Cinderella-ish (Razzle My Dazzle Book 1)

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Cinderella-ish (Razzle My Dazzle Book 1) Page 13

by Joslyn Westbrook


  “You’re shivering.”

  Yes. And it’s all your fault.

  “I know. I can’t help it.”

  Please stop talking and just hold me, I silently plead.

  “Daniella,” he mutters, his deep voice soft and soothing.

  Don’t talk…

  With my hands interlocked in a soft embrace around his neck, I stare at him in anticipation of what I know is coming. He holds me even closer, his prominent hands wrapped around my waist. Bruno and his band continue to play soft tunes, and I feel dizziness and euphoria all at once. Euphoria: Antonio and this moment. Dizziness: all of the champagne I’ve consumed throughout the evening. By now, I’ve had at least two more glasses, which for me is pretty outrageous.

  “I-I,” he stutters, pauses for a second, and clears his throat. “I think I’m fa—”

  I interrupt his inevitable words by kissing him. Long and soft. I don’t want to hear any more words. We stand in a long embrace, kissing without a care between us. I shiver again. Not because I’m cold, but because his hands slowly, yet strategically, move from the middle of my back, down my lower back, landing safely on my butt—and I want more.

  Antonio’s soft lips move from my open mouth to my ear. “You’re cold and it’s late. Let’s leave. I’ll get you to your hotel room,” he whispers.

  I quickly nod in agreement and, on my first step toward our table, I stumble. Again, way too much champagne.

  “You’re a tad tipsy.” He chuckles before kissing my forehead. He leads the way to our table to retrieve our belongings—my clutch and his tuxedo jacket and tie.

  He drapes his jacket around my shoulders and lifts me up in his arms. “I’ll carry you. You’re in no condition to walk anywhere.”

  I open my clutch, remove my room key, and hand it to him. “I’m giving you full custody of getting me into my hotel room safe and sound.”

  Like a knight in shining armor, he carefully carries me outside and down a short flight of stairs to the hotel limo that is waiting for us. I feel so comfortable in his arms and comfortable in the moment. When we sit down in the limo, I instinctively rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

  And at this moment in time, I think I could be in love with him.

  It has to be the champagne.

  The sound of my phone chiming awakens me early the next morning. I open my eyes and reach for it. Silence, is all my pounding head keeps begging for. I turn off the alarm then close my eyes and immediately open them in a trance-like panic. I look around and instantly realize I am still fully dressed: showcase ensemble, shoes…everything. I’m not even on the bed. I’m on the couch. My head is pounding, and I remember having an extremely naughty sex dream about Antonio last night.

  Wait, was it a dream?

  Champagne. Antonio. The Kiss.

  Oh God. Did anything more than that kiss happen between us? Surely Antonio wouldn’t take advantage of a woman who was smashed out of her mind, right?

  I force myself up from the couch and a piece of paper falls onto the floor—a handwritten note from Antonio.


  I wanted to see you safely to your room, and mission accomplished. Please text me when you wake up. We do have an 10 a.m. flight to catch.

  Thank goodness he is a gentleman.

  Chapter 28


  I wanted her so bad.

  When she stepped out wearing my revealing showcase ensemble, I felt everything immediately rise to attention. Sensual. Tempting. Daniella. Her provocative appeal makes it harder and harder for me to resist. And believe me, after seeing her last night, I no longer care to resist.

  But she had way too much to drink, and even though that kiss we shared was passionate, I am a gentleman first.

  So I brought her back to her room, carried her inside, laid her down on the couch, and left her a note.

  I even set her alarm clock on her phone so she would wake up in time for our flight to New York this morning.

  But she seems annoyed with me now. As if I did something wrong. She hasn’t said much since I picked her up from her room. Only a few yes’s and no’s. And a lot of arm-folding and scoffs.

  We check our luggage in, make our way through customs, and when we make it to our departure gate, we have only minutes to spare before we are called to board.

  Our seats are in first class again, next to each other, and I do hope her mood settles soon since we are in for a long flight.

  Liza and Jonah aren’t flying back until Saturday as they are staying for the full Fashion Week. I hope they learn to get along. They’ve been arguing non-stop, it seems.

  “Is something wrong?” I finally get the nerve to ask.

  “Nope. Not at all.” She dishes up pursed lips and a cold shoulder.

  “Great. Because I was beginning to think you’re annoyed at me.” I roll my eyes.

  Could she be mad about that kiss? I don’t want to bring it up unless she does.

  The flight attendant makes the pre-take-off announcements, sounding much like the one we had on the flight here. I lean into the aisle and notice that it is her.

  Daniella emphatically fastens her seat belt, then grabs a magazine, whipping through pages faster than she can read them. She then closes the magazine and shoves it back into the seat pocket.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask, with a questioning glare.

  She folds her arms and then leans over to me. “I had a very heated sex dream about you last night, Antonio Michaels.”

  She grimaces and I can’t help but laugh out loud. “So you’re mad at me because you had a naughty dream about me?”

  She nods. “Yep.”

  “And why are you mad at me?”

  “I don’t know.” She pouts.

  I lean in closer to her and say low and soft, “Was I any good, at least?”

  A smile creeps up on her lips and before I know it, we laugh together.

  “Look, thank you for being my date last night. There was no way in hell I would have let anything happen between us after we both had been drinking. I’m not that kind of guy. Even though you did look extremely sexy.”

  She gives a half-grin. “You didn’t look too bad yourself.”

  “So, you’re not mad anymore?”

  “Nah. I was just feeling sexually deprived.” She chuckles.

  Welcome to my world.

  We both fall fast asleep, for I don’t know how long, then we are awakened by turbulence.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are experiencing heavy turbulence on our approach to New York City. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened and your tray tables are in their upright positions. Thank you.”

  Daniella stretches and lets out a yawn. “Looks like we were both tired. We didn’t eat or anything.”

  “Yep. It’s been a long week of events. I was wiped out.”

  The plane dips a little as it goes over an air pocket. Daniella grabs my arm.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain. It looks like we are flying through a storm headed for New York and surrounding areas. All flights out of New York this evening have been cancelled. Please be sure to check with your individual airlines for more information.”

  Daniella’s eyes dart. “Cancelled? What are we going to do? Where will we go?”

  I pat her thigh and her expression softens. “Don’t worry. I actually have an apartment here in the city. We can gather our luggage and head there and figure stuff out in the morning.”

  Daniella lets out a sign of relief and sits back in her seat, still gripping my arm.

  And after more turbulence during the final descent, we finally land, Daniella and I pick up our luggage at baggage claim, and haul it over to the rental car counter to rent a car. Then, we stop at the ticket counter and arrange for travel back out tomorrow afternoon, giving the storm time to pass.

  “Come on, let’s head to my apartment.”

  Daniella looks tired, hungry, and slightly af
raid. I want to do my best to ensure I make her feel protected. We stop for Chinese takeout since we missed out on our meal on the plane.

  “It’s not even raining here. Why did they cancel flights?” she asks as we walk up the stairs to my apartment.

  “Because the storm is headed here from the west. We will be fighting weather the whole way back to California. They had to cancel to be safe.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Okay, I suppose.”

  Inside, my apartment is cold. I haven’t been here for months, so it may take a while to warm up.

  Daniella looks around and smiles. “You have great taste, Antonio. Here and at your home in Beverly Hills.” She starts to remove her coat and then decides against it after she shivers. “Is there only one bedroom?”

  “The heat should kick in soon. And yes, only one bedroom. But you can have it. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  She chuckles. “I won’t bite.”

  “Yes, but I might.”

  Chapter 29


  A few hours have passed as we ate dinner and showered before saying our good-nights.

  Antonio’s retired to the couch and I have retired to his bed.


  My worst nightmare.

  Lightning flashes across the sky and seconds later the roar of the thunder makes my skin crawl.

  Ashamed of being frightened, I lie here still, aside from my heartbeat that reverberates throughout my entire being.

  Go get Antonio. He’ll keep you company. He knows thunderstorms scare you, remember?

  Only, I’m too afraid to move. What if he laughs at me? Sends me back in here? I’d much rather hide under the covers all alone than be turned away.


  Another roar of thunder.

  I can hear the howling cry of the wind whip past the window as if it’s running, trying to seek its own shelter from the blooming storm.

  And lightning again. This time, three flashes at once.


  I leap up out of the bed and race for the door that separates Antonio and me.


  I’m naked. Ugh.

  I’ve gotta consider a nightgown or even a plain T-shirt from now on.

  I reach for my robe and slip it on, trying to tie it closed as I swing the bedroom door open.

  Antonio flies in, his hand on the knob, at the same time the door opens. Oops. “Oh. I was just coming to check on you. Are you alright?”

  “Oh, …” I stammer, not wanting to admit I’m scared. “And I was coming to ask you—well, it’s the window. I think it may be open a little. I can hear the wind howling.”

  He walks over to the window. He’s shirtless and, through the flashes of lightning, I can see the tight form of his body.

  Ripped everything.

  My breathing intensifies, but I’m no longer sure it’s because of the storm.

  He walks away from the window and back over to me as I take shelter against the wall by the door. “The window is closed. Are you sure you’re okay? Would you like me—?”


  The sound makes me bolt into Antonio’s arms and he instinctively wraps them around me. “Daniella, you don’t have to be afraid. I’m here with you.”

  I lean into the plane of his chest and I can hear his heart beating just as fast as my own.

  He lifts my chin and I meet his gaze, desire looming in his eyes. “Daniella, I—”


  I scream, and he leans into me as I back up against the wall again. He runs a smooth fingertip along my face and fans his lips close to mine. “Shh. It’s alright.” He murmurs.

  The sensation of him so close sends chills down my spine.

  Oh God, I don’t want to want him.

  But I do.

  I can feel the loose tie of my robe come undone, exposing my nakedness.

  The flashes of lightning darting through the window are like strobe lights, illuminating the skin on my bare body.

  Antonio’s eyes gleam and he leans even closer into me and whispers, “Why. Are. You. Naked?”

  I breathe in quicker breaths. “I sleep naked, remember?” I manage to whisper back.

  His breathing quickens too as he gives my exposed body a meaningful once-over. “Damn it, Daniella, you’re fucking beautiful. And I must add,” he says as his lips graze over my exposed collar bone, “sleeping naked could be rather convenient.”

  “Not really. Not when there’s a fire.” My voice cracks as I try to conceal my nervousness.

  His hand makes its way to my breasts and he cups one, running circles around my nipple with his thumb. “True. But it’s certainly convenient for the man lucky enough to share a bed with you.”

  “Right. Only, I’ve sworn off men,” I quip, feeling a flirtatious smirk formulate.

  “Pity…How will you find pleasure?” His voice is deep and low, and, through the flashing bolts, I see his chest rise up and down as he continues to breathe faster.

  “Perhaps I’ll pleasure myself.”

  He grabs a hold of my hips, pulling me in, closer to him. “Fuck, that’s hot. Can I watch?” he says, his lips close enough for me to almost taste them.

  God, I want to taste them.

  “That’s the second F-bomb you’ve dropped. Who’s the Potty Mouth now, Mr. Michaels?”

  He lifts me up, grabbing a hold of my exposed bottom, and I wrap my legs around his waist, sinking my nails into his back. He pushes closer into me, and I can feel the length of his manhood trying to escape the confines of his silk pajama pants.

  “What can I say, you must bring out the bad boy in me.”

  He stares into my eyes, then traces my lips with his tongue, teasing my mouth as my lips part on their own, begging for his tongue to play tango with mine.

  The storm outside magnifies, mimicking what is building between us, and when he finally kisses me, I melt into him, internally begging for more. I’m hot all over, every inch of me soaring with need.

  He abruptly pulls his lips away. “Daniella, I want you so bad. More than anyone I’ve ever wanted before. Please, baby, let me make love to you.”

  Oh. My. God. So much for swearing off men.

  “I’ve wanted you since that kiss we shared at the ball.” I confess, almost breathless now.

  He carries me over to the bed, the two of us falling into it, and I help him out of his pants, eagerly waiting to expose his pleasure tool.

  I need him—this time for real.

  No champagne-induced dream. No fantasy.

  I welcome him in, between my thighs; they are shaky in anticipation of what’s in store. He drops soft kisses along my belly, up to my breasts, causing me to arch into him. His lips meet mine and, together, our mouths impersonate the same dance of our lower bodies as we grind into each other, preparing for what we both want but are savoring until just the right simmering moment.

  As he eases into me, thunder rumbles over us—the storm intensifying just as our lovemaking does.

  The faster and more intense we are, the louder the thunder seems to roar.

  Faster. Louder. Harder.

  Shit, he’s so fucking good.

  And when Antonio and I collectively explode in ecstasy, the rain outside finally falls.

  The storm is quiet now as Antonio and I lie flesh-to-flesh, still kissing, nothing but longing passion between us.

  It’s the first time I’ve ever been unfazed by an angry storm. The first time anyone has cared enough to comfort and hold me.

  My eyes are wet, slightly welled with tears—not because I’m sad. Tears of elation because, for the first time, my heart feels alive.

  Antonio’s lips move from mine over to my earlobe that he softly nibbles on as he caresses my breast with one hand and rubs my thigh with his other.

  His touch keeps my heart racing.

  Soothing. Caring. Affectionate.

  He breathes softly in my ear and says, “Daniella, baby, I love you.”

  Chapter 30

  The words flew out my mouth without a second thought.

  Natural. Unfiltered. Real.

  I love her—since the first day I saw her, perhaps. On that Metro, her potty mouth and all.

  Last night was indeed the best night of my life, as I explored every inch of Daniella’s sensually perfect body—and God, how good it felt when she explored every solid inch of mine.

  She shed a tear our first time and later explained how much it meant to her that I held her and made her feel safe during the storm. She’s filled with hurt, and even though I’m dying to know why, last night was not the night for those type of discoveries.

  Our flight back to Los Angeles is in less than an hour. I sprinkle soft kisses across her face as the two of us wait in line for coffee at a kiosk near our departure gate. We are both still tired, failing to sleep at all last night, making love as the storm passed through.

  Thunder. Rain. Passion.

  She smiles up at me, and although she has yet to tell me she loves me, her eyes tell me so.

  Who would have thought TMZ had it right? Although we were never quite enemies, we were sure as hell destined to become lovers.

  We order our coffees and head to our departure gate, the agent calling out for first class passengers to board, and, once we are seated, I get up the nerve to ask her what’s on my mind.

  “Am I gonna need to hire a new Personal Assistant?”

  She looks up, her trademarked smarty-pants smirk coming in for a crash landing. “Afraid you won’t be able to keep your hands off of me at the office?”

  I serve her a curveball smirk in return. “Baby doll, that’s nothing new. That was a concern of mine from day one.”

  She raises an eyebrow and leans in closer; her flash of cleavage sends me back to last night when I tasted her nipples for the first time. “You can tell me I have to wear short, tight skirts with no panties every day, then spend your lunch hour feasting on my p—”

  “Daniella Belle!” I interrupt, placing my index finger over her lips. I seriously contemplate taking her into the first class restroom for a personal induction into the mile-high hall of fame.


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