! I tried to ignore him but it was too late. A hot pool of lust had settled in my belly. I crossed my arms, realizing my nipples were hard. I jumped up, knocking over my glass of iced tea.

  Thankfully it was almost empty.

  "Bellie! Are you alright?"

  "Just- chilly. I want to grab a sweater."

  "Alright but come right back and we can clear the table."

  "Yes, mom."

  I practically ran from the room. I could feel Kyle's eyes boring into my back. I heard him ask where the restroom was and excuse himself.

  Argh!!! He was following me!

  I ran for my bedroom and started to slam the door but he caught it with the flat of his hand.

  "Where are you running to... Bellie?"

  He was grinning at me like the cat that ate the canary. I had the sudden urge to smack the smug look off his handsome face. His eyes slid over my body, even more blatantly than before. I grabbed a light cardigan, angrily pulling it over my arms. I buttoned the center of it.

  "Don't call me that!"

  He just shook his head, leaning against my doorframe.

  "Why not? You know I can still see those perfect tits of your, Bellie. Your nipples are practically poking a hole through that sweater."

  I gasped.

  "My father will hear you!"

  He grinned.

  "No. He won't."

  He stepped into my room and I stepped backwards until my back was against the wall. He loomed over me, saying nothing.

  Then he ran his hands over my shoulders, deliberately brushing my breasts with his forearms.

  "Did I do that to you, Miss Priss?"

  I opened my mouth but no words came out. He was making me confused dammit! And he had done this to me... without even touching me, I was aroused like never before.

  Well, like only once before anyway.

  "Meet me tomorrow after practice at my dorm. Unless you want me to tell him what you've been up to."

  I glared at him.

  "Blackmail? Really?"

  He nodded slowly.

  "I will stoop to anything to get what I want, Bellie. What we both want."

  I inhaled sharply as he leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear. I closed my eyes, feeling my heart thud in my chest. My whole body felt alive. I could feel the heat rolling off him. The strength. I could smell that clean manly scent... images of our night together flooded my mind against my will. I whimpered, ready to fall into his arms. All he had to do was kiss me.

  But he didn't. He just breathed four soft words against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. At that moment, even my goosebumps had goosebumps.

  "And I want you."

  When I opened my eyes, he was gone.

  Excerpt of Grind


p; Something wet slid against my ear. I brushed it away, still half asleep. It grazed my skin again and I rolled away from it. I tried to wipe it off on the pillow beneath my head, grimacing at the slimy sensation. Now I was awake and I didn't want to be.


  I opened my eyes to see a woman bending over me. Her long blond hair brushed my face. I turned my head away.

  "Cut it out."

  She sat up, glaring at me.

  "You didn't seem to mind last night."

  Normally, I would have soothed her. Called her by name. Trouble is, I had no fucking clue who the hell she was.

  I looked around.

  I had no idea where I was either.

  "Fuck me."

  She grinned at me, tossing that long bleached hair over her shoulder.

  "I already did."

  Belatedly I noticed that she was wearing some serious lingerie. Black and cream lace. It matched her bedroom. Her very expensive looking bedroom.

  I was swimming in a sea of neutral toned sheets and blankets. Silk probably. Expensive, definitely.

  "I'd like to again."

  I shook my head.

  "Sorry babe, I gotta go."

  She pouted. I rolled out of bed, looking for my clothes.

  "Oh come on... Didn't we have fun together last night?"

  I smiled and nodded. It's not that she was bad looking, even if she was at least a decade older than me. It was hard to tell with these rich older broads. She was toned, buffed and polished to a high shine.

  Well preserved didn't even begin to cover it.

  Yeah, she was hot. Not just for a cougar. But I wasn't in the mood. I didn't usually go for seconds anyway.

  Hell. I never did.

  Hit it and quit it was my motto. It served me well. I didn't want any entanglements and I doubted I ever would.

  I looked at her, giving my best impersonation of someone who gave a shit.

  "Where are my clothes?"

  She smiled back and shrugged.

  "I really couldn't say."

  Fucking hell.

  "That's great. Just great."

  I looked around the room, lifting cushions and opening drawers. Nada. On the bedside table were my keys, wallet and phone. I scooped them up, thanking God for small favors.


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