Blaak Magic

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Blaak Magic Page 2

by Boroughs PublishingGroup

  Withdrawing from the honeyed pleasure of her hungry sucking wasn’t going to happen. Her mouth tensed as he felt the blood hammering harder through his flesh. His balls were tormented, his erection tensing, his release imminent.

  She moaned a hungry, greedy sound. His hands tightened in her hair. He had to be pulling too hard but he couldn’t stop. The surge of sensation that raced through his body, exploded through the head and spurted from his cock rocked him to his very core.

  It had been years since he had come so hard, but it wasn’t enough and he was still hard as he slipped out of her bruised lips. He laid her down on the bed as his eyes wandered over the generous breasts, curvy waist, and strong thighs.

  “Spread those beautiful legs for me baby,” he said. Lucas reached to the side drawer and pulled out a condom and placed it over his bouncing cock.

  He stretched out over her and as her legs parted, he settled against her. He caught her face and kissed hard. She gasped and then accepted his tongue again. The need to devour her pushed him. He reached down, and clasping a knee, spread her legs wider. Still kissing her, unable to get enough to pacify him, he could feel her open for him, warm and wet against the head of his cock, and it was enough to make him clench his teeth.

  Trying to gain some semblance of control, he struggled to be gentle as he rocked into her just a little bit. She was snug, tight and perfect. Her hands lifted, her fingers gripping his hard biceps as he entered her, stretching her, burning her.

  Lacy wrapped her arms around him, wrapping him in the scent and the feel of her. He took pleasure in the way she hugged him closely and met his every thrust with a rise of her hips. Her nails dug into his arms, her hips lifting and lowering, working his flesh deeper inside her as her gaze locked with his.

  Lucas put one hand beneath her delectable arse and lifted her even more so he could go deeper, so she’d take all of him. He was so thick and so hard his shaft was almost straining as he pushed inside her. The swollen folds of her pussy were parted, gleaming with wetness, clasping, enfolding the base of the shaft penetrating her.

  A certain type of hunger and need tore through her. It rose with each thrust, with each forceful entry into her tightening flesh. She swore she could see more in his eyes. It had to be more than just physical. The intensity of the pleasure was just too deep. Would he forgive her for using him? Or would he be the one who walked away?

  “Oh God baby, fuck me.” His voice sounded broken, thicker.

  Lacy felt floods of sensation collecting in her womb, stealing her breath. Her clit swelled further, contracting again until the pleasure and pain mixed in erogenous desperation.

  She could feel his cock, thicker, harder than before, as each thrust began to go faster, tighter, and shorter.

  She could hear her moans, rising with each wicked burst of pleasure as she felt the tension spiralling inside her, red-hot, blazing out of control until it suddenly shattered.

  Her pussy clenched, milking his thrusting cock a second before the world disappeared around her and ecstasy rumbled through her. A wave of blissful pressure burst through her, and shuddering, she felt Lucas thrust in hard, deep. He jerked her against him, his powerful body flowing with pleasure, and he spilled inside her. Erupting deep and hot, his release flew through her senses as her own release seared nerve endings and had her breathless at the intensity of her orgasm.

  She didn’t know if she was breathing. She didn’t care if the world itself had stopped. Nothing mattered but this pleasure and the molten mix of intense awareness and passion.


  “Son-of-a-bitch!” shrieked her beautiful best friend. Furious, Lynda continued, “You can’t be serious! He was cheating on you? But you guys had the best marriage. What a wanker!” she said clearly frustrated. She gave Lacy the once over with sad amber eyes.

  “Why didn’t you call me earlier?” she asked as she looked around, taking in the state of the house.

  Truth be told Lacy just needed some quiet time. It had been a week since she’d discovered Chase’s infidelity and tried to forget the horrible betrayal in Lucas’s bed.

  He had called Lacy every day and had even come by a few times. She hadn’t answered the phone or the door. She hadn’t cleaned the house either, and there were dirty dishes piled on every flat surface, clothes strewn on every inch of the floor, books and magazines scattered everywhere, and the plants were dead or dying.

  For the life of her, Lacy could not remember the last time she had a shower.

  Her lip quivered, and she dug the heels of her hands into her eyes to stop the tears from blurring her vision.

  “Oh honey, it’s going to be okay, I promise. How about I come and stay here with you until you feel a bit better? I’ll clean up and feed you, okay?” she said as she cuddled up next to Lacy.

  Lacy gave her a weak smile.

  Lynda wrinkled her nose. “Okay how about you go have a shower, ’cause you smell a bit funky, and I’ll have some food ready for you.”

  With that she led Lacy into her bedroom and left her to do her own thing. Lacy looked at herself in the mirror and was shocked to see her gray eyes were lifeless and hollow with black circles under them and her hair sat in a tumbleweed on top of her head.

  What am I doing to myself? I’m letting him destroy me.

  She slowly undressed as the shower spat out steamy water that seemed to soothe her soul. The last week had been a waste. Chase hadn’t called. The pain that had surrounded Lacy at the thought of losing him had surprisingly subsided within her. Had the love she thought she had so fiercely held within her heart for her husband died a tragic ending?

  The thought of what she had done with Lucas had her blushing and her body burning. It had never been like that between Chase and her. Sex had always sweet and slow. With Lucas she barely recognised herself. Lacy shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  She missed Lucas. Lacy hadn’t realized the passion, the desire that she had held within her. She was a different person in Lucas’s bed and damn it she liked that person. She liked the way they were together, the way it felt being in his arms.

  Lacy turned off the water and got out of the shower. She changed into a short denim skirt and a white polo. She wandered out through the foyer which merged into a living area. It was surprisingly clean.

  “Wow, you work fast,” she said, looking around at the empty kitchen counter, and dining table. All the clothes, magazines, and books were picked up and put back in their rightful places. Lacy was hit with the smell of coffee and her mouth watered.

  “Sit down and I’ll make you some eggs.”

  “No, no, coffee is fine, I don’t think I can stomach anything right now,” Lacy groaned.

  “All right, but you have to eat slowly so you can regain your appetite,” said Lynda.

  She handed Lacy a cup of coffee. “By the way, we’re going out tonight.”

  Lacy scowled at her friend then took a sip of coffee.

  “Don’t give me that look, young lady. You need to get out of this damn house. Trey is playing at the club and you know he said he’d get us on the list.”

  Trey was one of Lynda’s employees at the sports shop she managed. He was cute and also worked as a DJ at their local club, Wild Fire.

  “I seriously don’t think I’m up for dancing right now, maybe later in the week,” Lacy said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

  “No ifs, buts or maybes we’re going and that’s final. I don’t care if you don’t dance. Even if you want to get extremely drunk and just sit there all night, that’s good enough for me,” she said with a big smile.

  Lacy groaned. The thought of spending tonight at a club with Lynda and Trey made her want to hurl. She wasn’t in the best mood to pretend that she was happy about it but she went along. Lacy knew Lynda was just worried about her and for that she was grateful.

  They’d been friends since primary school. Lacy was the shy nerdy kid who sat in the corner and never said much, not liking to draw
attention to herself. Then Lynda had come in, sat next to her and given Lacy a bubbly smile. She’d had big brown curls, all knotty and tangled. Lacy had smiled back. They’d been friends ever since. Lynda was a child from a broken home, a Ward of the State, tossed around between more foster homes than she could remember.

  When Lynda was ten, her inner strength was broken by a drunken bastard of a foster care worker who’d decided that she was old enough to slip into bed with one night. He had raped her repeatedly and left her bleeding, bruised and emotionally destroyed. God only knew how she got herself out of that house and managed to walk the twenty minutes to Lacy’s house.

  Lacy still remembered her mum opening the door to find Lynda standing there, skinny and fragile, covered in dirt and mud, her hair tousled everywhere, and her face streaked with tears and blood running down her legs.

  Her parents had bundled both of them into the car and taken Lynda to the hospital. The police were called and the bastard that raped Lynda got sentenced to four years in prison, but had gotten out in two on probation. He wasn’t even sorry he took away her innocence or her childhood.

  From that day onwards Lynda has lived with Lacy and her parents. She’d been so broken it had taken years of counselling to heal her wounds. Goodness had won out and they’d been able to adopt her. She had become the sister Lacy had always wanted.

  They had gone through everything together. Getting their periods, falling in love, getting their hearts broken, getting their first jobs and sharing everything else that came along.


  Lucas was pissed. It had been over a week since he had woken up to find his bed empty. Lacy had just disappeared. She wasn’t answering her phone or her door. She hadn’t been to work. He knew because he had driven by twice a day just to check.

  He was turning into a stalker but he didn’t give a damn. He wanted answers, and damn it, today he was going to get them. Lucas glared at the door that stood in his way, raised his fist, and started banging mercilessly. The door swung open abruptly and there stood the only person who could get him so worked up.

  “You look like shit, Lacy!” Lucas raised his eyebrows at her, taking in her pale skin. In spite of the fact she’d lost weight and had shadows under her eyes, his balls tightened painfully and his cock pulsated in demand.

  She was standing there in a tiny bit of white material, the thin straps barely covering her round, plump breasts. He pushed past Lacy dragging his massive duffel bag behind him, as he slammed the door shut.

  “What are you doing here?” Her tone was definitely not welcoming.

  Lucas could see the blush creeping up her face as her amber eyes watched him warily, but her nipples beneath the cotton top hardened, tipped, and pleaded against the restrictive material, telling another story, beckoning him to touch, suckle, and pinch.

  “You don’t call, you don’t write, so I thought I’d come for a visit,” he said with a big smile that showed too many teeth to be friendly.

  Lucas stood his ground and watched her as she licked lightly at her full pink lips. Her translucent eyes wandered down to the rock hardness of his cock. An image of her on her knees in front of him, taking him into the hot depths of her mouth, sucking and licking, had pleasure travelling through his veins and nearly buckled his knees.

  A growl escaped before he could control his desire.

  Her eyes widened as they stood there staring at each other. “What are you doing here Lucas?” She diverted her eyes as the blush became almost crimson on her pearly skin.

  “You won’t answer my calls. You came to my house, we had sex, and then you just snuck off.”

  “I didn’t sneak.”

  “Yeah you did. What happened with Chase to make you come to me?”

  “There really isn’t anything to say. We can’t take it back, but that doesn’t mean I want things to be any different between us now than they’ve always been.”

  “Nothing will change if you don’t want it to, but don’t deny that there was something between us. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had that with anyone before.”

  “Look, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just pretend it never happened. If I sound harsh I’m sorry but I don’t want things to change. Even though I’m single now, I don’t want a relationship again, not for a very long time.”

  She was avoiding any contact with him. Lucas watched as she became interested in the walls. Temper snapping, he stalked to Lacy and grabbed her by her arms then pinned her against the couch. His breath was hot and angry on her skin.

  “What do you mean you’re single again?” His eyes searching her face as he lifted her chin up.

  “He’s been cheating on me for six months,” Lacy whispered. She looked crestfallen, small, and utterly alone. Shame engulfed her eyes as he felt her body slump against the couch.

  He loosened his grip as he stared down at her in shock. “Did he tell you?”

  “Someone sent me photos. I don’t think he was going to tell me.” Lacy dared not look at Lucas, afraid to see the blame, afraid to see the pity. Before she could cut and run he took her into his strong arms. Her eyes widened as she saw the hunger on his face. He was doing nothing to hide it, nothing to reduce it.

  “Lucas,” he heard her whisper and he could see her chest rising and falling with her rapid breathing as his gaze lingered on the singlet she wore. He lowered his gaze, pressing his lips to the swell of one breast. As his tongue licked over it he revelled in the slight shiver that sparked through her.

  Passion flamed through Lucas, tearing across nerve endings and demolishing any sense of control as his lips fit perfectly across hers in a kiss guaranteed to wipe every thought from her mind except for thoughts of him.

  Lacy shaped herself to him, a shattered moan leaving her lips as his tongue licked her lower plump lip, slipped in to tease hers, then retreated as he gave her a series of deep kisses that left her breathless.

  “God you taste so good. You make me lose my mind,” Lucas whispered before licking at her lips again.

  “Oh, God, Lucas,” Lacy heard herself moan as his teeth raked over the sensitive chord in her neck as he pulled the singlet off her body.

  He groaned as his lips moved to the centre of her breasts, his tongue licking at the curves. Lucas could feel the perspiration collecting on his body hot and slick as he applied pressure and squeezed her, urging her. His fingers skated the luscious swell of one breast as he slowly ran his thumb over the tight mauve tip.

  He curled his tongue around the peak and pulled it in his mouth. He felt Lacy buckle under the sensations, understood as she struggled for breath. That was his intention. He needed to own her, to make her remember only him.

  “God you’re beautiful.” The desire and need in his voice left her weak.

  “Please don’t stop,” Lacy was begging. She had never begged for anything in her life.

  “I don’t think I can.” Before Lacy could hold onto him, he was on his feet and lifting her against him. Tension radiated in the air around them as she realized he was moving quickly toward her bedroom. Lacy felt the mattress give beneath her back and Lucas loomed over her. Her breath caught, she felt surrounded by him, heated by him. Lacy arched against him as his lips stroked her skin with intense touches as he undressed her.

  He growled as he lifted her, his hands slowly drawing the remaining clothing from her body as her head fell back on her shoulders to allow his lips to caress the side of her neck.

  “Do you know how long I have wanted to see you like this? To bury my cock so deep inside you that you screamed? God, this week has been murder.” He nipped at the swollen curve of her breast as he lowered Lacy onto the bed.

  His voice was strong, intense. The wicked tone sent shivers racing over her body as she trembled beneath him. His was primal, rapt as he stared between her thighs before lifting his gaze to hers.

  “Baby you’re so wet.” His hand reached out, his fingers running through the drenched slit. A cry passed her lips as the f
ire building inside of her became uncontrollable. Lacy felt mesmerised as she watched him bring those fingers to his lips, tasting her, his eyes intensifying, his gaze growing sharper. He suddenly moved from the bed, his hands going to his own jeans.

  Within seconds he was naked, his hard body gleaming with sweat, the swollen crest of his erection glistening with pre-cum.

  His hands held hers gently, pressing Lacy back to the bed as his head lowered to the wet folds between her thighs. Her senses ignited.

  His tongue rubbed over the bare, sensitive flesh with the gentlest stroke, licking at her, burning her with each touch as she fought to get closer. She needed more, wanted more.

  Her cry of need tore from her throat as his tongue flicked around her clit, sending a pulsating, burning sensation enfolding around the taut bundle of nerves. Lacy strained toward him, her head thrashing on the bed as she dug her hands into his hair.

  She cried out again as he shivered against her flesh, his hands parting her legs further before she felt the slightest pressure at the entrance.

  “Lucas, please…please.” Lacy couldn’t hold back the pleas, the need for release.

  She screamed as his lips covered her clit, his tongue flicking as he suckled at her flesh. Pleasure rippled through her body.

  Release was earth shattering. It exploded inside her, drawing her muscles tight, pulling her upper body forward as she fought for something to hold onto.

  “Jesus!” Lucas rose fiercely between her thighs.

  Her eyes blurred until she felt the sudden, thick pressure parting her, pressing against the quivering entrance to her vagina.

  Her hands gripped his biceps, her upper body on edge and taut as her gaze dropped low between them. Straining and like steel, his cock pressed against Lacy as his hips began to press closer.


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