Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space

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Escape to Earth-Fighting for Space Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “Do I get to use the ship you want me to fly?”

  “No, and even if you wanted to use it, the ship will not attack humans unless they are attempting to take possession of this island. No one should have the power for world domination.”

  “No offense intended, Sir, but you do.”

  “I believe in ONE WORLD where all mankind is united and working together to make Earth a better place to live. However, I, and none of the people on that island, will impose that worldview on the planet. Mankind must find a way to live together without coercion. Are you willing to join us?”

  “When the Aliens attacked, my family lived six hundred yards from the County Government Building in Forsythe, Georgia. The blast that destroyed it knocked the walls down around my family. My three-year-old daughter needed twenty stitches and my eight-year-old boy received a concussion. My wife is still traumatized by what happened. I will fight with you to ensure that doesn’t happen again.”

  “You need to understand that we will not use these ships to go out and conquer other civilizations. They are strictly to defend mankind.”

  “Are you saying that an alien species intent on our destruction will be safe in their homes while they come to kill us?”

  “I didn’t say that, Soldier. Going out to stop their invasions is what defense is all about, however, we will not attack those who are not attacking us.”

  “Count me in.”

  Jinks heard over his link, “Barbados just contacted us and says the helicopters can land at their airport where we can interview anyone interested in joining us.”

  “Gunny, Barbados will allow you to land at their airport where we can meet with any of those with you that want to assist us in taking on the aliens.”

  “Well, why don’t you order us to do that, Sir?”


  “The former General did say you were reinstated with your command. Until you can resolve that issue, you are the ranking officer here.”

  Jinks smiled, “You are ordered to land on Barbados. I’ll meet you there.” The huge flight of helicopters turned and headed northeast.

  “Jinks, I’m sending the commanding Gold Star Officers to meet with them and answer any questions they might have.”

  “You don’t want to do it, Lukas?”

  “Jinks, you nor I will always be around. We have to depend on those that believe in what we’re doing to make the vision a reality.”

  Jinks shook his head, “You’re right, Sir.”

  “I also think it might help the soldiers to decide if they can see the ships they’ll be flying.”

  Jinks laughed, “Make sure Stoney shows up.”

  “He’s second in command, he’ll be there.”

  “So you’re coming as well?”

  “No, you’re commanding our forces.”

  The link ended and Jinks shook his head. “Congratulations, Sir.”

  Jinks jerked his head, “I’m sorry, Julie.”

  “Sir, your conversation with the General was broadcast around the world and to every pilot we have on the island. You made us proud, Sir.”

  “I second that, Sir.”

  “Thank you for your confidence. I worry about being up to this.”

  “The fact you would share that with us, tells us that you are, Sir.” Jinks sighed and said, “Take us to Barbados.” The three pods moved out to sea and the warriors in the helicopters heard a distant sonic boom echo across the waves.

  • • •


  “Yes Amanda.”

  “You know that I’ve been given the responsibility of handing the ONE WORLD website.”


  “We’ve been inundated by requests from around the world to join us in our fight against the aliens.”

  “What do you mean, inundated?”


  Lukas stared at Amanda with his mouth open and Salud said, “Is there any pattern to them?”

  “My ship’s computer has been sorting them but it appears many of the soldiers that survived the small craft attack want to come.”

  Lukas shook his head, “We need some way to sort through them and remove those that are too aggressive.”

  “Would you mind if I go to the states and pick up a friend of mine?”

  “Who is that Amanda?”

  “A psychiatrist at Stanford. She can develop a questionnaire that would weed out the obvious problems.”

  “Do you think she would come?”

  “If she can bring her family with her, I believe she would.” Lukas shook his head. Amanda frowned, “Is that a no?”

  “No, it’s not. I was just thinking that we have to build housing for the pilots and their families as well.”

  “Use the converter.”

  Lukas looked up, “What?”

  Willow said, “Move the medium converter on a large truck and have it make the components for modular homes.”

  Amanda snorted, “Willow, one good hurricane would blow them all away. They have to be reinforced to withstand the winds.”

  “Not with a force field over the island.”

  Amanda hit her forehead with her palm, “How stupid can I be. I control the force field and forgot about it.” She looked at Lukas, “Do you want me to bring her?”


  “I’ll be back shortly.”

  “Take the larger Pod.”

  “Good idea. I’ll contact her and tell her to pack what she needs.”

  • • •

  Amanda ran out of the building and Lukas shook his head, “Does she ever slow down?”

  Salud laughed, “We need to give her more things to do.” Salud turned from the rapidly disappearing Amanda and looked at Lukas, “Do you have any idea when the next attack will happen?”

  “The Johan are not the Myot or Welken. They’ve survived by keeping their home world hidden and that is going to slow them down. They’ll send their warships to an isolated place in the galaxy and wait for the skip trace back to their planets to disappear. I suspect they’d take about two weeks to prepare their ships for combat and another seven for the skip trace back to their planet to disappear.”

  “So nine weeks from the last attack?” Lukas shrugged and then nodded, “Give or take a week on either side of that estimate.”

  “So eight weeks at the earliest?” Lukas nodded. “How long will it take to get the new pilots we’ve chosen ready to fight?”

  “The simulators will get them ready for space combat. The main issue will be getting them to fight effectively in units. We’re going to have more than ten thousand ships ready for the next invasion attempt and there is a real danger of them getting in the way of each other during defensive operations.”

  “How did your civilization handle that issue?”

  “We avoided fighting battles with thousands of ships. Coordination is close to impossible.”

  Salud looked out the window at the beach and said, “Were your battles ever above a planet?”

  “When we were attacking. I’ve not participated in defending a planet.”

  “How did you go about attacking a planet?”

  “We’d overwhelm the defenders with numbers and launch a massive number of nuclear missiles. If a city was hit, the battle would be over.”


  “The Sentinels have covenants that dictates the loss of one city will meant the planet must surrender to the attacking force.”

  “Are we covered under those covenants?”

  Lukas looked at her, “No, we’re not. Earth is not a member of the fellowship.” Salud nodded and Lukas said, “What are you thinking?”

  “It appears to me that we need two different forces to confront the attackers. One to go out and destroy their ships and another to hit the incoming nuclear missiles.”

  “We need to discuss this with Jinks and see if the simulators are preparing our pilots to target incoming missiles.” Lukas lifted his wrist and said, “Jinks, I need you and St
oney along with your ranking commanders to come to the beach to meet with us.”

  “I have the Gold Star Leaders waiting to meet the helicopters. We’ll be there in thirty minutes and go back after the meeting.”

  Lukas looked at Salud, “Are you sure you aren’t former military?”

  “I’m a college professor, it’s pretty much the same training.”

  Lukas laughed and took her hand as they left for the beach.

  Chapter Three

  Edward C. Blake looked at the Captain standing in front of him and said, “What do you mean our former General refused to turn the spaceships he built over to us?”

  “He says he will not turn them over to any nation on Earth. Their sole purpose is to defend us against an alien invasion.” The new President of the United States stared at the Captain and he said, “More than five thousand of our former Special Forces have joined him.”

  “They have?”

  “Yes Sir, they have.”

  “And what would happen if I recalled those troops back to the United States?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “I suspect the majority of his pilots are U.S. Citizens.”

  The Captain shrugged, “I think the first couple of thousand were graduates of that ONE WORLD College they built on the island.”

  “Weren’t most of them from the U.S.?”

  “Maybe initially but the last classes came from all over the world. Most of those that attended did not remain on the island. Only those that were handpicked by the professors.”

  The President leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. “Use the communications satellite to contact Jekins.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •


  “Yes Amanda.”

  “The newly elected President of the United States is asking to speak with Jekins.”

  Lukas shook his head and Salud said, “What?”

  “They aren’t finished attempting to take possession of our ships.”

  “What do you think he’s doing?”

  “What would you do if you were in his place?”

  Salud’s brow furrowed for a moment and then her eyes went wide, “Surely he won’t do that? What will you do if he does?”

  “Give him what he wants.”

  “Lukas, you can’t be serious!”

  “I will not allow him to take what we’ve built and use them for selfish reasons.” Lukas looked up, “Willow, is Jekins still here?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Tell him to come here immediately. I also want his conversation with the President sent around the planet. I especially want you to make sure it’s sent to the new Senate and House of Representatives.”

  “I’ll have it ready before Jinks arrives.”

  • • •

  The President sat in his chair in the Oval office and thought about having those powerful spaceships to use to take control over the nations former adversaries. He smiled at the thought of them above the Kremlin. His desk monitor beeped and he saw Jekins appear, “You wish to speak with me, Mr. President?”

  “Yes. It’s my understanding that you are using some of my nation’s active duty soldiers to fly your spaceships.”

  “They have volunteered to assist us in defending Earth against the next Alien Invasion.”

  “You have no authority to order them to do so. You will return them to their duty stations. They may take their ships to defend Earth when the next invasion takes place.”

  Jinks stared at the President and shook his head, “Are you certain you want to do this?”

  “I am. They are sworn to protect the United States and their place is here. I am their Commander in Chief and I am ordering them to return to the States.”

  Jinks stared at the President and his eyes narrowed, “This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to gain control of ships that you can use to impose your will around the world.”

  “Think what you want. Return my soldiers!”

  Jinks lifted his wrist to his mouth as he stared at the President on his monitor, “Attention all ships. Any of you whose pilot is an active duty soldier in the United States Armed Forces will immediately take them to their homes and drop them off. You will then return here to be assigned new pilots.”

  The President’s eyes went wide and Jinks said, “Mr. President, the bulk of your soldiers were assigned to defend the Northern Hemisphere, which includes the United States. We anticipate the next attack will take place from one to three weeks from now. There is no way we can train the new pilots in time to take their place. I would highly recommend that you evacuate your largest cities. They will be the targets of thousands of nuclear missiles during the next invasion. Perhaps your successor might have more wisdom that you do. I suspect you won’t survive the next attack.”

  The monitor went dark and the President jumped up, “WHAT IN THE HELL?” His Chief of Staff rushed in and said, “Every soldier has been landed at their homes and are screaming to the local press about what you just did.”

  The phone on his desk began ringing and he lifted it. The new Speaker of the House screamed, “ARE YOU INSANE!! You will countermand that asinine order you just made and apologize for your arrogance and stupidity!”

  “I am Commander in Chief and have the authority to make the order.”

  “Then you will be the shortest termed President in this nation’s history. The House and Senate have voice voted unanimously to impeach you immediately. The bill has passed the house and is being written to be taken to the Senate where they will pass it. The Vice-President has agreed that you have lost your mind and will countermand your orders. By the way, we are also considering arresting you for being a traitor to our nation.”


  “Have you not sworn to defend the Constitution and this nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic? I really think those aliens must be considered foreign. Now if you want to save your ridiculous hide, I suggest you get back in touch with Jekins and get him to take our soldiers back. I would also consider putting them in reserve status until Jekins no longer needs them. Failing that, I suspect your trial will begin shortly.”

  • • •


  Jinks looked up, “Yes.”

  “The President wishes to speak with you again.”

  “Tell him I’m unavailable.”

  Lukas looked at Jinks, “Is that a good idea?”

  “Lukas, we have to put a stop to this now. The world has to understand that we will not yield to outside pressure.”


  “Yes Willow.”

  “He says it’s extremely important that you take his call.”

  “Tell him I’ll call him.”

  Salud shook her head as Sarah hugged Jinks’ neck, “Boy, you are playing hardball.”

  “He’s being impeached. I suspect if I don’t communicate with him, he’ll be out of office by tomorrow morning.” Jinks smiled at Lukas.

  Lukas shook his head, “I’d rather have a dog that I’ve hit with a rock living next to me than one that doesn’t know me.”

  Jinks stared at Lukas, “I thought you’re an alien?”

  “I am.”

  “That analogy is impossible for someone that isn’t human.”

  Lukas smiled, “I’m a fast leaner.”

  Jinks shook his head and said, “Put him on.”

  • • •

  The President apologized profusely and at the end Jinks said, “I will accept your apology and your soldiers back under the following two conditions.”

  “What conditions?”

  “The House and Senate will pass a bill releasing your soldiers from active duty until they choose to return. You will sign that bill into law and if you ever attempt to exert pressure on us again, I will not agree to save your worthless butt!”

  The President stared at Jinks and saw his expression turn nasty, “I agree, I agree. I will leave you alone. All I ask i
s that you defend us from attack.”

  “We’ll defend you from alien attacks. You are going to have to come to terms with the nations you share this planet with; we will not interfere with that process.” Jinks paused and said, “Please notify my pilots that we will send their ships to pick them up in three days. They deserve some time with their families to remember what they’re fighting for.”

  Jinks ended the call and Sarah smiled, “Boy, you’re tougher than I thought.”

  “Not tough enough. I should have been tougher in the past.” Sarah sat in his lap and knew the Mosul Twenty Five still haunted him. She prayed he would find redemption one day.

  • • •

  Scott sat in his Attack Pod and stared at the moon behind his ship. It was beautiful from this close distance. He sighed and never thought he would be an astronaut. Things were happening quickly. He shook his head and said, “Mac, connect me with Billy.”

  “Connection completed.”

  “What’s up, Scotty?”

  “What do you think about all of this?”

  “I try hard not to think about it and just focus on the piece of space I’m assigned to defend. What’s bothering you?”

  “Do you really think these ships won’t be used to make humanity work together?”

  “Jinks says they won’t.”

  “But there are so many power mad people on the planet.”

  “Have you heard the rumor about the alien in charge?”

  “It’s not a rumor; I met him.”


  “Yes. I was sent to the main island to pick up the ship that chose me. He was working on the ships coming out of the converter installing disruptor modules.”

  “Seems like pretty mundane work for someone in charge.”

  “It is. I walked by him and heard Jinks call him Sir. I stopped and asked if he was the overall commander of our forces.”


  “He stopped working and smiled at me. He said he was. I asked if he was human and he said that he had a human body but that he used to be a warrior on one of the most powerful alien’s battleship.”

  “Is that good?”

  Scott laughed, “I said the same thing. He told me that every civilization he has ever known is at war with all the others. He told me that until he escaped to Earth, he never knew another way existed. Now he says that humans are the most beautiful species he has ever seen and that we don’t deserve to be conquered and enslaved. He thinks we can be so much better than we are.”


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