A Wolf in Mens Clothing

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by Dakota Rebel

  A Wolf in Men’s Clothing

  A Not Quite Wicked Tale

  By Dakota Rebel

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC


  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  P.O. Box 992

  Edgewater, Florida, 32132

  A Wolf in Men’s Clothing

  Copyright © 2010, Dakota Rebel

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Cover art by Les Byerly

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-107-8

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic release: January 2010

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  For Mr. Rebel, I love you more than words can ever say.

  Thank you for everything you don’t even know you do for me.



  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter One

  In retrospect, falling in love with a hunter might not have been the smartest thing I could have done. But I suppose you don’t really get to choose that sort of thing. Love, I mean. It usually chooses you, and chose me it did. Right in the chest. Literally.

  Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. If I’m going to tell the story, I should probably start at the beginning.

  Once upon a time…

  What? Too cliché? Fine.

  I was born a handsome, happy baby boy. Bright blue eyes, full head of jet black hair…

  What now? Too long ago? Get on with it? Damn picky, aren’t we?

  Last month…

  Happy? It doesn’t have the same ring to it as once upon a time, and it’s not exactly the beginning, but whatever. It’s not like it’s my story or anything.

  Last month, two days after the full moon, I met Rhys Stone. He was walking around a busted heap of a car with his cell phone held above his head as if he could force it to catch a signal. Unfortunately, his car had broken down in the dreaded dead zone that is Grayling, Michigan. And worse, it was right outside of Hartwick Pines, the land which I call home, but miles from anywhere he should have been alone.

  Yet there he was. All six foot two of him, with his blond hair lying across his forehead, barely visible under the red hoodie he wore, pointy cheekbones, and bright green eyes full of frustration. It took more restraint than I’d like to admit not to tackle him at a full run, pin him against that jalopy and have my way with him.

  “Need some help?” I asked.

  He spun around to face me as I walked out of the forest toward him. I noticed his hand twitched as if to move behind his back, and I froze, not wanting to spook him anymore than I already had.

  “Dude, where the hell did you come from?” he asked.

  “In there,” I said lamely, pointing in the direction of the trees.

  “Do you work for the forestry?”

  “Not exactly.” Damn, he was nosy. And judging from the reaction to my presence, he was armed, too. Fantastic. Good thing most people who carry guns don’t have them equipped with silver bullets, or I would have had to be even more cautious.

  Oh yeah, I’m a werewolf. See what happens when you get all pushy about where people start their stories? You miss stuff.

  Anyway, I kept myself at the back of the car, figuring he could come closer if he wanted to. I was quite happy to stand there and stare at him all day long. He was gorgeous, and I had nothing better to do for a while.

  “Is there a pay phone around here somewhere?” he finally asked after looking me up and down so hard I felt my cock twitch in response.

  “Pay phone?” I laughed. “I haven’t seen a pay phone in years. I have a landline at my cabin if you want to use it. It’s about half mile that way.” I pointed back toward the trees.

  “You live in the woods? I thought this was a state park.”

  “It is. But my family owned the cabin long before the park popped up around it.”

  “And you have a phone?” He sounded skeptical.

  “Well, the cabin has been updated since the 1700’s. I’m not a mountain person for God’s sake. There’s plumbing, electricity and everything. Just like you city folk have.” I rolled my eyes. He was hot, but I couldn’t help feeling he might be a little dumb. Perfect.

  “What’s your name?” He walked toward me with his hand out.

  “Christian Dale,” I said, shaking his hand.

  “I’m Rhys Stone. Sorry if I seemed rude. I wasn’t expecting someone to pop out of the woods and come to my rescue. I should have known this piece of crap wouldn’t make it all the way to the U.P.”

  He kicked the fender of the car on his way past. I stopped, waiting so he would walk next to me. My nostrils flared at the smell of gun oil. He had touched his gun recently. Probably he kept it in a holster in the vehicle, and when he’d gotten out, he’d moved it to his body. I wasn’t too concerned about the weapon. I was more worried about how I would convince him to get naked when we got to my cabin.

  We walked in silence for a little while, listening to the needles crunch under our feet. It was fall, and the weather was turning colder. Being a werewolf, my blood tends to run warm, so I was fine in just the thermal Henley I wore, but when I glanced over at Rhys, I noticed his shoulders were hunched and his hands were plunged into the front pockets of his hoodie.

  “So,” I said, thinking conversation would take his mind off the temperature. “What are you going to the U.P. for?”

  The U.P. is short for the upper peninsula of Michigan. Pretty much anything north of Grayling was “up north” and anything in the peninsula was simply “the U.P.” Town names aren’t all that important to people who don’t actually live in them.

  “It’s my gran’s eighty-fifth birthday, and I wanted to get up there to celebrate with her.”

  “That’s nice,” I said. “Are you two close?”

  “Close enough. I don’t get up to see her often, but we talk on the phone a lot. She’s a cool old lady.” He smiled now, and I saw he had dimples in both cheeks.

  I was watching him so closely that I tripped over my own feet. Rhys tried to catch me, but we both fell off balance and somehow ended up on the ground with him sprawled over the front of me. Pinecones and rock debris dug into my back, but I don’t think I’d ever felt as comfortable as I did in that moment.

  I couldn’t help noticing from the growing hardness pressed against me that Rhys didn’t seem to mind the situation either.

  “My what a big…set of hands you have there,” he said softly, a blush creeping up his dimpled cheeks.

  “The better to feel you with,” I growled, running my hands up his thighs.

  “I just want you to know that I never act like this with strangers,” Rhys said, his voice breathier with every word.

  “Act like what?”

  “This.” He kissed me hard, his tongue forcing my lips apart before I really realized what he was doing. But I caught on quickly, wrapping my arms around his waist, which confirmed my suspicion he carried a gun.

  I ignored the metal at the small of his back and slid my hands up his shoulders, holding him tight against me as we explored each other’s mouths with our teeth and tongues. After a minute, he pulled back, propping himself over me.r />
  “Didn’t you say you had a cabin around here somewhere?”

  I nodded, not sure I could speak for a moment. I had only been half kidding myself when I thought I would get him naked at the cabin. But it was looking like maybe my luck was better than I’d thought.

  Rhys climbed to his feet, holding out a hand to help me up. I didn’t need it, but I wasn’t going to pass up any chance to touch him. I kissed him quickly on the lips and kept his hand in mine as I led him the rest of the way through the woods to my cabin.

  Now, I am by no means a prude, but the closer we got to the house, the more I started to worry things were moving just a tad fast. I hadn’t survived the past twenty-nine years as a werewolf by not paying attention to warning signs. A big red flag was waving behind my eyes.

  I knew he had a gun and a raging hard on. That was about all I could vouch for. I hadn’t witnessed the car breaking down. I didn’t know for sure that he was really on his way to his grandmother’s house. I didn’t know anything about him really. He wasn’t supposed to know anything about me either, but he seemed instantly willing to follow me to my house. In the middle of the woods.

  I wanted to believe the gun gave him a sense of security so he felt he had nothing to fear from me. But he couldn’t know I didn’t have twelve men at my house waiting to ambush him. For all he knew, I was some crazy mountain person who preyed on innocent people who stumbled across my neck of the woods.

  “What are you, stupid or something?” I asked when I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned to look at him and felt that my eyes were narrowed in anger.

  “Excuse me?” He let go of my hand and stared at me. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “You don’t know me—you don’t know anything about me. I could be a murderer or a rapist or…or a hippie for God’s sake. Why on Earth would you just wander into the woods with a strange man? Does your grandmother know you’re so reckless?”

  Once my mouth opened, I couldn’t seem to make it shut. His face creased into a smile, those dimples appeared again, and still I kept going, berating him for wandering around the woods with strangers.

  “Are you done?” he asked when I paused to take a breath.

  “No,” I said, getting ready to start up again, but he grabbed me and shoved me hard against a tree. Normally, a human wouldn’t have been able to do that, but he caught me off guard. His lips slamming against mine stopped anything else I might have said to him.

  I reached around his neck and pulled his hood down to run my fingers through his soft blond hair. He gripped my waist as if to hold me still against the tree. Luckily for him, I wasn’t feeling an immediate need to move.

  He broke the kiss and laughed. Not quite the reaction I’d been expecting even if he’d been smiling at my earlier diatribe.

  “Christian, I’m a big boy. I can handle myself.” He stepped away from me, and I had to fight not to whine at the loss of his body heat against my chest. “I’m sure you noticed I’m armed when we…tripped earlier. I’m a professional big game hunter, so I’m quite skilled with a weapon. You couldn’t touch me before I got at least two shots in your chest. So to answer your earlier question, no, I’m not stupid. And yes, my grandmother knows just how reckless I can be. She says I get it from her.”

  A big game hunter. Perfect. My thoughts went back to what he had been doing on the side of my road. Why had he wanted to go back to my place so quickly? Did he know what I was? Had he staged the car breaking down to draw me out of the woods? Maybe he had silver shot in that gun. Maybe he was out in the woods on a hunt.

  “You’re not moving,” he said after a minute. “Did you want me to go back to the car? I’m sure someone will be along eventually. You don’t have to let me in your home if you’re having second thoughts. It’s all right…really.”

  If I were a smart man, I would have sent him back to his car. If I didn’t think with my dick more often than with my head, I would have walked him back and left him where I’d found him. If he hadn’t kept flashing those adorable dimples at me, I might have done just that. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. I had to have him. Even if it was a trap and he planned on killing me, if I got to fuck him first, I might have been okay with it.

  “Come on,” I growled. “We’re almost there.”

  I didn’t take his hand again, just turned and started back up the trail. It was a well-worn path and wasn’t really that hard to find. I tried to convince myself that if he knew what I was, had known where I lived, he could have found the cabin at any time. I didn’t hide in the woods. I just happened to live there.

  “Wow,” he whispered behind me when we turned a bend and the cabin came into view.

  “I told you it’s been updated since the dark ages.” I didn’t turn around to see his face. I didn’t have to. The amazement in his voice with just that one little word made me smile.

  My father and I had worked hard to get the cabin to its present condition. To be honest, it had been pretty much a rotting hunk of wood planks when we’d started. No one had lived in it for centuries, even though the acre the house sat on had been ours the whole time. We’d petitioned the courts to let us rebuild the cabin in the woods, and they’d agreed. Legally, they couldn’t have stopped us anyway, but it’s always nice to ask before building a 2,300 square foot house in the middle of a state park.

  “Did you build this?” Rhys asked as he walked around me to get a closer look at the house.

  “Yeah, my dad and I did. Took us about two years to get it done, but I love it. Not many people get to live like this, and I try hard not to take it for granted.”

  “Christian, this is amazing. Would you mind giving me a tour?”

  “Not at all. Go on in.”

  I followed him into the house and started with the kitchen. We walked through the living room, the game room and the library before heading up to the second floor.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” Rhys asked. His voice was casual, but when I turned to look at him, his eyes were full of heat.

  I reached for him, wrapping my arm around his waist and yanking him hard against me. I kissed him hard and fast, my tongue forcing his lips apart while I held tight to him with one hand. The other hand fumbled for the doorknob of my room. I let him go as I opened the door so we wouldn’t fall to the floor.

  Rhys grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room. He walked straight to the bed and sat down, unzipping his hoodie, pulling it off and tossing it to the floor. His hands moved back to my body and he slid them up my stomach and my ribs, then stood to pull my shirt over my head.

  I felt a little lost and was more than happy to let him take charge for a minute while my brain caught up with my cock, which was hard as a rock and aching to be touched. Rhys, who had just removed his own shirt, set his gun on the nightstand and watched me intently.

  Finally, I shoved him backward onto the mattress, climbing over him and fighting the urge to chastise him again. There was no way he could get to his gun before I did. The stupid twink was going to get himself killed one day. All I could think was thank God it wouldn’t be today.

  “Christian?” Rhys’ eyes were wide and his breath was shallow and hot against my face when he exhaled.

  “Mmm?” I mumbled as I kissed over his collarbone. I ran my tongue up his throat and sucked his earlobe into my mouth.

  “Fuck, Christian. I want you. Right now.”

  “Now?” I asked softly against his ear. “But you just got here.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone as badly as I want you. Please?”

  His words made my cock twitch and I felt pre-cum already spreading across the front of my boxers. I wanted him, too.

  I slid my hand between us, yanking the button open on his jeans before sliding the zipper down. He arched up his hips, but there was no way I was going to get his pants off while I was on top of him. I rolled over onto the mattress and fought not to laugh at the quickness with which he got himself undressed. I glanced over at him, and
any humor I may have felt was gone.

  He was beautiful. I realize this is not a word most men would appreciate being called, but he was. Beyond gorgeous, past perfect, he was absolutely beautiful. I hurried out of my own clothes and reached into the nightstand for a condom and a bottle of lube.

  “How do you want to do this?” I asked, my voice softer than I’d expected it to be.

  “I want you inside of me,” he said before rolling onto his stomach.

  I stared down at his perfectly round ass in disbelief. I would have never believed when I woke up that morning that I would find the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen offering up his ass to me on my own bed by the afternoon.

  I ripped open the foil packet with my teeth and slid it down my aching cock. I hoped he would stay long enough for me to thoroughly explore his body, but the man wanted me inside of him, and I always aim to please.

  Chapter Two

  Rhys jumped a little when the cool lubricant hit his skin. Carefully balanced on my knees behind him, I ran two fingers up and down the crack of his ass a few times before slowly pushing them inside his tight asshole. He moaned into the mattress, and I fought not to groan in return. His muscles clenched around my fingers for a minute until he relaxed against the intrusion, and it was a struggle not to come at the thought of feeling him around my cock. I worked my digits in and out of him a few times until he seemed adjusted to being stretched for me.

  I poured more lube into my hand and used it to coat the condom before positioning the head of my cock against his slick hole.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked him.

  “Yes, I’m fucking positive,” Rhys said quickly.

  I slid the head of my cock inside of him, pushing slowly, afraid of hurting him by moving too fast too soon. Inch by inch, I watched myself disappear inside of him, the heat from the inside of his body almost scalding my sensitive member. When I was completely inside of him, I stopped, enjoying the feel of his muscles clenching and relaxing against me. I probably could have come just from that sensation alone.


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