The Enforcer (Devil's Henchmen MC Book 1)

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The Enforcer (Devil's Henchmen MC Book 1) Page 3

by Samantha McCoy

  “No disrespect Prez, but your sister didn’t bother to tell you this?” he asked.

  “None taken. But no, Amber didn’t tell me because she didn’t know. To her, he was Joe Stephens, which is, in fact, his real name. Amber was told that he sold real estate, which is also true. But, that’s all she knew,” Sledge replied with an even tone.

  “So she had no idea she was involved with a lowlife drug dealer? That dude is the reason for most of the crime in the city, hell in the fucking South. How did she not know?” Viper repeated.

  Tension in the room was growing. Reaper could feel it and he didn’t like the attitude coming from Viper. Like a drug dealer of Ratchet’s caliber would walk around with an advertisement on his back. Viper was an idiot. The man was about five sentences away from feeling Reaper’s hand close around his throat.

  Standing up, pissed off, Amber answered Viper’s question. “Obviously, she didn’t know because he kept the two lives separate, asshole,” she said fuming.

  Reaper’s head whipped around in her direction. He could tell she was irritated as hell that everyone was talking about her like she wasn’t even here. Her outburst wouldn’t go unnoticed. Sledge would feel a backlash for her insult, but instead of reprimanding her, she was rewarded with Sledge and Reaper bursting out in laughter.

  “Did she just call me an asshole?” Viper asked the room, causing Sledge and Reaper to laugh harder. The look on Viper’s face was priceless. Completely baffled that a five-foot-nothing woman had the balls to him an asshole.

  “Yeah,” Amber retorted, “I called you an asshole. If you don’t like the term, then I would suggest you don’t act like one.”

  Looking back at Amber, Reaper saw her watching Viper with her hands on her wide-curvy hips and an eyebrow raised, like she was looking at a total moron; which, to be honest, wasn’t far from the truth. Reaper often wondered why they kept the man around.

  “Maybe you should remind your sister of her place, President,” Viper snarled.

  “And maybe you should watch your step Cedric,” Sledge said, the use of Viper’s real name showing his contempt. The guy was fucking snake, so the name fit him well.

  “Today, our normal ‘no women’ policy does not apply. Amber has information we need, whether she realizes it yet or not,” Sledge said, glancing at his sister. “She knows his habits, his hangouts. Things that may take us a few days to gather, we can get directly from her now.”

  “Okay, if that is all for the Q&A, let’s cut the shit and get back down to business,” Reaper said trying to defuse the ticking bomb sitting next to him, plus he was holding onto his own temper by a thread. The last thing any of them needed was Sledge and Reaper pissed off at the same time. Last time that happened, the garage had to be rebuilt.

  “Ratchet knows Amber is here. We’re positive he saw Sledge show up at Amber’s apartment and then leave with her on his bike. He’ll come looking for her and that’s what we need to discuss because when he does, it won’t be pretty,” Reaper stated.

  “No, it won’t. We have all seen what the Velvet Blood is capable of,” Tank commented. “We’ve seen some of the women other guys have rescued.”

  “I agree,” said Diesel. “Remember when the Kamikaze Crew did that rescue mission last year? Six Bloods came after them for revenge and to take the girls back. They didn’t get them, and died for the trouble; but the point is, they won’t just let her walk.”

  “Right. We are not just talking about any drug dealer. We are talking about a guy who has his hands in with the Mexican Cartel - drugs, guns, human trafficking, murder, and probably a shit-ton more stuff that even we don’t know about yet. But, if he or any of the Velvet Bloods come looking for Amber, we have a duty as Henchmen. Protect and Defend. Plain and simple,” Reaper commanded, looking around the room to ensure everyone knew exactly what he was talking about.

  If the Velvet Bloods came for Amber, they were signing their own death warrants. They would start a war and the Devil’s Henchmen were just the judges to grant their executions.

  “So, we go to war with not just the Bloods, but the Cartel too because your sister has bad taste in men?” Viper asked Sledge.

  Before Sledge could answer, Reaper was out of his seat and across the room holding Viper against the wall. This motherfucker was begging for an ass whooping. Reaper was at the end of his patience.

  “No, we won’t be going to war. We’ll be taking out the trash. That’s what we do as Henchmen. Not just because that motherfucker put his hands on the wrong damn woman! We take him out because over my dead body will that motherfucker get his hands on her or any other woman again,” Reaper said in a voice filled with venom.

  “This is what we do gentlemen,” he announced to the room. “It will serve you well to remember that,” Reaper continued, but looked directly at Viper.

  He was beyond controlling his temper now. The Devil’s Henchmen were about honor and loyalty, above all else. They had each other’s backs, no matter what because they were family. Protect and Defend. Amber was Sledge’s sister so that made her an honorary part of the club. The Henchmen would do the same for any member’s family.

  The corner of Viper’s mouth twitched and Reaper knew the man was trying to hold back a smile. Fuckin’ asshole, Reaper thought. Always trying to get a rise out of somebody, but Reaper was not in the mood today.

  “Tread lightly brother. Today is not the day,” Reaper said low enough that only Viper could hear. “The Grim is only moments away from coming out to play.” Viper eyes widened in understanding. Smart man...very smart man.

  Chapter Six


  Amber sat quietly in a chair behind her brother listening to the meeting. After her outburst, she was fuming. She had never been so pissed off, listening to them talk like she wasn’t even there. Like who the fuck does that? Then the Neanderthal in the back of the room had to open his mouth. By then, she’d had enough.

  Then the guy in the back stood up again and made another smartass comment, she really thought Devin would go ape shit on him, she could feel the anger rolling off him in waves. However, she was surprised to see that it was actually Reaper who defended her. Surprised and turned-on as fuck.

  She was even more astonished at how that made her feel. Viper was as tall as Reaper, but where Reaper was layer after layer of muscle, Viper was lean. He was smart-mouth jackass, while Reaper smooth confidence. And the strength, the protectiveness, that Reaper showed was hot as Hades! Amber knew she would be changing her panties after this meeting. No way could she spend the rest of the day in wet underwear.

  Amber watched as Reaper walked back to his seat. Their eyes met and she could see the tight grip he was keeping on his control. She couldn’t help but wonder, if she wasn’t in the room, would he have held back as much as he was.

  The meeting continued with the group coming up with a plan. Around the clock watches, scouts checking out local Velvet Blood stomping grounds. Devin figured he would look for Ratchet before Ratchet came looking for Amber.

  Amber answered questions when they were directed at her, but otherwise she kept quiet for the remainder of the meeting. How did her life get so messed up, she wondered? All she wanted to do was going back to when things were normal. Living in her tiny apartment, working all day, then sleeping alone all night.

  Well, maybe not the sleeping alone part, she thought to herself. She wouldn’t mind Reaper sleeping in the bed next to her though.

  Lost in thought, Amber didn’t realize the meeting was over until Devin touched her shoulder, making her jump. “Damn it! You scared the hell out of me!”

  “Daydreaming?” Devin laughed.

  “Something like that,” she told him.

  “Care to share?” he asked.

  “Not no, but hell no!” she laughed.

  “Hmmm. That interesting huh?” he laughed.

  “Something like that,” Amber smiled at him. “I guess I’ll head back to your room. Unless you need something else from me?” />
  “Actually, Reaper is going to take you back to your apartment so you can get your clothes,” he said.

  Amber looked over to where Reaper was standing, talking to another biker. Did he really want to take her, she thought? After last night, she doubted it.

  “You can’t take me?” Amber asked Sledge.

  “No. Reaper has a truck here at the clubhouse. I can’t really haul clothes back on my bike. Plus, I have some more calls that I need to make. Don’t worry Amber, he’ll keep you safe,” her brother reminded.

  “I know, but I’m sure he doesn’t want to play taxi driver and babysitter all day,” Amber replied.

  “Do you need a babysitter?” he inquired, rolling his eyes.

  “What the hell! Did you just roll your eyes at me?” she asked astonished. “Devin Derek Parks! I will slap them eyes straight out of your head. Roll’em at me again!”

  Sledge chuckled, “You better grow a set first little sister.”

  “Please! Don’t think that just because I’m a woman, that I don’t carry a set of balls. I just wear mine higher than you,” she retorted, pointing at her breasts, “Helps to prevent chaffing.”

  The two siblings burst into laughter, causing several of the Henchmen to turn and stare in their direction. Getting serious, Amber asked, “You don’t think Reaper would let you borrow his truck to drive me to my apartment?”

  “Really Amber? You think I haven’t noticed the way he looks at you? Or hell, the way you look at him? Because I do.” Now it was Amber’s turn to roll her eyes.

  “Let me tell you little sister, if there is one person who I think even closely deserves you, it’s Reaper. I trust that man with my life. But be careful. He has a past that continues to creep up on him from time to time,” Devin warned. “Either way, he already agreed to take you. So go!” Devin said, pushing her towards the door.

  Amber looked at him, really looked at him. If she didn’t know better, she would think her brother was playing match-maker. But that wasn’t Devin’s thing...was it?

  Amber walked away from her brother, shaking her head and approached Reaper. She’d have to examine Devin’s words more later. Maybe she could figure out what he was trying to tell her, other than the obvious. Coming to a stop next to Reaper, he looked down at her and smiled. That one gesture sent a horde of butterflies to her stomach.

  “You ready Peaches?” he asked.

  “Yep,” Amber said and turned to glance at her brother. Devin was across the room talking to someone, but looked her way and gave a wink.

  Amber shook her head and turned back to Reaper, smiled, and started towards the door. Reaper walked behind her with his hand on her lower back. The pressure felt good, reassuring. Devin’s words were still rattling in her head, as Reaper steered her down the hallway and into the bar area of the club.

  Did Reaper really like her? How could he? He knew literally nothing about her. And even so, could she trust another man again? After all, look where that got her all her life! Every damn man she encountered. All let downs. All liars. Was Reaper really any different?

  “What’s on your mind Peaches? I can smell the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours.” Reaper said quietly.

  “Just thinking about something my brother said to me,” she replied, a confused look on her face.

  “Oh? What was that?” he asked.

  “It’s silly really,” she laughed. “Devin seems to think you like me because of the way you look at me,” Amber said, like it was no big deal. Like she wasn’t fishing. Throw out a line, and see if he bites, Amber thought to herself.

  Reaper suddenly stopped walking. Amber turned to look at him and couldn’t help but laugh. A real laugh. He looked totally uncomfortable, it was hilarious. And he bit, she thought reaching for his hand.

  “Come on Zander. I need clothes or I’ll be forced to walk around here naked,” she told him, deciding not to think too much about the new information she was gathering.

  “I don’t fuckin’ think so. Nobody is seeing you naked. If they did, I would be forced to kill them,” Reaper said in a serious voice.

  Where the hell did that come from? she thought to herself.

  She wasn’t his. What did he care if someone else saw her naked? There was a huge difference between being protective and being controlling. Considering Reaper knew little to nothing about her, and they were not in a relationship, his comment sounded more on the controlling side. Amber knew she should be irritated about that, but she could tell he did care. Maybe Devin was right. Maybe he did like her.

  Amber stopped for a minute and just looked at him. She had no doubt that he meant what he said, he wouldn’t let anyone see her naked; but would he let himself? And why did that question seem to turn her on even more? Holy shit! What the hell was wrong with her?

  Reaper put his hand on her back again, and escorted her out of the main door and into the parking lot. If what Devin said was true, Amber knew that from this moment, everything would change. Oh was going to be another crazy day, she thought as she walked toward the line of vehicles.

  Chapter Seven


  Reaper was going to kill him. He was going to rip his head off. Friend or not, he could not believe Sledge had said that to Amber. What the hell was he thinking, Reaper wondered. He pulled out his cellphone as he walked Amber to his truck.

  “Really asshole, you told your sister that I liked her? Are we in kindergarten fucker?” Reaper sent the text.

  Seconds later, Reaper’s phone dinged indicating a text message. Looking at the screen, he saw several laughing emojis from Sledge.

  “You’re welcome! But all bullshit aside, if I trusted anyone with my baby sister - it would be you, bro” Sledge sent back. Reaper just shook his head.

  “This is your truck?” Amber asked pulling him out of his own head.

  “Yes,” Reaper said opening the passenger door.

  “Nice! It fits your personality,” she replied.

  “Really?” Reaper asked with a chuckle. “How so?”

  Amber looked at the jacked up Ford, black on black. “Dark and big,” she said. “But I have to wonder, are you overcompensating for something?”

  Reaper let out a bark of laughter as he helped her climb in and walked to the driver side and slid in behind the wheel.

  “I am a lot more than a big, dark personality; I can promise you that Peaches,” he replied, “And trust me, I have no need to overcompensate for anything. My cock is just as big as my truck.”

  “Hmmm...I guess that has yet to be determined Zander, so I’ll have to take your word for it,” she said with a smile. But she blushed when her eyes met his and he was wearing that panty melting smile and gave her another wink.

  He actually did like her, he thought to himself. She was beautiful, ballsy, and quick on her toes. Yeah, he liked her a lot, but relationships weren’t his thing, not after Rebecca. He lived and learned, and had no intention of going through that mess again. The first time nearly destroyed him. Reaper vowed to never allow another woman to have that much control or influence on him again.

  Would Amber be any different? Could he ever trust her with his heart? he wondered, but shut the thought down before he could even considerate more. No relationship, he told himself.

  He tried that once and his heart got ripped to pieces and then thrown back in his face. Rebecca...that was enough to turn his mood sour, but he wouldn’t give that bitch the power today. Not today Satan, he told himself.

  “Listen, I am sorry about last night,” he said, trying to change the direction of his thoughts. “I was an ass. My life before the club, my life in the military, that is, was kind of rough. There are things I will never be able to tell you. Things that happened that have molded me into the man I am today,” Reaper said as he started the truck and pulled out of the compound.

  Silence filled the cab. This is not how he wanted the day to go. “Just give me time, I’ll try to talk about it, but just not today.” Reaper s
aid. “Maybe once we are better friends. I am not the type of guy who talks about his feelings.”

  “Oh, I can tell. Closed up like Fort Knox.”

  “No, I just don’t trust women,” Reaper stated flatly.

  “Okay. I can understand and respect that. We all have a past. Things we aren’t proud of and would rather not discuss. You really don’t owe me anything Zander,” Amber replied.

  “I know. But...I don’t know. From the moment I saw you, you felt different. Like someone I would like to get to know; and if I want that, then I also have to give a little, right?” he asked.

  “Right. To be honest, I feel the same way and that scares me. I feel like my instincts are broken. Like I’m broken.”

  “Amber, you are not broken. You dated an asshole. So did half the American population at some point. Don’t let that reflect how you feel about yourself. Okay?”

  “It’s more than just Joe. It seems every man I have trusted, excluding Devin, has turned out to be the scum of the earth. But, alright,” she sighed. “Give and take. We can do this. After all, that’s how friendships work, right?”

  “Right,” Reaper said, but for some reason, hearing the word ‘friendship’ coming from Amber’s lips made his insides cringe. This woman was going to be the death of him. In less than twenty-four hours, she had his head more messed up than a downtown Dallas construction zone.

  Deciding to save the mind fucking for later, the rest of the trip to Amber’s place was filled with stories of Amber and Sledge as kids and the crazy shit they did. Reaper was loving the blackmail he was getting on his buddy, that alone was a great bonus. Not to mention, it was great to hear her laugh, that alone made all the uncomfortableness between them well worth it.

  Her bright blue eye sparkled with amusement. It was amazing how striking they were against her cream colored complexion and the contrast to her fire red hair. Reaper knew, he could stare at her for hours.

  He did his best to open up. He told her about his childhood and the tricks he and his brothers used to play on their parents. He tried to let her in as much as he could. He could talk about this shit, he thought to himself. This he could do.


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