Duty (Andino + Haven Book 1)

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Duty (Andino + Haven Book 1) Page 6

by Bethany-Kris

  Andino peered at Haven through the corner of his eyes, and she swore she could feel the wheels in his head turning. “So, is that what this is, then? Have you decided?”

  She cocked her head to the side a bit. “You’re going to have to be clearer.”

  “This,” he said, gesturing between them, “you and me, and whatever this little chase is I seem to be doing with you. You’ve decided it’s a game, then?”

  Haven wet her lips, and smiled. “I didn’t know you were chasing me, Andino.”

  “Me either … until now. You know, though, so tell me.” He edged closer to the bar, and pressed his hands to the top. Leaning a little over the counter, he came close enough that she could smell the cologne he wore—a strong, distinct musk that made her think leather, smoke, and man all rolled into one. Somehow, Haven had moved to creep a little over the bar, too. Both of them were close enough that all she could see was his handsome features, and the darker green flecks inside the lighter greens of his eyes. “Is it a game you want to play?”

  “Is there going to be a winner?”

  Andino laughed, nodded, and slapped the bar before pushing away. “You bet your pretty ass, donna. There will most certainly be a winner.”

  He gave her a wink, and just like that, turned away from the bar. Haven thought to ask where in the hell he was going after that show he just put on, but one of the girls serving people came up with a new order at the same time.


  Why were people and things always getting in the way with Andino?

  And why did she care?

  Well, Haven didn’t need someone to answer that question. She knew exactly why she cared—the man himself was the answer, and the way he was still looking at her with that intense gaze even as he settled at a table near the entrance. He didn’t watch the girls on stage, and he didn’t even look at the server when she came up to take his drink order.

  No, he just watched Haven.

  Somehow, Haven managed to get back to work even feeling like her fucking skin was tingling because she just knew Andino was still staring at her. She didn’t know how long it was before the tingling stopped.

  But when she looked for him again, he was gone.

  Well, then …

  Who won that round?

  • • •

  It was nearly three in the morning before Haven was finally able to close the bar, and lock up. Last call came at two, and the final dance was over by two-thirty in the morning. All the patrons had to be gone and tabs paid within ten minutes after the final dance. The bouncers always made sure that everyone followed the rules.

  It made work easier, anyway.

  Georgie—the last security guard to always leave every night—waited with Haven as she locked the entrance doors to the club, and then turned to face the darkness of the parking lot. There was a very large part of her that was entirely unsurprised to see Andino leaning against the side of her black Cadillac SUV, and looking like he had all the time in the world to stand right where he stood.

  She might have grinned.

  May have liked to see him there.

  Possibly got a thrill from it.

  Haven wouldn’t admit it.


  Who was this man?

  At his side, the dog—Snaps, she thought Andino had called him—sat next to his master, but his behind wiggled when he saw Haven. As though he recognized her, and was excited to see her. It was cute—such a big, nasty looking dog, and he seemed joyful to see her.

  “That a problem?” Georgie asked, nodding in Andino’s direction.

  Haven laughed a little, and shook her head. “Definitely not a problem, but thanks for looking out for me, Georgie.”

  “That’s my job, girl.”

  The security guard gave her a wink, and a smile before he took the steps two at a time, and headed for his truck parked at the far end of the lot. Haven didn’t miss how Andino’s gaze narrowed on the man after the whole wink thing, and didn’t move until Georgie pulled away.

  “Did you just glare at him for winking at me?” Haven asked.

  Andino’s piercing green gaze turned back on her in a blink as she approached. “Yes, I did. Is that a thing?”

  “Who, Georgie?”

  “Who else?”

  “He’s an employee. I don’t fuck my employees.”

  Andino chuckled and straightened a bit, so he wasn’t leaning against her vehicle. His hands stayed firmly stuffed in his pockets, still giving off that don’t-care-about-a-thing aura. “Good to know; I don’t like to share.”

  “You can’t share something that isn’t yours, Andino.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he murmured.

  She pretended like she didn’t hear that comment, and that she liked it. “You know, we have security for men like you—anyone waiting outside after closing gets the cops called on them.”

  Andino shrugged. “Cops won’t even touch me. And very little scares me, ragazza.”

  “And just what does that mean, now?”

  Because he was full of those vague statements.

  “I waited hours just to ask you to do something with me tonight, Haven, so are we going to sit here and have a conversation in an empty parking lot, or do you want to do something?”

  She pretended like she was considering his offer. “It’s three in the morning. What could we possibly do at this time?”

  “I know places that are open all night.”

  “Oh, you do, huh?”

  “You could use some fun, couldn’t you?” he asked.

  “I definitely could.” She glanced at Snaps who was still wiggling his backside that rested on the ground. “Is he coming?”

  “Snaps usually follows me along everywhere. Someone is always willing to keep an eye on him, or take him for a walk. You know, as long as he hasn’t bitten them yet.”

  “That’s a joke, right?”

  Andino flashed a grin she thought was predatory.

  And entirely sexy.

  “Not particularly,” he murmured.

  Well, then.

  “Would this be like a date?” she asked.

  Andino shrugged. “Call it whatever you want. Care to join me?”

  “Yes, I think I would.”

  He gestured at a black Lexus across the lot. “Then, allow me. Ladies first.”


  “Here we are,” Andino said, pulling his Lexus to a smooth stop in front of the club’s entrance. Despite Snaps jumping forward to rest his big ass body on the middle section between their seats—he always got excited whenever he was able to come to one of the clubs—Andino still saw Haven’s eyes widen. “Something wrong?”

  “That line, I guess.”

  Ah, yeah.

  The line of still-waiting people—despite the time, they were always itching to get a look inside the popular nightclub—stretched halfway down the block.

  “I can’t believe you think we’ll actually get in with a line that long,” Haven said, shaking her head. “The sun will be rising before we get in.”

  Andino chuckled loudly. “I don’t wait in lines.”


  Saying nothing else, Andino cut the engine, and opened the driver’s door. He waited as Snaps quietly followed behind his owner, and his metal collar clinked with every step of his paws. Haven glanced back at Andino with a furrowed brow before she finally got out of the car, too. He’d drop his keys with the security at the front, and they would park his car. Simple.

  Dragging the tips of his fingers along the short, stiff hair of Snaps’ head, Andino joined Haven’s side. She said nothing even as he put a hand to the small of her back, and gestured at the club waiting in front of them.

  “Ladies first,” he urged.

  Haven peered over at him with a sly smile. “Who owns this place, anyway?”

  “Me, actually.”

  “I wish I was surprised.”

  Andino grinned sinfully. “What gave it away?”

  “Oh, I
don’t know. Different things.”

  “Mmhmm. Does that change things, then?”

  Haven cocked a brow. “What would it change?”

  “I suppose owning a club—though, technically, I own five clubs between here and Chicago,” Andino said, “would make me your competition in a way, wouldn’t it?”

  Her laughter came out almost challenging. And damn the woman because the sound alone was enough to make Andino respect her, and harden his cock at the same fucking time. Where had this woman been hiding, anyway?

  Haven leaned closer, put a hand against Andino’s broad chest to pat the spot directly over his thundering heart, and then her mouth came close enough to his ear that her soft lips grazed his skin as she spoke. “Oh, I don’t think we’re competing, Andino. At least, not in this sense.”

  She didn’t give him the chance to respond before she stepped away from him altogether, and headed for the club’s entrance. Andino rocked back on his heels—admiration and lust spinning through his bloodstream—and watched the way Haven’s ass swayed in those tight-as-fuck leather pants of hers as she walked away from him, not to mention the peek of creamy, tattooed skin her crop top showed off.

  And would you look at that.

  He found another star.

  A pink one this time.

  “Twenty-four,” he murmured to himself.

  Snaps chuffed beside him as though he had spoken to his dog. Andino, on the other hand, was still interested in memorizing the shape of Haven’s body and how it moved. It was quite a sight—who could blame him, really?


  This woman was something else. His dick was already trying to punch through his fucking slacks it was so goddamn hard.

  It was going to be a fun night.

  “Are you coming?” Haven called over her shoulder.

  Those blue eyes of hers glittered.

  Stormy like the sky after a good rain.

  Crazy beautiful.

  Andino darted forward, saying, “How could I say no?”

  • • •

  Music pumped.

  Lights flashed.

  People danced.

  Drinks flowed.

  Andino took it all in with the keen eye of a business man appreciating his hard work.

  Haven, too, took in the filled-to-capacity club with an appreciative eye as she said, “Maybe I should up my game in this business, huh?”

  Andino smirked. “What, open a few clubs?”

  “The idea is appealing, but, maybe not.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The club scene is a risky business. There’s a lot of variables. I prefer a sure thing when it comes to making business decisions. I’ve worked incredibly hard to be where I am right now, and I don’t want to ruin it by making the wrong choice simply because something seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  She was right.

  He respected her opinion.

  “I don’t tend to have that problem,” he admitted.

  Haven gave him a look. “Consider yourself one of the lucky few, I guess.”

  Yes, it was that, or the fact that Andino kept his many businesses very rich through his other illegal ventures. Of course, he wasn’t about to mention that to Haven.

  “Care for a drink?” Andino asked, putting a hand to Haven’s back as he guided her toward the bar. “Whatever you want, they can make.”

  “Actually, just a whiskey would be great.”

  Andino couldn’t stop the groan that came out of his fucking mouth. “A woman after my own heart—damn.”

  Haven’s laughter came out sweet, high, and all too goddamn sexy. “I am full of surprises.”

  “So I am learning.”

  One of the two women—and one man—working behind the bar smiled widely when Andino and Haven approached. The woman tossed down the rag she had been using to wipe down a bottle, put her hands on the bar top, and lifted herself high enough that she could peer over the other side. At the sight of one of his favorite people, Snaps’ stubby tail wagged again.

  “And there he is,” Candace said, grinning. “Guess what I’ve got for you, Snaps? Guess.”

  The pit bull answered the bartender back with a loud woof. It sent a man sitting on a stool a few seats down jumping out of his seat with wide eyes. The sight made Andino laugh under his breath, but just as quickly, he glanced down at his dog.

  “Like you’re not spoiled enough, huh?” he asked Snaps.

  The dog was quick to scoot around the side of the bar when Andino jerked his head to the side—one of his few commands of go ahead. Candace already had the door open for Snaps, and had one of his favorite freeze-dried meat treats in her hand.

  Candace fed Snaps a treat as she looked back to Andino, asking, “Working tonight?”

  Andino shrugged. “Something like that.”

  The bartender’s gaze drifted to Haven who was currently watching the DJ dance behind the safety of his glass-encased booth. “Ah. Do you want me to call a girl off the floor to make sure you’re both happy, or …?”

  “Not tonight. Just keep an eye on Snaps for me.”

  “Will do.”

  “And two whiskeys—have someone find us on the floor.”

  Candace nodded. “You got it, boss.”

  Now that his pup was handled, Andino put his attention back where he really wanted it to be for the evening—on Haven. She was still watching the DJ, though, and he wasn’t sure he liked that too much. He would much rather have her looking at him.

  Stepping in behind her, Andino slid a hand around Haven’s waist, and grabbed tight. He felt the way her muscles jumped at the unexpected touch, and how she shivered when he leaned in close, and murmured in her ear, “Have you found something you like?”

  “Is that jealousy, I hear?”

  Andino grinned. “You should answer my question.”

  “He’s got a great ear for a good beat.”

  “Mmm, and a drinking problem.”

  Haven made a face. “Yeah, that kind of ruins it.”

  “Would you like me to introduce you, or—”

  “Stop being a shit, Andino.”

  “Most people call me Andi,” he said.

  Haven glanced at him from the side, and her teeth cut into her lip. “Do they?”

  “Everyone who knows me well enough—unless they work for me, I suppose.”

  “I like Andino.”


  “Mmhmm,” she hummed with a sexy grin. “And, you didn’t see me asking about your bartender there, and how much she loves your dog.”


  She was beautiful.


  And quick.

  All the things Andino liked.

  “Fair is fair,” he admitted.

  Haven winked. “Exactly—I want to dance. So, let’s do that, Andino.”

  “Demanding, too,” he murmured.

  “Only when I’m not on my knees.”


  I am so fucked.

  “Let’s dance, then,” he said huskily.

  He chased after Haven’s laughter as she led him out onto the floor. He was beginning to find he liked the sound of her laughter as much as he liked all the many different facets of her. And he was only starting to learn things about this woman—what was he going to think when he knew everything?

  Andino figured that didn’t matter.

  Not now, anyway.

  He found it hard to focus on anything but the way Haven’s tight ass fit perfectly against his groin once they were on the dance floor, and the music turned up a notch. Under the flashing lights, she looked like a sinful angel swaying and grinding to the beat of the song, her lips moving to sing the familiar tune.

  There was no hiding how fucking hard Andino was. No pretending he didn’t want this woman—preferably, bent over some flat, sturdy surface as soon as he could possibly get her there. Was he asking for too much? He sure as hell didn’t think so.

  The closer he pulled her, the mor
e she grinned. The more he let his hands wander over her curves, and sneak up under her crop top to find the lace of her bra meeting his fingertips, the darker the blues of her eyes became. She was soft silk under his hands, and warm, too.

  He bet she was wet somewhere else.

  She watched him under dark, long lashes. Danced without missing a step. Whispered in his ear when he brought her closer.

  She was a teasing minx.

  A siren, maybe.

  Too sexy for her own good, and it kept pulling Andino back in again. He didn’t mind—at least, not for tonight.

  Haven’s laughter colored up his senses with something thick, and promising when her ass grinded against his groin again, and Andino groaned. His fingers dug in tight to her hips, promising something of his own if she kept that fucking shit up.

  “Don’t pretend like you can’t feel my cock,” he murmured against her neck.

  She shuddered. “That’s why I keep doing it.”

  Of course.

  Haven tipped her head sideways just enough for Andino to catch the shape of her pretty mouth curving into one of those sly grins—that was enough teasing for him. He wanted a taste, and so he took it. Pressing his lips against hers, and moving forward at the same time Haven turned to face him completely. Her hands fisted into his silk shirt as he dragged her flush against his body. She wasn’t shy—her lips parting for him the second his tongue struck against the seam of her lips with a silent demand to open up.


  She tasted like mint.



  At least, the promise of it.

  He heard the club around him, and felt the bass of the music thumping against the soles of his shoes, but none of it really mattered. None of it seemed important next to the way this woman kissed him like she needed nothing more than to taste him on her tongue.

  Andino finally broke their kiss when the song changed. Haven’s pink tongue peeked out to lick him from her lips—and fuck him, his dick ached from the sight.

  “Still want that whiskey?”

  “I don’t think so,” Haven said. “I’m in the mood for something else now.”


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